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October 02, 1926 - Image 5

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1926-10-02

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$ATU.DAY, OCTOBER '2, 1926


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W- 1
All Problems And Misdemeanors Will
e Bruhght fore League Judi.
ca Board
For the first time in the history of
self-government at Michigan all prob-
lems of rule violation will be brought
before a judiciary council composed en-
tirely of undergraduate women. Abso-
lutely every misdemeanor, whether of a
moral nature or not, will be turned over
l to this board of students.
1 Charlene Shiland '27 who is chairman
of the judiciary board, announced Wed-
nesday that the members would meet in
the office of the Women's league every
Tuesday and Thursday from 4 to 6
o'clock. Nobody who has not previously
made an appointment with the office of
the advisors to women through Norma
Bicknell Mansfield, '26, will be allowed
at the meeting. Mrs. lyansfield will act
as general advisor to the committee and
if at any time the problem seems too
much for the student group to handle
they will refer the case back to Miss
Zioyd and the office of the advisors.
For years the women of Michigan have
been working toward a system of self-
covernment which would permit them to
4dminister the laws which they had been
aflowed to make. The machinery of the
present constitution provides this, but
until this year, the administration of the
v aws has fallen to the lot of the dean's
office. Because of this, the feeling be-
came widespread that the rules were of
acuty making. This year will mark
new step in self-government among the
ST Judiciary 'council this year is com-
posd of Charlene Shiland, '27, chairman,
lice Kellogg, '28, and Laura Osgood,
28, junior members and Evelyn Murray,
'27, and Marjorie Miller, '27, president
and vice-president of the Women's lea-
gue as ex-officio members. Mrs. Mans-
field will not be present at the hearings
but will act only as advisor for difficult
cases. The members of the council have
been investigating similar systems in other
colleges during the summer and are pre-
pared to give their best efforts to the en-
forcment of Women's league rules.
Inter-class hockey practice for Uni-
versity women will start Tuesday, Oc-
,pber ,All freshmen and juniors will
- play at 4 'clock and the sophomores
and seniors at 5 o'clock. Attendance
. im. be strictly recorded from the first
and it is important that all women de-
siring to play attend the first practice.
It is hoped that a recorddatendance may
be achieved this year and sufficient ma-
terial be found for two or possibly
three teams for each class.
Class hockey managers will be elected
on Thursday, October 7, but until that
time temporary managers will be ap-
pointed. The managers together with
the head of the sport will arrangethe
practices. It will be necessary for the
newly appointed and elected managers to
be on the field early, in order to take
roll, check on the equipment, arrange
extra practices, and above all to become
acquainted with their groups in order
to help in making team selections.
I This year, for the first time, hockey
as well as other sports will be run di-
rectly by the W. A. A. Heretofore the
physical education department has had
almost complete charge but from now on I
the department will confine its attention
only to the matter of coaching.
Girls' Glee Club
To Hold Tryouts

Tryouts for the University Girls'
Glee club will be hield at 4 o'clock
STuesday and at 3 o'clock Wednesday
of next week in the Glee club studio
of the University School of Music.
Miss Nora Crane Hunt is organizing
the club this year as in previous sea-
sons, and under her direction and sn-
l j pervision the members are plan-
ning their program for the semester.
Already the club has agreed to sing
In Mt. Clemens on Oct. 25 as the\
I guests of the Musical Circle of that i
city. Jackson will also be visited,
and the voices of the singers will be
t broadcasted by the Detroit stations
WWJ and WCX soon.
Subscribe fo The Michigan Dally.

Anyone d-:siring to buy a little blue and
gold Michigan dog, can get one by either
signing up for it at the League candy,
booth in University hall or they can buy
one at any of the dormitories, Barbour
gymnasium or Alumni hall. Ililda Mary
Evans, '29, h s charge of the sale of the
dogs. All returns will go toward the
league building.fund.
Will all women who gave bridge par-I
ties or teas during the summer for the
benefit of the Women's league building
please report and turn in their money at
Room A of Alumni Memorial building
some time this week.
Read the Want Ads

Announcement is made by the ad-
visory committee, of this year's sched-
ule of lectures which all entering wo-'
men, whether freshmen or upperclass-
men are required to attend. A course
of three lectures will be given dealing
with "University Organization."
In these discussions the new wom-
en are given an explanation of thel
functions of the Women's league as
well as the system of self-govern-
ment under which the league raw op-

Your w private St ock
roroicea I "" y Tiad Evers
Oft ce airdjSchool 6iEe d rp ka Value 5
ctyta ou te10s.
So far as writing goes, that's exactly what about the Eversharp Utility Unit. More-


you get in the Eversharp Utility Unit.
A year's supply of erasers [6], Ever sharp
Red Top leads [6 tubes), and a genuine
orange-enameled Eversharp pencil [1]that
will last you from now on.
You get them all in the smart little red
and gold box -a dollar fo' bits' worth
[$1.50) for a single smack [$1.00]. It's a
bargain, and you can shake your good write
hand on that!
This is the only time we'll run this 'bg
convincing ad in this great family, journal

over, there's only a limited stock at your
dealer's. So make up your mind to get
your year's supply right now.
Line forms at the Eversharp and Wahl
Pen counter.

crates. Representative women of each
of the societies on the campus will
be present to talk with those who
plan to enter dramatic, debating, or
literary work, or similar activities.
The talks for freshmen are ar-
ranged for Oct. 4, 5, 11, and 12 at 7
o'clock in Sarah Caswell Angell hall i
of Barbour gymnasium, and Nov. 2
at 7:30 o'clock in the ball room of the
Michigan Union; upperclasswomen
are asked to attend those on Oct. 7
and 14 at 7 o'clock in Sarah Caswell
Angell hall and Novi, 2 at 7:30 o'clock
in the ball room of the Union.
Further announcements relative to
the grouping for. the various dates
will be made through the Michigan

Eversharp Utility Unit
1 Enameled Eveisharp, value . . .
6 Tubes Eversharp Red Top Leads (18
sticks in tube, total 108 sticks), value
6 Eversharp Erasers, valua . . . .

. $0.50

Total valu



LimWite Time Offer, $1.00

the name is on tDe pcncil
Im useful, too. And I go along with every Ever-
sharp, whether it's the 50-center, the case-note utility,
or the month's allowance gold one. Also free. Pick
me up at the Eversharp and Wahl Pen Counter.
D 1926. The WahI Company. Chicago -WALLY, the Eversharp Kid



Wool Blouses
Corduroy and
Leather Coats
For Ladies and Men
in Tan and Grey Suede, Reindeer
nd Horse Hide as well as Corduroys,

- - -- --------------
1 K
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We are offering a large assortment
Flesher, Black and Brown Napa a

Wool Plaids and Wool Navakots.

Y 7S4 I

Tower's Fish Brand Slickers
All Myles and Colors for Ltidies and lien.

Men and Women

of I

-All are popular campus garments and our prices
are as popuar as the garments.
Wool Blankets
All kinds, for every need, just what you need these colds nights.
Also a large showing of Auto Robes and Steamer Rugs.

Have You Visited
Our Music ShopI
Columbia Records




' !

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