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November 16, 1926 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1926-11-16

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TUE~lSDAYL1, _NOX I _ l, .,. 1G,192?;


Sections Of 205 "Yll Selected Froma
First Year Class To linprove
Relations Wit Faculty
The plan whereby freshmen are giv-
en the advantages of having a faculty
advisor and class acquaintanceships,
'thliough the freshman ,advisory system
Thailgurated a few weeks ago, is work-
ing out well judging' from a survey
of 'its activities. The freshman advis-
~ory plan was initiated by J. A. flurs-
14y, Dean" of Students, some time ago
to assist the freshmen in getting
'started right and improving the facul-I
ty-student relation. The 110 groups of
25 men were selected at random from
the first class and each of the faculty
spons ors is taking rpart in his group})5
activities jus~t as hie sees fit.
Some of the groups are specializing
in sociat activities, others are turn-
ing more to athletics, others intendI
In addition to put more stress on theI
academic. Several of the faculty have
invited the groups to their homes and
plan further get-to-gethers. One
gx'oup listened to reports of the Navyj
aiA' Ohio State games over the radio.!
Another group has had its members all
swim, together in the Union pooi. Yes-
terday one group challenged the oth- i his

D,; Robert A. Milliken of the Calito
associate, G-. Harvey Cameron, to h

'rs In bowling, chess, 'swimming, andI researches in South America with the
basketball.l apparatus. Dr. Milliken finds that "c
Each faculty advisor has met each 1 the universe, are so powerful that it t
member of his group personally in feet of water #to stop their penetration.
the groups meetings The plan al-
though somewhat experimental at the l
present time is designed in accord-?Record row ds Use Uj
ance with the University's bumaniz- ~ CT
ng policies and it is hoped by officials During D ays uOf 1He
that the Afaculty-student barrier will
be materially broken down.
________________________________________________ On the days of the three big home H
Lake tiounty Club. ames this fall, with Minesota, Illi-1
ois, and Wisconsin. the Union was
Will Hold Smoker crowded with students and visitors
wocrowded all the departments andw
Announcement was made by Its used the various facilities for recrea-g
presden, Carls Dughrity, 2 "tion that the Union provides. Statis- t
presidhentLales uitIdaug 2ihity,'2Ltics as to the immensity of the crowdse
that h thkounfrtsmdokeMihigath at passed in and out of the Union t
Clb il hldit frs sokr f hehave been compiled by Walter A.5
year tonight at 7:30 o'clock in room _________________
304 of the -Union. The club comprises repairing
the students attending the Universityi
'CatnBig,'atioteVrfrom Lake county, Indiana. 1 See the New oel AMR
city 'cross-country team and a former lI
president of the organization, will'de-l A r n a
liver a short talk before the club.I
CHICAGO.-It has been cargedi ! Riders Pen Shop
that Hull House is a rallying point for e al
Efficielke WNcy -
In laundry service is demanded by every-
one. That is why we have so many satisfied
customers who appreciate the splendid service
received at
204 NORTH MAIN . DIAL 3916
'_______ ' -NOW!
Shlo 11d lPCP and rrTl4i ,Laiia'i},s
Y10 in -efsl-and Ihove, in Norla
thnro liyt Shearer's (Great
Broaday: ..rstge picttre! l
v r:~
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
~r VIe0 illALST1,JOHN

Work in the intercollegiate debate WASHINGTON, Nov. 15.--Acting
Ate,.N % 1class, from which the University's upon the request of the zecretary gei-
;;; zY,..; team for the Central League debates eral of the World Conference of Nar-
1 t ~will be chosen, has been divided into cotic Education, Capt. 13. P. I-obson,
two groups, about half the men meet-y Rep, and Walter F. Lineberger, Hof I
< 'c ? s>ing under Gail E. Densmore of the! California, will introduce a joint reso-
,r I public speaking department, who is luton to the next Congress providing
in charge of the group, and the other !for the observation of the last week
half under Dr. W. Wirt King. in February of each year as Narcotic ___
The students in the class have Education week, in which anl endeavor
chosen their sides of the question, will be made to extend throughout the
which they will retain for the re- l country the knowledge of the harmful _li
srr '' "'' (mainder of the semester, and the class effects of narcotics.
is now meeting twice a week, every Representative Lineberger, in seek-
r . x. Tuesday and Thursday afternoon. De- ing support for this measure, pointsA
bates are held in two groups at each. out that the greatest menace to the
t' meeting and 12 men thereby receive nation is drug addiction and quotes
an opportunity to speak each time.f eminent authorities to show that in
The Central League debate, which. New York "nearly 60 per~ cent o theI_
is a triangular affair among teams inmates convicted of offenses invo lv-t
.~':.~': .from Ohio State, Northwestern, and ing moral turpitude are users or ped-
"- Michigan, will be held this year short- lers of drugs."
ly after the Christmas vacation on ( heroin is the chief drug of the trade,
$ " the question whether or not the meth- stated the congressman, andl where
3 od of handling moral problems such ten ounces of alcohol will kill one -
as prohibition by legislation is cor- man, the same amount of heroin wiil
% ~rect in principle, kill 3,Q00 men. Furthermore, although1
It is possible that those who fail to traffic in alcohol brings returns ofj
* ,* make the Varsity team will have ail several hundreds per cent, the drug
opportunity to meet Albion in a de- trade is urged on by thousands of .l
bate on the same subject. This will per cent in quick profits and cause. -
i3 -" give nearly all of the members of the "thousands of heroin addicts, chiefy
s' h class a chance to obtain some experi- youths in their late teens anal twc 1-
.{* ..h... ence in intercollegiate debates. ties, all actual or potential criminals,
z f. t servealso asrcruiing agents forl.
rniaInsitue o Tehnoogy 'wth ERM NY O L Y Ithe army of the 'Living dead.'" Dag
his igh, rcenly f mde cosic ith adicionis secretive and untcil recent
srihrcnlmae"omcray" CABLE tIN BALTIC ly well informed people had never
submersible recording electroscopic____ heard of heroin. D Acted ofenses
osmic ry, coming from outside To provide faster and more distinctagisth Ferl.nrcic aw
Lakes six feet or more of lead or 73 amounted to about 1,000 in 1917, in
telephone calls, a new cable is soon 1925 they were 10,426, he pointed out. I
to be laid in the Baltic Sea between ____________________
Denmark and Germany. Tl~enew
flion~~~~~~ cable will be more than ample toAT HED R IT H A RS
pion Departments take care of present requirements,AT HED ROT HARS
o~me Football3 Games carrying a sufcentphnumer of wires C A H A E
so that twelve etelephone call can e T Or
provided for at one time. The govern- tafayete at Wayne Cad. 10
Kuezel reordngsecetay o ets of Germany and Denmark are "The Vagabond King"
Kunereodn sceay fteto share equally the cost' of the cable, Baed on
Union, and showv that 55,776 people but actual work in laying it is to 'be "IF I WTIE RING"
passed through the doors of the Union done by Germany. Night;, $i to $; Sat. Mat., 75c to $2.50.
upon these three days.
The largest single days attendanceBO TEL Nights ' 75c to i.50
vas on the Michigan-Illinois football P LAYOSato ad5 .,
gamne, when over 25,000 people entered HIGH CLASS Father ILovesAppesaue.
the Union. The Wisconsin game caus- ister Loves App aiice.
Ctd 15,955 to come to the Union, while SHO7CE REPAIRING B ohrLvs plsue
te Minnesota gm onyde rother Loves Applesace:
gaeonydrw14-Yes-AN) THE WijorL Win WORJ
84. Doneat Rsnble PriesD PLOESC
Stophinsfor GARRICK ts 50C to $2
' St. ,at. - o to $.
Today and WedneSdAyThtSo Sie Something new to I)etoit A New York
Wi. Fox SpecialThtSo Sin Theatre Guild succes
',YELLOW FINGERS" - -Garik aiie
________ An intim ate m usica Revue.
ChristyComedy SI B R A A E T
Sie ial Ra es orS H O E R E P A IR S H O P H B e t usi aT nf u o tif Eii
TeateRates rLfaytte at Shelby Street"
Thursday: "LIGHTNINGj" 3:10% S. State IN THE AIR
HEAD Off. LIBERTY With, Doa'll Brin, Roy Copper, s
RAE Virginia O'Brn
The V r rsA

Service Ma.kes ]red
,!IPhone 4319

Deliijous when, rcd ripe.
Prepaid Anywhere U. S. A. $2
3ERKOWI[TZ CO. Champaign, III

Better'n a Surprise P'ackagec
4._1-' -..


V;4 Any Per o 1Who
li t; Seen It-Accept
'II t ir IVerdic't
And You'll See it
Th'Ie _[bkzof
thce A es

RUSSELS, B e I g i u m - Wartime
ting restrictions will be enforced
3russels as one# of the results of
British coal strike.

W . ATI- A D .
JEWPi:]Ei. '?
,+rrgrwwes s-.. ' I ,

i .;



Samuel ' "'
Ooldiiyn .
Qevae iiaso iKwsReaqwt a abols
VJ " -a~a pa ; area es :"as' a ° ho o dra ma. p,
Stella Dallas
Rrd .li 16-e! lif ibaredjin an.epic 4 heart'
emnotio , hat, ;irstlhesoull, thrillsthe'} roses.




Senneft Funster

T- 'hod ay' -Tees

The Proudest Moment in the
Arc's History to
Announce America's --)tst 1ielQ vet
Gridiron ('oae h
W' ho IPe son llyI Irianged t1erid



' , 'b i' '
c'n # , 9
+ " ,
f "
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