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December 01, 1926 - Image 5

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The Michigan Daily, 1926-12-01

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.. ..


V A In ll,''Illllll ,, llillll 11111, l , , ll,''Illll,,,,, ,,,Ii,1111,111,11'll'''' 111111-----,---% ,,o-----..... .............

111 ueis* Ilu ltde isiting Facult y
And Members Of University
S4peeclt lDepartment
tAUinIle Michigan and Indiana WO-
1..4ifs>(lebating teams, who meet here
iop. ~wwill be entertained at, a
:rc~d iven in their honor by the of-
? ofadisers; of women. The spread
i:,A1e ldl immoelia.tely after the de-
l,a -in 'the corrective room of. Bar-
bo? rgmnsum
(' , ,, guests will be Prof. A. T.
Sof the dlepartment of speech
tinuiversity of Wisconsin, who is
to,) as judge of the debate; Prof.'
L. 1t. Norvelle, of the public speaking
1~Ofluntat Indiana, who accompan-
i lC , visiting team; Prof. and Mrs.
Rl. ;. Hollister, Prof. and Mrs. L. M. 1
Fihl, and Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Dens-
ir, e, and Mr. Wirt King, of the pub-
'rsekn department of the Univer-
f,,, "J ebigan.
Th visiting team is composed ' of
i~a LakPeters, '29, Miss Eleanor
i i im,'2,ad Miss Dorothy Ba6nner,
'2S, wile Michigan is represented by
1'.iia M. Olden, 127:1, Henrietta How-
,_J~, and Elizabeth Rabinoff,
r;.Q vlihianaffirmative team will
m:etite negative team from the Uni-
v, J: ' of Indliana at 8 o'clock Thurs-
dynight in University hall auditor-
bumn en the negative team' will meet
Ohio State the same night in Colum-
1){s, Oh io. The subject will be "Re-
oleThat a secretary of education
rhoull be added to the President's
('J: inlct."
,N-T or Class Team
Defeats Juniors, 3-i
i1ier to carry the ball resulted
lit -r dfeat of the juniors by the sen-
iors by a score of 3 to 1 in the hockey
ta> ' -yet,.erday afternoon. The win-
r r a, splendid defence and their
Wiug piyod exceptionally well, while
1h losing side played a wholly dd-
.! c ~eg nme. Hielen Searight was re-
suosilefor two goals and Myra
1 v fu for 1 on the senior team, Nell-
Ic Hover imaking the goal for the jun-
iors.'he line-up was as follows:
J1sIions Seniors
tiAr <lt ........ G........ S. Sturos
LI. obinon .... .L.F......... L. Kahn
. M. ru~ieler . .R.F.... M. Allshouse
It . Ee rpu nt . ..T, II .. .. .I. ield~1c

Members Of Debate Team Will Uphold 'AART4
INegative Argument At Columbus, Ohio BLA E
L'E < : 3 r Y t BE OPEN
ri 4 IEveryone is invite
which is to open it
the Women's league
I ' tom.bazaar, Dec. 3 and 4
nasium. Frances 0 '
,3 r !!!charge of the tea roc
that the tea roomK
f>F k ' fto those making
groups and parties,
who desired to dro
Luncheon, tea and
served both Friday
x a ", V "r f r , there will be both 50
75 cent lunches. Ti
The tea room this
(rye; . _given under the au;
Women's 'Negath-e Debating Team
The above imembers of the nega-tive debating team leave today for Col- " A
unmbus, Ohio, wnhere they w7111 meet the Ohio State team. They are from left
trih:Patricia H-odgson, '27Ed, Laura Osgood, '28Ed, and Norma Green,
K!""The Best
is not
Too kGoodw
In fa-t, when you are considering Dairy -products, Vh
it is absolutely neces nary to have the best will
j ~Cha
DIAL 4101 ww
- ~urni
"The Home of Pure Milk."Fu

AnN 10 Phi sorority, the women of the house
caring for the arrangements and pre-
paring the menus. The Decorations
will be accordance with those used
TO PUBLIC! throughout the bazaar which are of a
rural nature.
ed to the tea room, N OTI CE S
in connection with
e and Interchurch i. All bazaar sellers will meet at 4
o'clock today in Barbour gymnasium.
'4 i n'7 Barbourh gym-1 There will be a meeting of Mummuers
>om, has announced at 3:30 o'clock today at the Alpha X1
wVas open not only Delta house.
reservations for There will be a meeting of the Y.
but for any one W. C. A. cabinet at 4 o'clock today
op in for refresh-l at Newberry ball.
Orchesis will meet at. 8 o'clock to-
ld dinner will be. night in Sarah Caswell Angell hall.
and Saturday, and( The hockey schedule for today', is an
i0 cent lunches and follows: P1 Beta Phi vs. Martha Cook
'he dinner will be dormitory and Delta Gamma vs. Adell*
Cheever house at 4 o'clock; the T'ues-
s year is being day and Thursday 11 o'clock academia
uspices of Pi Beta classes under Marie Hartwig, '29, Ys.

the Monday and Wednesday 3 o'clock! MOSCOW-The conccesions; corn-
team under Gretchen Schultz '29, at missariat of the Soviet government
4':30 o'clock. has signed an agreement wvithi Amen_-
The finance commttee of the Sopho- cans, empowering themr to explore fort
more circus will meet at 8 o'clock to- gold in a specified area in ea stern l
night at Betsy Barbour house. beria until March, 1928.

My father said -
"'John Hancock is a great name;
Life insurance is practically indispensable."
That time, at least, he was right.


--I,. -, - - - . --.-

....,..,.,.,N ....., . ..a ., .,, ., ,. o , , ....

Lt a vivid. touch this Chair
h Brin to some Room
OUR living-room will be proud
to award a place to this com"
fortable armchair and its price,
will hardly tax your purse.
oice of several pretty coverings.
iiture makes a lasting gift-a gift that
everyone in the home can enjoy.
Martin Hailer
Furnishing Homes Since 1881.
iture - Rugs 112 East Liberty St.


Jn exotic innovation of
the royal wardrobe. A
strolling 1lump of black
Spatent with the new
.straight line heel-did-
linctive with an Arabian
Shutter decoration of
\ebony suede three tone
underlay, backed with
< 1Alladin Satin.

: ::




F.' P'owerzs.... ,..R.H...... E. Verdier
1E. {?gh ornz...... C.HI....... L. Walsh d he Store ofInidult°.
N. H oover ...... L.W......E. Doster2
P . ] \ , t t t . . . . . . . . . L . I . . . . . M . M c N a l l y Y . ( 0 d . . . . . C F . . . S-rg tIpr e
N. il1agedorn ... -R.I. ...... G. Gulick A
S. Baird ........ R.W...... M. Dreyfus w
In the game between the sopho- / M OLLY 2 "
mzores and the freshmen the playing 2.:
wais called after the first half due to .
uar~nsswith the score standing at a 2, f~) .
1 to 1 tie. Rose Strasser, '29, and ''k-
Doris Renkenberger, '3OEd, knocked in-
theo goals'. This contest will be contin-
I,(-(as soon as possible. 1
W'ith five houses remaining in the -
itr anural tournament, namely,1
~ePhi, Adelia Cheever, Martha ~,__
C ok, Delta Gamma, and Betsy Bar-I-~
1 E r, the annual hockey banquet to1A
be holdT at Joe Parker's will take place f-
ii1)011 the completion of the hockey2 - --
Ti'Faculty Women's club will en- 2 Y, / 4'
teii thx e Mci ;an Dames at tea -4tf
betweenez the hours of 3 and 6 o'clock
t oinor"row at the home of Mrs. Henry a ' ; :, 'y
M, Ba!tes at 1921 Cambridge road. //
Alpha Eilon. Phi announces the
<T -dgiagofdJohanna _Desenberg, '30, of- 1i
13 -all, Mich.
t ASiiziNetoN.Sweadel, snaWrhite These adorable little dogs are more
_: r"~ « =--inStert ~ eei ht than welcome wherever they may find
_________________their way. They are found in a' variety
0)11e , jor Caln of suzes, all woolly and washable.
. 1'C(
.u(Ients fill Inlduistry You just pick out the "Molly" you
G r l NEW STfUDENT, a clear- want and we will take care of the pack-2
. os o tuetnw n ing and mailing for you. -f
lliocanl inform you of im -
dotnt(evelopments in the C
- dhgesalong all these lines
STIETevery week for six>
I nths .($1.00), and revel in the ,
ralounzt of necessary informa- I
UOIit contains.
S fr'sa dollar for a six
m onths trial subscription. 1
. . .. .............. .
No.7 Read The Daily "Classified" Columns
- -1
Try all the Rest-Then try the Best=

.-f W-- , .. n



If you are an athlete you have
t been eating SHREDDED WHEAT
regularly at the training table.
If you've leaned more toward
the studious side you have
/ A 1ifprobably long since recognized
TM. 7the energy-value of Shredded
Wheat to those of sedentary
habits. But, in either case,
don't let down on that good
Shredded Wheat habit.
provides all the BRAN, SALTS, PROTEINS,
Nature's good whole wheat in digestible
and palatable form. Its daily use will
stimulate the entire system, clear up the
complexion, and improve muscles and mind.

11111II1IIIIINIIi llllllliiiiii 1111111iIIIIIiiiiiiiiiiiii I ltiiiiiiiiuiiiiti llllllio -3
'S itf
Many folks are selecting gifts--they shop leisurely and-
fully confident of. finding just the things they want, for
i as ortments are fresh and at their best. The first floor
ofGoya' is a veritable Gift Shop.
SILK SCARFS of figured ;M
crepe - stenciled, designs.
Ends are finished with silk 2
S= thread fringe. Wool Scarfs 2
2 of novelty and plaid patterns
w aeself-fabric frnge . $,9 /
to $5i.00 each..
denLchina are ideal for gift
trinkets. Attractive vanity
bags and pin cushions for the
- dressing table. 59c to $25 PERFUME ATOMIZES-it's
S= each, place on the dressing- table 2
and a friendly reminder day 2
after dlay of the, giver. Style_
- and color assortment is var-
ied. $1.50O to $3.75i each.
Kgift is not complete without
acard bearigthe seso's
----=- greetings, and to remember
= TOILET SETS-these come the far-away friend, it's such w
2. in two, three and up to ten a nice way. Assortment in
!= pieces attractively encased in boxes containing 12, 15 and
a box. Ivory, amber and shell 20 cards wvith envelopes to 2
2= finishes. Mottled ones in rose,, match. Steel engraved and

Shredded Wheat is
as appetizing as it is
nourishing. Two
biscuits make a real
meal--give strength


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