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January 15, 1927 - Image 5

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The Michigan Daily, 1927-01-15

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KAPPADELIA J..f ovitVwoman Ambassador To Mexico
:. res;eits Credent-is To Presiden

End Bas~ketball Camne By
Score of IM1
Strollg competition was ev i~ll"de
in the basketball game played yes-
terda~y afternoon at B~arbour .gy-ma-
slumn between the Kappa Dolta qw n-'
tet, last season's chanijsions ald fihe,
Delta Delta Delta team, former runi(,,,-p h gm eutdi)a2-).
'victory for Kappa Delta. With the
score swaying, from side to side tic,(
ganie proved to lbe a repetitiol o' ti--(
final one played lst M~arch Mien a
diffe~ence of three points dlecided t7. e
championship. The Kappa Deta cer-
ters, Gladys Appelt, '28 lid, and E<'ve3y1
Ogborn, '28, displayed ospecially gdj
work. The Kappa Delta team worej
uniforms of green jersey with t1he
Greek letters of the sorority in whle.
The line up was as follows:

SELECT DRESS FABR ic OICS I Aew York Child Placing Committee I TCES
CAREFURLLYFOR MTOY IES esToS iniicC r.O F u dig Chorus rehearsals for the Junior
See ToScentficCae, f F un lin s Girls' pa will be a follows today:
j Aovie stars dress to suit their per- jAt 11 o'clock, chorus 3 in Sarah (Cas-
sniyaccording to the latest betorursinifckoleg,-~ well Angell hall; chorus 5 in tthe Par)-
1)01 Is firni lloilywoodl. Costumes r lcn ,00tnionlig ngo lors of Barbour gymnasium.
aye movines where clothing the cast homes wI. ore they ma y grow up loved still they kept on dying. Enten women who intend to tak-e
mc athna res aer jb Ir and encouraged to become goodl men "Finally, a committee was appointed,i
oi e r anofdsecists inkasionsae and women is the work being un- and tried out a plan of finding mothers'a taintm h permission no to (10GirsOrompaorma
Sri feinine ersonaities.dertaken by the child placing comn- for foundling babies. The first year'IikelMnfeda h fieo h
Wardrobes call for designers and' mittee or New York State Charities this committee reduced the mortality advisors of women today. Anyone
ote rfsmnwocni Aid Association. The story of this about 50 per cent. 'who fails to secure permission will be
ctlcz ratsmn ho ankeep modern wor~k is told by MVrs. Charles Dana "The four thousandth child placed'
styles in advance of the mode, use b dropped from the play until the see-
thie rig ht period in historical films,! -Gison, wife of the fanioun illustrator by the committee has gone .to his ond semester.
x\ rk abicsint dsird efets ndI andl sister of Enigland's first woman foster home with this background ofI All wvomen taking part in the Jun-
Criticize the finished product. The ' M. P., and who is chairman of the accomplishment. He was placed with ior Girls' play are asked to bring their
siinpliest dress costs $200 to reprod uce ?cmite the help of the doctor, with the esti- $2 fee to the first rehearsal of their
for the movies according to Andre-I "I was through tragedy that the mate/of the -psychologist, after a study' part. Fines will be deducted from this
Ani, designer for Metro-Goidwyn- originial child placing commrittee, or- 1 of his mental attainments and possibi- sum.
IMayer. Delay in getting materials ganized 28 years ago, discovered that j lities, with the social worker's Saturday games are as follows: At
and the inconvenience of having the~ babies miust have mothers if they are4 knowledge of his family background : 10 o'clock, Zone 15 and Theta Phi Al-
work (done outside the studio are t live," says Mirs. Gibson. I as a foundation and with all thse pha will play; also Clhi Omega and Ma-
(lone away with, lie points out, if the "In 1897 the foundling babies first known safeguards iii selecting a par- son house. Special attention is call-
'studio possesses a dressmaking depart- demanded official attention. They ticular foster home. ed to the fact that the hours of 9 to 11.
mact.were at that time taken to the infants ."More than three-fourths of the will be open for practice.
Brocades and velvets are the prin- hospital, aiid if they were under six] children placed in the early years of; Ulctive class of Winter sports will
ciple materials used. Satin ,and metal-I months of age they usually died. That the committee's work' have developed j meet at 10 o'clocki today at Barbour
I > clclhs make the wearers look large? statement is not based on genci al'' splendidly."! gymnasium. Everyon e bring skiis and
! ~r isiebyircosl- knowledge. During the year 1896, tol And when one consider$ that this tobaggans if possible.
f aic ~ ,i .. e ydietr e use it does nct take the lights wvel,. give a. specific examiple, 366 mother- particular child placing society is ----- - -
Th le fabric depart ment prints mate- less infants were brought to thle hos- but one of many in this broad land,! Mrs. JIames E. Howard is scret ary -
rials according to Andre-Ani's designs, pital and before they attained a half one feels heartened for the chances of ;treasurer of the Howard Shipyard and
and lie generally uses hand blocked j year of life, they expired. We fitted' the future generation. Deck Co., Jeffersonville, Ind. She has>
materials that are more exjpansive1 up wards for them, we supervised the, - personal charge of 500 men turnin-;
than brocades. iinfants hiospital, we fed them to the Subscribe for the 311c igai Daily, out inland waterways craft.
w. -________________________

falhpa 1Deta
Ml. Davidson
M.. McNally ..I
CT. Appelt.......I
E. Ogborn ......
E. Parker ......
E. Townsend ....

Detia l cfa 1)eltai
F.......K. Francis
F.........F. Foster
C. ........ 1. Groff2
R. C....... M. Rice
G. ......AN. Haney
G....A. ljnsworth

1 n. ?cu3 . _t ! ls r.-iu[ ta a e'i) sa3fdP or Mexicand one of the fe)
roe L tn i Se i ltini th eC world, lias uresented her cr(~iCIletial
to0 P rc~~e l, iti t Mc't. She , ish~own "aboveehlatL jug rwith imI.

T.. ... _..,... ...... _.. _.w. .....e e .. ..

Despite the fact that they had been
forced to default to the *Kappa Kappa
Gamma team due to insufficient numi-
her of players, the Kappa Alpha Theta
qunintet showed good sportsmanship
in a practice game in which Kappaj
Kappa 'Gamma playing grood basket-j
ball won by a score of 13 to 0.
Following is the line-up:
N. Alpha Theta K. N., GamI111a
E. Grinnell....... F...... F. Marston
M. Aliderson .... F.......... Bell1
H. Allen......... C. ...... C. Kelder
E. Woodrow . R. C...H. Wescott
C. IHaller .......r..........I. Field
f H1. Keimpf....... G. ........ M. Rice
Both of the games scheduled for
4 o'clock were defaulted, Zone 14 for-
feiting to Adelia Cheever House and
Alpha Chi Omega to Zeta Tau Alpha,
although a practice game was held
between the zone andl the dormitory.
.Alumnae Will Meet
T oFormulate Plans
The mid-winter nieeting of the
alumnae council will be held at 10
o'clock and 2 o'clock, Saturday, Jan.
29, with a complimentary luncheon
fox-, the members and guests at the
Union at 12:30 o'clock. It is hosped
that Pres. Clarence Cook Little will be
present at the luncheon and speak.
Specially invited guests will be Dr.
and Mrs. Clarence Cook Little, Regent
and Mrs. Julius E..lBeal, Mr. Sliirjey
1V. Smith, Prof. and. Mrs. Riggs, Mr.
and Mrs. Robert Campbell, Judge Vic-
tor Lane, Mr. and Mrs, Stuart Perryl
of Adrian and Mr. and Mrs. W'4illiam.
Comstock of Detroit.' These people
are members of the advisory commit-1

Are I-eMmbr
Of 1onise gue,

t Ee league $7,1d4, andT enters on the
member .hip records three generations
oL Michigan women, 100 percent life
In mmbe rs.
PeIr,. Klinstuck gradulatedl from the
j z jiversil y in 1275 and has kept in
close touch with ,all college affair l

For the fir;st timelOslice w omen Have I ever sin e,.iSne has been interested
been permitted wdmsttmi e into the Um n- h. Mic hlp,.n andl sent her daughters
iversity ofMchga there :is atfin- bere, one of whom, Mvrs. Freda, Kle in-
ily of three giencrationis aillmeinhiers stuck I31 enng a president of
of ~~~~~~~~~the Woomen's l~rge i: >r~u tb oe' eagu e while in school.
I'. Kleinstuclk, of Kalaniazoo, ha",gienI t is of interest to note that Dor--
the. fourth la rgest gift to th.e L gci otlry Blankenburg who will be enter-
building fund and has so alloted her igteUi~at ihntenx
gift that it niakes life members of zzlh fewe yearn wFil1be the first graii(-
lh ree of her dau,hlters and four grand- dughter ocf a M?.ichigan woman to en-
Us 11ghters. roll lhere.
Mirs. Klijstuck's original gift in her The entire Kleinstuck family live in
ownnae vas5,OO.I.:rtr i rave K,2lamazoo and are loyal Michiigan
$1,50 inthe anleof hr l ters 'rpor ters. Mrs. 1leinstuck is a mnem-
MIIiis irzn"Kliiustudch. and c ti~ laer bar of the b ordr of governors of Al-
fa full ouosta memn ersbip oll $207 to her immn houhse.
otime dauilghters, Mrs. Freda Manken--
Lurg, anl Mrs. Pauline Ibling'. Xester- MArs. Irene B3. Meloy, chairman of
(lay, the Alumnae counicil office reen -i the division of hohme innking of th e
ed life miembershipp liedges for hier ;1\arylauid State Federation of Women's
four granddaughtersi, TMary Inn andi (lubs, has instigated a thrift cam-
Caroline Kleinstuckt, lMia<aret Hilda! paign for the women of her state.
Ihling and Dorothy lirene laniten- - -.
burg. This make s her entire gift toj In her first novel, "Co-Ed,'' Olive
INoanoe Ilormeld, a zgraduate of the Uini-

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We take. pride in that comfort-
able and satisfied feeling which
articles laundered at the VAR-
SITY give to their owners.

womien's activitie, a 11(
them a spirit of rivalr y
pri'serf e ,threly Ilackling.

arousing 4in1
wvhich is at'

voristy of Illinois, mnakes a serious
study of co-educat ion fromt a women's
vie W P0i3h

'1inin,,TflmflflfllrtinflWOflflZflflTCrSfltqr,,'fl..... .. .. --


What Is


T his Spring?

Other guests will be Mr. and. Mrs. '
Z. Himelhoch, Mr. and Mrs. Harry
Hoagan, and Miss Claire Sanders of
Detroit, who are members of the coin-
rnittee chosen to raise a large sumeE
of money for the Women's league in
Repots from all of the activity1
centers "of the -campaign will be given
with a detailed report of lie work of
tho undergraduate women i their
recent. life membership drive. 'The i
chief work of the council meeting will I
be to consider and formulate plans; fore
the raising o f the remaining amount Il
of the million dollars.!
Award ing Of Ta vani
Key Signifies HonorI
Dsiemany rumors to tlbc
trary, the traditional Tavan Key will
be awarded as usual this year at rls
lane College at New Orlean s. 'nhe
custom is for Jeanne Tavan, donor t
the key, to award it to the woni an I
who displays the most entihusi t'.',
pep, and school' spirit durng: the ys'
All womnen= studlents are ehrigiibl"forI
the aw. ard, -and the winner i-is (t:'h E
by the advice of a coal lmitt eec oV IIe
faculty, and time vote of tale wanmen
Fear that the tradition would be (1is-
continued was brought about by thej
disbanding of the co-ed student body.
It is hoped that the purpose of the
key will be carried out in stirring upj
School of ursiD,.:I
OloYale niers..y
BProfession for the
College Woma~n
interested din the modern, sciei-t-iiz
heagencies of social service.11'

One hears this query on every wo-
man's lips. And wise, indeed, are
the women who come to Goodyear's
to have it aniswered, for here they
may f:econie acquainted with
--dresses that offer the newest
degrade effects
-sleeves that take unexn~ected
-i-ue'tic'stucks and L eros
It is a happy aissemblage of Spring
rriod s we Ihave gathered 'together for
your approval.

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* .if.^M,.,r, t O, ,a',, TkakLz-, tU~ii. % a ,aOM:. -i. .9Wt,,, mA' f arf:Sl~t4 Y .'9~ tl', UClflti]'.iiiW9d*S I4t ftyl'aA#2Slflfi>' FtSfl

Color Dominates the
Spiig ode
And ilue -i he N viii becomtinzg
sdfe a s l t avery urOniIent
ltace ,in ing 'fe' s smartest colors
anjd %,WIll be, the sh emne for many
(01r, Ihiifi Os iiO for (daytime
ilili('Viu~f. Svealof the very'
pew Irck; iunteir (chewer necR-
lines a mu longsleevcs use t1hu
brililiauut blue ciniied w-ithI beige
_-a ('1 'n" Lioni whichi is as :ahat-

a mrin. asa,

/ Oa

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