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January 11, 1927 - Image 6

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The Michigan Daily, 1927-01-11

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Coach Barss' Hockey Squad Develops
RapiTdly Fo~r'Inia MthexW kA]

III V"'.4'5' A U1 .)A .LJLLIL4I . .ELm.11 .1 .'.AL VVTC,
IUUI PLl TAided by almost perfect ice during ing it is going to be difficult to find
the last week, Coach Joseph Barss is the best combination before we have
Elhillies, Dodgers, (rianits, Involved rapily rounding his 1927 hockey squad a few practice games."
With Bffalo Niite Ii Exchange into shape, aid with an additional The opening series in Ann Arbor
Of Bair Players. week of pratice hopes to put a fairly Will be played next Monday and Tues-
powerful outfit into cozfipetition. day nights with the Michigan College
IUnfortunately, there are no out- of Mines. This team is reputed to
NEVY YORK !TS URIME standing stars on the present squad have an exceedingly fast aggregation,
buit Coach Barss lhas an unusual'num- and as they have been working since
(By Associated P1ress) ber of profinising men to work with, the latter part of November it is prob-
JEW YOlK, Jan. 10.-In a four-corn- and the team' play has developed re- able that they are at the tol of their
red baseball trade between the Phila- markably fast, considering the short! game.
time the men have been at work. On Jan. 21-22 St. Thomas college of
elphia, New York, and Brooklyn The team is to be built around the St. Paul, Minn., will be the guests of
lubs of the National league, and Buf- six "M" men who have again reported the: Wolverines in a two game series,
alo of the International, pitcher for hockey, and in addition seven new and as they also are noted for speedl
Valter Henline and outfielder John men who are improving steadily. Capt. and heady play another interestng
Jones, MacDuff, Sibilisky, Hooper, time is promised.
Cabler and Roach form the nucleus Following the St. Thomas engage-
,e Giants andI Thomeson and Jack of the team, and: the canldidates that l ment M. S. C. will come to Ann Arbor
cott, and Henline was immediately are showing best are Marshall, Lar- for one game on Jan. 29, and Michigan
raded by the Giants to Brooklyn for son, Wetlauffer, Copeland, Denton, will later go to Lansing for a return
itcherBurleigh Grimes. and Comb. The last named' is a engagement.
itcher BRa n Gimer a fi younger brother of Walter Comb, star If there are aziy men on the campus
Pitcher Raymond Tierce and inield- of Michigan's first hockey team, and interested in hockey they are invited
r Huber, of the Phillies, were also the best goaltender ever to appear on to see Coach Barss any evening this
ivolved'in the deal, going to Buffalo Wolverine ice. week at the Coliseum from 6 o'clock
i exchange for Pitcher Alex Fergu- Due to the number of promising until 7:30 in the evening.
on, formerly with the Boston Red DuyertorthenumberofpComihBs utl:30int
ox, New York Yankees, and Wash- players for each position Coach Barss
gton Senators. 'is at a loss who will play where, and YEARLING COURT
The transaction carried an agree- refuse the opening i announcement SQUAD REDUCED
uent that the Giants' would send Buf- "It is very hard to pick ateam,"
alo a pitcher and an outfielder under c arsa said. "The competition W
ptional agreement after the spring C-c sefad h cme in With the freshmen basketball. squad
'oai geemnt aterkhy sricng thas never before been so keen, and cut to a group of 27 men, most of
'aining season. Brooklyn will con- with the number of good men report- whom .are expected to be retained for
iue samebasisTtcherThese BriWnfersam ll the remainder of the season, Coach
Dmpensate the Buffalo club for LEGLESS NATATOR Fisher has been driving the yearlings
homeson, an infielder, who formerly hard in an attempt to find the best1
'as with Pittsburgh. IN CATALINA RA Imaterial available.t
5- 4.4 A'1 U.l

SHOUN IS TALLEST' Members Of Varsity Team To Invade Iowa
PLAYER IN SOUTH Are Announced By Keen, Wrestling Coach
With the Iowa trig only hree days PILOTS MATMEN F R a a1 CONTESTS
awa, Coac'h Clifford Keen has virtu-
ally decided on the Varsity wrestlersr
who ill epesen Miciga aganstPreparing for the state A. A. U. meet
who will represent .MIIiigan2 against
Cornell college of Mt: Vernon and and searching for new material, Coach
{.Iowa State Teachers college of Cedar Matt Mann will send his Varsity swiin-
Falls. There are two weights, how- rming team into an all-campus contest
ever, in avhich "Coach Keen has not I}I Wednesday afternoon in the Union
made his 15 final chie h n i.
1 punp choice, the 125 and the pool. A' i the regular events will be
135 pound divisions. thrwl e
Reports from the Indiana-Corell held and in addition there will be a
m water polo game between the Varsity
meet last. Saturday at Evanston hatead; alsa amu em
led the Wolverine mentor to rate the Mos ot all-campus team.
Iowans even more highly than before.c Most of the all-campus team will be
Coac Die Baker' chagesheldthecomposed of men who have trained
I{' Coach Dick Barker's charges held the I. with the freshman squad under the
powerful Indian team to a 14-9 score s ision f Cac sann the
and h. Hrsies ar regrdedas oe ..supervision of Coach Mann. Others
and -the Hoosiers are regarded as one!to compete will be men who have been
ofthe strongest prospects in the Bi) r ineligible for Varsity teams.
Te Indiana matmen, in winning Walaitis, Hosmer, Seegar, and Walk-
a four of the seven matches, encounter- er"will oppose up theelay tears tha
ed difficulty in nearly every match. I the best the Varsity has
to offer. Thompson and Fechheimer
The Cornell team gained thredeci are slated to swim the 200 yard brea
sions as did the Hoosiers, while the Cstroke. Walker and Hosmer or Kern
latter team gained the single fall of will swim the 50 yard free style, while
the meet in the 125 pound class. Reif and Frantz will compete in the
Baker, who captained the 1926 Var- who is regarded as the best man on 440 yard event. The 150 yard back-
sity team, begins his third year of the Cornell team. Appleton gained a stroke will be swum by Shorr and Wer-
{ Conference competition for Michigan. decision over Weaver, Hossier star, ner or Chaffee.
He will meet Grey, one of the out-!who is regarded as one of the best Walaitis and Walker are the all-
standing men on Barker's team. The '158 pounders in the Conferencef. campus entries in the 100 yard free
Cornell star completely outclassed Hager, all-campus champion will style event. The medley relay will see
Eakin, Indiana 115 pounder, in gain- wrestle in the 175 pound class. Greil- Chaffee, Thompson, and Seegar in ac-
ing a time advantage of more than ing, of last year's Varsity squad, has tion against the Varsity men.
five minutes, and the Wolverine will been showing good form, but he was The task of outpointing Coach
have his hands full if he continues latg in reporting for practice and Mann's proteges in diving pas been
his two-year string of successive vic- consequently is not in the best of entrusted to Rosenberg and Bailey gr
tories. condition. Wilson represents the Lait. The water polo team to be pitted
The representative in, the 125 pound Iowa school in this weight and lost to against the regular Varsity seven will
< . has not been decided on yet, but the Wilson of Jndiana by a very narrow have Walker, Hosmer, and Frantz at
choice lies between Naglekirk, of last margin in Saturday's meet. the forward positions, Seegar, Chaffee,
year's Varsity squad and Hardin. The Prescott, Wolverine heavyweight, and Walaitis at guards and Spindle
Michigan man in this weight will will face Midkaff of the Barker-coach- tending the goal.
"Sliu" Shoun meen Klinkhauer who lost to Scho- ed outfit, who lost to Fisher, Hoosier Doubts over the outcome of Wednes-
Member of the Carson Newman bas- field on a slight time advantage. ( start, by a decision. Prescott recently day afternoon's meet are not held by
ietbal tacm of iKnoxville, Tenn., and Watson, Varsity man from the 1926 { won the all-campus championship in anyone who has followed the Varsity
.e'Steam, will wrestle at 135 pound. this division. team this season.
the tallest player in the South, it Jones, the Cornell man in this weight,
not in the whole country. Shoun is one of the best on the Barker team THE
stands seven feet, two "inches tall in and gained a decision over Stahrr of
his stocking feet. Indiana last Saturday. 104CHA.s., EAST 47TH Sr
As a regular on the Carson Nei- Coach Keen has been unable to de-inW HAVE, Coai 1 EW YORK
man quintet last season, Shoun scored cide whether Galsterer,,Sauer, or War- I
274 points of the total of 662 scored ren will wrestle in the 145 pound)
by the team during the season. The class. All of these men are of equala
Carson Newman cagers, incidentally ability and it is very difficult to de-
were Tennessee state champions last cide between them. McGrach is the fJanu 7ry 13th
year, and are after the same honors Cornell 145 pounder and lost toIl
this season. Shoun, with his great Wampler of Indiana by a time ad- pw
height, is expected to be a consider- vantage.1' -Our new Spring Woolens will be exhibited at,
able factor in the team's aspirations The 158 pound battle will be one < Hotel Allenel by Rep.'Jerry Coan. See them!
for the second consecutive title, as he between the rival captains. Donahoe,
has already attracted the attention of Michigan'4 all-Conference champion
leading sport critics, in this weight, will meet Appleton
Subscribe for the Michigan Daily.
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Entries for the all-campus hand-'
ball tournament are now being re-
Eeived by the intramural department
it the offices in Wateman gymnasium.
M[atches in doubles and singles will
be played and entries may be placed
.n both sections.
Over 300 students participated in
hese events last year and according
o all indications a much larger num-
ber will be signed up this kime.
Schedules will be arranged and post-
ed as soon as the entries alive been
Winners in both events are given
awards either medals or numeral
sweaters. Interfraternity contests will
>e .started as soon as the other meet
s under way.

(By *ssociated Pre)ss)
AVAtON, Santa Catalina Island,
Calif.-Charles Vimmfty of Oakland, al-
though legless, believes he has a good
chance of crossing the turbulent pass-
ae between this island and the Cali-
fornia mainland. He is entered in the
$40,000 Wrigley marathon channel
swim, starting from the isthmus on the
island next Saturday morning.
Vimmy thinks he has a better chance
to win than majiny .of his competitors
because he has no legs, which, he
claims, drag a swimmer down. Just
to prove his aquatic skill he swam 10
miles in his opening workout yester-
day. 11$ time for the distance was
six hours and 43 minutes.
For the second. time in three years
Paris will be the scene of the French
automobile classic, the Grand Prix,
which will be held on the outskirts of
the French Capital, July 2 and 3.

i .aAvgute gi ee Isp of Le
season has been devoted to repeated
drills in the fundamentals of the
game, occasional scrimmages have
brought to light several good ,men
out of the list of former high school
stars, and several good men are now;
named on the roster of prospective
Varsity players.
The center position has furnished
the greatest problem thus far. Rober,
of Grand Raipds, seems to be the only
outstanding man at the pivot position,
with the others only of fair caliber.
Several good Gagers have been dis-
closed at the forwards. Orwid, Toledo
Scott; Magrin and Balsamo, Chicago;
Hanna, Ann Arbor; and" Bowerman,
Ishpeming, have all shown ability al-
though lacking in experience.
At the guards, six men have shown
up well. Taylor, Ann Arbor; Chapman,
Marion; Slagle, Dayton Stivers; Ka-
nitz, Milan; Lovell, Detroit, and Wei-
ner, are all good men and may de-

I mm








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