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January 27, 1927 - Image 6

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1927-01-27

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-THURSDAY, J- XT',ARY 37, 132


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Coach Matt Mann yesterday an- teamed with Thompson. LittLe 7 [
Delta Alpha Epsilon, with a grand swimming team which will meet the visiting team, but the Michigan men-
total of 2304 pins, assumed the lead in University of Indiana natators in the tor is not taking them at all lightly. SAN ANTONIO, Tex., Jan. 26.-More
the first round of the interfraternity initial dual meet of the Wolverines' The Indiana team is built around than 30 of the leading professional
YConference schedule at 7: 30 o'clock
bowling tourney now in progress at. Saturyni s the a : Oli Captain Zaiser, a veteran distance man I and amateur golf players were here
theUnn. haSaturd ght theUnion p l. who is regarded as the strongest threat today to practice for the annual $10,-
on the Hoosier squad. In the breast 000 Texas open tournament scheduled
Beta Theta Pi followed cl sely with be composed of four of the following stroke Indiana has a capable perfor- t oen Friday over the WIllow
scores of 2284 and 2155 respectively. men: Captain Samson, Darnell, Bat- mer in Miller, while Lauter has also Springs course.
Other scores registered in the first ter, Watson and Bement. In the made a good showing in early meets. Bobby Cruickshank, New York pro-
rbreast stroke Coach Mann has enter- koyer is the pick of the Crimson fessional who won the Los Angeles
2053und Phrima Ap IShorr and R. Halsted, while J. lam backstrokers, and White will be en- open, and Tammy Armour, hrofes-
2053, and Phi Kappa, 2)56. sted, Spindle, and Hubbell will tered in the divin event. sinal from the Congressional Countf, Cotr;
The following is the schedule of in the backstroke event. ..onahom tongressiolCoutr
Cati i th i-,l d ii44 clubi Washing'tn D C.. who nlaced

Miss Violet Clayton
Eighteen-year-old British golfer of quently.
Wentworth district who has been play- Duncan,
ing the game little over one year and the most1
turns in cards of under 809very fre- ish Isles.
Hubbard Discloses ;igation0
nected wit
Intentions To A.A-U. ret
(13y Associated Press) playing
NEW YORK, Jan. 26.-DeHart Hub- suested
bard, '25, famous Negro athlete, not had givein
only has refused to turn professional, tour was
he wrote the Amateur Athletic union, added, w
but is ambitious to win the Olympic which his
100-meter championship in 1928 as A. A. U
well as defend his broad jump title. satisfied,
Hubbard's letter to A. A. U. head- said that
quarters here resulted from an inves- hands of

teams that will bowl today in the Captain Samson, and Wagner or nj' :' g .1.V , - -.,
second series of games: 3:45 o'clock Watson will perform in the 100 yarr yard free styler, Vetter looks like the first in the El Paso open Sunday, were
s n-Phi Beta Delta, Tau Delta Phi, and free style. Samson, n t er yr. best man in the 100 yard free style,! among those eager to try the course
Lam ba Chiela; 00 'locPh,-an Hrn styl swimsthe 40 yar r and Bolyard has made good time inj today. Play has been forbidden at
Lambda Chi Alpha; 5:00 o'clock- Horn will swim the 440 yard freen the 50 yard free style. The Hoosier Willow Springs for two days becau-se
and Phi Chi; 7 , D'ltAlpga Phi, eterealy team will probably be of heavy rain. Walter Hagen also has
Sima phah; Delt P'hikAlpha Kappahi in'sedley rhela team will, be c- composed of Royer in the backstroke, entered and these three players are
Miller in the breast stroke, and Zaiser favorites to place well up in the
Lambda; 8:15 o'clock-Phi tLambda posed of Shorr for the breast strokei fm
Kappa, Sigma Alpha Mu, and Sigma stroke, Hubbell for the backstroke, In the free style._money.
Phi; 9:30 o'clock-Theta Delta Chi and Samson or Darnell for the free i
and Zeta Psi. style.
Following the first round, the 16 The Hoosier tank team is coached'
teams having the highest cumulative by Paul Thompson who was formerly LA S T F E W D A Y S
toaswill engage nthsendruda pupil of Coach Mann when he was
neeofthetourney. Of the 16 teams in the! at Duluth, Minn., where Jack Gow,
second round, the four finishing with captain of last year's Varsit y squad
the highest number of pins will bowl
in the third round, and of these four'Ts28 O ER O T
teams the two high"es"t willc etTillotson Forming 28 OVERC
for the interfraternity championship. NTP-
Several upsets featured the second New Ticket Plans $.50
week's group of gamnes in the class $3 to $4 at.. ... .
sbasketball league Tuesday. In the Plans are under way to simplify -
most important upset the junior litsht tt
buried the soph lits under a heavy' the student ticket application plan
score, 25 to 6. now in use, according to Harry Tillot- $40 to ("5 at "2.8.00
It was announced at the intramural son, business manager of the Athletic
office yesterday that the game which association. These are in line with !$3-
was won by Northwestern from In- the possible change in the manner of - $o. a
diana, two of the teams in the Union ticket distribution for the home foot-1 4).. ~ ~ . . . .-
She is a pupil of aeorge group organization, has been awarded ball games.
noted professional, and is to the Indiana team becuse of partici- II response to complaints duringS T
talked of golfer in the Brit- pation of ineligible players on the the past several years, committees i
Northwestern quintet. fare to be formed from both the stu-
The score of Tuesday's games were dents and the alumni which will meet
as follows: soph lits (Heilstadt) 9, with athletic officials to formulate a a
f charges that he was con- s soph lits (Hosier) 8; junior lits 25, possible new plan of ticket distribu- -
th a professional basketball soph lits (Shirley) 6; senior lits 2, tion. A committee to be appointed =
frosh lits 0; frosh engineers (Stock) by the Student council will represent - -
Mlete explained that he was 29, soph engineers 11; junior archi- the students.
with an amateur team and tects 15, junior engineers (Tillotson) Until these committees meet, the
that a proposed tour ad- 4; pharmics 4, all medics 1. new system of student applications
Hubbard as an attraction Frosh dents 11, soph dents 4; frosh can not be made public. Mr. Tillot-
n rise to this rumor. This ; medics 2, upper dents 0; junior physi- son, however, stated that they would 2410 Suits and 125 Overcoats have been sold durng our
7 not conducted, Hubbard cal education 12, soph physical edu- be much simpler than previously and -wae. ItSow what the Michigan men think of Del
hen he learned the use to cation 10; frosh physical education 6, that it might be possible for all ap- r
name had been put. foresters 17; Ohio 2, Illinois 0; Wis- plications to be made on one card. RU
U. officials, while apparently consin 14, Indiana 11; Iowa 16, Min-!Ii INl.T V
with Hubbard's explanation, nesota 11; Purdue 2, Northwestern 0; CHICAGO.-James McLaughlin, tam- y.y r
the fact would be put in the ; Bursely 14, Don 11; Morris 11, Ilm- ous jockey, died Wednesday at New ,-ow ready. We don't ask you to butiy-roplIn pante
- browse around. You'll see tie post )beanitifu l iateris
the Ohio district association. stead 10. Orleans. you ever saw. See the new Micii'ar mnodel. Boy, it's-
a knock-out. Last Fall you said it was the best fitting -
suit in Ann Arbor. Just wait till you see this one.
Watch the Daily for Announcemuent.
We Urge Comparison
Remarkable Values Feature C
LAY The Last Few Days of
Our Great
213 East Liberty St, Opp. Varsity Lauudry"-
SU IT S1111010||1Ililillil HlillilUJili~lli




$40.00 to $55.00
With Two Pairs of Pants
These suits embody all that the careful buyer
wants. They are all in the new tans with the

Twice - A - Year

: a
.; °°

,. 4:,




P" , V.-M.-M!R

coats all a little shorter.

The trousers fit snugly

around the hips, a specialty with Corbett, and have
the excellent tailoring that only R. & W. and
Adler Collegian can produce.
We have a few more suits and overcoats at greatly
reduced prices. All new stuff, and up to the minute
in style. The same style of suits as the new Spring
The last chance at these vonderful Suits and
Overcdats that have taken Ann Arbor by storm.
SUITS-Values from $45 to $50;
with two pairs of pants ........$29.75
OVERCOATS-Values from $50
to $55, the long blue models.. . .$33.50

and Suits
Incomparable Values
in the Type of Clothes
You Like to Wear.

Society Brand
No Finer-

Noted for Distinctive
Style Features.
You pay no more than
ordinary makes cost.
5 $ 2f575

' .. r
.y:L :,::k bH.. jph
Thursday, Friday and Saturday
we will continue our 20% off zal




All Others, 20% Cuff



Extra Special Values in Furnishings, including
Trousers, Fancy Wogl Hose, Brushed Wool
Sweaters and Pull-over Sweaters.

of Kuppenheimer

and Belmont Suits



and Overcoats. Also on Corduroy
Coats, odd Trousers, Lumber Jacks and
Selz Shoes.



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