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January 14, 1927 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1927-01-14

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Y Y11It "A V s/'t }a f..t a

Published every morning except Monday
during the University year by the Board in
Control of Student Publications.
Members of Western Conference Editorial
Trhe Associated Press is exclusively en-I
titled to the use for republication of all news
dispatches credited to it or not otherwise
credited in this paper and the local news pub-
lished therein.
Entered at the postoffice at Ann Arbor,
Michigan, as second class matter. Special rate
of postage granted by Third Assistant Post-
:master (General.
Subsciption by carrier, $3.75; by mail,
Offices: Ann Arbor Press Building, May-
nard Street.
Phones: Editorial, 4925; Biusiness 21214.
Telephone 4925
Editorr. .......... W. Calvin Patterson
City Editor............... .Irwin A. Olian
Fred.erick Shillito
News Editors..........Philip C. Brooks
Women's Editor ... .Marion Kubik
Sports Editor............. Wilton A. Simpson
Telegraph Editor ...........c ris Zwerdlinp
Music and Drama.......Vincent C. Wall, Tr.
Night Editors
Charles Behyrnet Ellis Merry
Carlton Champe Stanford N. Phelps
Jo Chamberlin Courtland C. Smith
ames Herald Cc.ssam A. Wilson
Assistant City Editors
Carl Burger Henry Thurnau
Joseph Brunswick
Maron Anderson Paul Kern
Alex Bochnowski Miles Kimball
Jean Ca~mpbell Milton Kirshoaunm
ChesterE . Clark Rielard Kurvink.
Clarence Edelsoo G. Thomas McKeai
Earl W. Ie La VergneKenneth Patrick=
William Emiery Morris Quinn
Alfred Le-~ Foster James Sheehan
Robert E. Finch Nelson J. Smith, Jr.
John Friend Sylvia Stone
Robert Gessner William Thurnau
Elaine Gruber Milford Vanik
Coleman J. Glencer Herbert I. Vedder
Harvey J. Gunderson M arian Welles
Stewart Hooker Thadd les \Vasielewski
'Morton 1B. Icove Sherwood Winslow
Telephone 21214
Advertising...............William C. Pusch
Advertising...............Thomas Sunderland
Advertising............George -. Annable, Jr.
Advertisng........... Laurence J. Van Tuyl
Circulation................T. Kenneth Haven
Publication......... ......John 1i. Bobrink
Accounts................Francis A. Norquist
George Ahn Jr.° rayB achter
Melvin. H. Baer J. B. Wood
1. M. Brown Esther Booze
Florence Cooper , Kilda Binzer
Daniel Finley Marion A. Daniel
A. M. Hinkley Beatrice Greenberg
E. L. Hulse Selma M. Janson
R. A. Meyer Marion Kerr
Harvey Rosenblum Marion L. Reading
William F. Spencer Harriet C. Smith
Harvey Talcott Nance Solamon
Harold Utley t~ Florence Widmaier

taken the other side, having given its
approval for increased appropriations
for the standing army, the daily ra-
tion allowance, establishments of the
national guard and the officers re-
serve, army transportation, and build-
ings at West Point.
1 It is quite clear that these additions
do not display a militaristic spirit,
but merely provide for the efficient
maintenance of existing forces. With
the appropriations committee behind
the increases, it is quite probable that
they will be accepted by the House.
F 1173E
Next to the Balkans, Nicaragua,
China, and Chicago, Fiume has been
the hottest bed of revolution and dis-
turbance in the world for the last
eight years. Left dangling without
a place to go by the intelligent Ver-
sailles treaty, it was left for the first
nation that came along to grab, and
who would grab anything more quick-
ly than Mussolini?
Now it seems that there may be a
ray of hope arising out of the storm
center of the Adriatic. Jugoslavia
has secured a port at Saloniki and
apparently cares little or nothing
about Fiume. Italy and Hungary may.
come to an agreement by peaceful
methods, something unprecedented in
the Balkans, and the whole thing will
be solved. In fact negotiations have
recently been started with this end
in view.
All of which goes to prove merely
that the best deliberate efforts of the
world's statesmen assembled in a
marble hall can accomplish little to-
wards solving the real problems of
the world, and that progress, lastingI
progress, comes only after years of
effort and sometimes suffering, as in
the case of the solution of Fiume.

One thing about it, that snow storm
sure hid the benches in the stadium.
We can be thankful for that.
DEAR SNOWPLOW: Please make
paths on the campus. And include
ALL the campus walks.
Lots of people rave about the beau-I
tiful snow, but they are the same ones
who cuss when it gets down into their
shoes. Or when they have to shovelI
off the walks.
The latter doesn't apply to the B.
and G. boys, of course. They only
use shovels to dig up the good campus
No, They Made The; Snow White To
Match The Stadium
Dear Timothy-We solved the mys-
tery of the color of the new Will
Rogers-Hobbs-Doc Lovell-Little--
Romeo stadium. They made it that
way to match the snow.
* * *

DRAM Friay and SaAturday Sp-ecial
Michigan Stationery
T The Popular long sheet--High Grady Paper
The University Symphony Orchestra 1 Regular Price 85c
will make its second appearance ofiI For two days 46c
the current season on Sunday after-
noon, January 16, in the Faculty Con-
cert Series at 4:15 o'clock in Hill ant At Both Ends of the Diagonal
ditorium.a1il 111Y1111 lllilli lllillll l 11111111111111111111111111111111 l 11111w i l
The program will be featured by the
appearance of Lois Maier, pianist, HOLIDAY
who will play Mozart's Concerto in D
minor. Emily Mutter, violinist, wiFd H T AL-
Aso presnt Fricdaaynor9-1oui


In 1903 the Iroquois theater in Chi-
cago burned and a hundred persons
were killed by the stampede and panic
that took place. Far away in Mon-
treal people read of the disaster and
sympathized-and forgot. Five days
ago in Montreal a theater burned, and
nearly a hundred children were killed
in the stampede and panic that took
place. People all over the Unitgd
States are reading and sympathizing
-but there is a very good reason for
not forgetting.
The psychology of a mob harrassed
by fire in an ominous thing. In Mich-
igan, to be sure, we have state laws
requiring adequate exits and doors
that open outward-and we disregard
our laws, and probably will disregard

Night Editor-CAS8AM A. WILSON}


them until a panic happens nearer
While it has long been the per-i The main difficulty seems to be that
vicious and established practice of some grafter inflicted on the state a
society to punish those who because patent latch for doors, which pre-
of the evils of society itself have re- sumably lets them swing outward
fused to conform to its criminal laws, when pressure is exerted. The fire
modern opinion seems to be finally commissioner has evidently sanction-
coming to the somewhat obvious con- ed the use of this latch, but the difui-
clusion that it has no right to take culty lies in the fact that it is seldom
away the life it was supposed to give in working order. In at least one
a chance' and a fair start in the strug- theater in town exits are kept locked
for existence. In short, capital pun- : during performances. At another a
ishment is no longer looked upon by blinding light under the fire escape
those who know its injustice as the makes it impossible to find one's way
cure for the crime (I murder but only down the stairs safely under normal
as a form of legalized murder itself. conditions, to say nothing of trying
For centuries capital punishment to hurry, and people waiting for the
has been defended as the only means second show are allowed to jam the
of inspiring the fear in a potential lobbies so tightly that they can scarce-
murderer calculated to deter him from ly move in when they get the chance,
taking human life. For centuries the to say nothing of getting out. Narrow
"eye for an eye" doctrine has consis- alleys, often with obstructions, pass
tently failed in its purpose but its under the guise of exits-and still
adherents still vociferously declare we sympathize with the Montreal dis-
it the only means of preventing mur- aster.
der.......How long will this bombast,
bunk, and ballyhoo continue to be COTNTROLLING THE AIR
broadcast? An aeronautical code for 1927 pro-
What actually deters a man from viding for the registration and in-
committing murder is the certainty spection of airplanes, the examination
of being punished, the knowledge that of pilots, and the prohibition of stunt
any punishment rendered will be car-- flying over cities Or low flying, has
ried out to the letter of the law, and just been issued by the Department
that he will not be free after a few of Commerce.
years' rest in a penitentiary with mod- The advantages of the code are
ern conveniences. The fear of the obvious. Unfortunately it is exceed-
potential murderer or the modern ingly difficult to enforce its provisions.
professional murderer is not of the Yet it cannot be hoped to secure
electric chair or lethal chamber. That control of the air comparable to that
sentence is too rarely meted out. He exercised over motor vehicles until
fears being caught, being actually the air industry has developed pro-
punished. And as long as he thinks portionately. The code may pave the
he has a good chance of escaping way.
punishment, just that long will he
commit murder. OLD COUNTRY ULTULIE
There was introduced in the State Newspapers in England are com-
House of Representatives Wednesday menting on the fact that there are
a bill providing for capital punish- too many cultural, or what they term
ment by means of the lethal chamber, "highbrow" things being sent over
the old pernicious practice of society the air and therefore the radio indus-
taking the life of one for whose mis- try is feeling a decline in the market
doings it is responsible. Indications and a falling off of the interest in
are that it will have a good chance of radio as a pastime.
be1ng passed. But that will not make In the United States the experience
it just or fair or morally right. is very different. The large manufac-
-- --~-------- turers find that the best advertise-
ARMY SUPPLY BILL - ment comes through presenting the
When the war department supply very best talent in the most high-
bUl providing for $3,000,000 more than grade performances. When one con-
recommended by the budget bureau pany in particular hires the leading
is rpnrted to the Touse. nohahly to- stars of the Metronolitan Onra Com-


Well, if that is their alibi for the'
white paint, what are they going, to do
when Spring breaks forth in all her
glory-praise be -the day!-use green
* * *
By rights they ought to have made
it some shade of opaque, to match
the ice that usually covers the im-
mediate landscape there.
* * *
Anyway, they can, change colors
easily enough. That white won't stay
white long, and then instead of put-
ting on the same thing, they can
switch to something else.
Sometimes we think they painted
it white to correspond to the black-
boards in most of the classrooms. I
Some of them never were a real
clean black-if you can say that.
* * *
"Special Co-Ed" wrote us a nice
letter thanking us for taking over the
league fund. She says "It certainly
is generous of you to help us out with
our league building. By all means
apply the 'Stadium bond' fund to it.
What shall I do?"
s s
If you will simply carry out the
suggestions we made in yesterday's
ROLLS in regard raising money, we
are sure that it will be a great aid.
* * *
Let us again urge the co-eds to re-
fiue date- with fellows who have not
subscribed to the League Fund, and
can show a receipt. And if you will
also refuse to eat while on a date,
having the money sent in to the Fund,
it will bring in a large sui.
* * *
DEAR KERNEL-You and Oscar
promised to send in some money to
the League Fund. Are you snowed
(Signed) The Director.
* * *
Although a few suggestions came in,
it rather looks as if the campus were
studying for finals, because everyone
should be interested in naming that
stadium. It's a long time to the finals,
and in the meantime everyone ought
to do his duty to the University, and
the B. and G. boys.
* *
"Useless Stadium" .... Ababa Rococo
"The White Elephant" ......... Hay
"Pedestrian Shelf" .......... Aristide
I "hlobbs Stadium" ........ D'Artagnaan
"Will Rogers Stadium".......T. HayI
"The Little Stadium" .... Sudo Nini
"Tie Rodeo"........Marquis do SadeI
"Doc Lovell's Stadium". .Dicky Bird
* * *
Dear Timmy-In keeping with the.

also present Romance, a short melodic
sketch by Wagner which Wilheimj I
worked into a violin piece. Both
these artists are well known in Ann
Arbor, Mrs. Maier for her two piano
recitals with her husband, Guy Maier, (
as well as individual concert work,f
and Miss Mutter for several appear-
ances on similar programs.
The orchestra, which has bcen in
existance for over 20 years, is now
composed of 72 members. Samuelf
Lockwood, head of the violin depart-
ment of the School of Musir, will con-
duct the concert.
The program is as follows:
"Ruy Blas" overture ....Mendelssohn
Romance ..........Wagner-Wilhel;dj
Symphony, B minor (unflnished)..
Concert in D Mincr..........Mozart
Two Hungarian Dances............ .
................... rahm s-Pariow
* * *1
Besides the appearance of Mar on
Talley who will sing in Hill audht)-
rium on Monday night, the lately pro-
digal Mr. Sink is also presetinig
another high salaried artist luring
the month of January. F'ri.tz Kreisler
will. present a program as the fifth
number of the Choral Union series on
Monday night, January 31, il Hill
The first time that I ever heard
Kreisler, he made a profound and last-
ing impression, one created, not alone
through a dazzling technique charac-
teristic of Fieifitz, but one created be-
cause Kreisler combined all the sig-
nificant elements of violin playing,.
technique, tone and interpretation.
In spite of Kreisler's dictumn that
Pablo Casals was the "best man of
all who played on strings," one recog-
nizes in him the artist who has wt-
tained a perfection ,of maturity and
still has not lost his spirit of youth,
even though he is just beyond the age
of fifty. An audience listening to
Kreisler is put into sensitive communi-
cation with him and his music. This
ideal achievement is mainly wrought
because of two things, a powerful yet
plastic tone and a sympathetic inter-
pretation of his selections. Un-
doubtedly if it were not for the former
Kreisler would not be distinguished
as the maestro of his instrument,
superseding even Elnan. Kreisler
seems to sense the spirit and mood
that the composer desires to produce,
rendering his numbers with just the {
right amount of emotional feeling.j
This fineness he in turn radiates
through his violin to his audience.
Since Kreisler has branched into ar-
rangement and composition a new
phase of his ability is manifest. One
that can create artistic things as well I
as play them is sure of an enduring

We are closing out all HATS at
Deduced Prices t^ -nake ready for
Spring Stock. Every hat is fine in
duality and right up-to-date.
Bring your hat in and have it
Cleaned and Blocked. We do satis-
actory work. No odor, no gloss,
no burned swenis.
Factory H at Store
6.7 Packard St. Phone 7415
i E-
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---R. E. C.
A review, by Robert Wetzel
Like his colleagud Mr. Arlen, of
Blessed memory, Mr. Frederic Lons- ! -
dale is one of those shrewd cicerones
who pilot eager nultitudes from both
sides of the Atlantic among the devi-
otis byways of Mayfair. Mayfair be-
ing, you will remember, a suburb in
Albion, the home of silken misbehav-
iour, where lords and ladies fair play
interminable, but epigrammatic, hide-
and-seek with the decencies. Among

~,~W ashhInto]] Ncar lMaIun

C. Fische

Main Near Washington
v &A

______________________1_____-1 1


flo--irnn 0+4,-,viol,,fi,.a i nt

how-val , the

aesigna n i - j y" 'u' I he
be and gees, why not call it the the briskest of Mayfair'sd
"Pedestrian Shelf?" Mr. Lonsdale's heroines,
* * : more sinning than sinned
ANOTHER FOR DOC have already furnished
Hay dear-Is it possible that you employment for several of
have forgotten the man whose name lier of our comedienne
would be an added glory to our new traisgressions are sonich
stadium? If so, I feel it my duty to more interesting tian the
suggest that the new stadium bear nct.
forever the distinguished name of Dr. L"she Iastatft.Mr.Ch
Thomas Lovell. You may sell the two !Lonsdale's latest play, a
seats and donate the proceeds to the Iholidays, and is now on i
Women's League fund, in my name. holidda wsn.ot
E. N. Avati.( the middle wvest. Thep
* * leavened and exhilarati
main, whose plot, a speci
We are glad to report that parts of ant hybrid, had seemingl
the Stadium benches are still white. feeted by cross "Raffles"
* *Mr. A. H. Woods' bed-f
The Mimes theater is haunted, the Mrs. Cheyney, the most l
posters say. "Shades of Henderson!" light-fingered of the lad
hy o hea Ba covetous of her hostess' n
They should have had a B. and G. I via ebyt a . il

denizens are;
gay damaels
against, who
the spright-

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ow so much
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heyney," Mr.
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