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March 03, 1927 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1927-03-03

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Published every morning except Monday
during the University year by the Board in
Control of Student Publcations.
Members of Westerh Conference Editorial
The Associated Press is exclusively en
titled to the use for republication of all news
dipatchs credited to it or not otherwise
credited in this paper and the local news pub
lished therein.
Entered at the postoffic at Ann Arbor,
Michigan, as second class matter. Special rate
of postage granted by Third Assistant Post-
mnaster General.
Subscription by carrier, $3.75; by mail,
Offices: Ann Arbor Press Building, May-
nard Street.
Phones: Editorial, 4925; Business 2114.
Telephone 4925
Editor.................W. Calvin Patterson
City Editor..................Irwin A. Oian
Editrs.........jFrederick Shillito
News Editors.......-..' Philip C. Brooks
Women's Editor ............. .Marion Kubik
Sports Editor .............Wilton A. Simpson
Telgraph Edit-or...........Morris Zwering
Music and Drama........Vincent C. Wall, Jr.
Night Editors
Charles Behymet Ellis Merr
Carlton Champe Stanford N. Phelps
Jo Camberlin Courtland C. Smith
James Herald Cassam A. Wilson
Assistant City Editors
Carl Burger Henry Thurnau
Joseph Brunswick
Marion Anderson Miles Kimball
Alek Bochnowski MVIiltn Kirshbaum.
Jean Campbell Richard Kurvink.
Chester E. Clark G. Thomas McKean
Clarence Edelson- Kennth Patrick
Earl W. be La VergneMorris Quinn
Wiliamn Emery James Sheehan
Alfred Lei Foster Nelson J. Smith, Jr.
Robert E. Finch Sylvia Stone
Robert Gessue William Thurnau
Elaine Gruber Milford Vanik
Coleman J. Glencer Herbert E.kVedder
Varvey J Gunderson Marian Welles
teart Hoker Thaddeus Waielewski
Morton 13. Icove Sherwood Winslow
Pa\l Kern
Telephone 21214
Advertising...............William C. Pusch
Advertising..............Thomas Sunderland
Advertising........... George I-i. Amiable, Jr.
Advertising............Laurence J. Van Tuyl
Circulation................T. Kenneth Haven
Publication..................John H. Bobrink
Accounts.. ..............rancis A. Norquist
George Ahn Jr. Ray Wachter
Melvin H. Baer J. B. Wood
D. M. Brown Fsther Booze
Florence Cooper Hilda Binzer
Daniel Finley Mrion A. Daie
A. M. Hinkley Beatrice Greenberg
E. L. Hulse Selma M. Jansen
R. A. Meyer Marion Kerr
Harvey Rosenblum Marion L. Reading
William F. Spencer Harriet C. Smith
Harvey Talcott Nance Solomon
Harold Utley Florence Widmaier
Night Editor-CHAS. E. BEHYMER
Good, clean humor is universally
appreciated. Ridicule, on the other
hand, is rarely justifiable.
The editors of Gargoyle, campus
humor publication, displayed exceed-
ingly poor taste in the cover design
on their most recent issue. There is
no excuse for such caricature of the
president of the University. The in-
variable reaction to the drawing is
directly contrary to the ideals and
wishes of Michigan's executive. His
methods are anything but those of
the despot, for no University presi-
dent is a more sin ere advocate of
student government.
The Daily is disappointed that one
of its contemporaries should so false-
ly interpret the methods and admin-
istrative policies of the University
executive, for whom the student body
has developed so much esteem.
The Princeton student council, in
resigning as a protest of the univer-
sity ruling against the student opera-

tion of automobiles, formerly treatedj
as a problem of student government,
has justificably taken the only step
open to it.
Last year, after an Open Forum,
the student assembly composed of 15
seniors initiated control on studentS
cars by registration with at least the
implied approval of the university
authorities. As pointed out by Dean
Gauss, who pronounced the edict, the
plan may not have proved perfect.
Yet its imperfections do not justify I
the action which has since been
If the Princeton trustees felt com-
pelled to act, they might have se-
cured the desired results with some
less drastic and more co-operative
ruling such as exists at 1Michigan. TheI
objection against the low grades of
students operating cars could be mett
by thl scholarship requirement en-l
forced here. Accidents, which occur,l
of course, in driving outside colleget
communities, might be reduced by
showing proper regard to the driving
qualifications of students.
Likewise, the student organization!
might have been made an organ of
enforcement of any restrictions which
tu r-rtmm linn neo v h- T -

enforcement or promulgation of the . 7 _p
ruling, even though they were already
in the automobile restriction field.
Their trustees showed little tact in ' 7 mu/,
seeking better results as the rightful 11'1 EATRICAL,
action of the Council shows. EXTENSION
IC(TATOR C(AR1ONA The First National Bank is going
Hardly allowing time for the smoke to have a new building. And the fun-I
of the eighteenth revolution since 1910 ny thing about it is that they got the'
to clear away, Dictator Carmona of money to pay for it without gouging;
Portugal has deported 1,000 revolution- student out of fifty cents every time
ists to Africa and has jailed 300 oth- they go Below $50 in a checking ac-
ers who are now awaiting what he count.
terms a trial for their recent attempt * *
to turn him out. T8here is no doubt Maybe that is one bank that means
that General Carmona, who ursurped what is says when it says "Save."
control of the government himself, is Some of these other banks around
a soldier. His methods indicate that here won't even allow students to
he is a ruthless soldier as well. But have savings accounts.v
whether or not he is a good soldier * * *
has little bearing on the plain fact Nolw that they gave permission to1
that he can hardly be ranked among take the Junior Girls' Play on theI
the world's constructive statesmen. road, we are encouraged in our secret4
He has censored telegraph and tele- scheme to put the Hobbs-Reed-Eddy1
phone messages at his pleasure, stop- Three Ring Circus intoi vaudeville. c
ped them entirely when he thought * * *
he would benefit by it, dispensed with We shouldn't be so stingy with ourv
the parliament, and now says that he campus productions. What we need1
is only bringing about order and re- is a University Theatrical Extensionv
storing the constitution. He goes on Division.!
further to state that he does not know * *
what the future government of Portu- Now, why wouldn't Clippy make a
gal will be, which is very likely true, swell animal act? The setting couldu
and that for the present he will not be an iimtation of the Clippy Stadiuma
concern himself with this matter. All -or better yet, take the real thingV
of which would hardly class him with along and forget to bring it back.
Portugal's benefactors. * * *
General Carmona is first and last a Or we might have Hobbs and ClippyF
soldier. He has no use for parlia- Iin a joint act.
ments and makes no pretensions
about it. The only matter in which
he deserves real credit is in his at- THE REAL INSTIDE DOPE ONA
tempt to rebuild the roads and rail- 'CAMPUS iNSTIT UTIONS
roads, repair terminals, and try to get;
hydro-electric plants constructed. . H
V. RI.S. C:. A.
Otherwise, he is a militarist of. theJh
ihe freshman first meets The S. C.
first rank and order can hardly be A wh!n he receives a ha dibook. H
hoped for in the immediate futureI
which will be of permanence likes theorganizattion right from thei

Music and Drama


T H I S AFTERNOON : Masques,j
l oien's dramatic society, will hold
tryouts in Newberry ball auditorium
from 4 to o'clock.
TONIGiT: The Students' Recital
in the School of Music auditorium at
8 o'clock.
A review, by Vincent Wall.
A specious and pleasing program,
well organized and delivered by
Madame Guiomar Novaes, Brazilian
pianist, officially concluded the Choral
Union series in a nimbus of latent
glory last night in Hill auditorium.
The opening group of two numbers
consisted of the Gluck-Saint-Saens
"Les Aris de Ballet," and the Beetho-
ven-Rubenstein "Marcha Turca"--
both politely given with a contrasting
virtuoso of rich octaves in the latter
anti a light and well executed finger-
ing in the former.
The ensuing group was Chopin: a
modest and poetic Noteurne that was
almost lost in self-abnegation to thel
whispering legato and brilliant boma-
Bast of the Mazurka which followed;
and then a half hour of the Sonata,
B Flat Minor, which was easily the
most endoyable Part of the evening.
It was in four movements-a grave, a
scherzo, a fn neral marrch and a presto
(wind-overeth-gr faves) --and formed
a sort of minor hy'man of death.
impressive to saty the least. It con-
Wii -,orgeo~is rhythms andl lugn-
briofus andlrecuirrent themes th]at gave
a perfect expression to Madame's car-
dinal virtue-a gorgeous t1ouch: le-
gatto, stacCatO, p(r'tamentO, scale ,

1 Ittl li titlggi gllIElI I lufIIIIIIIII~ t~ ifu IlII IIII1E1till I IltiiiiilllliiI ilitiliilil11I1Ii111ItllttMllltlM
$1.00 BOX Silvano Ripple Stationery 58c .
(The Popular Long Sheet of Paper)
At Both Ends of the Diagonal _
.aI;IIIIIIII R Ii D;IIIIER IERIlillliilillllii lII


is now on display at
An unusually attractive machine. Light touch, smooth, firm action.
We have not seen a better typewriter.



[, I

wttttt illUK: vlstarlt. The second time lie lmeets it
t rills and passage work; a complete
Is when they are out asking for nastcrv of the technical field com-
ABOLISHMENT OF CHEATING money. From then on, he avolds the bie with a genuine depth of feeling.
Several communications, both from association and Lane hall, because he The final group of "En Auto" by Po-
members of the faculty and students, fears they will catch him and make lens, "Serenade" by Strauss, "The Lit-
published of late in the Campus Opin- him pay up his pledge. tie White Mule" by Ibert and "Fleder-
ion column of The Daily make the **k mauss" by Strauss-Godowski were
fact quite obvious that the amount I;Lane hall is the center of the activ- quickly given, although, with the ex-
of cheating which occurs during ex- ities of the S. C. A.. It is an awfully 1ceation of the last named, they hard-
aminations in the College of Litera- quiet place. ly approximated the earlier part or!
tore, Science, and the Arts, in partic- * * . a irte
ular, has been unusually conspicuous The S. C. A.'s. greatest service to Ih a:
i In a final note: while Madame No-
this year. A trial change in the pres- the campus in all time was the bring- ser
ent method of conducting examina- ing of Sherwood Eddy to lill audi- trvahantl efte mriantsun-
tions could scarcely bring about any torium. Now that they have branched burst" and the further encomiums be-
conditions more lamentable than those into this line, the association ought to
stowed in a inoment of lyrical imfatua-
which now exist. have some sort of working agreement tioui by tie late James Gibbon Hune-
One professor has declared that the with Mimes, perhaps even consolidat-
ker, the evening was adequate in all
problem should be the concerji of the ing with them.:departments:and wholly entertaining.
faculty more than the student.. Such * * *
an attitude is questionable. The S. C. A. is one of the two oldest
For some time there has been gen- Christian associations in the United i THE STUDENTS' RECITAL
uine agitation for introducing the States. The other one is dead; the The following program will be giv-
honor system into the literary college. good die young. en tonight in the School of Music
Princeton and Washington and Lee * * * auditorium at 8 o'clock by Ruth
universities have found it successful ;Moore, pianist; Dorothy Simmons,
on the other hand, Ohio State, Lehigh, IDOWN THE DLIAGONAL violinst; Lucille Graham, pianist;
and Clark university has discontinued Mrs. Lottie Hutzel, soprano; Vera
the system for various reasons. Little, "In this Union ten-mile swim," Johnson, violinst; Kate Field, pianist;
if any, harm would result from at inquired the Jolly Junior yester- Carolyn Wise, violinist; and Helen
least the experiment of extending the ; zday, "can we count in every Hunt, pianist:
system beyond the engineering col- time we swim the length of the Sonata, Op 10, No. 3 ......Beethoven I
lege here. And, without question, the n h Ruth Moore
{diagonal during the next flood
initiative for such a change must season?"' Canto Amoroso. ..Sammartini-Elman
emanate from the student body. IfDorothy Simmons
R * *- Reflections in the Water.. . .Debussy
ALL FOR HUMANITY AGF FOR TIIE UNIVERSITY Etude, Op. 10, No. 3.......... Chopin
. . Lucille Graham
It is indeed gratifying to note that In commemoration of the 100th Dormite............Bossani
scientists, although they are usually birthday of this University, ROLLS Mother Dearest......Kurt Shindser
comparatively poor men, seldom yield wants to present the dear old school MscLindHer
to the temptations of mercenary con- with something fitting as a token of .
If ;I Concerto A Major ........... Mozart }
siderations that are offered for their our appreciation to it for hanging on MaJohnson
Vera Johanson}
work. The true scientist realizes that so long.Ai
a discovery, which will benefit all * * * jAuConenM . . . ruk
mankind, has a value far beyond the We would like to make this is aP! aer.........rs
buying power of money, and he feels gift from Ae student body as a body, Kate Keith Field .
that he has no moral right to restrict and therefore desire suggestions as Agaro .Wise
its benefits by selling proprietary to what it should be. There is abso- o.n
rights in them for his own profit. litely no limit to the expense. There l.,.en Hunt
Demonstrating this principle, Prof. must be enough class dues around The accompaniments will be played
Henry Steenbock, of the University somewhere to pay for the thing de- th MomrenHeen Ilys, Blaye
of Wisconsin, refused an offer of $2,- cided upon. y
000,000 for his discovery of what has * * * Wise, and Marion Johnson.
been called Vitamin D, which has for PUZZLE PICTURE
its chief function the building of bone '111 111THE 7M P i EPSILON RECITA,
tissue in the animal body. f i A recital was given by the Gamma
The world owes much to the un- { I-chapter of Mu Phi Epsilon musical
selfish efforts of scientists, and its sorority, on Tuesday night at the Pi
debt is constantly increasing. But Beta Phi house. The soloists were
the scientists receive rewards that no IoEmily Mutter, violinist; Eunice Nor-
money can buy, in the knowledge of thrup, soprano; and Lois Maier, pian-
the incalculable good their discoveries Aist. Accompaniments were by Ruth
do for humanity. tMoore and Donna Esselstyn.
13What sI4'"rng
As a 'Iecial feature o)' tomorrow's
T.,~~~ ~~ nnulo :l ai-nhit hill f,

TlOD)AY --llEiX
--and -

Spring Flowers
at Moderate Prices
Flowerday on

Nickels Arcade

Phone 7014

"Flowers by Wire"

i V=°--'--^-----


+ _. _. 9



It- -mo

that people prefer VARSITY SERVICE?
hy Is It --
that the Varsity serves more fraternities and
sororities than any other laundry?
hy -es
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ent size?

r!..^ : .. . .... gp,.sa , ie'..W ter a ;''

The answer is obvious.

People soon recognize

Varsit vriethods and service that are so charac-


A trip through our plant will convince

in passim; an anti-ioDyist Di, the ,
state house of representatives has
taken a step in the direction of good
legislative practice. The measure is
both protection to the legislators
against harassing individuals seeking
support for a bill, and a safeguard
against enactments favored by a
strong minority but contrary to thel
public interest, or vice versa.
As passed, the restriction is -n
amendment to one of the house rules.-
In any particular instance it will be

ROLLS, we will announce the details'
of our great new invent ion-theJ
* * *
The Princeton Student Council re-

Otis Skinner, "having finished a short
time run in New York has again tak-
en to the road, still with the same
vehicle with which he started, "The
Honor of the Family," which Mr. Mc-
Intyre is presenting on Friday night

Phone 4219

signed because they were not con- for one performance only at the Whit-
sulted in the formulation o' a new ney theater. The corupany had pre-

rule prohibiting the use of autos there.
It wasn't the rule, so much as the
insult that they objected to. We are
heartily in accord, Princeton, if that
m n i -nth- t -1 v- <>a . tx. .lv

viously worked east and shortly be-
fore Christmas, opened in New York,
and is now back in the middle west.
Included in the cast will be Julie
i - 1n tiv f Vain fipc r

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