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December 04, 1926 - Image 5

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The Michigan Daily, 1926-12-04

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i'4AMTTT AV TN eEl I~rR"


SAT1URDAY D.C E EM , 19613. 1 AI'.Li V.,.-1 1v'..1.11 11.t . .


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Betsy Barbour Wins COMBINES CAREER
47~- h.gin- *WITH HOME WORK

Advisor To Arrange TO GIVE SPECIALI
Vacation Facilities GOLF INSTRUCTION

d Wv 9- ar.. "" "rom01.1 etais amma n
BENEITDAN In Semi-Final Game
Semi-final game of the intramural
Souuhrrn Syncopation To Be Featured hockey tournament was played yes-
By Vera Johnson, '29, During terday afternoon when Delta Gamma
Entertainment met Betsy Barbour house in next to
- the last game of the season. The
A V OS O game was bitterly contested but be-1
AD'VISORS 1T CHAPERONE cause of superior passing on the for-)
Sward line and a stronger defense on
As an added attraction to the jitney the backfield, Betsy Barbour won .y
dance that will be held from 9 to 12 a score of 4-0.
o'clock tonight in Sarah Caswell An- Mildred Hardy playing center for-
gell hall of Barbour gymnasium, a ward on the Betsy Barbour team was
novelty feature will be given by Vera easily the strongest member of this
*lohnson, '29, who will dance the Black team. By the practice of interchang-,
Bottom. The dance is under the aus- ing positions she was able to carry tho
pices of t e Women's league and will i ball down the field every time it was
take place immediately after the con- ! passed to her and in this way the
ciusion of the Bazaar. The public is j dormitory team was. able to score.
invited to attend and admission will The defense of Betsy Barbour played
b^ 15 cents and five cents for every an excellent game. Very seldom was
dance. the goal of the dormitory team threat-
The committee of advisors of women ened and never was it in danger off
will act as chaperons at the dance and being scored upon. Lydia Kahn de-
Lundquists orchestra has been engag- serves special mention for her good
ed to furnish the music. defensive work.
The Bazaar, according to Ruth The final game of the intramural
Iirsch man, 127, general chairman, is tournament is to be played this morn-
progressing very satisfactorily. Arti ing when Pi Beta Phi will meet Betsy
cles of every sort are on display in Barbour. Pi Beta Phi defeated Adelia
the league and church booths. Scarfs, Cheever Wednesday and so became
linens and pillows, judging by the eligible to participate in the final,
sales are very popular. Other fea- game. If the dormitory wins this
tures of the Bazaar are a palmistry j final game the hockey cup will be
booth, a chamber ofthorrers and char- awarded to them and will be given f,
acter reading by facial expression, all them for their permanent possession.
of which are located in the gymnas- They have won the cup the last two
ium parlors.-years.
The tea room which is being run
by Pi Beta Phi for benefit of the league GRAND RAPIDS ALUMNI
was well patronized yesterday. It is
open from 11:30 to 1:30 o'clock, 3:30 PLAN BENEFIT DANCE I
to 5:30 o'clock for tea, and from 5:301
to 7:30 o'clock for dinner. Patrons Several weeks ago the alumni club.
are urged to come later rather than of Grand Rapids took out a $300 pledge
earlier to avoid confusion. for the Women's League building.
Two performances of the Sophomore They represent the second men's I
circus were concluded yesterday and organization to definitely pledge to
the final performances will occur at the women's drive. In order to raise
10:30 o'clock and 2:30 o'clock today. this amount the association is giving
During the first three hours of the a dance for the Michigan alumnae and
Bazaar, more than 500 people entered alumni and their friends during
Barbour gymnasium to examine the at- Christmas vacation, and have secured
tracti\ve booths and Christmas-laden the Pantland hotel ball room for the
counters. night of December 30.

v..: .,:::::


_- I Women who have shown unus-
As the various residences and dor- ual skill in the regular golf classes
mitories close during Christmns vaca- scheduled by the physical educationC
tion, it is necessary for foreign wonl~-!department have been selected as al
en, i ridncesary to ein wm special group to receive special in-'
en in residence to mnak temzpor arystruction from Mrs. Stewart Hanley,t
living arrangements.. Miss )Oace of Detroit, twice a week for the re-
Richards, of the office of advisors of mainder of the indoor season of thez
women, asks all who desire help !in physical education department. This1
securing acceptable accominodations group is a chosen group and will meet1
to see her at the earliest possible at 3 o'clock every Tuesday and Thurs-
moment. day.
Heretofore the demand has been for It is hoped that if this group evel-
apartments or rooms with kitchenette I s opghaif s goupndevel-
privileges. Insofar as these are avail- ops enough skill some tournaments
able, they will be arranged. Where may e arrangedin thespring.h
such accommodations can not be ob- The following women are those who i
tained, foreign women are urge d to have been invited to join this group:
use the "spread privilege" of Lane Mary White, '28, Mary Van Deursen,
hall. R' Katherine Gerow, '29, Helen Fagg,
Through the courtesy of the Student. 2, Ruth Palmer, '29, Cynthia Hawk-
Christian Association, Miss Richards ins, '29, Betty Nutt, '28, Martha Her-
has arranged for the use of the kitch- restein, '28, Charlotte Shaw, '27, Mar-
en on the second floor of Lane hall. guerite Widman, '29, Helen Rutherford,
Here there is a gas stove, a sink and '28, Janet Trembly, '28Ed, Doris Sel-
a table, cooking utensils and dishes. leek, '27, Ethelyn Vandener, '30.
As many as ten guests can be taken
care of. The room will be available OFFER FENCING CLASS
from 9 a. m. until 6 p. m. daily from FOR UNIERSITY WOMEN
December 18 to December 31, and on
Monday, Wednesday and Friday eve-UI
nings between these dates. All University women who are in-
It is hoped that foreign women stu- terested in fencing will have a chance
dents who remain in Ann Arbor dur- to participate in a regular fencing
ing the holidays will use this service class for the remainder of the indoor
freely for regular and occasiondl lseason. This class will meet twice
meals, separately or in groups, anl a week on Monday and Wednesday at
that the national groups will use iu 4 o'clock. A list will be 'posted in
also. There is no charge. To avoid iBarbour gymnasium, and all women
conflicts, women are asked to make expecting to enter this class are ask-
arrangements with Mrs. Rosa Leuck, ed to sign their names immediately.
custodian of Lane hall. The first class will meet Monday, De-
cember 6. Further information about
ROME.-Women may soon form part this class will be given through The
of the Italian police force. Daily at an early date.

Woman Leader Will
Analyse Character
"Interesting personalities the World
Over," will be the subject of a talk by
Mrs. Janet W. Emerich, a leader of
the International Forum of the Chau- !
tauqua Assembly, New York, who will
lead the regular 4 o'clock Monday
afternoon group discussion meeting at
Newberry Hall.
Mrs. Emerich will interpret these
personalities in light of the influences
and backgrounds which make life
vital. The subject is one which is of
especial interest to college women and
there is no one more capable of speak-
ing on this subject than this woman
who is said to have held audiences all
over the world fascinated by her own
Mrs. Emerich has seen service in
Mesopotamia and has done relief work
among the Turks in Constantinople.
Because of her great experience in
various countries she can speak with
authority on what does constitute or
develop personality.
Subscribe for the Michigan Daily.

Mrs. C. W. MeCulloch
Forty years of combining d success-
ful law practise and an equally suc-
cessful home is the feat of Mrs. C. W.
McCulloch of Chicago, who was the
first woman justice of the peace in
the United States.' 'She is the mother
of four children, all university grad-
uates and two of her children practise
law with their father and mother. In
addition to active work in the suffrage
movement, Mrs. McCulloch is the
author of two books, "Women's
Wages," and "Mr. Lex."
Mrs. McCulloch is a graduate of
Rockford college receiving an A. B.
and A. M. from that institution. She
was admitted to the bar in the Su-
preme Court of Illinois in 1888 and
to the United States Supreme Court
in 1898. She has been superintendent
of legislative work in the Illinois
Equal Suffrage Association and vice-
president of the National American
Suffrage Association as well as its
legal advisor. She was also legal
advisor to the National W. C. T. U.

hi t


We make marcelling our specialty.
We make it stay well and look well.
For appointments, Dial 3839.

==1[iI I IIt[IItIIII III III I liiI iII f il -II[ IIIliliill t ll ll lli tl11
Sunday Dinner, 12:30-2:30
Sunda rLunch, 500-8:00
_ Marbruck Tea Shop
632 Forest Ave. Phone 8474
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1111 South University Ave.

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nidi l ililii161E[i lillinii tttlIll l u H 111 li ll ft111ili11111 tiltlitlli110 1 ! ltitlll ll ill l!liitllUt"
Dial 5931 for that wonderfully delicious°
Raspberry Punch
No order too small. No order too large.
d H III 11111111 Iii iN i tiIn 11111111 llll 11 tl11 ll11111 iilltiilili i11111 liiion l l11 il lili 111111lii111111111 ih 1iil lll llll ltlli
:'liiill1111ttittiitittiiiNlu11lUn~ n ui i~l11inl illitliillltilli111 i 14 111111iil~liH ltlulti llllillili
Women's League and
Inter-Church Bazaar
SATURDAY, 9:00 A. M.-9:00 P. M.
Courtesy of Mack Company
°6i~i 111t11111111111 t11111111I li ll l111 1111t1 I 111 lillUU 1il11llllllililll11lli1liii! iiii 111l111111 1111111111111111

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Dial 217141o ate
You'd Like
to have
one more
This is the time of year when the temptation's great to
- invest in "another" Evening Frock, no matter how many
there may be hanging in the closet. Every December -
occasion seems festive enough to warrant a brand new
dance frock.
Why not indulge the whim? Dance dresses were never -
lovelier than these long-skirted models with uneven
~~ hemline, these sheaths of metal cloth, and these chiffon j
$.00 $ .50
__to 4 . 0-

Do not remain in a precarious position all of your
life. It is often necessary to feel a little uncertainty about
your finances at first, but this can be overcome by a con-

sistent policy of saving.



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