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October 07, 1926 - Image 7

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The Michigan Daily, 1926-10-07

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+ . .?ca. Vr ..w yp. ..s.+ :....


Play For Speedball JONES HURLS IS EOGD
fl~ ~. ~t-~.~ ~i'~ iiWIN OVER SAOX, 4-1


(By Associatedi Press) I _____ _________________
NEW YORK, Oct., 5.-Eastern foot-
ball elevens in polishing up their of- By Wtiltonl1t. Simipsonit to instill pep into the men, is Harvey
fensives for Saturday are devoting; On account of the inclement weather "Emery. In his undergraduate days lie
special attention to forward passes, yesterday, Coach Yost held the first4 played halfback on the Princeton foot-
which last week contributed to almost' part of the work in the field house, "the1 ball team.
every victory in the East. The huddle' plant," as Yost- chooses to call it. Trhe
system is gaining new converts. The grass5 on the, practice fields was too: Michigan fans; have keen filter-
group mode of 'signal barking, intro- wet for a good passing drill,..so Fried-; est in the Katnsas-Wiisconsin game
dluced to the Big Three by Bill Roper; man andl Rich tossed the ball from one 1 to ie 'played at 31' dkon Saturday 1
at Princeton, has now become a part end of the field to tthe other, with 1 heccuse it:ls to be a battle betweent
of the new order of things at Harvard, everyonie from centers to managers on ; ('apponc and (Thorge Little, l}ithi
where Arnold Horween is injecting the receiving end. , former m eer- of Yost's conch-I
western tactics into a reorganized Imlr staff. Little ;vored one ti-
"Crinmson system." Tadt Jones, also PaullCook rep~orted for practice unph over a former associate
w( u over, is sprucing up the huddle yesterday and didi not sewm to be when Ie trounced Cournell college
Nvith his Yale Bulldogs after watching ( bothered witih Is leg injury. lit I lust week. lDick Barker, who -as-
its success against Boston university. ruiiiig for passes lie was excel)-- sisted, Matlier with the freslim~aii
The Crimson, struggling upward af- iitlaliy fast and showed trat lie l ootball teamis and coached wrest-1
ter a disastrous season, saw a Tornado can cc the bal -Mieni lie ran hung at .lichigan two years ago,
of Golden Giants from Geneva pas hialf waiy up the balcony to catch is now football coach and athletic
their way last week to a 16 to 7 vic- Ont- of Friedimni's passes. If lhe director At Corniell college. Last
tory) when assault on the Harvard for- cani keel) his 'injiured leg unuder.! year Barker turned out the best
wardl wall failed at critical moments. l imii for the rest of the week, Iliere - teanm in his conference, but this
Both Geneva touchdowns were direct maiy be some chance of seeing hiinu season lie lost most of his men
results of air assaults. ini the lineup. through graduation.
Yale, in piling up ' 51 points on Bos-
ton university, distributed a versatile CahMte etoe e rs- Cpo n teeaeeprecn
overhead attack, that came as a sur- meni to run through the Varsity line. ifcaltpon andrmteeleareamxperien
prise after the rather close play of W he(y ranl as they were told to do, but University of Kansas, but if C1po
the 1925 season.thysofunlottateVriy has a few substitutes he will give
Princeton had a short passing game line was a rather tough group of men. Little some sort of a fight. Cappon
and the brilliant open field running Gabel and Dewey found it extremely has the pep, the fight, and the aggres-
of Slagle, Prendergast and Williams to diff.cult to tackle the freshmen. For tems at h rsmnrnt-siveness, and George Little has the
thank for the conquest of Amherst. thmotprhefsmnra t-team
The D~artmouth flood that swept over ward the tacklers and then headed(Ii~
Hlobart for 50 points was aidIed mater- ldcr thle sidelines. Who can blame Benny Friedman's fame hias
ially by five successful forward passes them? spread to all parts of the country,
out of eleven tries. Penn State can even to the wild and wooly parts
attribute two of six touchdowns wee second siaring Varsity nmen of Texas. In a recent issue of the
against Johns Hlopkins directly to the were given a. scrimmage with Fort Snmithi~ies Record, Fried-
overhead- game. Georgetown passed C'onch Fishier's reserve team late ma an hiucnyfowr
SIn the afternoon.. The game waasadhi ncinyfrwr
for tihe only touchdown in tying Pitt aragdsuitretn-af passing were given a column's
burgh 6 to 6. consideration.
_______________from the spectators' point of view,f
i' r I ut Yost. was not particularly in-
IV.RKI-RCKW LLterested in' the score. Coach Yost I dliff Slaughter, former Michigan
RIVALRY AWAKENED is giving his team at careful sur- all-American guard and o sitn
AWAKENED ~.ii~ A A.~US * Ito Coach Little at the Uiest of

CHICAGO, Oct. 5.-The Cubs won
Play will b~egin in interfraternityi today's game of the Cicago city ser-
sp(lbal cmetto otl es from the White Sox, 4 to 1, mak-
~A)L~~LI1UZ ~Onia afer -ing necessary a seventh gane, which
noon, entries having been closed last! will be played tomorrow ai Cub's
night. There are about 60 teams en- Paktooeceh tte
tered. Lively competition is expected !Ir odcletette
in te fghtfor he -,.The White Sox sent their hurling
in te fiht or te cu. iace, Ted iiyons, to the mround, but the
The schedule calls for a division of Cubs readily 'took to his offerings.
tteams ito leaguesevera tgamsxjpercgy Lee Jones,, the National lea-
wiam ta lae.eveaverno-onmeonIguer's left handed star, was. master
wil akeplae eery ftenoo onof the situation throughout although
:3outh Ferry field, some of them sim- in the eighth inning he walked Sheely,
ultaneously. Notice will be mailed White Sox first baseman, and forced
the various houses concerning the in h mrcnlau emsol
schedule andl each house will be noti- Ii h mrcnlau emsol
fied before their games. The weather was cold and cloudy,
n but more than 7,000 persons bravedj
IW(IMJMN'(j ff 1T (', MPIflN the chill winds.


' LOj~ga aiuI )ST
'Q N ii t i l .i1 11 r v#'t f t it oi i - All orang1e ?suIe 'e aeket on
- -.---- --- 0le )ri ve, 1near tle 'Hospial),1 Molt-
Von are d tl . hoe1 s 1 cile c(all { i i- (tt dy a iter'Ylooil. Re~wvad. 0. McCall.
the a\d-'Iak , ail 2121 , , aii''r Wmt ad ' ;a1. 9ilI
t I o,9iiv all Nant, ads 1211 ,-c , n.i~tj *- I-ej , [1 't' Small ? FI 'i11c'tUon pin, Set \with1
coe)py. I.,..,,,~ A I p CI', 1 add onyx. IFither ant It e
Thiis cOrlnni cX'5C5 at 3 P 1I . -ac 1c lc!L,;11i or betwee S8. State oan I
i~ng poit iatitn. Notie of 1any ft- i'' '1c I I
-ic itsotime for * esecnd ns!U, - .aai ia v.. Findcr pleasecal 982
;five av-erage words to the line) fix one '-wtw-t
insv-tios. LOWi- --Pair of horn-rimmed glasses3
tll )I II(iwII. i ~CaiSe'. Phone '9479. 9
Cas e'lr Cassileds received iat t=e iy office ________________________________________
ini The P'ress Bilding onan \I0nar-i Stree~t. L.OST '-_pl16ta Chi frat pin at game on
Special si jodariied 1-at es tie on a plica- Saltirday. Name Edwardl W. Pfluke

FlJ~tNl),-Atitomatic Pencils which we
sell at a low figurre, $.50 to $1.50 that
work as well and_ last as long as thle
hest. Rider's Pin Shop, if

TVT111 47IL., . Nj. l %lJW. 1 v


ly Associated Press)
Henry Stetson, recently crowned wo-
men's national golf champion, was de-
leated in the second round of the
Berthellyn cup tournament at the
Huntington Valley country club here
today by Miss Edith Quier, defender
of the trophy, 3 and 2. Miss Quier is
the second player within 'a week to
beat the reigning golf champion.

Subscribe for Thie Michigan Daily.
Those wishing to try out for
intramural managers please -re-
Ireport at the intramural office
Iin Waterman gymnasium any day ,
this week, between 3 and a o'- I-
1 clock.

eoR uv

IOWA CITY, Ia., Oct. 6-A football
team came out of the University of
Iowa to beat a Michigan eleven at Ann
Arbor two years ago.
~A Hawkeye quarterback, Leland
Parkin, played the game of his career.
So brilliant was his work, climaxing
a great year that Big Ten critics
na~med him for an all-conference post.
1lardly less brilliant was Ted Rock-
well, Michigan quarter, but his luster{
was just enough tarnished by ParkinC
to relegate him to the mythical sec-
ond team. The game was the decid-
ing factor after the Iowa and Michi-
gan seniors had been tied in the crit-
icd'. favor all season.
Rockwell chose the coaching pro-
fession for his career. Parkin elected
to finish his law course and act as
assistant coach at the University of
Iowa. He passes on his knowledge
of backfield craft to the young Iowa
bsophomores who are tumbling over
each~ other in their eagerness for a
first team job.
Now Tod Rockwell, Parkin's sole
rival of 1924, brings his North Dakota
team to meet the H-awkeyes Saturday.
So there will be a flashback of the riv-
alry which was a feature of the two
stars' last season of competitioni.
TIoday .andFliday
(Southerners Expected)
"Permit Me"'
Sunday-Bill Bart in

of his squad soon.
Asbeck worked out with the Varsity
regulars in a forward passing drill, in
place of Flora at right end. I-Ie is a
tall,, aggressive man and looks like aI
good mate for Oosterbaan,-at least,
when considering height.
In the reserve game Hough tried
a W0 yard place kick, but missed
the goal by a scant six inches.
ILough took private lessons In
kicking fronm Garbish of the Arnmy,
who assisted with the coaching
here two dlays last spring.
Identification-The coach with the .
dark glasses, who does all the talking

Wisconsin, turned dlown an attractive
offer to play professional football not
long ago, and has now asked for a
position to coach a girls' football
team. Who wouldn't turn down the
professional offer?
Speaking of ticlkets, those who
have their applications for the
Minnesota game returned will he
given another chance to see the
Minnesota team play-at I~nne-
alpolis Nov. 21. Coach Yost must
have h8a.( the ticket situation In
mind when lie scheduled the
Gop~hers twice in ' onie season.
Read the' Want Ads

GoodHo-mea Cookixi
Luncheon and Dinner Specials
Short Orders from 7 A. M. to 7:30 P. M.
Sunday 8 A. M. to 7:30 P. %M.
Home Made Pl s try
T-utU s's
Kinney's Real Quali1ty

F"OnR LENT- -A first floor furnished
room for a businiess girl, steam heat.
Phone 8142. 9-10
FOR RENT---Suite, $8; doable room,;
$6; onle and a haIlf blocks from carn-
pus. 612 hill St. I hone I637. 9
F+Oll RENT--Front suite and ;side
suite with fireplace. Will renit to
students or others. 1308 Geddles.
FOR RENT-A fine (double room for 2
mein for .$6.00 a week at 1002 Corn-;
well Place. 9-t0-11
FOR RENT-An attractive, two room.
-apa rtment, suitable for business or
student couple, furnished. Dial
21357. 8-9-10
RO0OM for rent at 209 So. 12th. One
half block from campus.* Write c o
Dr. Stryker or call 9610. 7-8-9
TWO pleasant double rooms for men
students. Can be used as single.
422 Ihill St. Phone 3254. 7-8-9

ongavu onL back. Dial 9;,589 or 1346
GzeddIes. 9
LO ST -A pearil st unlded U. of Mt. penr,
Sundacay rnight. IF+inder lDial 4G24.
hA)ST---hi Mu ])eltn fraterni~y pin.
Finder please call P hi Mu Delta
jhouse. Rtewardl. Phone 21917.
' 8-9-10
LOST-Druid pin. Findoer please call
4917. 8-9-10
LOST-Sig-ma Kappa p ledge pin.
Finder please call 8913. Dorothy
l~agen. 7-8-9
' 7-8-9
TAS-Atll des-ire to(3 prornote highly
colo~red( ponls, necessarily mnade of
celluloid, at a great, sacrifice of~ sta.-
bility to attract the eye and assist
the advertising. Our pens are mad'e,
ialmnost withott excelption of PURE
Amost stable material ever found for
fountain 'pens. Rider's Pen Shop.
The Continental Casualty and Assur-
ance Company desires students who
can put in part time while attending
the University, in learning the vari-
otis lines of Insurance with the in-
tenition of placing them in respon-
sible positionis when ready, or
4 1ougn oI, ee..A cmplteale

CAAJPUS-11 El. I-uron. Pleasant course offered free. Phone 9545 for
room, for one or two, first floor, appointment. 9
private entrance. Call after 4:30.... NP~Dom er apst
7-9 practice music one hour a dlay. No
piano required. Write Box 115. tf
WANTED - Roommate, comfortable
FOR SALE-Typewriter, Underwood, room. 628 Packard. Rent reason-
excellent condition; reasonable. Dial able. Phone 9289. 8-9-10
21893. Call evenings. 9 WANTED-Bly A-i colored chef and
wife, frat ernity or club, strictly tem-
FOR SALE---Ford for $65.00; model perance. C. F. Embry, 121 East Ann
'24, in fine condlition; readly to run. St. Phone 4548. 8-9-10-11-12-13
l)ial 6592. 1115 Forest Ave. Robert- WATD id awk stenso
son. 9-10-1NATD-Wd waesudnst
sell at foot ball games. For partic-
F'OR SALE--1923 Ford roadster. A-i1 ulars call 6455 between 12 and 1 or
mechanical condition. Will sell after 6 P. MW. 8-9-10
chep. ial°394. 31 homson " WANTED-Garage to rent. On or near
8-9I South University. Call University
rn , Y_,,150- J. 8-9

3 1
©~W f!H.192'Z

Broad Toes, Leather Heels

S lack or Tan Calf



1' FOR SAILh-Scotcli Terrier pups. -
Pedigreed. Sire owned by Dr. C. C.! WANT -Student and family laun-
Little; mother from fine imported I dry. Phone 8694. 7-8-9
stock. Call 9771 evenings. 7-8-9 -°...- --

All p~opular Brogue models on display
invites you to call and inspect the new
Fall models now on display.
lastS aud Patterns-exclusivey our own dles~n

NovelIty Sox, Two Pairs $1.00
117 South M-iin Street

tion, $35. Dial 4084. 7-8-9
FOR SALE--Ink is the life blood 'of
your Fountain Pen. You will always
get the right kind at Rider's Pen
Shop. We sell no ink substitutes or
kinds which clog your pen and make
it useless. Your pen and ink spe-
cialist knows. tf
FOR SALE-Latest model Remington
Portable Typewriters. All machinss
guaranteed. ,For free'i demonstra-
tion phone Dial 3489. 5e.o.d.tf-

WAN'TED----Two college women at
Foster's Tea Room. Apply at once.
WANTED-Students to know that we
have a $5.00 pen which, is unequalled
at the price. Call for Wahls new
$5.00 pen, any style of point and in
three colors H-ard Rubber Holders.
Rider's Pen Shop. tf
SINGING LESSONS given by experi-
enced singer. Call Mr. Susumago at
'dial 7103. 7-8-9-10-11-12

. . . ....... ... . .......... ...... .


__________ .1~~


Style . Quality, - Service
Fa e a Dollar or gore at Our Factory'
H-ats Cleaned and Reblocked
- n-ine Work Only
Properly Cleaned - No Odor
No Gloss - No Burned Sweats
Factory Hat Store
617 Packard St. Phone 7415
(Where D. U. R. Stops at State)










A true Collegiate Three'-Button Model.
Instantly distinguished as at specimen of
Superior Styling for College Men.
309 South Main

For the Friend
Far Away--For
the Folks Back
Arrange for a sitting before
the busy season starts.

We have 'now for your inspection one of the city's
largest variety of exclusive patterns.
This year as never before have we ventured into the
European markets for our woolens. These are the very best'
that- are obtainable~.
These are all tailored in our own store in any style
desirable at
$60 to $75
We are also carrying Lamms custom' tailor-to-order
clothes, which are known all over the country as the very
best. Prices range from
$30 to $75
We aim to please-and we have had a lot of target-


't'.he ..of dKpp..~ftw

1 1110

I I I '' I



-------------------- %0*4


their own good taste in col-
lege style will find that taste
rightly interpreted here.
The short lapel, the straight
soft front, the natural shoul-
der and the 'large, roomy.,
Adeptly TAilored

You can spend a few hours now and then, out in the
woods. It will give you exercise and also drown your
troubles or your studies. A little recreation along with the
hard nervous strain of your school work will give you new
pep. We carry a fine line of double and single barrel shot-
guns, pump guns, rifles, and all kinds of ammunition to meet
your requirements. Call in and let us demonstrate our line
of guns to you.

I (





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