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January 15, 1927 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1927-01-15

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- - - - - - - - - - - - - -

SS d 1 - t i
Published every morning except Monday
during the niversity year by the Board in
Control of Student Puhlications.
Members of Western Conference Editorial
.A sSociation.I
The Associated Press is exclusively en-
titld to the use for republication of all news
dispatches credited to it or not otherwise
cr dited in this paper and the local news pub-
lished therein.
Entered at the postoifice at Ann Arbor,
Michigan, as second class matter. Special rate
0! postage granted by Third Assistant Post-
snaster General.
Subsc'ition by carrier, X3.75; by mail,
$4.0 .
0bcs: Ann Arbor .Press Building, May-
nard St; ccf.
I'oncs: Editorial, 4925 ; Business 21214.

Spits .,~ji
ran Burger

a . I J' I s

Iviaron Andei-son Paul Kern
Alex Bochnowski Miles Kimball
jecan (i'3mpbell iAl iltun I\ rshininma
Chester E. Clark Richard Kurvink.
Clarence Edelso G. 'Ihonnas Mckeat:
Earl W. De La VergneKenneth Patrick
Williamn Emrv . Morris Quinn
Alfred Le Foster James Sheeban
Robert E. Finch Nelson J. Smith, Jr.
J ohn Friend Sylvia Stone
Robert Gessner William Thurnau
Elaine Gruber Milford Vaik
Coleman J. .Glencer Herbert L. Vedder
Harvey J. Gunderson Marian Welles
Stewart Hooker Thaddeus Wasielewski
Morton B. Tcove Sherwood Winslow
Telephole 21214

fully fostered under the guidance of -
Mr. Hughes and preceding secretaries
of state. While .the suggestion of
Senator Porah that the people of Nic-
aragua be consulted in the matter isOR C1
no sind practically, it does appear
i 'halt t :astale decpartmenit might vwel; 't
"humanize" some of its foreign rela- t The first majors
tions. the new diagonal stn
Nevertheless, in the present sitta- exhibition unique in
tioA, t is likely that Admiral Latiner tramural sports. Tb
will continue to establish l"neutral will shovel snowo
zones" to prevent the liberal forces None of the boys arc
from destroying property and attack- this sport.
ipg the Diaz government. Finally, ; r
with the latter government safely in Another great sp
control, the marines will withdraw. swingout, when theI
Regarding the accompanying rela-! in review. We hav
tions with Mexico, it seems probable plications from dru
that the Nicaraguan affair will cause yard line seats in
no more serious diplomatic break this event.
than already evidenced. Through its * *
Washington representative, th C'al- UES
les government has denied knowledge Dear Hay-Whe
I 0'th m'litary shipments. As far as
the Mexican government is personally stuff about the Won
{ Ifthe co-eds can't
concerned, that might reasonably end themselves without
the affair. Moreover, with the dis- . ., iey don'tr
i', Ci' su y1 S-'crotary Kcllogg and the i
':.-ortune of the Sacasa if your plan for
forces, it is probable that the ship- with subscribers t
ments will be at least curtailed.
through--which it -
- -the co-eds will be
EXTRA DEBATES suffer. They will1
Michigan's extra debates with Al- own way to the th
bion and Knox colleges have just been I dancing they get wi
completed. As the contests were "no sisters to the tune
decision" discussions, hardly any men won't subscri
criticism can be made as to the worth- fund just to get da
lessness of extending debating con- ways Ypsi.
tests to other schools outside of the And anyway, w.
regular leagues. The value of some- building built it
thing need not be judged by what it "Sorry, but I hav
brought an institution in victories and over at the League
More men than in any previous se- * *
mester of forensic activities will rep- ANSV
resent the University on the platform Really, Zarathrut
this year. Aside from the personal harsh on the poorc
value that the contestants receive, to have some club h
h Michigan is advertised to more they want to gossip
d schools. Our public speaking depart- Ithat these tea ro
1 ment in addition to having its activ- quite expensive.
k ities increased, affords more colleges, If it should com
t and their students, to come in contact the boys, the co-e
with the University in a favorable win out, because r
manner. to Ypsi is rather h
The intercollegiate debating class And about the c
spends the entire semester in working League tea room,
for the debates. In the past, all this don't have to go t
time and energy was confined to only to be willing to p
two contests, but now these are dou- stay away from on
bled. Just as we would not expect *
an athletic team, after extensivej
training, to play a few schools, we "Now is the t
should not expect our debate teams marked the cyi
to limit themselves. The debate terday, "when c
E coaches should be complimented, but their sides laug
in addition, more schools should be er lad driving
added to next semester's schedule. dollar an hour o
il to ride around i

e do you get this
en's League Fund?
raise the money
making the men
deserve the build-
no dates except
o the Fund goes
won't of course-
the only ones to
have to pay their
eaters, and all the
ill be with sorority
e of the Vic. We
be to the League
ates. There is al-
hen you get this
will be always:
e to go to a tea



Barber of Seville" .......Rossini
Marion Talley
Er Ist's .................. Schumrann!
When I was Seventeen....Lilljebjorn
..* .* . .* I

---°-1111111111119 [ 11 m111111111 il lllIil 11Q0!11111 111S11 1111 |111II|ll111E11?1'E56illtla11111 illlll11 M
YFriday and Saturday Special
DMichigan Stationery
sporting event in ..(BM feP'ru1:t ~i ~T~I
sp'orting1 1 event in r 'he Popular long sheet--High Grade Papo
Marion Talley prima donna soprano . ..
the annals of in- i1 QaR gua P ie 3
teanlofi-of the Metropolitan, alsislt-d by Jobn P RegularPrc .c
'he B. and G. boys '
[t .b origliano, violimia4t, will present the Price
off the sidewalks. ~F .or two days 46c
( followipogespro-1-amnalsinourtnnoL
re professionals in ! Union c;onl;OiC'k to be given in Hill
huditoriuni on ),Londay night, at S
' i ~~~o'clocek:th?.1R
ort event will be -. . . ..: At Both Ends of the D rgni
Air . ........ .. . . sxol~1dm rm l i iung n n n m u
Big Parade passes Preludium and Allegro .. ......
e already had ap- ..............Ptignani-Ireiser HOLIDAY
unks wishing 50- John Corigliano
the stadium for Aria: Una Voce Poco Fa, from "The _xAT SALE

Factory Iat
C17 Packard St.

Phone 7415

e. ,.... >.m..,,....o.... ...... ...,. .. }

We are closeig out all HATS at
Reduced l'i' Ccis t -iake ready for
tSpring Si t. Every hat is -fine in
Q(ualitiy end r2ht up-to-date.
Bring your hat in and have it
eaned ai BcoI--cked. We do satis-
;'?tory work. No odor, no gloss,
I mrac 5\wes.


Advertising..............William C. Puscl
Advertising..............Thomas Sunderlanc
Advertisinig............ George H. Annable, Jr
Advertising............Laurence J. Van Tuy
Circulation...............T. Kenneth Haver
Publication................. John II. Bobrin
Accounts................Francis A. Norquis
George Ahn Jr. A tay Wachter
Melvin n. Baer J. B. Wood
I). M. Brown Esther Booze
Florence Cooper Ililda Binzer
Daniel Finley Marion A. Daniel
A. M. Hinkley Beatrice Greenberg
E. L. Hulse Selma M. Janson
R. A. Meyer Marion Kerr
Harvey Rosenblum Marion L. Reading
William F. Spencer Harriet C. Smith
Harvey Talcott Nance Solomon
Harold Utley Florence Widmaier

Zarath rusa..
sa, aren't you a bit
co-eds? They ought r Tdley
house to go to when Connaise-tu Le Pay's? .......... T homs;
. You might guess Marion Talley
oms are probably Home..... . acFayden
When Love'Is Kind. .Arranged by A. L.
ne to a boycott by Pirate Dreams........... .l.uerter'
ds would probably Lo! Hear the Gcntle Lark....Bishop
right now the road Marion Talley
ard to travel. I The Old Refrain ............Kreiser
o-eds going to the Introduction and Taranlelle .. Srasate
at least the men John Corigiafo
too, and you bught La Prina';era d'Or ..................
ay quite a sum to. . ........... ..(lazcunow-La Forge

q SSa
VIoi a i U ;tom

. t

* *
ime of year," re-
nical senior yes-
folks who .split I
hing at the farm-
a buggy split a
ff their bankroll
n a cutter."

- ~ P-
Shopping is convenient Satur.
day afternoons -our offices
are open 8 to5 every weekday.

Now that the Interfraternity counci
has actually decided to function, a
was demonstrated at its meeting thi
week when a committee to investigat
the present fraternity rushing syster
was appointed, another matter migb
well be given attention at this tim
namely the system of electing th
president of the organization.
With no reflection upon the preseu


Baseball Commissioner Kenesaw M.
Landis has closed the trial which in-
volved many members of the teams of
the American league for their parti-
cipation in the so-called scandal of
1917. Its ending was marked by re-
marks from the Commissioner which
justified his dismissal of the case and

* * *
Dear Timothy-When observing the
new stadium at the corner of the
campus, it occurred to us that it is
admirably constructed for a marble
tournament. It is suggested that such
a tournament be held in connection
with the bridge, chess, and checker
tournament being held at the Union.
Standing room might be sold for the
benefit of your Women's League

incumbent, he was, nevertheless, put' defined the things that had been un-
in office last fall by means of the covered.
same inadequate election system But even more important than the
which has been employed by the Coun- closing were the remarks that he
cil for the past few years. Instead of directed at the practice of betting on
being elected by the entire Council, the games and the practice of offer-
as is the case in any organization, the Ing gifts to players who win games.
president, secretary and treasurer of He advocated a series of limitationsE
the Interfraternity body are chosen, to be placed upon the members of the
each year, by one-fifth of the fratern- American league whereby they could
Sty representatives who happen to be bet neither on the games in which
present. In other words, they are they were to participate, nor on games
each selected entirely by one. of the in which they were not going to par-
five groups into which the organiza- ticipate, and whereby no gifts nor
tion is divided, rotating, of course, awards could be accepted from any-
each year. body for any rpason.
Conceding the point that the sys- It is wise that for the future of the
tem to have the president, secretary games these things be considered and
and treasurer nominated by three passed on if they prove sufficient.
'different groups each year is fair and When "side-money" enters a game
quite necessary because of the large, where the players are supposed to beE
and. factional composition of the contending above board, fairness andI
Council, wly should not the candi- hard effort to win, those things thatI
dates for all three offices be elected endeared the game to the public in the4
by all the representatives present? days of Cy Young, Eddie Plank and
In this way each fraternity would cast Honus Wagner, leaves. And the gameI
three- votes in the annual election, will suffer if such practices continue.
the men chosen would certainly be I For the sake of the future of base-
more representative than is generally ball, some step in the direction point-
the case, and absurd elections in ed out by the Commissioner should be
which as few as a half dozen votes I taken.
are cast would be entirely done away
with. THE LINK

Building Fund.
* * *
Hay: The men' intercollegiate de-
hate class for the second semester,
according to an announcement made
in the Daily Bulletin will be "Re
solved: that legislative prescription,
disapproval, or prohibition of special
doctrines, theories, or data on the
comments of courses offered in edu-
cational institutions are contrary to
the public welfare."
Rolls should start a campaign
against such subjects; they are too
brief. A much superior subject would
be "Resolved :that the retention of
gentlemen, intelligent persons, or

. relew of tCatGarism i Lec.
ture, by Vincent Wal
We have all beon fooling ourselves
in a grand way. It is all fake andIl
sham: our "theatrical[smn'" (a coited
ternm of Mr. Munson's which lie do-
fines as "an illegitimate child born{
of the theater and stage") has run
away with us all. And the trouble is
that our modern drama has lost a'I
creative tendencies; it is a mere stag-
ant repetition of plot, plot sequence
and situation.
Mr. Munson admits that "the art of
the theater" (the terminology he
swipes from Gordon Craig) is satifac-
Cory as a part of our literature-that
is the drama which we have definitely
committed to the classics. But he I
condemns the actual production; 'the
Limits imposed by the scenery, light-
ing, costuming, stage direction and
the acting itself are too much .for
the frail creations of our American
The solution is to confine the pro-
duction of our theater to our real ex-
periences-to make it the language
of our true fe lings.
Ie recommends the elimination c (:
all attempt at a preconcived plot.
This means that the cast would mouldf
the action along whatever lines the
moment might suggest. But of course
this is all the most fatuous idealism--
one of the most ridiculous Utopias
ever conceived. It would deny theI
actor all the gestures and vanities that
are the essence of the profession, and
in a trade where jealousy is the only
eternal consideration, the plan is man-I
ifestly impossible. At present the only
solution is the use of puppets, andf
this, again, is Gordon Craig's idea.
Otherwise ir. Munson tumbled few1
of our very sacred fetishe,. In fact
he regards our present drama with
apparent apathy. Eugene O'Neill is
our only man of power and John i
Howard Lawson's "Processional" with
its carefully prepared vignettes of
American life is the only significant
creation, outside the Moscow Art
Theater and other similar experiences.
. . .*
Beginning January 9 at the Garrick
theater, Frances Starr will return to
Detroit in Dorrance Davis' new com-
edy "The Shelf" which is of intereslt
for several reasons.
The first is that .hiss Starr is re-
turning to the stage after an absence
of three seasons. Th- second
is that for the first time in her
career she is not under the David Bc-
lasco management--William Fried-
lander is the financial sponsor forj

' .a

CTe Supreme
Creation for
Created by a celebrated Parisian
Master. Sponsored by leading
women of society. A real neces-
sity for all dressy wear-simple,
practical and extremely beautiful.
Let us demonstrate it for you.

The Sidewalks
of New York
AVE become for most of us
that very short space be-
tween going up and going down.
We do not travel much on the
surface these days. If our minds
were a reflection of our trip
through a modern city, we should
be at once the most profound and
the most ethereal race in the
The escalator and elevator carry
us from the subway to the sur-
face, from the surface to the ele-
vated subway. The baggage hoist
lifts our trunks from level to level.
We enter a building and mount to
the fiftieth story. Indeed, we have
almost abandoned the horizontal,
and the force of gravity seems
just a bi.t old fashioned. The
Otis ElevatorCompany hasplaced
at our disposal an entirely new




Though indicated previously, thej
reasons leading the government to
adopt its policy in the Nicaragua af-j
fair have now been clearly and min-
utely set forth by President Coolidge
and Secretary Kellogg of the State
departument. Documentary evidence
proving the shipment of arms from
Mexico to the Sacasa liberal forces in
Nicaragua and the existence of Bol-
shevistic plots against the United
States has been offered.
Without doubt, the government's in-
tervention in Nicaragua is justified

Two recent events that mark the
change of commercial aviation from
the stage on an ethereal dream to the
place where it is becoming a decided
adjunct to business are the recent
award of the year's service prize
given by the International League of
Aviators for 2,167 flying hours with-
out accident and the arrival of the
planes in the American "good willf
flight" squadron at Costa Rica with-
out accident.
The two things, the development of
pilots capable of long sustained flights
without tempting providence and
risking the cargoes and the planes,

university professors who think of I
propositions, debate subjects, resolu-
tions, or other nonsense as occult,I
hidden, befuddled, clouded, or ambig-
tuous as the recent effort, attempt, orl
pitiable gesture as the recently stated
debate subject, on the teaching staffs,
as debate coaches, or janitors in an
educational institution, university, or
insane asylum is contrary to the pub-
Ile welfare and a menace to students,
sensible people, and those who try
out for debating teams."
Cousin Timothy-The football fans
of the Law school, who have an op-
portunity to admire this Stadium
every day, have agreed and want me,{
{ your kin, to suggest you the name1
"Michigan Alumnus Stadium" in com-
pliment to that paper's glowing ac-
count of our one point 1926 Champion-
ship team, which appeared in its De-
comber issue.;

f Irr
{ i
! i
1 j'

TinE Crs ELEVATOR must accept a great deal of the responsibility for the crowd-
ing of Nev York's sidewalks in the congested district. This seems fanciful but
nevertheless it is true. Newspapers and magazines continually deplore the in-
creasingly over-crowded condition of these sidewalks, due to the ever-increasing
licIglht of buildings. If it were not for the developments in the elevator industry
mae by the Otis Elevator Company as a pioneer, it would not have been pos-
sible to erect buildings of the stupendous heights which are now in vogue. It is




it V


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