TUESD~AY, JA.NUA.Y 25, 19i27
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~t A ~ ~ # A ,J 1 L . V ~ 1 1 i' V L ~ 9 ,AI J JtJ jaU iU1e Johun ±u p er, (o ert ari F~.xi e iren ch g ov ern m e t _ _ _
AR A N UN EDBlC IiEW A Ramsay, E Mortimer Sh ter, and has arranged for another Swiss loan,
I~ ~JJL U IIUN L __ __ ____ __ AN O N E B O M TT ER A John . Mitchel. 'says a Hvedipthfrom Zh A iE
mmn in r Patron;; 1(n patronesses who have Lorch, Prof Robert L. Masson adll Subscribe for the Michigan Daly. Patronize I~aily Advertsers. i
been s~eleced for the J-H-op were an- t Mrs.iMasson, Dr.Rolo EL icCotrr--I Dpnal
Fr~4~aic~Wr rigTo Gien ex man of the program sub-committee. Paton and Airs. Paton, Prof. Frederick
~ IO('t CI' ~ir 1idepeTheii'list folows: ?resident Car- W. Petrson andl lMrs. Peterson, Prof.E ~
i~tin g' ndepedentW.ce Cook Little and Mrs. Little, Pre-ale s .fan Rn '.layinor,'~L s ~o ~
Plill nd:i hres. nr and Mr. Ry ,- ee
At 5 s NCA6 (ietIlry.HtcisadPro.Daniel LRich n MSellsL p~do l] 828t
CHAR E ientEmeritus HryBHucisadProf. J.,Albert Rcw1 au and Mrs. Ros- Clark.Sels orss=rsHuciRent alhSoe
Mrs.Hutcins Regnt lph stoeauProf. Charr1.7 H Sto Ling and
fr2nuwiig e oreand Mrs. Stone, Regent Junius E. eal1 Mrs. Stocking, Dr. John . Sunudali '"
fotrdby tie faculty of the journal- rs:aaReennilim . Mrs. Sund'il, " o.Ernst _um IXwr CT
Clomtnrednd rs. ClmentsRegent Wlilby ro. lye 1i .ilso.n and M~rs. - jTHE. [ vzjij i i. SHOP
ismi departmen .t, will be given during: Victor iM. Gore and Mrs. Gor, Regent! Wilson, Prof. Ar."air E. Wood and 4 u,.uuauu,.g h
the second s;emzester for the benefit of: Benjamin S. 'Hanchett and Mrs, Han-a
atudnt~engged in ndenndet cett Reent ucis Hubar !-irs. Woodl, Mr. aid Mrs. John lott,C
s~e'ts enhoared anindpesencuretRs.ee ntLuiu LHaltrd iVs r. andl r. . a :1 leichn, Mr. EDw . A. CLASRK 11 21S.U VRST E0-2EAST
w^laigwh reaniosto scr rHub~bard, Rgetaler1. Saw- and l Mrs.globe: t L. Hall, i\r. .and iMrs.
criticisml and assistance. The~ en- yer andl Mrs. Salvyer, and Regent'CetrSasn M.au Cs ar
rolirtwl e iie o2.James . lMurflp.1T Wood, Fieliding I. Yost'adMi~
The course, which will be conduct- Dean Henry M. Bates and Mrs's., Ira r. Smi iamd Mrs. Smith
two hoUurs, without credit, the ses- Mrs. Bursley, Dean Hugh Cabot and, -- -- - . . ,- -- -
signs to bo held from 7:15 to 9:15 Mrs. Cabot, Dean Mortimer E. Cooley '< *
o'clock Alonday nights, in the editorial and Mrs. Cooley, Dean Edmund E.j
room of the journalismi department Day and Mi-s. Day, Dean John R. l~*-
(,Did M11eical building, Srd floor, east finger and Mrs. Effinger, Dean Edwardr
side.) H. Kraus and Mrs. Kraus, Dean Alfred
Studsnts wishing to register for the HI. Lloyd and Mrs. Lloyd, Dean George
course: axe asked to see either Mr. W., Patterson and Mrs. Pattdrsoi,:
I f uaor Prof. John L. Bruirm, be-; Dean Fred B. Wahr and Mrs. Wah.
tween '2 and 4 o'clock tomorrow. Dean Marcus L. Ward ainid Mrs.
Ahitluh no work will be assigned Ward, Dean Allen S. Whitney andl
regula ly, all students. taking the Mrs. Whitney, Dean Wilbur R. Hum- I..gn
rco"iu r aexpected to bring to the. phreys and Mrs. Humphreys.
ineet~n~gs manuscripts for criticism. Prof. Ralph W, Aigler and Mrs. IHr' n
T1hese will bye rsadl and discussed and; Aigler, Prof. Henry C. Anderson aid' r
suggesN.ion r-as to possible markets for j Mrs. Anderson, Prof. Stephen B. Att-
them Will br ade. wood and Mrs. Attwood, Prof. Carl
There will als~o be some work done E. adgley and Mrs. Badgley, Prof.
in analysis of the contents and appar-1 Olin Blackett and Mrs. Blackett, Prof.
et recquirenieni'soif he various maga- Fredrick F. Blicke and Mrs. Burke,
tin s. iProf. John C. rier and M is. Drer
j -"= -- --- -- - ----D r. R ussell J. B unting and M rs. Bunt- ;APIG+ n , P o . A t u . C o s a d M s
yURyOr SpGUEST oin, Prof ArturLDeCross and Mrs.
OF FACUL Y HERE Denton, Dr. Charles Edmunds and
Mrs. "Edmunds, Prof. Maurice B ikle
At th'e regular luncheon of the fac- ean Mr.Eclb ,
lty of the School of. Education yes-1 Prof. John E. Emswiller and Mrs.
terday, Dr; 'T. Luther Purdom, dean Emswiller, Prof. William A. Frayer
o m e 'o th U n v r i y o Mi s u i an M r . r er P r f ifo d -Ct, . w as - guest Of honor. D r. Purdom . re- G lovet and M rs. G lover, P'rof. C harlesz
ceived his 'Ph.D. degriee here in'1925. B. Gordy and Mrs. Gordy, Prof. Joseph(-
Dr. Purdoi, with Prof. William A. R. Hayden and Mrs. Hayden, and Dr.nnr
Frayer, of, the history department, Paul Jeserich.
Dr. C. . oaksun,, of the School of Prof. Clarence V. Kessler and Mrs.
Bui1ness Adiinistratioi;and Mar Kessler, Prof. Emhil Lorch and Mrs.
e ready
lhen Your Need a
or Reliable, St::ady Service.
& S07n"Co.
garet Cainceron, secretary of the Bur-
eau of ,AT)pointments, have just re- y,."°°. " .s:s 'l.II" Qr
turned 'from' a series of conferences
in NetvYor'k City.:UHOIE
Subscribe for The Michigani Daily.SME OLA
v Vior i c <)4atd ."c tia?
' t i-t llthese c
I1 t d -c, FUTT, ar idcs1for 4.
oo c I
G Aa . T EScc C Y - ~ o 1 6 5 r? C o a l M e n o f A n n A r o r *
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