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February 24, 1927 - Image 1

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Vol. XXXVII. No. 102





United Charities' Executive Stresses
Prevention and Construction
Procedures As Best;

Benedict Views Primitive Languages As
More Complex Than Generally Thought

Rochester, N. Y., Feb. 23.-"Primi-
tive languages," according to Dr. A.
L. Benedict, ex-'87, editor of the Buf-
falo Mrdical Journal and a Michigan
graduate, in an article appearing in!
a current magazine "in spite of public
opinion to the contrary, are generally
quite complicated. One of the Jesuit
missionaries to Canada in the 17th
century considered the "uron-Iro-
quois languages far more complicated
and more highly inflected than Greek;
or Sanscrit." An Indian dictionary, I
in Quebec, contains more than 70,400
words. 4
Ancient Indian languages, after

_ _

?dict rev
the use
nine mo
der by i
and end
we are
own in
were cc
words a

"Certain standards of housing, cer- critical study, have been found to be Lang
tain relationships between employer characterized by all the infectional "fireside
and employee are rights which the and syntatetic devices of the Aryan a far g
public has the right to demand,'' statedlanguage, as well as numerous com- than in
plexities of their own. As Dr. Bene- Dr. Ben
Joel D. Hunter, executive secretary
of the United Charities of Chicago, in
a lecture given at 4:15 o'clock yester- GARGOYLE AND DAILY ISSUE
day afternoon in the Natural Science SECOND CALL FOR TRYOUTS
auditorium. The lecture was presented
under the auspices of the School of A second meeting for all those
Religion and is the, first of a series of who wish to tryout for The Daily it
seven lectures that will be given as editorial staff will be held at
a part of the seminar on the "Moral 1C3:30 o'clock today in the Press
Issues of Modern Life". building, at which both those Coiit
Mr. Hunter pointed out that there ' who have already reported and Fro
is a new trend in welfare work in that those who have not yet done soj
communities and individuals are I be- , should be present.
ginning to work together and to think f Second semester freshmen UNI
upon the welfare of other people and wishing to try out for the busi-
other communities in addition to ness staff of the Gargoyle are In ac
looking after political and selfish asked to report to the Press I
needs. At present there is a great dis- building any afternoon before tem of
pute as to what subjects we should . Wednesday, March 1. superv
think about and deal with as a na-f function
Lion, said Mr. Hunter, and there seems iUnivers:
to be a great variance in the views MATHTOd by t
of people who would have govern- ESPEAKe n
mental control of charity work.9
New Tendencies Growing council,
At present there is a great indica- organiz
tion that control of charitable insti- SUBJECi 1urT UIin charg
utions and relief work is being taker, mittee w
over by committees instead of leaving from th
this function to individual groups as Princeton Professo Of Archaeology and col
has previously been the custom. There And Art Will Discuss "The their re
are today over 100 financial federa- Romantic Movement'' chairma
tions, in as many cities throughout from th
the country, that deal with social pro- IS EXPERIENCED CRITIC The c
blems and have social functions, and ' survey
this evidence shows plainly that the lmn in r
trend is away from individual dspn- Frank Jewett Mather, Jr., Marquand dium re
sation of charity to community con- Professor of Art and Archaeology at tion wil
trol. Princeton university will deliver a lec- next We
In the majority of cases, Mr. Hunter ture on the subject "The Romantic Board i
stated, the original-:work In the so- Movement in Painting' at 4:15 o'clock vided ft
cial field was und'ertaken by individ- council.
uals for the specific 'need of a district. I this afternoon in Natural Science au- James
This work become enlarged to such ditorium. The lecture, under the <<s- the coun
an extent that private administration pices of the fine arts department of West co
and financing became inadequate and the University in cooperation with the versiies
then the organization has been usually Ann Arbor Art association, will be ap- auspices
turned over to the jurisdiction of the propriately illustrated. at Urba
country or state. The success achieved Professor Mather, since 1906, has his rep
by city and county control in all the been closely connected with the artis- to thed
cases on record' leads social workers tic field as a critic. He has held the that offi
throughout the country to feel 'that position of art critic for the New York Boyer
community control, in the county, city, Evening Post and is at present one of was sim
or state, is a necessity to the proper Ethe joint editors of Art Studies. In ad- gress of
management and financing of charit- lition to this position he also holds tion of
able work. the position of director of the Univer- in Dece
Public Morally Obligated sity Art Museum. His work is reported about s
"Poverty is due to maladjustments to be conservative, yet modern, and cations,
in the economic and social conditions the scientific phases of the differept benefits
of the country," said Mr. Hunter, add- I art movements and periods are his consiste
ing that it, as well as other social special interests. His work as an a- a feelin
evils, could be easily remedied by pub- I chaeologist, dealing with the works of cipal un
lie action and that the public was not ancient men especially fits him for the Middle
only morally obligated to relieve socio work of tracing historical movements Boyer
distress but that it was legally respon- in this field. in near.
sible. Mr. Hunter pointed out as ev- I Professor Mather has been a re- gates l
idences of the legal responsibility of search man, a critic and a teacher and standing
the colmunity certain cases from the has also written many works on art siderati
record of the Supreme court where f and art criticism. Among his written various
evil social conditions that were "det- works are his "Estimates in Art," ed here
rimental to th public good" had been 'History of Italian Painting," "The universi
ordered changed. He added that the Portraits of Dante," and "Flemish and Confere
time had not come when -general legis- Dutch Art." The public is cordially
lation would soon be enacted but that invited to attend the lecture.e
many more laws are being added year-1
ly that consider and try to eradicate Purdue Scores Win I Pr
social distresses of specific types,,
such as child labor laws, workmens 'Over Northwestern
compensation acts and other legisla-
tive measures of similar character. -- WAS]
Mr. Hunter divided the field of so' (By Associated l'recs) urge of
cial work into four groups, which he i LAFAYETTE, Ind.,-Feb. 23-Pur- officials
called relief, rehabilitation, preven-j due joined Michigan and Wisconsin at Republi
tion, and construction. Of these four the top of the Big Ten basketball lad- day ren
methods of dealing with social cases, der tonight by' defeating Northwes- tion on
Mr. Hunter stressed the preventative tern here, 22 to 19, in a slow and un- the pro
and constructive procedures as being interesting game. T'he Boilermakers of the T
the best. "Proper measures," conclud- displayed a cruel offense, the purple Faced
ed Mr. Hunter, "will always prevent quintet leading at the half, 9 to 8. Pur- wets, ti
poverty and will tend to lessen greatly (ldue played without the services of the tim
all other social distresses." Cotton' Wilcox, back guard, who is row to
laid up with an infected knee. advanta
Hickey wilDelition th
H -k Wil D lv Discuss Problems At debate
1 aver At RochesterlThr
apelOC e eraft rth
PublicationsBanque t hetSe
Dr. Preston M. Hickey, professor of be filed
roentgenology, and head of the X-ray Problems of staff orgnaization of by a t
delartment a the University hospital, the student publications were dis- senator
will deliver a paper on March 1 in cussed at a banquet given last night and a v
Rochester, N. Y., on the subject of b
- . . . y the Board in Control of Student 'Wt

raystudies of theesophlagus. Publications to the ^upper staffs of propon~
On March 9, Dr. Kirkland of the m t, n.

caled, some of these languages
an ordinary and a superlative
distinction of pronouns ac-
to the position of the person
to, separate vocabularies for
of woiien, eleven cases, and
odes of verbs, expressing gen-
nfilction at both the beginning
rns feel that the primitive
es were so simple because
too much impressed with our
'dern superiority," and uncon-
believe that the ancients
ontent to converse in a few
nd verb tenses.
uage is stimulated far more by
e conversations, which played
reater part in the stone age
the present than by books,"
edict concluded.
ee Nyill Consisi of Members
in Senior Classes Of Nine
Schools and Colleges
cordance with the uniform sys-
selecting committees for the
ion of the principal social
s of the four classes of the
ity, which was recently adopt-
the Student council, Tyler
'27, was appointed by the
at its meeting last night, to
e the committee which will be
;e of the Senior Ball. The com-
will consist of representatives
e senior classes of nine schools
eges, who will be appointed by
spective class presidents. The
mn of the Ball will be chosen
is number by election.
ommittee appointed to make a
of the ticket distribution prob-
egard to the new football sta-
ported that its recommenda- I
u be submitted to the council
dnesday night, and then to the
n Control of Athletics, pro-
he report is approved by thb
Boyer, '27, who represented
cil at the seventh annual Mid-
nference of Colleges and Uni-
, which was held under the
of the University of Illinois
na last week-end, submitted
ort. Fred B. Wahr, assistant
dean of students represented
ce at the sessions.
reported that the Conference
ilar to the second annual con-
the National Student Federa-
America which was held here
mber, the discussion centering
tudent councils, college publi-
unions, and athletics. The
derived from the sessions
d largely in the promotion of i
g of goodwill among the prin-
iversities and colleges of the
West, the report stated.
commented upon the fact that
ly every discussion, the dele-
ooked to Michigan with out-1
g respect, giving much con-
on to the manner in which the
problems have been confront-
More than 40 colleges and
ties were represented at the

RANGEMENTSMAO(? ( EK"Prevention Of Social Distresses IsCREWS FLE
Vital To Welfare Of Society"Hunter
FOR AN N hAL BANQI [I "Possmbly the two mznst important "As for the settle eent of donestic AS OFFICERS CAPTURE
and vital .phases in coneactioni with ~ifficulties," .1r. Huinte added, "I havej
'social work," stated JelD. Hunter, fond that most people inlmarital
executive sec: iaryi o the United troubles are quite willing to sit down
Charities of Chicago, in an interview and talk the troubles over, and usually
]'li? [i YEARlY "R:ZZlEST" SET last night, "ar the prevntion of so- they agree to some satisfactory set- GUNBOAT VESSEL, WHICH ALSO
F R ial distreses and the conciliation of ement in their domestie affairs. EX'IANGE) ALLEGIANCE
domestic legal quarrels." Cases which have come under our con- IS UNDER GUARD
"In trying to prevent distresses we trol have usually been effectively set-
must find out what is the best method tIed, only six percent going to court. K
S IiPSON IS CHAIRMAN to deal with poverty stricken families. This sort of social work, in domesticj STRIKE IS WEAKENING
--~~ At present the greatest emphasis is affairs has been highly developed in ~
Pres. Little To bass On 'Traditional placed upon changing the existing con- j the Scandinavian countries, where all French Consul-General Lodges Protest
Oil Can Received At Same i ditions of life so that less poverty 'domestic cases have to first go through With Foreign Commissioner
Affair Last Year will ensue. This fact, together with .n official who is known as the Public Regarding Shooting
- the constructive social work is draw- Conciliator,' Mr. BIunter .concluded,1
Michigan's fifth annual Gridiron ing large numbers of men into the field saying that it was highly successful (By Associated tress)
Knight's banquet, sponsored by the of social work as conditions demand in the countries named and that the ' SIIANGHAI.-Feb. 23.-The Chinese
iVlichigan Chapter of Sigma Delta Chi, the best thought and judgment in work in this country "displayed a cruisers Kiangwui and Kiangkang,
national journalistic fraternity, will thinking out solutions for existing con- very healthy tendency" for more set- whose crews revolted yesterday and
atditions."tements out of court. attempted to shell the Knangnan
take place Tuesday, April 5, in thediin.--- -____ ___-------*----------asaloemefrmSngiwe
ballroom of the Union. it was stated asenal one mile fromShanghai, were
yesterday by officials in charge of the h(1seized today by officers of Marshal
annual "razzfest" in which prominent }''IJLUUI \ILLS ODUES OF ALL CLASSES ARE Sun Chuan Fang. Their traitorous
students, faculty, and townspeople PAYABLE WN CA-3P11S 'TODAY I crews fled to the shre of the Wang-
meet for mutual satirical tirades and ---poo riivel- and escaped summary ac-
remarks. ton Dues of all classes in the Uni- for going over to the cause of the
The Gridiron Knight's banquet is I IARlU IN IUROPIIversity will again be payable i Nationalist government, whose forces
modeled after the national Gridiron from 8 until 4 o'clock today in j threjiten Shanghai.
Knight's banquet held each year in principal buildings on the cam- j A third vessel, a gunboat, which
Washington where political men and Professor Welch Treas Biological pus. Tables for this purposejI also exchanged allegance, was under
press representatives gather for an Resear'h Conditions Overseas have been stationed in conspic - 1guard as, a result qf its shelling of
evening spent in satirizing each other. In Illustrated Lecture noi s places in all of the main the French settlement, and native city
It is a "razzfest" in which students i I buildings. Class treasurers re- sections of Shanghai yesterday, while
and faculty meet on a common plane, "NO FUNDS TO OPERATE" I ported receiving many payments f attempting to bombard the arsenal.
and which is marked by "wisecracks,"____ yesterday. Using the city of Shanghai as a
humor, and satire. .sI According to officials of the I screen, the gunboat attempted to drop
Will POresenit Eutneg the present status ofi Student council, students failing shells upon the arsenal, but ten of
The most prominent feature of the European research institutions, Prof. to pay class dues yesterday or I them fell short, landing in the city.
affair is the passing on of the tradi. Paul S. Welch of the department of ,IEtoday will be personally solicited Two Aierican homes were damaged
tional "Oil Can." President Clarence zoology, delivered an illustrated lee- in the near future. f and two Chinese killed.
Cook Little, the present holder re- I ture on "Biological Research Condi-_The French consul-general lodged
ceived it at last year's banquet on; .-,,-.-. a protest with Sun Chuan Fang, com-
April 6 from Prof. O. J. Campbell. tions in Europe, last night in Natural Capbllmissioner of foreign affairs for Kiang-
The name of the faculty man who Science auditorium, under the au- AIsu province, regardming the shooting.
will receive it this year will not be spices of Sigma Xi, honorary biolog- It was not doubted, however, that the
disclosed until near the conclusion ical society. ( Chinese sailors were trying to take
of the banquet. Previous holders of "Research cannot be isolated from 111Al the arsenal, and that the French con-
the Oil Can have been Prof. O. J. economic conditions," declared Pro- I Icession was shelled as a result of
Campbell of the English department, fessor Welch. In this connection, he GtYERNMEN Frenc Copoor marksmanship.
Prof. Thomas H. Reed of the political I pointed out the deplorable conditions- French Continue Precautions
science department, and Prof. W. D. I into which, the European research in- Communist Propaganda 1 Named As i The French authorities continue
Henderson of the University Exten- situtions had fallen since the war due Cauise Of stern 3Message Forwarded their precautionary measures by
sion division. Who will receive the to forced poverty. "At the laboratory By Sir Austin Chamberlain i strengthening the defenses along the
"award" this year remains to be seen. of etomology at Paris, I found men - concession border adjoining the native
Wilton A. Simpson, '27, is general i of great ability and experience, work- D~hTJ +T WASrvn rTEp1j'city from which thousands of refugees
chairman of the banquet. To assist ing only on incidental problems, de-Irf.PRT WSrASIEXPECTd poured into the French district.
him in the arrangement of the annual spite their inclination and ability to Deserters and stragglers from Sun
affair he has appointed the following do better. This is all due to the fact (By Associated Press) Chuan Fang's defeated army arrived
committee chairmen: invitations, Eu- that they have no funds with which I LONDON, Feb. 23.-The rising tide in large numbers from the Hangehow
gene Gutekunst, '27; entertainment, , to operate." of British feeling against Communist front. Their presence caused anxiety
Courtland Smith, '28; publicity, Jo The absence of research literature propaganda and the unsatisfactory approaching panic in native quarters,
H. Chamberlin, '28. The executive is another one of great handicaps relations between the British govern- owing to rumors that the soldiers
committee which will aid Simpson !under which the research institutions j ment and the Russian Soviet have planned extensive looting.
will consist of W. Calvin Patterson, are forced to labor, according to Pro- culminated in a stern warning for- The general strike called to weaken
'27, and Smith H. Cady, Jr., '27. fessor Welch. "Publications and re- warded today by Sir Austin Chamber- Marshal Sun's power to make way
The manner of issuing the invita- ; search are inseperable, and the Euro- lain to the Soviet government against I for the Nationalist.army was consid-
tions will be kept secret until shortly pean institutions are unable to secure Ithe "continuous breach of solemn en- erably abated, due largely to the de-
before the banquet. Further commit- foreign biological literature." Profes- gagement" between the two govern- capitation; of agitators by soldiers
tee appointments will be announced sor Welch commended the generosity ments and also the widespread Bol- who wielded heavy swords. Thirty
later. of American biologists in distributing shevist propaganda. thousand men of the 100,000 on strike
reprints of their papers in Europe The warning was in the form of a yesterday returned to work today.
. * to relieve this situation. diplomatic note, declaring in the
President Coolidge 1 "Increased production is one of the gravest terms that the Anglo-RussianIW E -Official
biggest problems facing Italy in the trade agreement would be .abrogated, , vV rn
Approves Measure field of agriculture today, and insti- I even diplomatic relations completely Do es Not Approve Of
tutions in this country are according- severed, unless "the flagrant viola- ; O p
For Radio Control y working to make the situation less tions of the solemn agreement be- C education On Seas
serious," explained the speaker. tween the two countries ceased."
(By Associated Press) "Research rests on the number of The note, addressed to M. Rosen-
WASHINGTON, Feb. 23.-Designed possessions, and the possessions of golz, Soviet representative in London, (By Associated Press)
to clear up chaotic conditions in the I European countries are very limited." is the strongest of the numerous pro- ROME, Feb. 23-The time is not yet
air, the Radio Control bill today final-- In this connection Professor Welch tests sent to Russia since the trade ripe for coeducation oi the high seas,
ly became a law with the signature of adeplored the heavy ravages which the agreement was signed in March, 1921, former Governor Henry K. Allen of
President Coolidge. The law as en- war had laid to the European oceanic and is one of the most outspoken dip- Kansas believes. His experiences
aed by Congress after months offlaboratories. lomatic documents ever issued from aboard the steamer Ryndam the
effort, was a conpromise between the The period which Professor Welch Downing street. American "floating university" which
House and Senate. describes at the "war age gap," has The storm of protest against the I sailed from New York last September,
A commission of fv members to ; also become recognized in Europe. Soviet government which burst in on a world cruise, he said today, Von-
ave complete control of radio coo- Men of lesser ability and experienee Downing street with unexpected fury vinced him of the a lvisability of wait-
uatompseforconer is rded, are more and more being appointed has been gathering for more than two ing some time before attempting again
After ithattifor, oinitial controlvided.ll to chairs and professorships of re- years. Some sort of protest to Russia to send our young men and women to
assfto tht Semetary ofa Conrce sponsibility. had been looked for, but not couched sea together to further their educa-
pass to the Secretary of CommerceI Professor Welch's observations were in such serious terms. The first tion.
troversies referred by him, or onap- taken during his trip to Europe last heavy clouds on the Anglo-Russian American college students of both
peals froniparties dissatisfied with year at which time he visited nine horizon came in 1924, with the famous sexes, to the number of 550, are cruis-
rugs. partie disstistle withEuropean coutries and 150 major re- Zinovieff letter, which was one of the ing on the Ryndam, which has carried
The Presideit -is expected to desig- search institutions in universities, main causes of the downfall of the tIhem to many ports.
aT he emies o e cte commisig1 institutes, biological stations and mu- MacDonald labor government. Three principal objections to nauti-

within the next few days and send1 seums. cal coeducation were suggested by
ftheir nadmes to the Senate for approval ! Steering Committee Governor Allen. First: the presence
before adjournment of the present Con-PLANS OF BORAHof companionable young women dis-
gre*qrsso.I' C'AT Af11C ,TJ IPryn - 1ast Ills tracted the young men from their
I I IVLLI ,~V1-I' N Lre a ---



e ,
,,. ,. ::
,. ,.,.


(By Associated Pre
HINGTON, Feb. 23
Wayie B. Wheel
of the Anti-Sal
can leaders of th
ewed their efort
a bill for reorg
Ihibition and cust
with the filibu
hey abandoned the
e, but planned to
bring up the me
age of a parliam
tat then will exis
on the motion.
ewere some sug,
he bill had been b
ate a petition forc
d and should this
wo-thirds maporit
s would be limited
vote on the bill m12
leaders expresse
ents of the legi
the votes recess
ture rule into fora
ceton Uni
PC I TiC11 P

.-Under the
er and other
loon League,

ie Smate to- Ihe commission will have authority W
s to talkeac- to classify radio stations, prescribe l OWNV OJI I TLEE I
m anization of the nature of their service, assign
toms divisionwave lengths and station locations, (By Associated Press)
regulate apparatus and prevent inter- WASHINGTON, Feb. 23.-Plans of
ester by tme r ference between stations. }hairman Borah to have the Senate
e attempt for Another of its tasks will be to pre- foreign relations committee visit Mex-
asure taking vot monopoization in radio com- ico and Nicaragua during the recessI
asure, tag munication and to end discrimination 1 of Congress to get first hand informa-
emtary sitna-a amd excessive charges for transmis- tion on the situation there, encounter-
it to prevent
sion. n- ed some preliminary snags today in
U Dnder the law the secretary of the the committee itself.
ought beforethat navy is authorized to use all govern- Administration senators f o r c e d
'ought moent radio stations for transmission through a motion directing Senator
loture opted and reception of press messages. , Borah to obtain the views of Secretary
ybe adopted The legislation, its sponsors con-+ Kellogg on the desirability of such a
Soi Friday, r tend, will meet all the needs that have visit and the secretary of state with-I
d to one hour developed since the commerce depart- held an expression until he could con-
iade possible. mont discovered last sunmmer that it
d doubt that I sult President Coolidge.
slation could was without authority under the Wire- I The committee will take up the
ary to bring less Act of 1912 to regulate radio resolution at another session tomor-
broadcasting. I row and unless the President andE


(By Associated Press)
WASHINGTON, Feb. 23--Meeting
for -the first time since Christmas, the
Republican steering committee today
took a hand in sorting out bills which
it thinks should be given considera-
tion before adjournment.
The tentative program, as made
public by Rep. Pilson, the Republican
leader, gives right of way on the floor
tomorrow to the conference report on
the Naval appropriations bill which is
a much debated Senate amendment to
provide $1,200,000 to begin work on
three light cruisers.
Next in order the $63,400,000 de-
ficiency supply bill, reported yester-
day and the Hawley Medicinal whis-
ky measure will be disposed of after
'which will come two bills authoriz-
$30,000,000 for various naval activi-
ties. These measures, given preferred
status today by the rules committee
I would provide funds for improvement
I of five naval bases, for modernization
onf the httlshinp Oklahoma. and Ne-

studies to a disturbing extent.
Second: Contiguity of youth of both
sexes started many courtships of vary-
ing degrees of intensity.
Third: Residents in foreign ports, at
which the ship passed, not having
reached the American ideas on the
emancipation of women, misinterpret-
ed the meaning of the venture, which
resulted in complications.
"Originally, the cruise was intended
for men only," said the former gover-
nor, who is a member of the faculty
of the floating university, "but when
this was found impracticable because
of insufficiency of male applications,
it was decided to try coeducation, and
we took along less than 100 girls se-
lected from more than 4,000 that ap-
Adelphi Debates On
Capital Punishment'
Adelphia, men's parliamentary ora-
tn'ir i n nr,, iahon in o .cneipty.h rl itg

Mayo clinic at Rochester, Minn., will
dLiver a paper before the regular
meeting of the clinical society of the
hospital on the subject of gall blad-I
cler dIagnosis.

the Michiganensian, the Gargoyie, and
The Daily.
Prof. E. R. Sunderland £of the Law
school, Prof. Morris P. Tilley of the
English department, and J. A. Burs-
ley, dean of students were the faculty

the clot
ni' F

Co i r%

'Ensian Starts Final'
Subscription Canvass

Secretary Kellogg approve it, admin-
istration leaders of the Senate are
prepared to carry their fight from the
committee room to the floor. Senators
Edge. New Jersey: Moses. New Hamp-


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