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December 01, 1926 - Image 7

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The Michigan Daily, 1926-12-01

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1. ,1926



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B~oard Tu Control Of Athiletics Again
Ila,: Ys i(e Arrangements For Use
Of Rlnk: At Coliseum
Colbi weather is usually followed
by isce, and with ice comes the thought
that slating will once more be the
reigning sp)ort of the outdoor season
at Michigan.
Announcemnent was glade yesterday
by thie Board in Control of Athletics
that the Coliseum has again been tak-
en over 1)y the University for the win-
ter, and preparations will begin im-
mediately for the use of the rink as
soon as weather conditions will per-
Coach Barss has not yet issued a
call for hockey candidates, but as soon
as ice is available he will summon
Captain Jones, Gabler, Roach, Denton,
and other veterans of last year's squad
to prepare for the 1927 championship


l: H a I pl :e s( 211 ell i 7ii Ie
Ihl )III 1Wr. !) r:iun yn v a 6:,
will e

The complete schedule of the Wol-
verines has not yet been announced,
but all Conference games have been
cardled. As Wisconsin and Minnesota
are the only other schools that boast
a hockey team, all Conference con-
tests must necessarily be booked with
them. The Big Ten card calls for
eight games, four with each school.
The program is opened Reb. 18 and
19, with the Wolverines visiting Wis-
consin. On Feb. 22-23 Michigan will1
be entertained at Minnesota, and will
return to' Ann Arbor to meet Wiscon-
sin March 4 and 5. The following
week Minnesota will be tie guests for
two games on March 11 and 12.
Series Pending With il. S. C.
A two, game home and home series
is pending with M. S. C., also two con-
tests with Michigan College of Mines,
to be played in Ann Arbor Jan. 17-18.
After the Michigan College of Mines
St. Thomas college of St. Paul- will
appear on the local rink for two games
on Jan. 24-25.
Announcement was also made byi
the Board in Control of Athletics thatI
an agreement is pending with the De-'
troit Hockey club whereby a half of
the home matches will be played in
the Olympia Coliseum in Detroit.
Definite plans are not made. as yet,
but it is almost sure that two games,
and perhaps four, will be played in
the structure, with a seating capacity
of 12,000.I
Sell Sea son Tickets
Season tickets for the local coliseum
will be sold to students and those con-
ncted with the University for $3.00,1
and are not transferable. High school
students will be accommodated forf
$4.00, and the public for $5.00. The !
latter are transferable.
All tickets are good for 40 skates
any time during the season, and a
clin o of 25nCco ~nf-. wilhn in jmadefr

Sfi A hr 7 liH aHu XOi - s er ( [ler ai httvi t ha
o'1 . Hs t u1 inrreih.. eo _ iS 4u hea1-
1 .".. t ° .1! 1 fTCASH ATT;, }
It;fE E ST T OTen icents per raln ie01tebsso
1 a> / nr x~cents pr r n e fr tre or more.
r - p eia iazi dardiecd rates tvefl on anpiica-
- ti r
More th an tvemnty-five years of ceaseless ex- l RT
"I+"r}' OR hU 1'-4 1oni unfu nised
perline ting and practical experience is e-"n te~.pi ~oao.P-
Central Press Photo e b de n e ey S se i5- -55-75
3+~' ~' vr iOUI !ZNT -_-arried'
beenamA.Yaleterachieve Just that little extra fineness for which cometlive c~ 'i ~ress Jinx ml :ar
benchosen captain of the 1927 thele seking. iliganzlaiy 53-5-55-5-57-53.
university football team. He has the sm1oker is always seeking.______________
played. guard and tackle for the last -,
two seasons. Yale teams have never. 10Sfg
lost a championship with a Connecti- ,, ~ldCu.t 11 i n
cut captain-jIn design the Sasieni is scientifically p retft'l . ~ ~ rlt~t el ri
INORTHWESTERN LOSS with that comfort in use which only well 0ffice or 57 5. e wrd.
ONLY 1THREE PLAYERS consid redLbaance wil tll'ar]her pen 1ill'Ufniv er-f y
conscbeed ala ce illgive.;l
(By Associated Press), Warner. 5
EVANSTON, Ill., Nov. 30.-North-1OiC, s
western university's IfootOST- team2(^F_'te-s'ity pin, Fridayj
which finished its most successful sea- I °=nSASt.ENT GUARANTEE31=
son in a decade Saturday will faceo A I l GU R N E 55-6-57
the season of 1927 with eight senior s I
missing from the squad of fity men.=A NEW PIPE WIJLL BE GIVEN LC)ST - aw LBet a ti Key. cal
Of this number one backfield man and WtyliC .211. . 55-56'
two linemen are the only regulars - IN EXCHANGE SHOULD ANY = ,JLO); '- Back lather Laeafax note-
wati Ralph Baker, Bob Johnson, -TPT~T~ MS O IG
tackle, and Otto Siebenmann, guard, ;j, paro Iow o-ie
will be the hardest men to replaces.
gaunt lets and a IRlpa KaptIpa cam-
These three men have played a promo- (1 m key. Phone 472.
nent role in the work of the eleven )"45i0--5
I this fall and they will be greatly R5-55
Imissed when the roll call is made next L OST -Silver bar pin, 2 inches long
season. -~t \witi transp~arent stones. Call
Captain Baker takes his place along- ' ' /1.Y^TTTC YBTT T V - 34T 53545
side of the streliar list of grid players = lW TH______________________
turned out at Northwestern in years -
past. His services this fall ranked - lareI OkiSALE
him with the best in the game and FORl SAT I-nidoail Acmlt
Coach Thistlethwaite will find it a it4cuehz)1l6 alba-
difficult repae tovetrn.epare anlothler man tis eyeiep.(alayngt
H ow ever, follow ers of the Purple ,S V H ArSR ~ T ~E AK N S4 -S. S a e S.5 - 0 5
will not miss the performances of 1-'~I1N IIr1(SGf
Baker entirely for he will soon be ShopL.NEverything ('o0(~ls5itrna
cavorting about the basketball floor. SHop.s -5, e10.332. efor rstma.
:.Slilll1111II 1111111lI11id1II If illM I111i~@311161111lllllilllllllllllillll1111111111ours11111-5,1ll7-ll0.ll332llll.llJefferson.5-57

1WA NTE D-St ude nts who like good
hot B A l 11;CU[;ES to know we de-
liver between a9 :30 and 11:.30 F. 1M.
ABEC(E INN, Dial 4431.
47 e o d
W\ .XUI)}---During Xmas vacation tenl
macen to muare fifty to hundred dol-
tars in home town. A chance for
permanent summer employment.
Box 137. 55-57
AMIERICAN Student with car. Eve-
nhigs, 9) to 11 five nights a week.
jGood pay. Also one without car.
52.9 1Walnut. 55
WANTED-St udent who has had ex-i
perience in bookkeeping and type-
writing to work, part time in Mens'
iiClothing store. State experience and
jgive references. Box No. 138. 55
W AANTED TO RENT-Small apart-
moTnt or room in private home with
use of living room for one month,
'Box 131 Michigan Daily. tf
WVANTED11 STUDENTS to know that
Sam pay3s from $5 to $25 for old
suits 1and(1overcoats.
121 E. ANN DIAL 4306


NOTICE-Our Christmas greeting
cards are now on display. Swift'
D~rug Store, 340 S. State St.
GET Your picture, framed for Christ-
1mnas at Brown's Book Store. 55
ITo see best of 50 lines clothing drop
card to 1.103 E. Washington. Phone
10365 evenings. $22 to $30. tf
NOTICE-Hats cleaned and blocked.
All kinds of shoes cleaned, dyed and
repaired. Satisfaction guaranteed.
ANN ARBOR SHOP, 625 E. Liberty.
NOTICE-New' dance music with
giant organ and orchestra. First
time accomplished. Victor record.
Schaelberle & Son Music Douse, 110
S. Mlain. tf.
NOTICE-First class repair work on
all musical instruments. Schaeberle
& Son Music house, 110 S. Main. tf

Freshman Divisions
Start Competition


~" ~'~ The ten groups of freshmcn fostered
sinle admislaings, l from 2 to k 1by the underclass department of the
5 in the afternoon and from 7:30 toUnohaebiirnzditoal-
10 in theevngs From 6 until 7:30 .tle Big Ten which iwi compete under-
is reserved for the Varsity siuad, and th1e sn peL'visionl of the intramural do-
from1 ath , ecepton atudaypartment for freshman championships
Sunday, and hllidays, for fancy skat: (dl.Vih, the coming year, according to
ingj air announcement made by Director
ing.__ Samu is of the intramural department.
-A ++ I Each grout) team has been named
BAR UA GUT TO 1L:UAL after one of the schools making up the
MARKSETBV LLI M 'BasTetbal will be0 the first sport,
in which the groups will vie against
Wiscons3in boasts an athlete who eachl other and squads have already
bids fair to equial tihe brilliant recordl bren formed from the freshmen in the
of the versatile "Itollile" Williams who tl
-tt aderbyrepectfive g rolips. Although th
set a ark te schol I ulea w ill not be played off until.
winning nine maxjor sport letters d ur-afe th Crima vcton for
iug his cqreer.r Nov another "Rol- aace for practice has already been
lie" holland .. Barnumn, looms as a i assigned and the groups will begin
second nine, letter manl. j work next week. The first workout is
Barnum has already earned his 'cheudtoakplcMnayigt
seveth Itte, asa hafbak onthe The student leaders of the different
1926 football team, andi expects to
groups will have charge of the teams
turn his attention to basketball soon. Iadms fte r ut elfte
lollie has won two letters as a mn- t oc h qasadadi h
b~er of Ment -llcage tamon tocachtesqadcndai n;h
he s ars atemstW lnselecting of teams. All freshmen in-#
he sarsat t~ad psiton nd histerested in basketball and who have
year he will be one of the dual cap- not s-ig Zed imp for one 'of tile teams are
tain of he Bdgerquineturged to call their group leader or
conmc to the student offices of the
REA D 7IIE .WAIT AIDS j o to find out when their group,
team will hold its first practice.

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"I certainly am. I'd do anything
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