ESTABLISHED 1890 Kw :43 tip MEMBER ASSOCIATED PRESS Vol. XXXVII. No. 102 EIGHT PAGES ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 24, 1927 EIGHT PAGES PRICE FIVE CENTS EXISTING ORDER ARE DICUSD YHUNTER1 P1[ BLI ACTION COULD REMEIY EOCI AL EVIL OF POVERTY IS BELIEF . SHOWS GROUP CONTROL United Charities' Executive Stresses Prevention and Construction Procedures As Best; Benedict Views Primitive Languages As More Complex Than Generally Thought Rochester, N. Y., Feb. 23.-"Primi- tive languages," according to Dr. A. L. Benedict, ex-'87, editor of the Buf- falo Mrdical Journal and a Michigan graduate, in an article appearing in! a current magazine "in spite of public opinion to the contrary, are generally quite complicated. One of the Jesuit missionaries to Canada in the 17th century considered the "uron-Iro- quois languages far more complicated and more highly inflected than Greek; or Sanscrit." An Indian dictionary, I in Quebec, contains more than 70,400 words. 4 Ancient Indian languages, after _ _ ?dict rev contain plural, cordinzg reforred the use nine mo der by i and end modes languag we are own in sciously were cc words a "Certain standards of housing, cer- critical study, have been found to be Lang tain relationships between employer characterized by all the infectional "fireside and employee are rights which the and syntatetic devices of the Aryan a far g public has the right to demand,'' statedlanguage, as well as numerous com- than in plexities of their own. As Dr. Bene- Dr. Ben Joel D. Hunter, executive secretary of the United Charities of Chicago, in a lecture given at 4:15 o'clock yester- GARGOYLE AND DAILY ISSUE day afternoon in the Natural Science SECOND CALL FOR TRYOUTS auditorium. The lecture was presented under the auspices of the School of A second meeting for all those Religion and is the, first of a series of who wish to tryout for The Daily it seven lectures that will be given as editorial staff will be held at a part of the seminar on the "Moral 1C3:30 o'clock today in the Press Issues of Modern Life". building, at which both those Coiit Mr. Hunter pointed out that there ' who have already reported and Fro is a new trend in welfare work in that those who have not yet done soj communities and individuals are I be- , should be present. ginning to work together and to think f Second semester freshmen UNI upon the welfare of other people and wishing to try out for the busi- other communities in addition to ness staff of the Gargoyle are In ac looking after political and selfish asked to report to the Press I needs. At present there is a great dis- building any afternoon before tem of pute as to what subjects we should . Wednesday, March 1. superv think about and deal with as a na-f function Lion, said Mr. Hunter, and there seems iUnivers: to be a great variance in the views MATHTOd by t of people who would have govern- ESPEAKe n mental control of charity work.9 New Tendencies Growing council, At present there is a great indica- organiz tion that control of charitable insti- SUBJECi 1urT UIin charg utions and relief work is being taker, mittee w over by committees instead of leaving from th this function to individual groups as Princeton Professo Of Archaeology and col has previously been the custom. There And Art Will Discuss "The their re are today over 100 financial federa- Romantic Movement'' chairma tions, in as many cities throughout from th the country, that deal with social pro- IS EXPERIENCED CRITIC The c blems and have social functions, and ' survey this evidence shows plainly that the lmn in r trend is away from individual dspn- Frank Jewett Mather, Jr., Marquand dium re sation of charity to community con- Professor of Art and Archaeology at tion wil trol. Princeton university will deliver a lec- next We In the majority of cases, Mr. Hunter ture on the subject "The Romantic Board i stated, the original-:work In the so- Movement in Painting' at 4:15 o'clock vided ft cial field was und'ertaken by individ- council. uals for the specific 'need of a district. I this afternoon in Natural Science au- James This work become enlarged to such ditorium. The lecture, under the <