' 'T'HURSDAY,,OCTOBER 7, 1 q°' G
BA B H-# ITS TH 2EE H0311L-il]?S;
Car~ds Use Five itchlers Attemipting
To( Stoic Yankees In Fr'ee
Oct. 6. -Babe Ruth, star New York;wf <f°.%,"
5luigger, emerged from his series{
-,himtp today and set a new world rec- :
ord by clouting out three home runs *..* .,.
in a free hitting contest 'won by the!
Yankees, 10-5. 7:-he teams are now tied
at two wins each.
Flint R hem was on the mound for the
Cards at the ,start of game, opposed by
Waite Hoyt. Both were hit herd
throughout the game, each team get-.
ting 14 safeties, but the Yank hits ';," .
were often for extra bases, while the
Cards could not deliver in the pinch- I:..
The Cardinals used five pitchers,
Rhem starting, and Rheinhart, Bell,
H lallahani, and Keen working in the
order named. Hoyt ipitched the en-,
tire game for New York. '.;"
Ruth started out with his first home
run of the series ini fir§t inning with i
the bases clear, but the Hlornsby men
evened up the score in their half of , NwYr'dinuvemanagerXiM
the inning on consecutive hits byi NeYoksdmntvmagrl
Douthit, Southworth and Hlornsby. a huge smile. Ilis team went on a 1
The Babe -repeated again in the third! present World's series, yesterday at
for the only score of the inning and! St. Louis Cardinals undler a barragec
in the fourth a walky to Lazzeri .andl the mighty Babe Ruth, who was batti
a collision between Doutldt and South- Before the series started, Huggir,
worth added another run to the New teta ei o it~ gissi
York total. teta ei o itdaant ad
The Carxinals had their only chance all pound the bail." Yesterday this wa
in Ithe last oil the fourth when theyJ at two games each.
took the lead temporarily on a three
run rally. The Yanks came hack s41232O
strong to clinch the gaebIpud Rhein,p.....100010
ing out four runs in the fifth and two Rhinihart, p ........0 0 0 (0 0 01
In i the sixth. 11. Bo .........0 0 0 0 0 0
Ruth's last homer of the day caine Iiihnp....
in .the sixth inning and went inlo the xoocr......0 0 0 U 0 0
deep center field stands with Combs xxJlo~'crs ..........1 0 0 0) 0 01[Iolnl.. .........1 0 0 0 0 0]
19OX SCORE, Keen, p......... ..0 0 0 0 1 0
New York Tnotals ,... .......5 14 27 14 0
AB RI 11 0 A F Nc Yr 0 .4 0-0
Combs, cf. ..... .. . 5 2 2 4 0 0 N o wIsm ...........101012300 -15
Doer,,ig, ss...........600 100 001- )
Koehni, . .. . ... .. .63 131 1 30% xlattedfor lRhem in fourth.1
Ruth If.........3 3 11 0xxBaited for bell in Sixth.
Mesel, rfa.......,,......2 1 1 1 0 0 00 xxxBat ted for lIallahan in eighth.
Gehrgl...... 02 0_ _
Lazzerri, 2b ........3 11 1 30
Dugan, 3b.,.........4 0 1 1 2 0 Two base hits - Lazzerri, Dugan,
Severeid, c ,........4 1 3,10 0 0 Thevenow, Douthit, Koenig, Gehrig,
Hoyt, p.......... ..4 0 0 0 0 0, Combils."
Naome Runs-Ruth, 3.
Totals.......... 34 10 14 27 9 1 Sacrifice hits--Bell, Toporcer, Laz-
_____ I zerri, Iloyt, GCelrig.
St. Louis Stle Bases--llornsby.
AB R H O0 A P] Struck Out-Rhem, 4; Hoyt, 8; Bell,
Douthit, of .........5 1 3 2 2 0 1; Ilallahan, 1.
Southworth, rf ...... 5 0 2 1 2 0, Base on balls, Rhemn, 2; Rheinhart,
Hlornsby, 2b..... ,...5 1 2 3 4 014; B~ell, 1; Hallahan, 3; Hloyt, 1.
Bottom ley, lb ......4 0 1 6 1 01 Bak-Bell,
L.yBell, 3b .,......4 0 1 3' 0 01 ji . ..
O'are, l....... 11 00 d. the W ant a
O'Farrell, c . ...,..412810iCa eAd
More than 50 men respondedl to !that hie would make aniot her cut of
Coach Matt Mann's call for candlidat es the squad within the next few dlays,
for the freshman swimming team at! and~ reduce the present number of
the Union pool last Mondtheay . Coach men to 12 or 15. This, lie declared,i
Mann immediately lu hecn] iate will b)e necessary to handle each man
through intensive workouts and yes- li te squiadinvduly
terday made the first cut of thw large Both the Varsity and freshman
squadl, retaining thirty swiriIlme5. Isu-ads will work out daily at the Un-
Those who survived the initial cut 'ion pool from to0-day on. The Var-
are: Evans, Goodwin, Reif, Goldsmit h, ;ity squad has been training at thae
Power, Possum, Hleim, Boyer, Vo e,' Yost field house for the p~ast wee~k,
Carpenter, Warner, Shorr, Rolnick, going throughi a preliminary program
Neiman, Richmond, Grinshaw, 1RIci1- of running and weight-pulling.
ardson, Hlallonds, Ilecker, W alil as, ere1~rne odro h
Glver, Crouse, W+elEinsr, Rosenbergl, world's record for plunging. with a
i~lver Crus, Wndsr, ioenbr - distance of 83 feet, and who is now
Beal, and Steurnagel. These men,I
wit te xcetin f Him I'eshe ,enrolled in the Law school here,
withtheexcptin o hlem, eshei-I wo)tke( out at the 1po01 yest erday. His
mer ad MG llRoenbrg fola lfIrepeatedlly lengthy plunges through-
Steurnagcel, swim in t he free style
events. Hlim, I+eshheiiner,, MI('(ili out his workout amazed the speeda-
are breast-stroke men, while Rosen-tos
berg, Steurnagel, and feal are dlivers.,,
Coach Mann announced yesterday Subscribe for 'nte mimigan D 1aily.
} 7N
W,-' ~ -
withoutdnt46 VW
Mchigan (Grid Men
Have Good .record'
Michigan's record on the gridiron
is particularly noteworthy~,:the Wol-
jVerines having -Von the Western Con-
ferenice clurumnpionship tlree times out
of fthe last; four seasons, and in eachI
of these four years, a Michigan man
has beeil selected on Collier's all-
Amer-ican team. Michigan has lost'
only t bree foot ball games during the
Arxondr bo
fd ar n lrtjtr oUgi'It4
past four years, and during this time.
has amassed a total of 715 points
against 82 for all opponents.
For the past several years, the -in-
terest of the entire Middle West has
been focused on Michigan during the
football season. Last season, Mich-
igan stood clearly above all Western
Conference competition, as evidenced
by the following statistics. Only 20'
first dlowns were made against Michi-
gan in her six big games, and in all
eight games of 1925, the ball was in
Michigan's goal only ten times, by
kicking or otherwise.
ller Huggis
Miller Huggins, can well afford to wear
batting rampage, the first one of the
Sportsman Park and submerged the
of 14 hits, including three homers by
Ling only .200 up to yesterday's tilt.
ns, who at one time was manager of
1"When the Bambino hits, the Yanks
,as borne out and the series is knotted
4 -e -
0 ..
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Beginning with next week, the
advanced faculty swimming classI
will meet every Monday andl Fri-
dynopoplat1:5o-clock. The classes will be of 30
minutes duration.
Coach Matt Mann, Varsity
swimming coach, has arranged
plans for a beginners' class for
Imembers of the University fac-
u slty. This class will meet every
IWednesday at 12:45 o'clock I
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CAMBRIDGE, Mass. -- Athletic au-E
thorities of Harvard, Yale, and Prince-
ton will meet in New Haven today to
discuss matters of importance regard-
ing athletic relations among the three
collegest. No announcement was made
concerning the agenda of the confer-
Subscribe for the Michigan Daily.
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