Published every morning except Monday
during the University year by the Board in
Control of Student Pubications.
Members of Western Conference Editorial
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Offices: Ann Arbor Press Building, May-
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Phones: Editorial, 4925; Vusiness 21214.
Telephone 4925
Editor.................W. Calvin Patterson
City Editor.................Irwin A. Olian
NearEditrs.......... Frederick Shillito
News Editors....Philip C. Brooks
Women's. Editor............... Marion Kubik
Sports Editor.............Wilton A. Simpson
Telegraph Editor............ Morris ,Zwerdling
usic and Drama.......Vincent C. Wall. Jr.
Night Editors
Charles Behymer Ellis Merry
Carlton Chamnpe Stonford N, Phelps
o Chamberlin Courtland C. Smith
ames Herald Cassam A. Wilson
Assistant City Editors
Carl Burger Henry Thulnau
Joseph Brunswick
Marion Anderson Miles Kimball
Alex Bochnowski Milton Kirshbaunm
Jean Campbell Richard Kurvink.
Chester E. Clark G. Thomas McKean
Clarence Edelson Kenneth Patrick
Earl W. De La VergneMorris Quinn
William Emery James Sheehan
Alfred Lew Foster Nelson J. Smith, Jr.
Robert .. Finch Sylvia Stone
Robert Gessner William Thurnau
Elaine Gruber Milford Vanik
Coleman J. Gencer Herbert E. Vedder
Harvey . Gunderson Marian Welles
Stewart Hooker Thaddeus Wasielewski.
MLorton B. Icove Sherwood Winslow
Paol Kern
Telephone 21214
Advertising...............William C. Pusch1
Advertising..............Thomas Sunderland
Advertising............George H. Annable, Jr.
kdvertising...........Laurence J. Van Tuyl
Circulation............T. Kenneth Haven
Publication.... . ......John H. Bobrink
Accounts........... ...Francis A. Norquist
George Ahn Jr. Ray Wachter
Melvin H. Baer J. B. Wood
D. M. Brown Esther Booze
Florence Cooper Hilda Binzer
)Daniel Finley Marion A. Daniel
A. M. Hinkley Beatrice Greenberg
E.' L. Hiulse Selmna M. Janena
R. A. Meyer Marion Kerr
Harvey Rosenblum Marion L. Reading
William F. Spencer Harriet C. Smith
Harvey Talcott Nance Solomon
Harold Utley Florence Widmaier
alumni of the University who were
active on the campus during their
academic days. It is not only the
definite training and experience which
many of the activities afford that is
often advantageous in later life, but
the numerous acquaintanceships andl
potential friendships which result can
be established in no other way.
Whatever type of work is followed,I
the tryout will, receive, in return,
fully as much as he gives. In many
cases even greater rewards, generally
concrete, sometimes intangible, will
be his.
It has been proposed in the State
house of representatives that a con-
stitutional amendment be adopted
which would reapportion the State
legislative districts on the basis of
citizenship instead of population.
While this measure may have slight
theorectical merits, it has been ad-
vanced chiefly because it would in-
crease the representation of the farni
districts at the expense of Detroit
and the other cities having a large{
foreign population. In any case, the
benefits of this, violation of direct
representation would be rather doubt-
ful. In Michigan, moreover, it would
further distort the representative
principle, since Detroit, with more
than one-third of the State's popula-
tion, has only five senators out of the
32 in the upper house, and is also un-
derrepresented in the house of rep-
If the legislature desire to consider
reapportionment, it would seem that1
It might well start by correcting theI
present deficiencies.
Rather than veto the entire naval
appropriation bill and thereby neces-
sitate a special session of Congress,
President Coolidge signed the measure
including the much-discussed threes
cruiser item. In doing so, he was prob-
ably consoled by the fact that the
relatively insignificant sum voted for
this purpose amounts merely to re-
authorizing the construction of these
I vessels.
A more consequential provision in
the naval supply measures, which the
President signed, carried an appropri-
ation of $25,000,000 for aviation, thus
allowing the navy to launch the first
year's program outlined under the five
year. naval expansion bill. In the
construction involved in this item as
Music and Drama
Alumni somehow discovered that TONIGHT: The iinies present
basketball was a thrilling game, and Karel Capek's "It.'. II." iin the Mimes
so they have been rushing around for theater at S:34) o'clock.
tickets all this season. When they*
found there weren't enough reserved
seats to g( around, they decided to
make a basketball game out of foot- A review, by Vincent Wall.
ball. To insist that "R. U. R." is a philo-
* * * sophical study of rarely deep import
It looks to us as if they were be- stresses Mr. Capek's distinction as a
hind this move of the Football Rules thinker at the expense of his play
committee in New York, which has ss
decreed that hereafter a team can craftsmanship. To say that it is sim-
pass sideways and backwards any- ply the melodrama superlative, even
where on the field without any re- though most capably done, is not giv-
sultant penalty, since the ball will in ing the production the ample praise
case of the failure of the pass, be that is justly due. Yet as a drama it
brought back to the point from which s
contains both of those aspects.
it was passed. Ie has rather oddly mixed a sar-
donic and sly satire of an industrial
In other words, a player can run (oi n l aieo nillsra
down to within the shadow of the goal Utopia and metaphysical pitter patter,
posts-which same shadow isn't combined with a rough house third
where it used to be-and then just as act that is probably the most vivid in
he is about to be tackled, he can pass theatrical history of recent years.
It to a teammate on the other side This gripping tenseness that is the
of the field, who will run across wit];- result of seeing the last seven human
out interference. We were about to beings in the world struggling with
say, "and shoot the basket." the mechanical automatons they have
created and who in turn are about to
It reminds us a lot of this game of crush them evolves a situation that
"touch" which we used to play on the drives home with convincing power
pavements, where it was rather hard the theme that lies behind. Then,
for tackling. The idea there was you after he has, by a mixture of stage
could pass anywhere and anytime, trickery and a stimulating travesty,
and instead of being tackled you were burst our human conceit, he drops in-
"down" when you were touched. to a lighter vein in the epilogue, and
* * * ' with a graceless smirk reduces man-
": ttllt llttttttil tl 16itIIIIl l illtMltliilu illfttllilliilluil 1t1t11U It111 tll ll llt11ltlll111t11itlllllis
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The Rules committee might take up
that game, and try it out. If they
want to develop passing attacks, thatj
ought to- do it. The day of the line-I
plunge appears to be at an end, any-
kind to ark element! The epilogue
does this by grasping that samel
thread of humor, and bringing two
robots who solve the whole birth con-
trol issue by getting the cosmic urge
after........ It's all a good joke, in
State Street Jewelers
Granger s-
m a y part, and the audience appreciated1
Yost better choose next year's squadfact with good-natured titters at
Y."s. bte choose'fl~ 1 nt yramusing philosophy of the early
Al th bIa.rsketb,.ll team.n
rom *e
* * *a
ments-but the excitement of the
third act drove those same gigglers to
Night Editor-CHAS. E. BEHYMER ! well as in the $21,000,000 air corps
- -- appropriation, there may be seen val-
CRUISERS VS. SUBMARINES uable aid to the aircraft industry of
The informslV exchanges between this country. While the art, of flying
Japan, Eng'land, and the United States, as well as the use of aircraft is still
growing out of the Coolidge proposal in its infancy, the government con-
for further naval disarmament, have tracts to private firms are very im-
revealed a rather peculiar situation portant in the development of avia-
in that field Ithe first place, Eng- tion.
land now- feels 'that the 63 cruisers
which she-N6ill have by 1929 will be THAT CERTAIN PROFESSORS
the minimum for her needs. This! There is an instructor in the Uni-
means that, if' the 5-5-3 ratio of the versity whose office is seldom empty.
Washington conference is extended to Students are cordially-in every sense
auxilia-ries, the United States will have of the word-invited and urged to
to build 30 new cruisers, and Japan come to him for consultation, one
13. Secondly, the British, who can- which lacks by far the morbid for-
not understand why the United States mality of ordinary "consultations,"
initiated the action leading to such vhenever they find it convenient and
an end, are not willing but anxious he expects to be there; and students
that this country increase its cruiser one and have come again.
strength to equal hers. Every day in class, that professor
The explanation of this situation announces at what time he expects to.
and the solution to the entire problem be in his office that day. He has
of naval disarmament seems to be in- found it pays, for student and pro-
volved in the British desire to match fessor alike.
the French submarines. Appreciating That professor is doing the Uni-
the close feeling between England versity a great good.
and America as well as the French
refusal of the Coolidge note, Britishj
naval officers desire, therefore, that THE PEOPLE'S WILL '
the United States increase its cruiser ( In diplomatic circles it is rumored
strength to a substantial figure. In that Hungary will soon return to a
fact they have been considering the monarchy. The peasants, who are
proposal of a conference with this ! fifty-six per cent of the population,
end in view for several months. remember that the Hapsburgs have
Because of the same fundamental ruled them since the Middle Ages,
difference in French and English and they have a great dislike for the
armament, it is quite clear that France city people, Republicans under Count
must be present in any conference Karolyi, and "Red" under Bela Kun.
which secures actual limitation of nav- In the Hungarian Parliament the
al forces. If France will limit her sub- peasants are the dominating power.
forces. If France will limit her sub- The regent. Admiral Horthy, and
marine strength, England may very the premier, Count Bethlen, both
likely be convinved that her inter- swore fealty to Emperor Franz
imperial lines of communication do Joseph, and to his followers. They
tot require the recently estimated have not forgotten this, and although
number of cruisers. If France will they were disloyal to Emperor Karl
not,- it is certain that England will stick after the war ,they are not opposed
to her present position. to a return to government by a Haps-
As far as this cbuntry is concerned, burg.
it, will very likely'have to build'addi- It is said that Mussolini would not
tional cruisers to come up to the interfere if Hungary joined Albania
Washington ratio, since England will andl Roumania in completely sur-
hardly limit her auxiliaries to our rounding Jugoslavia. For Italy som'e
present strength under any circum- day hopes to control the Jugoslavian!
stances. coast, which is a source of danger to
the Duce's plans. As Italy is on good1
CAMPUS ACTIVITIES j terms with England, the two nations!
Various organizations on the cam- would exert pressure on France, and
pus are at the present time receiving so remove all opposition to the estab-;
their annual wholesale bolstering as lishment of a monarchy.
the result of the influx of freshman1 This may not be desirable, and if it
tryouts. During the next few months is true, shows a cheap kind of
it will be a matter of the survival of diploma cy,but should the Hungarian
4++h + ftt~ ad en nthrounhout the neople decide to be ruled by a Flaps-
If this ten-yard retreat of the goa
posts had been pulled off last year
it would only have meant that Benni
would have kicked 50 yards at ay
angle to tie the score in the Ohi
game, that's all.
-* * *
We just asked our good friend, "We
Hay," just, who was going to do th
kicking next year. "Why, Gilbert an
Dr. Angell,'' says he.
"The Maj. sign says, 'Let it
Rain,' " remarked the Jolly
Junior yesterday, "and it did,
all right."
gas flowed like tears at the Battle o
Clippy stadium last night. Polic
could not rout the student army fron
Clippy Stadimii. It was a regula
Battle of the Marne. Full details to
They're taking orders now for cap,,
and gowns, which is another sigi
that the end is near. The first indi.
cation was the collection of class dues
You don't have to pay class dues un-
less you want to. But, if you don',
pay them you can't get a cap an<
* * *
l the edges of their seats with the sug-I
gestion of a wierd horde of half-menl
besieging the remaining vestige of hu-
As to the final success. It was due
rather to a culmination of effects than
a single instance: several excellent
t character bits, more than excellent
e direction and the best play of the
d season. Charles Livingstone in the
role of harry Domin did the best
work in general, never either over-
playing or losing the meaning in the
difficult action of the third act. Rob-
ert Wetzel contributed his usual ex-
ceptional and studied picture-this
time Mr. Alquist. William Lewis, Jr., ___
as Helena Glory rose to dramatic mo-
ments in that third act-one of the HOLLYWOUD $
best feminine interpretations to be1 Delectable food in an atmosphere of glow-
-given on Mimes stage. And sever'al 'i"g aflniaI'dhof Gerald Mark's Oiches-
s tra 9 to 1. Nocoverchargewithsupper
new men proved brilliantly capable- or equal order except Saturday night 75c
'Theodore Skinner as Radius, C. Ly-
r an Crane as Dr. Hallmeier, Francis
E Kleutgen as Mr. Fabry, and William
e Ramsey as Nowain the high comedy
t f the evening
r ot*v*gI
at home any
SA TURD.AY, 9-12
Music by Jack Scott's Wolverines
Granger's Academy
A review, by Robert Ramsey.
Both Mr. and Mrs. Maier have ap-
peared on numerous occasions in Ann
Arbor, but never with greater success
than in their appearance together
Sunday when they played the beauti-
ful Liebslieder of Brahms. These love
songs are of even greater beauty than
the lovely series by Liszt. It is said
that they first popularized the great
German Romantic in England; cer-
tainly no single work of this composer
Scranton, Pocahontas
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And if you don't have a cap and could better serve as an-introduction,
gown you can't graduate; No, you or stand as a perpetual monument to
don't have to pay class dues unless prhislgenius.
you want to. But if you want to grad- His heavy scholasticism is replaced
uate you naturally have to want to here by delicate elemental simplicity
pay class dues. That's all there is to of Homeric proportions. Mr. and Mrs. j
it. Maier played them with rare grace-
fulness, the impressive stocatto of
So we have paid our class dues. Not I Guy Maier, even though subdued, ap-
that we are anxious to graduate. We pearing strangely effective in this per-
like this old school, except at exam formance. As the songs were origin-
times, and would just as soon hang
righ on Bu th prfesorswan usally planned for a smaller chorus, the
right on. But the professors want us full effect of their surpassing beauty
to graduate. Why, we don't know' ,was marred somewhat in those pass-
but we do know they pass us in every-aeus
thingages where the full chorus of the
thing. Girls' Glee Club failed to respond
* * * Ieither to the demands of the music,
Now that we have invested that
or to the urge of their conductor.
much towards our graduation, we will Mr. Maier was particularly effective
have to go through with it. With the . . is p g teMoarty queti
kind permission of the faculty. iin his playing of the Mozart quartet
* in which his full brilliance as a virtu-
Ioso found grateful inspiration in the
-NO WSHOWING. THE 5SHOW jliheegneoMzat
John Gilbert is in town again. This lIght elegance of Mozart.
time he is the ballyhoo artist-inside
and outside the show. And what he "TIDE STUDENT PRINCE"
doesn't say with his lips, that bright A review by Malverna Kennedy.
red sweater shouts for him. Inci- Appearing like an old friend, after
(lently, Renee has "it." it was thought to have definitely gone
* * * A T SDtuentf ai TmIC~I .hIiU W ha
t® F
f r TLe way or aiimusica snows, Te 1
MEET CIGARETTE SYD Student Prince" returned last night
"I don't think much of this rul- to the Whitney theater. And if the
ing against smoking in Univer- songs were also a little reminiscent;
sity buildings," Cigarette Syd told of yester-year, they were of the type
ROLLS last night in an exclusive that still possessed the capacity to
i interview "'Hnw can T Invince nln 'with their snvizhtl ,vivacity.