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October 03, 1926 - Image 5

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The Michigan Daily, 1926-10-03

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"UDA " CTBE a. -1926 TI-IF. MaIMCNDA Y









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$100,0()O Gift Of Chicago Engineer
Honors First President Of
Honoring the memory of Ethel
Fountain Hussey who was the first
president of the Women's league at
Michigan, a memorial lounging room
will be established in the new build-
ing. The gift of $100,000 which Rob-
ert Patterson Lamont presented to
the Women's league last week is
making it possible to create this mem-
orial to Mrs. Hussey who was a mem-
ber of the original committee which
was responsible for the organizatin of
the league as it now stands at Michi-
Mrs. W. D. Henderson, executive-
secretary of the alumnae council, an-
nounced at the joint meeting of the,
board of directors and the advisory
houses, and out-of-town shopping
day morning that the large central
room of the building which will. bear
the name of The Ethel Fountain Hus-.
sey Memorial.
Mrs. Hussey received her Ph.D. de-
gree from this University in 1891 and
was the first president of the Wom-
en's league during her senior year.
She was a member of the original
committee which planned the organi-
zation of the league. The plans made
by this committee *ere completed in
June, 1890, and the first Women's lea-
gue board meeting was held Oct. 7,
1890. Ethel Fountain Hussey was one
* of the leaders in this work and was
popular and efficient as was shown in
her election as the first head of the
Other prominent women who worked
on this committee are Mrs. James B.
Angell, wife of President Angell, Mrs.
'Sarah Gayley Brown, mother of Mrs.
Shirley Smith, who is National chair-
man of the alumnae council, and Mrs.
Jennie Cheever, at whose home the
first meeting of the group was held.
Records are now being gathered at
at alumnae council office of all the
facts relevant to the first organization
of the League. The work of the first
committees and other interesting data
which will be published as soon as
Patronize Daily Advertisers.

Wesleyan Women
Keep Early Hours,
Says Transcript
Michigan women who decry the
harsh injustice of the week-end clos-
ing hours, would tie well to read the
new rules for women at Ohio Wesley-
an. According to the Wesleyan Trans-
cript, the official college newespaper,
freshman women must be in their
houses by 7 o'clock every evening but
Friday and Saturday. On these latter
evenings they are accorded the liberal
privilege of 9:30 'and 10:30 dates re-
Sophomore women are this year to
have the same privileges as juniors
and seniors. They are allowed 9:30
permission every evening with the ex-
ception of Friday and Saturday even-
ings when they are required to end
their engagements at 10:30. The hated
sign-out slip will not be used for ev-
enings out, but absences such as
week-end visits, late permission, and
out-of-town shopping must still be
registered on these slips.
In addition to securing the permis-
sion of their parents, Wesleyan wom-
en must also have the consent of the
dean of women to ride in automo-
biles. The joy ride is not the casually
informal happening it is to the Michi-
gan student, but a complicated pro-
ceeding involving many requests for{
permission, enough to take the joy
out of any ride. Such permission
must also be secured in the case of
week-end trips, late car permission
from Columbus, nights spent in other
houses, and out-of-town shipping
trips. Such privileges as the dean of
women is not allowed to grant must
be procured through the Student Gov-
ernment office.
Only a slight knowledge of such
rules should be necessary to make a
Michigan woman satisfied with her lot.
Until very recently the University
of Michigan has never employed wom-
en as instructors on its faculty, but
today there are almost 60 women
teaching in this institution who range
in rank from full professors to in-
structors. There are only two women
professors at the present time and
these are both in thf Medical school,
but working with them are four assis-
tant professors. There are 32 assis-
tants, 18 instructors and one asso-
c/iate professor. Ten years ago there
Were no women on the faculty at all.
Subscribe for the Michigan Daily.

I n a aatin-nr nniilr

Ii [MAIN/i LIIaIII I/iOne of the ulans which the member-
ship committee of the University Y.
Financial Report Is iade At Meeting W. C. A. has devised recently is As-
Of Alumnae Council Reads sociatin day. 1I is to be held each
Monday, beginning tomorrow, from 4
Plans for the conclusion of the Wo- to 6 o'clock in Newberry ball, and is
men's league building fund campaigni for all new women on the campus as
were discussed at a meeting of they r
board of directors of the Alumnae wll as for any others who are M.-
_ . . t I rn ld

Association Day Is
Planned By Y. W.C.A.

council Friday night. A whole coop-
erative scheme . was worked out
whereby the various groups will work
in conjunction with each other and
the central office.
t is the desire of the committee
that the centers of alumnae activity
throughout the country will take dif-
ferent rooms in the building to decor-
ate and furnish. This plan if suc-
cessful w illfurnish a unit for each
group and will give a local touch to
the work which will bind the alum-
nae closer to the activities of the Un-
A continuation meeting was held
yesterday morning in the office of
President Clarence Cook Little at
which the advisory board was also
present: Mr. Shirley M. Smith, reg-
instrar; Treasurer Robert M. Camp-
bell, and Prof. H. H. Riggs.
Treasurer Campbell made an of-
ficial report of the activities of the
committee up to date. There is on
hand now $394,231.93 in cash and se-
curities, pledges for $245,400 and a
total amount from gifts of more than
$98,000. This leaves a total of $235.-
000 yet to be raised before June, 1927.
The Regents have been notified that
the site on North University will be
needed at that time and plans for the
purchase of the necessary adjoining
property were developed. They will
be included in the legislative program
for this year.
Patronize Daily Advertisers.

The fi'rst few Association days will
be of a social nature.I' Tlose women
attending will be aole to meet the
membcrs of the cabinet and the ad-
visory board. They may also have
the opportunity to become acquainted'
with the various phases of the Y.
W. C. A. work.
The day, as It develops, will be one
( an which the association will have its
program. It will be conducted by
the several committees, each one pre-
scnting its own particular part of the
work in the organization.
COlsul'niig (Costuimer
Offers a idressiakilg service
prticuihirly suited to Mhe col.
lege woieane
DIyal 4 ";2 18 Aickels Arcaide

In accordance with the movement
among Michigan women for more ex-
tensive self-government, the custom-1
,y lectures to entering women will'
tis year be under the supervision of
the Women's league. These talks,
which explain to the new women thel
functions of the league and other wo-1
men's activities on the campus, have
heretofore been given by the dean of
women. This year, with the advis-
ory committee taking Miss Jean Ham-
ilton's place, it was decided to adopt
a new plan.
The first lecture is to be given by
Miss Alice Lloyd, of the advisory com-
mittee, and will cover the history of
Miichigan, particularly in relation to
women. It is interesting to note that
i'iiss Lloyd as a graduate of Michigan

- - {"

is well fitted to discuss this subject. Summer Efforts
The second lecture will explain the
league and the part that each woman Aid Building Fund
plays in it. Evelyn Murray, '27, presi-
dent of the organization, will speak,
as will representatives from the y. To interest the public in the league
W. C. A., the Women's Athletic asso- campaign, many social functions were
ciation, The Michigan Daily, and oth- presented during the summer montl.
er organizations on the campus. The f rst important affair was a mass
It is understood that the third lec-
ture will' be given by President Little meeting or general acquaintance
addressing all women. Mrs. W. D. meeting, of which Laura Osgood, '28,
Henderson, executive secretary of the acted as chairman. A week's cam-
Alumnae council, wil lalso speak with paign following this meeting brought
regard to the final drive for the re- in $312 to be used toward the building
maining funds necessary to the erec- fund. In addition, receptions and
,!of the Women's league building. More daily teas were given.
complete plans with regard to this Elizabeth-Blackwood, '26, last year's
third lecture will be announced at a chairman of the undergraduate cam-
later date. paign committee, has turned in to the
League office more than $1,000 earned
by the various entertainments pre-
Miss Grace Norton of Cambridge, sented by Michigan women during tie
Mass., author of "Studies in Mon- summer.
tagine," "Early Writings of Mon- I
tagine" and other papers, died recent- Black Quill will meet at 8 o'clock
ly aged 92. Tuesday night in room 204 south wing.

r -







9 ,

/ t

"TheM C l t Aost Complimented tcking inAmerica"
~ r
Full Fashionesikstockins

We try always to be the first to introduce the
new, the smart, the exquisite-to avoid anything
that verges on the commonplace. University
wonfn come banck to us year after year because
they knom that to be individual and smart, one's
apparel must be new, but not popular, and that
we carry a fashion when it is new-not after it
has become popular.


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At Your Service
B EGINNING Monday our
shop will remain open even-

e".0°...offf, P"". .ff.. "foo%°/~././".Pl.r*.Pfs"e .Af.I"f1./"JIf.O.fffflf.//' './".f./


Your Expenditures



ings until 10 P. M. and will be RUBY RING is the direct result
open all day Sundays. This will I of our constant effort to fully
t cinterpret your needs. It pos-
-enable us to be contnually at
sesses all the satisfaction you
your service." have ever known in silk stock-
ings, plus a great deal that you
can only known in "Ruby
- Ring."
IIT Y$1.85 to $2.50
The iwrShop
= ±11~Flo w.VV .1 JI.rj
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Imi11111111111111111i111111111111l IU1111l IIt1111U 11l1111111l11M ain at Liberty
Subscribe for The Michigan Daily.6
Girls nnnuunnnnniun mmmn mm mmlm mn mum mm m m
What Beauty Won't Do Blue Bird Hair Shoppe
to Those Beasts! fl
Rainwater Shampoo -
Finger Waving - Marcelling Experienced Operators Expert Licensed Barber w
Bobbing - Curling=
Open 7 A. M. to 7 P. M. irst Class Service
Anna Gayer -
Dia Phone 9626 5 Nickels Arcade
406 E. Liberty St. Dial 19471
11l 1111!!1111fll ill 1lI I ll lli1111l11111! 911 999!!11lll ll lli lll1111111111199f iill 1113lm IInIIIIIIII III II9999999119119111l 11 l li
The Hollywood Restaurant Ann Arbor Baking Co.'
Invites You to Its For Your Breakfast
New Dining Room
at 615 East Liberty St. Let Us Deliver
1 ..1 -D-11 /%.1 C

It's very easy, unfortunately its a customary habit, for most students
to go on a spending spree the first few weeks of school. Don't do it.
You'll come to grief. You are mortgaging the remainder of your year's
allowance, and that's a bad policy. Especially is this so when most of
your purchases are for credit, and you have to pay up with the proceeds
from your allowance checks as you receive them from time to time.. You
will not only find yourself unable to pay your bills when you should, and
consequently get out of favor with the merchants who have trusted you,
but it often results in actual deprivation. You become unable to buy things
you actually need later on i the year.
Resolve to keep your expenditures within your allowance. Buy only-
what you can pay for immediately or with the surplus from your next check.
You'll save both for yourself and the merchants a great deal of worry.
Its a highly commendable practice to put yourself on a budget, allowing
a definite sum each month for each of your various classes of needs. A
handy account book can be purchased for a few cents that will aid greatly
in doing this. But remember that a budget that is not adhere to is worse
than useless. If you start it, resolve to limit yourself to the schedule you
have laid out for yourself.
The reward comes at the end of the year. You find yourself out of
debt around town, perhaps with money in the bank. At least there's no
urgent wires home for extra money nor embarrassing explanations to make
for failure to settle up. r
Try this year to spend less than you receive.


i ,;

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