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October 03, 1926 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1926-10-03

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_ _ _ _ _ __l~lllllllllllllllllle l | o ll T I-I . M I I-J -N - -

.. AY CORRi.12


y motrigexcept Monday
iersity year by the Board ia
:,Lent Publications.
/ ' "s of Wester onference Editorial
A on.
', ted 's is lusiveiy en-
titi' e for ublicat. . of all news
dispatel ^ ,r n itor no; otherwise
creditecii. -pe.~r and the local news pub-
lished tl
Enter, --apostoffice at Ann Arbor,
e ichig:, aF .ond class matter. Special rate
of pos..' t4r,. _ed by Third Assistant Post-
master Gener
Suhscription ay carrier, $3.75; by mail,
)ffices: Ann -',-r Press Building, May-
nard ,Street.
Phones:e.dit' , 4925; business 21214.
Telephone 4925
or.. ........W. Calvin Patterson
Edito:.. .............Irwin A. Olian
dl....... erick Shillito
.. MearionKubik
.....Wilton A. Simpson
......Morris Zwer ling
Music ..........Vincent C. Wall, Jr.
Assoc. r.........hilip C. Brooks
t Editors
Charles 1 ma Ellis Merry
Carlton Champe Stanford N. Phelps
Jo Chamberlin Courtland C. Smith
James Herald Cassam A. Wilson
Assistant City Editors
Doug Doubleday Carl Burger


for successful busing s-an applica-
tion which many executives and man-
agers have apparently ignored.
Bye the selection of Charl iE vans
Hughes as an American mebr of
the Permanent Court of Inter-, .lonal
Justice, President Coolidge has com-
pleted this nation's representation in i
that tribunal with one of the most
able men that he might have named.
As an international lawyer of wide
experience and as a public official in
many capacities, Mr. Hughes, who is
also a strong advocate of the settle-
ment of international disputes by ar-
bi ration, has an unusual background
to a:csist him in his new duties. With
the acceptance of this post after a
decision to retire into private life, the
for mer secretiary of state shows an
admirable wi:ligness to answer once
more his coutry's call, for service.
Modern indlustrial civilization re
ceives another knock when compari-
son is made between the pursuit of
the Mexican Rosenthal murderers in
which 13 bandits were killed in two
days and the investigation of the Don
Mellet lolling of Canton.
g ntn

l chnowski
_n. (Cohn
W Davies
Cia Edelson
W Emery
Joh:t riende
liortn B. Icove
Mil( 'Kimball
Par rn
Y irshbaum

PT ii y Morehouse
kngsley Moore
HenryNI arymont
tartin Mol
deline 0 Brien
Kenneth Patrick
Mloris Quinn
, via Stone
mues Sheehan
Henry Thurnau
William Turnau
Milford Vanik
Herbert Vedder
Marian Welles
Thaddeus Wasielewski
Sherwood Winslow
'T'homas Winr

lephone 21214
Advertisn a.........an W. Arnold
Advertisiy..............William C. Pusch
Advertisi..Thomas Sunderland
Advertising........George 11. Annhle, Jr.
Circulation................T. Kennet Havn
Publication.................John H. iobi k
.:rnts ..........Francis A. Norquist
G. 2 \)>r, T'1. T. Grei, Jr.
D.1). 7 iv A. M Hinkley
Mv. 11, C.in - J- IHulse
1I a' Carl ...Neraury
7 'tlUy Carp .°r A. M"yer
Sl Von Dames I XV V'Rsenblum
SUNDt OCTO'1R 3, 1926
With de announcement that ar-
rangers a.s have been made whereby
students not enrolled in Michigan's
new cheering secion can now do so
even though they 'ave sent in their
applications for tickets, freshman, in
part i lar, will do well to make the
this opportunity to secure
Th permanent section of 1,200
sea which promises to be the most
ef . . ove and the most spectacular
cheerin .' bloc b Nichi an's history,
has n«of f Iilled rapidly as was
expected d' ,to th gneral ignorance
of the kMtln et bt dy concerning the
details of he plan. Many students
who sent ii applications for seats in
other parts of the stands have since
regretted th.-d they did not give the
cheering sectilon more consideration.
Now all men students may sign up
for the section at the Union-as long
as the remaining seats hold out.
Seats in the cheering section will
be better than any others which stu-
donts w 'ceive. The are reserved
elsew' e in the stands. Extra
s"a for 0 .ierence games have prac-
Sr : i on alloted and there are
ny. for first year students.
Ag,; cIi'.erng section is un-
doubt .miost attractive propo-
sition, l J. ; for the new men.
A subcienL number has already en-
rolled in the new cheering section to,
assuro the success of the project. It
new mains for those enrolled to co-
op'rate heartily in t, movement and
e ' a Michigan's clhoering at home
> c:to a heiw,'- never before re-
't [Rt dITY
Wth a very noticeable tendency ini
adv -ising displays toward exaggera-
tio the merits of the merchandiser
;ires, ed, the definite stand of Brucet
'art': n, modern author and advertis-t
....x.r., for truth in advertisements
is aricuj'arly significant as well asI
Douotless, the overstated qualitiesI
of a particular brand or product will
Increa se the sales records for a lim-
ed time With the adoption of suchI
tactics by compe fors, however, the It
advantage will soon be neutralizedv
and, worse still, educational adver'
t~isf *, if properly handled, is i
a v and powerful instru-v
met 4fdi t, will be thrown
int t 9repute

Anonymous cominunications will be
disregarded. The names of communi-
cants will, however, be regarded as
confidential upon request.
To the Editor:
The editorial on China which ap-
peared in Friday's Daily, was written
with such utter ignorance of the
present day development in the Far
East and contained so many sweeping
statements that are not supported by
any historical fact, that, if left un-
answered, it will surely further mis-
lead the fair-minded American public
in its effort to understand the al-
ready much puzzling situation.
The author o0 the editorial wrote
that China offerred special grants in
order to secure commercial relations
with world powers. Any truthful
historian of the Far East will tell
him that China never did want any
commercial relation with world pow-
ers. In fact, she wanted to have her
door closed. But her door was forced
open by the superior armed f1rome of
the imperialistic world powers. The
commercial treaties containing the
special grants were dictated to her.
She had to choose between accepting
these treaties or suffering her Empire
to be wiped out. She never uspd the
special grants to attract foreigi com-
The author seemed to think that
China should first set her house in
order before she should try to have
the unequal treaties abolished. But,
may I ask, how could China set her
house in order when the foreign pow-
ers under the cover of the unequal
treaty rights have blocked her every-
where and every time in her attempt
to achieve internal peeace and unity?
Has the gentleman realized or ever
made any serious study of how those
unequal treaties forced on China more
than eighty years ago have crippled
her national life? She has badly
needed revenues to set up a strong
central government, but the powers
have limited her tariff duties to a very
insignificant rate of five per cent.
This is only one single instance. Space
oe not permit me to enumerate
more. But what can China do? What
can any government do under such
circumstances? Foreigners blame
China for not tieing able to sing like
Caruso, but at the same time, they
put a very heavy iron chain tightly
around her throat. How can she sing,
or even make any agreeable sound to
the delight of the Western hearers?
Let the world powers first voluntarily
and immediately give up all the un-
equal treaty rights which they havet
secured from China by force, and then
blame China for not being able to setl
her house in order after ten or fifteenf
years if China should still find her-
self in the same troubled situation as
she does now. She has never been
given the opportunity to work out here
own salvations since she hd commer-t
cial relations with the world powers.I
China has desired above everythingI
to live in peace with all nations in thet
world. But she must have an honor-
able peace. She cannot let other na-
tions enjoy peace and prosperity at
the expense of her own suffering andI
national humiliation. The younge
blood of China will turn against bothe
the imperialistic world powers thatb
have always seeked to oppress andf
enslave her, and the Chinese militar-
sts that have worked for their own
personal prestige and power rather
than the interest and welfare of then
whole country. But the young blood 1
of China will first turn against theb
Imperialistic powers. When Chinat
will be cleared of imperialistic domi-

nation and oppression by the West,
she will then have a free hand in set-

It was indeed a pleasure to be hon-
ored this afternoon as we were.
Through a special invitation from the
Athletic association we were allowed
to sit in a seat in the south stands,
t-hat alumni stronghold.
* * *
We would like to write our impres-
sions of it so that future generations
of students could know the thrill, the
joy, that great feeling of contentment
that comes over one when he sits in
one of those seats of the mighty and
sees a football game played on a filed
that runs at right angles to him.
* * *
The boys around us were gamblers,
but couldn't find anything to bet on un-
til they hit on the syst'm of wagering
on the number of yards Oklahoma
would be thrown back on the nxt
* * *
But just the same those were some
mighty Oaks, and the acorns should be
proud. One or two were struck by
Michigan lightning, and others were
bent to the ground by hurricanes and
general stormy weather.
* * *
The Victors seemed to know several
shot cuts through that forest, though.
In fact they wore quite a path through
in many places.
The Orange was to have a lariat ex-
hibition by one of their number be-
fore the game, but probably the police
force arrested him for carrying
dangerous weapons.
* * *
We thought we saw one of the
Orangemen start to put on the ex-
hibition during the game, but
found out he was only throwing
his arms around a Michigan run-
* * *
There was a movie photographer
taking pictures of the game from one
of the curved stands. The idea being
to take a student's view of the game.
* * *
We don't know the reason, but there
was a lot more good sportsmanship
shown in the manner of cheers and
handclaps for the opponents good
plays this afternoon than in games
when the alumni are present.
* * *
the Oklahoma players didn't wear
their cowboy hats on the field. Nor
did they shoot back at the timekeeper
when he fired his six-shooter.
* * *
The Horse Marines were unable to
drill between halfs ' today, as
had beep planned. But the whole
company was present in the stands,
having a fine seat on the 50-yard line.
* * *
It may rain
Or it may pour
But those Horse Marines
Like it all the more.
* * *
Dear Tim,
I wish to register a protest regard-
ing your use of the name, "Horse
Marines." I am a former member of
that organization, and it is a libel on

it to use its name in your column.
Why the Horse Marines swam the
English channel before "Trudy"
Ederle ever swam a stroke in the bath
tub. . I'll never forget that night, as
we entered those treacherous waters
for our historic expedition into Switz-
errand .in a great effort to get there
in time to stop William Tell.
We landed too late, but not a horse'
was lost on the way over. It was
such a terrible expedition, though,
that never since have we been able;
to get any of those horses to go near
water. That's why we have to give
them gingerale.f
Capt. Jinks, IL 9
* * *
Admiral Ixzo yesterday morning
issued an urgent plea for recruits, and
expects to at least double the present
enrollment by Monday night, when
both will meet at the Zoology Museum,
for the opening meeting.t
* * *
A few corrections and additionsb
must be made to the Freshman hand-
book, and we take it upon ourselvesr
to do this civic duty. First in regard
the Union.a
* * *
Probably you frosh wonder why.
you had to pay more tuition than dida

Few of the many devotees of the
twilight organ recitals in Hill audi-
torium given for the last two years
by Palmer Christian, University or-
ganist, were aware of Mr. Christian's
national reputation as one of Ameri-
ca's leading organists; the compelling
and tremendous effects obtained on
his instrument and the perfection of
his artistry were paramount in his
performance-and that sufficed.
At present, howver, due to the en-
thusiastic comments in the foremost
musical periodicals of the country,
as well as the reviews in the leading
dailies of the larger cities, Mr. Chris-
tian has been tendered significant hon-
ors. Perhaps the greatest was his
selection as representative American
organist to appear in the Internation-
al Organ-Orchestra program at Wana-
maker auditorium with the New York
Philharmonic orchestra. The other
organists who participated were En-
rico Bossi, Italian, Marcel Dupre,
French, and Charles Courboin, Bel-
gian. This assemblage was ac
knowledged to contain the world's
greatest organists and Mr. Christian's
appearance marked him as one of the
best-if not the best-American art-
ists in the field. Another notable en-
gagement was the performance of
Eric Delamarter's Concerto in E with
the Philadelphia orchestra under the
baton of the composer.
Mr. Christian who completed his
educationr inthis country under the
best American masters including 3
Charles Dickinson, spent several years
in study and concert in Europe. Dur-
ing this time his technique and style
increased in originality and broadened
into a catholicity of taste that con-
tinue to mark his programs as unique-
ly original. On his return to Ameri-
ca he spent some time in concert
work throughout the country and af-
ter being municipal organist in Den-
ver for two years he came to Ann Ar-
bor to accept the position of Uni'ver-
sity organist and head of the Organ
Department of the University School
of Music at the joint invitation of the
Board of Directors of the School of
Music and the Board of Regents of
the University.
During the past season in addition
to Ann Arbor recitals he has accepted
numerous invitations to play in every
section of the country including San
Francisco, St. Louis, DesMoines, Den-
ver, Chicago, Detroit, Rochester, Phil-
adelphia, New York and other large
cities. He has appeared as organ
soloist with the Detroit, Cincinnati
and Chicago Symphony orchestras
and everywhere has been hailed as
one of the outstanding events of the
musical season. His engagements
this year prior to November 1 include
Jackson and Detroit, Michigan;
Wheeling, West Virginia; Akron and
New Concord, Ohio; and Cedar Rap-
ids, Iowa.
His two Ann Arbor seasons of re-
citals have aroused more than favor-
abe comment from musicians and
critics in the city and have been fa-
vorably commented on by music lovers
throughout the entire middle west.
Mr. Christian's first appearance for
the coming year will be given on
Wednesday, October 6, at 4:15 o'clock
in Hill auditorium.
The program has a most interesting
in the inspiring roster of composers:
Dubois, Rubenstein, Gigout, Grieg,
Corelli, Liszt, Dvorak and Sibelius.
One of the Grieg Nocturnes has been
especially transcribed for the organ
by Mr. Christian. The "Angel Scene"
from "Hansel and Gretel" will carry
a wide appeal to many and .is one of
the most dramatic of the opera; and

Jean Sibelius' tone poem "Finlandia"
which the United States Marine Band
will play in their concert next Satur-
day will be the concluding number.
The Corelli prelude-Corelli was the
first of the great violinists-is from
his ninth sonata. In short the pro-
gram is dramatic-intensely dramatic
-and carries a wide appeal. This
recital inaugurates the musical year
in the University of Michigan.
* * *
Playwrights seem to be increasingly
fearful of enduring the rigors of
Broadway production alone-perhaps
on the theory that if it is a "flop" its
the other fellow's play. In ay event
the other fellow's play. In any event
of collaborative shows: "Broadway"
by George Abbott and Philip Dunning;
"The Good Fellow" by George S. Kauf-
man and Herman J. Manciewicz and
"The Man Who Forgot" by Owen Davis
and S. N. Behrman.
Several of last season's successes
were also the result of collaboration
and both of these plays will be pre-



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Today and 1VIonday
"Western Fate"
Helen and Warren Comedy
and Felix the Cat
Virginia Valli
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5:30-7:30 ,




The Music At
Many of those who have attended
the season's first dances have remarked
about the pep, rhythm and harmony
which was so characteristic of the orches-
tra last year and which is even more
noticeable this year. Add to this an
excellent floor, pleasant surroundings, a
forced air system which accurately con-
trols the heat and ventilation-and then
a peppy orchestra to make the whole
thing a success.
This year, in addition to our regular
activities at the Academy, we are con-
ducting a booking agepcy for trained
and rehearsed orchestras of all sizes and
combinations for entertainment or dance
engagments. Information on request.





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