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January 29, 1927 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1927-01-29

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FinanciatSituation Improved In Mex-
ico By Foreign Debt Payment,
Officials State
(By Associated Press)
WASHINGTON, Jan. 28.-Charges
that the Knights of Columbus have
sought to embroil the United States
in a war with Mexico were renewed in
the Senate today by Senator Heflin
of Alabama.
Replying. to a speech delivered at
a Knights of Columbus meeing here
last night by Joseph Scott, a Los An-
geles lawyer, the senator said that the
meeting itself was an evidence thatj
the Catholic organization is spending
money to spreadI propaganda through-
out the United States to cause inter-
vention in Mexico.
Resolutions "Bristle With War"
Although Mr. Scott had said in his
speech that he was opposed to war,
Senator Heflin continued, he had aid-
ed in preparation of the resolutions
adopted by the Philadelphia conven-
tion of the Knights oI Columbus
"which bristled with war."
The senator said that the real trou-
ble in Mexico grew out of the re-
fusal of Roman Catholics to submit
to governmental regulations under
+1- 1nm f l~nvin Zxlat +p On li

Are Put Off, Due To
By use of the radio broadcast sta- will be given between 8 and 9 o'clock -[utomobile Accident
tion WWJ, Michigan alumn through- on March 18, is now being prepared by x
out the United States as well as in for-1 Dean Kraus of the Summer school and ~Due to an auto accident to the radio
eign countries will celebrate the nin- Waldo M. Abbot of the rhetoric depart-,Doetorsnoato nt to theDe-
tieth anniversary of the University on ment. It will contain members of the I E Oerators from station WWJ, the De-
,11ent rto tiNewsonnttheirewaytosAnn Arbo
March 18. More than 800 letters ex- faculty best known to the alumni and rtoit News, on their way to Ann Arbor
plaining the activities of the occasion capable musicians to broadcast the jEt from Detroit last night, the Michigan
have been sent to University of Mich- Michigan songs. LA BP Nlr AOSALLEY PRESET asight radio prograi was not broad-
igan clubs all over the w rld, accord-I It is anticipated that practically BR ITIA LITOcast, butF will be biven from 8 to 9
ing to a statement by T. Hawley Tap- every Michigan club in the country BOTH FACTIONS o'clck Friday, Feb. 11, immediately
ping, field secretary of the Alumni as- will stage a special dinner or smoker Withopreceding the J-Hlop.
sociation. jin response to the letters of the field M IIT YIELD HANKOW With one possible exception Ithe
Ninety years ago on March 18, the secretary. Many of the clubs will use program wil elude the same speak-
legislature of the then new state of the occasion as the annual session of Ievelopments Aie Aeited By Foreign .rs who were scheduled to speak last
Michigan passed the organic law whichj the club, thus fixing the club year Office Regarding Propositiont r or re of
created the university. Next month 60,- with the anniversary date of the Uni-' ( Jamegrdgsrpsiin o Harbor will probably replace Prof.
000 alumni and former students will versity. The broadcast hour fits in with Jlving Crisis James D. Edmonson of the School of
combine in the largest celebration pre- the dinner hour throughout the United Education. Professor Edm on was
liminary to the University centennial, States. except on the Pacific Coast BULLETIN to have discussed the educational sys-
just ten years away. where it may be adapted to an alumniten of the state as incorporated in the
amumsig(By Assotated Press) high schools. Regent Gore's subject
The program for the occasion which meetingLONDON, lan. 28.-A Shang-hai is not known.
dispatch to the Daily Express re- The other speakers will be the same.
SPE SCSports that the plans of the CaDr. Louis H. Newburgh, professor of
tonese army have been suddenly clinical investigations, will talk on
changed, indicating the abandon?. diabetes and dia-treatment of dia-
nwint of their intention to advancejbeisPrfCleneSYokm f
on ~iaigiii. he dspach ays. .the School of Businss Aokioitra-he
CURRICULAR RESEARCHha.FO R ARCHITECT PARTY, that llag inlittroshave tics. eif lrneS okmo
Left or are abhout to leave Che- geology department complete the list
"Investigation" Said Now To Imply C ompetition To Close April 2, Winner kIang through which they have of speakers for the program.
Growth In Fundamental Nature Being Named By Society ben advancing in the direction jSir Austen Chamberlin-
Of Object Studied Members And Facully British foreign minister who, it in
(Ry Associated Press) hoped, will give full details for solving
DESCRIBES RADIUM RAYS PRIZE, IS SET OF BOOKS PEKING, Jan. 28.-Great Britain the present Chinese crsis when e
notified both the Peking and national-Oseaslh BL
# That the purpose of curricular re- Competition for the design to be ist governments today that Britain PURni
search i9 to organize known material i used in decorating the ballroom in was disposed to grant a large shareV
m which the Architect's May Party will of the rights which the Chinese con-
in ubtace te essgeofDr Oisbe held, has been opened and will con-E tended were theirs. Minister Milesj Says Slight Imphrny May Have Great 4
in substance, the message of Dr. Otis tinue until noon of April 2, announced Lampson presented the British pro- Effect In Cihingtiig Quality Oft
W. Caldwell, speaking at a banquet William E. Preston, prsdn ftepoa oMrhlOan s-' n ectosO opud
of Phi Delta Kappa, honorary edu- Architectural society, which is in the Peking government at the north- IBYli
cational fraternity. Dr. Caldwell, who charge of the affair. All designs ern capital, while charge d' affairs' IS PROFESSOR AT YALE
is director of the Lincoln Experimen- which are to enter the cdntest must Owen O'Malley handed a similar pro~+Referee Stops Bout In Fourth Found --
tal school, Columbia university, de- be in at this time. posal to Eugene Chen, foreign min- r, m.

Four Year Schedule Drawn Last Week
By Directors Is Approved
And Commended
(By Associated Press)
CHICAGO, Jan. 28.--A rigid code of
ethics on recruiting of high school ath-
letes was adopted today by the Com-
mittee of Sixty of the Western Con-
ference, and the four year schedule
framed last week by the Big Ten ath-
Jetic directors was approved and com-
mended. Each football candidate, the
committe ordered, will be required to
sign and abide by the code.
A discusion of recruiting and pro-
selyting occupied the greater part of
the day, and resulted in the formula-
tion of the code which embraced these
five points:
1. "Scholarships, loans, and remis-
si'ons of tuition should not be awarded
by universities on the basis of ath-
letic skill, and the unofficial granting
of financial aid to athletes by indivi-
dual and organizations, by alumni or
otherwise, whose primary object in
granting the aid in a particular case
is the subsidy of an athlete, should be
considered unlethical.

clared, that in this connection, the
biggest problem is the educating of
trained research workers along this

the nlag or Mexico. what the Cathoui iine.
church does in Mexico, he added, is Common use of the words "re-1
no business in this country, but is an search" and "investigation" has come+
internal affair for Mexico to settle for to imply a growth in the fundamental
herself. nature of the object studied, accord-
-ing to the speaker. However, he aver-
MEXICO CITY, Jan. 28.--Officials red these terms in their true sense in-
of the Mexican government feel that j dicate more often the study and re-
the financial situation is distinctly arranging of material already known,1
improved by the fact that the Mexican and the raising of problems to be4
government, despite the difficulties solved in the field being investigated.
confronting it, has been able to settle In education as well as the more ex-
the balance of its foreign debt for act sciences concrete results from re-
1926 by remitting $3,822,405 to the in- search are usually the work of manyt
ternational committee of bankers at men carried on slowly but steadilyr
New York. This payment completes in a series of progressive events, he
the remittance of interest on the for- said. "As the work of Marconi in the
eign debt for 1926 in accordance with field of radio was but at the end of at
the terms of Panilamont agreement. ladder already constructed," he ;stated,
Ott Interests Mark Time "so the advance in the study of cur-
The treasury department today is- ricula is the result of the labor of aI
sued a statement expressing hope that large group, and not the work of one;
the foreign debt payments may be well-known and prolific writer on the
kept up in the future "even though subject."
heroic sacrifices may be necessary, D Discusses Beta Rays
because only in this way can Mexico's Dr. Caldwell emphasized the fact 1
credit be rehabilitated."ya x thatprogress in curricula research is
The foreign oil interests are con- a gradual process, which does not
tinning to mark time so far as taking I necessarily involve radical changes in;
any new line of action regarding the the curriculum itself, but rather a,
cancellation of the drilling permits of new grouping of old material result-
concerns which failed to comply with ing in an expression of rethinking.
the new petroleum aw. Meantime He described at some length the activ-
the district court inMexico City and ities of Dr. W. D. Coolidge of the Gen-
Tampico. continues to reject applica- eral Electric company in regard to
tions for oil companies for blanket the controlling of Beta rays such as
injunctions against the law. The given off by radium. Comparing Dr.
prospect;is that the oil fight will Coolidge's discoveries with those made
reach the supreme court eventually, along educational lines, and especial-
ly curricular advances, he said that
CANF,1 IELD ILL both types are built upon preceding
CF EL W I L study of knowledge already at handE
and that the achievements are due
RESUME DUTIES !to a new and ingenious combination
-____' of facts which have raised new.prob-.
Prof. Arthur G. Canfield, retired i Cems.su
head of the romance language depart- ?D.Clwl sudawrigt
meat hasretunedfroma trp aboad his listeners that the great danger to
ment, has returned from a trip abroad, urcar esrhists rsnt
and will resume teaching at the be- piularty eearchow thesent
ginning of the coming semester. Pro- opuy o lo tsenbe
fessor Canfield spent the greater partfreg syn eil sethe ex-'
Aof his leave in Paris. ttent that some people declared that
Although he will not act as head mit was being put forward to educate
of the department, having retired from the oncoming generation to a favor-
that position at the close of the 1926ab attitude toward vested interests.
Summer session, Professor Canfield I beattd oar etditrss
mAt this time, however, he said, there
will conduct classes. He has been s
with the department 26 years, coining a s many investigators present in
h the field that the need of trained re-
to Michigan as head of it in 1900: reach workers is being overlooked and
much pointless and shallow work is
RUSSIA AGAIN DECLINES being done, such as is evidenced by
REQUEST OF LEAGUE TO the many doctors theses which are
really unworthy of publication.
PARTICIPATE IN AFFAIRS The speaker pointed out that the
world is too taken up with the inves-
(By Associated Press) tigation of the exact sciences with
MOSCOW, Jan. 28-Russia today de- i insufficient emphasis on work in edu-
clined another invitation from t cation.
League of Nations to participate in I
t affairs Tt was decided not to send i L'1-J 1 . 1 i ! r

The group which will select the ister of the nationalists, or Cantonese J ° ' ~ 's r F IIIiriit Dr. John Johnston, professor of ISpeeches Sanctioned
winning design will be composed of government at Hankow. P nheitre physical chemistry and chairman of
the members of the Architectural so- Proposal Still Withheld the chemistry department of Yale 2. Athletic directors and coaches
ciety and several faculty members, to While nothing official was obtain- ,0 WATCH uBATTLE university, spoke on "Some Criteria should not, by initiation of corres,
be named later. The winner of the able concerning the British proposal, ! of Purity in Organic Compounds," to pondence, by distribution of literature
competition will be awarded aim order it is believed that they offered virtual- (By Associated Press) members of the department of chem- and by personal interviews of their
for a set of architectural books which ly to give up the British concessions ; NEW YORK, Jan. 28.-Drawing istry and physics, yesterday afternoon own seeking, endeavoro recruit
he himself may select to the value ot as such at Hankow and Tientsin, and poe rms itcfuti fat 4:15 o'clock in the Chemistry am- akhet seeches, or in responsem on
$35. to substitute therefore power from some fistic fountain of phitheater.
The Architect's May party is an an- settlement in which the Chinese would youth, 35 year old Mike McTigue, bat- Materials for use in research should quiry, or in casual conversation, to
nal affair given under the auspices of have a large voice in government of tle scarred veteran of many years be absolutely pure, stated Professor describe the advantages of the insttu-
the college of architecture, and the i the municipality. campaigning, knocked out Paul Ber- Johnston, because the slightest im- tion which they represent. Further
execution of the entire event is the lenbach tonight in one of the mostI purity may have a great effect in they should not go. They should dis-
work of students. LonDgtJi.2 .Wheo te changing the quality'of the reactions courage questionable recruiting by
~.ONDON, Jan. 28.-While prepara-, dramatic upsets the ring has seen in o h opud utersm I alumni and students.
Last year's May party marked a tions for the dispatch of troops to jdIw of the compound. Furthermore, sohee
new era in the advent of novel decora- China continued, the British foreign many years. chemicals i use today have impuri-
tion,'according to the opinion of many office today was waiting for develop- While a crowd of 18,040 fans in ties that are unknown, and although as clubs, fraternities, informal groups
who attended. The scene for the ball, Iments growing out of the proposal Madison Square Garden roared en- they are being discovered it is neces- or mndiv duals, should not only scru-
which was held in Barbour gymnasi-' which it has drawn up for solution couragement McTigue stopped his sary to have some definite criteria of pulously follow the rule of conduct
um, was decorated for a deep sea set- of the Chinese crisis s the purity of the compounds before governing financial assistance set forth
ting. Veils were hung from the ceil- London Office Quiet rival in the fourth round of a twelve they are used in tests. in the first paragraph, but should do
ing to create the illusion of green Tetv round bout, with a savage, two fisted IAccordingto Professor Johnston, all in their power to prevent its vio-
water, while a plants ad animals There were no outstanding develop-attack that swet all efore it. It the melting point is the most desire- I lation by others. They should vigo-
in bright color floated about. The nents at the oreigm office today ex- 1 h able criteria of purity because it can rously oppose all suh unreasonable
cept the reception of news that Brit- 4 was a technical knokout, for Referee be measured easier than the boiling or unfair rushing of prospective ath-
motif of green light which is, sup- ish Minister Miles Lampson had pre- point, which is commonly employed. letes as practically deprive the sti-
sented to the Peking government pro- lenback from further punishment as Ease in measurement is obtained be- dent of a free and deliberate choice of
dorman in pirate cosum as a a posas similar to those which the he sagged to the floor for the third cause the melting points of organic his university. They should recognize
tendance. British charge d' affairs, Owem O'Mal- time in the r ,oundt l edsiffer by a wide margin I the truth that any resort to improper
I the corner of the gymnasium e, hee instructed to deliver to and purposes Paul was "out cold," whilethe boiling points, at the same methods is not a matter of loyalty,
was the hull of a ship, partly cut the Cantonese foreign minister at hanging on merely through his game- i time, may be almost identical. Other but disloyalty to their institution, and
was te hul of ashippartl diftness. *.j
away, in which reposed Zez Confrey's Hankow. indices of purity enumerated by Pro- , poor sportsmanship.
orchestra, who furnished all the mu- It was assumed in Whitehall that McTigue outfought and outpunched i fessor Johnston were crystillization, Secretaries Warned
s. he decorative Mr. Lampson also has acquainted the . Berlenbach fromt distillation, combustion and mole-
sc o the dairinm i Peking representatives of the Wash- him just before the bell i the third cular weight computations. Crystil-..4. General or field secretaries of
scheme of the ballroom was conceived ;,rudadlsighswyt itr
by William E. Prestoi, '27A. ington treaty powers with the nature round and lashing his way to vitory lizing is to be preferred to distilla- I alumni organizations should be parti-
of the British proposals. These pro- in 2 minutes, 43 seconds of fighting in tion, and molecular weight computa- cularly careful to refrain from im-
- -+- posals are believed to provide for the next session.!I tions are more accurate than meas- proper activities.
SOcialstS SaV Rse "generous" concessions by the Brit- ?It was an amazing comeback for urenent by combustion 5. "Prospective athletes should
(( N 1 ish government. McTigue and an astonishing exhibi- In considering the melting pointI not be promised employment in or by
V Franc 7Wi'l Not The home government appears to tion of punching power by a manjcrystillization is used as the criteria, the athletic department of the univer-
R expect a diplomatic delay of the ne-- known for years chiefly as a cautious, Professor Johnston said, because pure sity. After matriculation, they may
Reduce Living Cost gotiations now going on. Good aug- ; defensive boxer. It also was a re- liquids remain constant during crys- 'be employed to do necessary work, but
ury, however, is drawn from the fact venge for the now "old Michael," who tillization when the temperature is 1 they should be paid a regular and
< Assocated ress) that two detachments of Punjabi niore than squared accouts for the hheld at the melting point. Impure reasonable scale and should he re-
' atroops have been landed and paraded fight me lost to Berlenbach in 1925 compounds tend to vary at this point quired to give a full return in service."
PRISan A great error Shanghai without provoking unto- ;and with it the world's light heavy- so this is an absolute measure of
beemi made in supposing that the mse ward incident. weight championship. No title was at Ipuiy ____________IL C U EG V N
in the of the franc will reduce It is hoped that Austen Chamberlin, stake tonight, but the result virtual- _urity._LECT RERLGVEN
teost o li iancthe foreign minister, who will speak ly eliminated'tBerlenbach from they COOLIDGE LOSES CHAIR AT PARS
oats tl h hmbro eui at Birmingham tomorrow night, will ranks of contenders in the heavy-i
today in interpolating the government give full details of the British sug- weight division. It was only the
regarding unemployment. gestion for solving the present crisis. second defeat Berlenbach had sus- E ATE BA TI Nes has been received here of the
The socialists said high taxes were It is felt that such an exposition of tained in the professional ring. Oddly I -
the principal cause of high prices and the British viewpoint would have a enough, both of his setbacks have been (By Associated Press) appointment of Charles Cestre, non-
declared 50,000 workers were drawing good effect in counteracting erroneous four round knockouts, Jack Delaney J . resident lecturer in romance lngu-
unemployment does with no relief i reports current in China and else- administering the other in 1924. C WASHINGTON, Jan. 28.-President s
sigh. whre. C oolidge is to lose another battle with ;ages here last spring to the newly
Premier Poincare amid Minister of ChamberlinIsSlenrt.the Senate--that over immediate con- created chair of American literature
Labor Fallieres replied that tie gov- Sir Astehad a private coARference A ERI4C1'AINS SEE struction of three additional scout and civilization at the Sorbonne in
emieAusacnipadlaiproldtotoonference cruisers-in the judgment of leaders I Paris.
crem othe unemploye der et for an hour today on Chinese affairs "UNDUEJ IAA RM " of both sides of the chamber. . Professor Cestre came to the I-
econoic conditions. They refused towith Foreign Minister Vandervelde of Vigorous support to the cruiser versity from the Sorbonne, where he
gonimio the s. her amid t Belgium, who is on a visit to Londoni amendment to the naval supply bill had been teaching French literature.
go into the subject further an at but no details of their conversation THOSE UN CHINA LFSS FEARs It yhR-p to the Christmas holidays this
thieir' request the debate was ad-weemaepulc..FU HwaELTV s voiced today by both Republi- U1oth hitmshldasti
,telree~stehe~ ewa dwere made public. I FUL THAN RELATIVES cans and Democrats. Chairman Hale tr ehl hi tteUiest
Journed until next Friday. Paen oigLnoeswl ae- f ai eort.CarinHl term hie held a chair at the University
Pageant loving Londoners will haveof the' naval committee said after- of Illinois.
war reminiscences tomorrow when (By Associated Press) {wards that there was no question of y
'GOOD WILL' PLANES TO the Coldstream guards, of which King SHANGHAI, Jan. 28.-The hostility its approval by the Senate.
AE EA ThDAV George is an honorary colonel, will of Chinese towards foreigners has not The House voted down an amend- Bidding For Museum
{ TAE OFF A RLY TODAY I imarch with their bands playing and iminspired white residents of Shanghai ment having the same purpose, but
colors flyinConstructiontonStarts
colors flying, from Wellington bar- with the fears for their safety that proponents of a balance fighting fleet Construction tart
(By Associated Press) racks through Parliament square, is evident in cablegrams received from expressed confidence that the House
PANAMA CANAL ZONE, Jan 23.- and over Westminster bridge to Wa- anxious relatives and friends at home. would accept such a Senate proposal.
The five planes of the reunited "Good terloo station, where they will entrain! Numerous inquiries received by i Whether the President would ap- Bids oin the construction of a new
Will" squadron of the United States for Southampton to board transports Shanghai Americans and by the Ame- i prove the bill with the change has building were opened yesterday non,
Army Pan-American flight around! for China. ! rican consulate-general reveal a state not been indicated but some senators according to a representative of Dr.
South America are due to take off - -of mind in America which prominent said that if he did exercise his veto A. G. Ruthven, director of the Univer-
early tonmorrow for Buenazenturo, WASHIN TON, Jan. 28.-With of- Americans here characterized today prerogative, a special session of Con- sity Museum. The new building, which
Colombia, the next station in their ficial Washington apparently in com- as undue alarm over the immediate gress might be necessary. is to be erected on Washtenaw ave-
progress down the Pacific coast of plete harmony on desirability of ne- anti-foreign situation in this city. i ue near the i tersection of EastrU-
South America. I gotiating without delay new and American businessmen who have j versity, is to be of modern constru-
The planes Detroit, San Francisco ; equalizing treaties with China, the been feeling the effects of the anxiety Esnsia ructce urei. on and will replace the present
and St. Louis returned yesterday from vital question of whom to do the at home in arranging transactions said Bee structure. Dr. uthven spent yester-
Pasadena after Major Herbert E. negotiating with remained unanswer- that the commerical perils in Shang-C Ontinue iO Be O pen day afternoon i conference with Al-
ih-r. _a , b A ;,- r, i tr.-in ahro" 4,t. n I i ert Kahn, of Detroit, the superin-



:s an ai . WU5U~u u IU w --
a representative to the Geneva com- 1
:mission charged with preparing for
the League's report on its researches j
into the, private manufacture of war
Maxim Litzinoff, acting foreign min-!
ister, stated the Soviet government will
not participate in any international
conference on Swiss soil.

Is Studying In Romea
LeRoy E. Kieffer, grad.; who was
awarded the George G. Booth fellow-
ship in architecture last year, is at
present in Rome following further
study of this subject, according to
word recently received by Dean Emil'


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