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October 02, 1926 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1926-10-02

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SATURDAY, OCT08lE 2, 1925

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mie r4tostt JRa t I
Publis-d every morning except Monday
durinrg the U niversity year by the Board in!
Control of Student Publications.
Members of Western Conference Editorial
The Associated Pis is exclusively en-l
tithed to the use for republication of all news
dispitches credited to it or not otherwise
red;!inr ihis paper and the local news pub-
1;;;heu therein.
1 at the postoffice at Ann Arbor,
Ii cl ;isecond class mnattes. -Special rate
a syreegranted by Third Assistant Post-
mna~tei General.
Su scription by carrier, $3.75; by mail,
0 a ces: Ann Arbor Press Building, May-
nard Street.
I"hones: Editorial, 4925; business 21214.
Telephone 4925
Editor.... ...... Calvin Patterson
City .Editor................ .Irwin A. Olian
News Edtbrs........... Frederick Shillito
- -.. . . IPhilip C. Brooks
Women's Editor..............Marion Kubik
Sports Ed'(itor-.. ......Wilton A. simpson
I'elrap1-',litor:...........Mo;ris Zwerdling
Music and Drama........ Vincent C. Wall, Jr.
Assoc. Nw Editor.........Philip C. Brooks
Night Editors

Wars are generally disagreeable
things, and the World war reached
such extremes in this respect that
people throughot the world have en-
deavored wholeheartedly to forget the
great catastrophe and build for the

R ,~






future in such a manner as to avo. tast to show the great and mighty

Charler. elchyimer
Carlton Charpe
Jou Chamberlin
James Herald
Douglas Doubleday

Alex Bochnowski
Jean Camp ell
.Emanzie-l C aplan
Martio J. Cohn
Windsor lDaics
Clarence Eldeson
William E iery
John I'riernd
Robert Gssner
Elaine, Guber
Morton I. Icove
l lfiles Kiniba'I
M':iltoi5 lIirshbaum
Garland ihcllo;g-.
-1larriet Levy
G. Thomas McKea

Ellis Merry
Stanford N. Phelps
Courtland C. Smith
Cassam A. Wilson
nt City Editors
Y Carl Burger
Dorothy Morehouse
Kingsley Moore
Henry Marymont
Martin Mol
Adeline O'Brien
Kenneth Patrick
Morris Quinn
Sylvia Stone
James Sheehan
Henry Thurniau
William Thurnau
Milford Vanik
Herbert Vedder
M larian Welles
Thaddeus Wasielewski
Sherwood Winslow
an Thomas Winter

Telephone 21214
Adv ti rn.................Paul W. Arnold
A lvwtibng...............William C. Pusch
Advertising...............Thomas Sunderland
A ei sin . . - -.George' .Annable, Jr.
Circ;lno..........T. Kenneth Haven;
Publication{......John H. Bobrink
Accounts.. ....Francis A. Norquist
G. B. Ahn, Jr. , T. T. Greil, Jr.
D M. Brown A. M. Hinkley
M. I. Cain . E. L. Hulse
Harvey Carl S. Kerbaury
Dorothy Carpenter R. A. Meyer
Marion Daniels H. W. Rosenblum

Nigjit Editor-CASSAM A. WILSON


Now that Russia has completed the
five year treaty with Lithuania, which
pledges the two countries to non-ag-
gressio and neutrality Ii the event
of the other party to the treaty being
at;ko by'a third power, the hopes
of th statesmen who have been
striving for a Baltic Union apparently
have been dashed on the rocks.
To Russia. the past is a great
strategic prize, in view of constant
rumors that the Pilsudski government
contemplates aggressive action against
her, for id suck a4i ventuality the
fri,-ld shipD and' pledged neutrality of
Li 'pia would bE bf marked value,
and the freaty is.,undoibtedly a link
in a series: of such' pacts which each
of the Baltid states hopes to consum-
mate with Riussia, inow that the pro-
posed Unioti has been 'defeated.
However, due to the peculiar posi-
tion of Poland, such a proceedure can,
scarcely be effective and in time is
likely to lead to other difficulties, for
the treaty which was signed by Russia
and Lithuania indicates that if the
other negotiations are successful,
Poland will be placed in an isolated
position from her northern neighbors,
for the Russo-Lithuanian treaty is
based on a recognition of the Li-
thuanian title to Vilna, which was
captured from Lithuana by Poland in
1921 when Marshal Pilsudski, the
present master of Poland, was presi-
dent of the country. It is therefore
obvious that it would be excee4ingly
difficult for Poland and Russia to
come'to any agreement unless Poland
would ibe willing to relinquish her
claim to Vilna, which she probably'
would not do.
Further, the Soviet monopoly of
foreign trade is proving an obstacle
in bringing Finland, Esthonia and
Latvia together, as Russia intimated
quite recently to Esthonia that there
were several large contracts which
might be thrown her way if the union
project. was -not revived. Although
this country has not made her reply,
in the present state of her finances
and industry, it probably would take
a very tempting offer to make her de-
cline the contracts.
So the international eye is being
turned toward the Baltic states to see
what the outcome of the neutrality

its repetition. France, however, has
been not only willing but seemingly
anxious at times to affront the Ger-
mans and the German people, in spite]
of the fact that the Germans have1
established a republic and attempted1
in every way to become trustworthy
citizens of this universe; the latest
attack, which occurred in Premier
Wincare's address to the French Dis-
abled War Veterans annual conven-
tion, is so unreasonable and so un-
worthy of the head of a great state
as to be almost disgusting.
"We cannot forget," he said, "that
we were invaded across the soil of a
neutral country and that war was de-
clared upon us, and that the war was
prosecuted with pitiless cruelty under
orders from the imperial general
staff." These facts are all true, no
doubt, but when a nation shows re-
grets for its actions, at least attempts
to make amends for its mistakes,
should the fact that she erred con-
stantly be thrust before her? Should
the already bleeding wound in her
side be made more angry, and should
she be egged on until she again com-
mits some breach of , international
etiquette. An attitude of helpfullness
on the part of France would assist
considerably in keeping international
The ironical climax of the speech
came in the last paragraph when
Poincare refused to state whether or
not France would pay her war debts,
following which the president of the
veterans' association imploied the
members to vote for men who were
opposed to acknowledging the French
debts to the United States and Eng-
Germany has been paying her debt
for five years; by much better rea-
soning than that pf Poincare, we can
draw reasonably sound conclusions as
to which nation is at present perform-
ing the most worthwhile role. The
present is the matter of the most im-
portance. The Marne, Vimy Ridge,
and Belleau Wood are in the past,
dead and useless,- and this fact should
be realized. Peace should be pre-
served at the expense of forgetting the
past. Words such as those uttered by
Poincare are dangerous missiles-
possible consequences seem forboding.
In the year 1742, two ambitious men
founded, in what is now the town of
High Bridge, New Jersey, the Allen-
Turner Iron and Steel company to
manufacture hardware and tools for
colonial farmer. Today the company
is one of the larger and more prosper-
ous mills of the East and for almost
two centuries has had a worthy hi
tory. During the Revolutionary war,
the War of 1812, the Civil war, the
Spanish-American war, and the recent
World war, the factory worked night
and day to supply the government
with ammunition. Perhaps one of the
reasons why the concern is thriving
and prosperous today when others
have failed during its 184 years of life
is because it has never had a strike.
As such it is unique.
The reasons for this are compara-
tively simple. The first is that the
company has always been controlled
by men who lived near and with the
workmen, understood their problems,
and applied the "golden rule" to fac-
tory management. The second is that
neither executives or workmen toler-
ate any titular or class distinctions.
Employees just work for "our fac-
tory." The third is that workmen and
administrative heads alike enter the
company's service, to take the places

of their fathers and carry on the fam-
fly traditions.
Some years ago a young efficiency
expert thought it advisable to form a
factory council composed of repre-
sentatives of officers and workmen,
to forestall any possible strike by
airing grievances before they became
dangerous. The council met a few
times and then found a grievance.. It
was the council. The workmen' de-
cided it was unnecessary and a time-
waster. It was abolished and a vote
of confidence given the management.
Perhaps that will indicate why this
factory has never had a strike.
It is exceedingly interesting after
all the talk about industrial warfare,
of "employer-employee antagonism,"
and an "eat or be eaten" attitude, to
find an ideal factory community thriv-
ing like High Bridge. It offers unusual
opportunities for social study and

influence the public press holds over
its readers, we pass on to you thisc
news. We understand that a farmerr
lad drove up to a sorority in his1
horse and buggy lastinight, and when£
he arrived at the door he found the I
whole house waiting with their pret-
tiest smiles. They invited him in, and
gave him a seat of honor. There was
a noticeable lack of sisterly love as
they crowded around him. After the
flood of feminine conversation hadr
subsided a little, the young man made]
bold to remark, "I came to see if may-
be you needed some nice fresh vegeta-
bles. I have onions, spinach.." But I
the audience had fainted.
* * *
ROLLS feels that it is in a way
to blame for this accident, and
hereby warns all co-eds to re-
member that there are imposters
at work.
* * *
In line with the present popular
"Back to Buggies" movement, it is
natural that an organization be form-
ed to encourage the idea. And thus it
is that ROLLS is pleased to announce
that a new club will soon make its
appearance on this campus: "THE
* * *
Under the able leadership of Icabod
Ixzo, '42, formerly admiral of the
Dead Sea fleet of the Mexican navy,
the HORSE MARINES will be an
active group seeking for the best in-
terests of the campus and University.
Recruiting will begin immediately.
For the present, headquarters will be
maintained in the Zoology Museum.
Later the club will hold a campaign
for funds to build themselves a club-
house. It is expected that this will
be built on the site of the proposee
Women's league building. Admiral
Ixzo believes that the club could se-
cure a 99 year lease, the property to
be vacated in pletny of time for the
erection of the League building.
"* "
No experience in horsemanship is
necessary for membership. Horse
and rider can start out in training
together. Admiral Ixso is a prince
of a fellow, and can't ride very well
The rainy weather we have had
lately is taken as an omen of great
import by Admiral Ixzo, who says
that it is just the thing for training
a fine bunch of Horse Marines.
* * *
It may rain
Or it may shine
But the Horse Marines
Will take their time.
* * *
No puns will be accepted by this
department on the Marines being "all
wet,' because that wouldn't be true.
The Horse Marines always carry
umbrellas instead of guns.
* * *

As the second program in a series
of concert throughout the middle-west
Barre-Hill, '26, will appear in a joint
recital in Hill auditorium on October
19 at the Michigan Federation of Mu-
sic clubs. The return of this talented
baritone will be one of the outstand-
ing events of the early musical sea-
son. This will be perhaps his only
appearance in Ann Arbor during the
year due to his completed program of
Barre-Hill will be remembered for
his work in musical and dramatic cir-
cles on the Michigan campus. Bei
a member of Mimes, Comedy Club
and other musical and dramatic or-
ganizations he was a prominent figure
during his University career. His
dramatic activites included appear-
ances in the first Mimes production of
Gilbert's "Engaged" last year and
Comedy Club's "Outward Bound" of
the year before, while he was also
prominently cast in three Union oper-j
as, "Cotton Stockings," "Tickled To'
Death" and "Tambourine." He was
also a soloist with the Michigan Glee
Club for three years both for local
appearances and on tour, while
he was also vocal soloist for the
Michigan Band.
.Mr. Hill's season opens next Sun-
day when he will be soloist in the
Metropolitan Methodist church in De-
troit, while immediately after he will
leave for Akron, Ohio, where he will
appear in a joint recital with Palner-
Christian, University of Michigan or-
ganist. His next appearance will be
in Hill Auditorium in Ann Arbor while
on October 26 he has been engaged to
give a recital in Kimball hall Chicago.
Mr. Hill has previously given recitals
in Chicago, Akron and Ann Arbor and
his return to these cities indicates
a cordial reception there.
In November he will begin an ex-
tensive tour of the southwest return-
ing to Detroit to be a soloist with the
Detroit Symphony orchestra on De-
cember 19. This is a distinct honor
for so young an artist.gOutstanding
concerts during the spring will be his
appearance with the Chicago Symph-
ony orchestraat the biennial conven-
tion of the 'National Confederation of
Music Clubs which will be held in
Chicago. Theodore Harrison, another
prominent Ann Arbor singer and Ar-
thur Craft as well as other nationally
known artists will appear on the pro-
gram in a rendition of Kelley's "Pil-
grim's Progress." In April he will be
a soloist at the Apollo Club in Chi-

V 194 PE
I 1

- -.-_-


After the Football Game, Dine
at the Arbor Fountain
Special Lunch and Dinner Ready to Serve.

Rider''s lPen Shop
That beginning the middle of this week, we will enter the local
Typewriter Field
selling, renting and servicing standard makes of typewriters.
In keeping with our policy of the past, we will handle only
reputable, dependable merchandise and all work turned out will be done
by skilled workmen in this line.
We will have a large and complete line of rental machines to
enable you to select your favorite make and in the selection of these
machines care has been used to see that they are up-to-date and above)
all, serviceable.
Let us serve you on typewriters and we will try to deserve your
patronage as in, the past.

Rider's Pen Shop
31 South State Street



Two Complete
College Stores
Both Ends of
The Diagonal' Walk




,...,_- w r.. r


the Tolstoy League has no team
entered in the World Series.

** *
This country was settled by the
horse and wagon. As our forefathers
rode in their wagons over the present
site of Chicago, they dodged the ar-1
rows of Indians, even as today good
citizens there drive through in their
autos, dodging bullets. Why should
we scorn the agency that brought our
forefathers away from Boston, from
New York and the East in general?
We should be grateful to the horse
and wagon! Abraham Lincoln drove
a horse and buggy. And it carried:
him to the. White House. Better go
to the White House in a horse and,
buggy than to go to the poor house
in a Packard. Let's go back to bug-
* * *
Another thing about buggiest if you'
train the horse, you don't have to wor-
ry about getting arrested for parking.
Just turn the horse loose, and let it'
walk around the block a few times.
* * *

The Detroit theaters offer a diver-
sity of attractions beginning next
week with the advent of two New
York musical comedies with supposed-
ly intact casts, while revivals of the
Gilbert and Sullivan operas also are
experiencing a temporary vogue.
The new comedies are "Tip Toes"
at the New Detroit which is closing
"Ben Hur," while the Cass theater
which is finishing a run of "Princess
Flavia" begins "Queen High." The
Shubert-Lafayette closes "The Mi-
kado" and inaugurates "Pinafore"-
also a Gilbert and Sullivan opera. "At
Mrs. Beam's C. K. Munro's London
success may be seen at the Bonstelle
Playhouse and "Square Crooks" is
playing a limited engagement at the
Garrick. The Shubert Detroit with
another "original New York company"
sign out is running the Earl Carroll
* * *
"Queen High" which has been
heralded 'as the "Ace of Musical Com-
edies" comes to the Cass theater Sun-
day evening, October 3rd, with a well-
known cast of players that are headed
by two favorites, Julia Sanderson and
Frank Crumit.
Laurence Schwab who produced
"The Gingham Girl," "Sweet Little
Devil" and "Captain Jinks" is like-
wise the sponsor of "Queen High"
and Mr. Schwab in association with
B. G. DeSylva is responsible for the
book and lyrics, while Lewis E. Gens-
ler has written the many song hits
and dance numbers.
The book was staged by Edgar Mac-
Gregor who is general stage director
for A. L. Erlanger and the musical
numbers were devised by Sammy Lee,
who has in the past staged such mu-
sical comedies as "The Cocoanuts,"
"No, No. Nanette" and many others.
Not since "Kick In" has there ap-
peared as entertaining a crook drama
as "Square Crooks" by James Judge,







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