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Pnhlishcd every morning except Monday
during the Iniversity year by the Board in
Contr A of Student TPnblieanions.
Members of Western Conference Editorial
'he Ar Oeiatedl Th'ess is exclusively en-
titled tithe ue (r re publication of all news
dis a thes ed ited to it or not other wie
ca edied in this paper and the local news pub-
lished I t;nrein.
Entered at the postoffice at Ann Arbor,
ichigan, as second class matter. Special rate
of potage granted by Third Assistant Post-
m1ster cenera.
Snhsc. iption by carrier, $3.75; by mail,
U ices: Ann Arbor Press Building, May-
nard Street.
Plionts -: Editorial, a 92; business 21214.
the inimitable "Ty" Cobb, handed in
illS r-eig!x a ion1to the Detroit club
thereby ending a long periodl of bril-
lIatrt play. He ,retired with the
? uSin ; 1 'itenviable honor of being
the hoer of more individual records
than any other player in the majo
leagues, the idol of thousands of,
young Americans, and a distinct asset
to the game itself.
Fascism is desperate. At home the
dictator of I'aly anl his government
are in a perilous position. . In the
past week, besides coming within an
ace of being killed, Mussolini has been
Seven years ago the assembled in--
telligence of the world made a treaty U S I C
which has proved to be deficient in AND -
many respects. The spirit of rancor,
which is common in all Europe, burn-
ed deep and inflicted most unreason-
able penalties upon the defeated na- T- - TraVe1 - Poetry - Plays - FctIOn - Biorapies
tions, which by that time had uni-
formly overthrown the governments Its h the atiditorilim o ewberry A Very Complete Stock of the Latest and Best Books.
that were responsible. 1all from 10 to 12 o'clock.
* * *---
About a week ago it was announced
that the Germans have developed a THE NQBMAL (!OdERT (OURSE -IJ q d~/ .
tiny 800 ton destroyer, fast, deadly On Wednesday evecing, November
and stealthy. This ship, while legally 17 at S o'clock the initial number of a tBoth Ends of The Dfe.®onC .1 e
within the limits of the treaty is in the Normal Concert Course will be ___________________________i________111___________________________11l__ii1 11i1111111111t111 i11 .
EDITORIAL STAFF forced to gag the press, suppress prop-
T aganda against himself, take over theI
MANAGING EDITOR seventh of his cabinet offices himself
SMITH I. CADY, JR. in order to have complete control of
Editor.................W. Calvin Patterson Italy, and face an uncovered intriguet
City Editor..............Irwin A. Olian which has ruined his hitherto poor
reeick slillitoI
News ditos........ Philip C. Brooks reputation in France.
Sports Editor.......Wilton 4. Simpson Some of these things are insane,
others are extreme measures; and,
Mvusic and Ilrama....... Vincent C. Wal, jr.
Night Editors new, in the face of the rising tide1
Charles Behymae Earlis herr lp comes the announcement that Turkey
)uoChamberi C outland C. Smith has mobilized and that France has
)ames Herald Ca sam A. Wilson placed guns in a position where they
Carl Burge Assistant City Editrna can destroy a vital Italian artery of
Joseph Brunswick trade. This action is reputed to have
Reperters taken place because of II Duce's pas-
Maron Anderson Miles Kimball
Alex hochnowski diton niirsnuaum sionate desire for Italian expansion,
LeanJunbheln RiThard Kurvink. which makes every neighbor of his
Claence ^deison Aac (OBrien in the Mediterranean area unsafe.
Willi am 'Emery Renneth Patrick
AIaomet L. Finch 'mlrurns I tink "Italian colonists must find out-
hn f tis id h ]ers SQuhn
.,: Fia dmes Sinhemhan lets," reasons the mad dictator, "and
Elaine Orber Sylvia Stone these outlets will have to be secured
l &nc,aa J. CGfencer Wiliam 'l!ihurnu
Il rve;J.(Gunderson rlh;rd \'aunk even at the expense of another peo-
te w t HIoker I elwi et keoder
iMoron 1. coke Malaian Welle ple." There are types and types of
1,aE Kern Thaddeus Wasieewski small and ignoble political maneuver-
ir in LaRowe herwood Winslow
ings, but the smallest of all is that
BUSINESS STAFF which would take from a nation the
Telep!iie 21214 land that it possesses merely for sel-
fish expansion of its interests. The pot
BUSINESS MANAGER has been boiling around the historic
THOMAS D. OLMSTED, JR. sea for five years, and it is likely to
Advertising.................FPaul W. A.i1d burst into a conflagration at any m-
Adveni isi ..............v.illiam C. Pusch ment. Turkey fears Italy, there is no
Ad vertising.......... ..T.homas Sunderlandi
Advertising,....... eorge 1. Annable, Jr. secret about that; France does not
Circultion.... .............. Kenneth Haven
SPuliation..................Jhn . obrink fear Italy, there is no longer any
Aecounts............... rancis A. Norquist secret about that--and it is fortunate
Assistants for the welfare of mankind in general
George Ain Jr. L. J. Van Tuyl
Al elin 11. Baer J1. . Wood that there isn't.
M). !1. lGoin 1illcrBoze There may be nothing in this story
D anicl Finley DoIrothy Carenter d
3. 11. lHandley Mrion A. Daniel f a great and immediate outburst be-
A. i. Ilinkley Icatrice Greenberg tween the powers of Southern Europe.
S.Kerbawysela i e ransor It may be only a rumor or a press cor-
R. A. Meyer DIrion L. Reading
HiarveyRosenblum Harriet C. Smith respondent's vivid imagination, but
Silliam F. Spencer Nance Solomon one would not require a very vivid
Il arvey Talcott Florence Widnaier
DrWarold Utley imagination to conceive the facts
given there. The great conflict for
control of the Mediterranean is al-
most sure to come sometime if the
SATURDAY, NOV EIMBER 13, 1926 dictator of Italy persists in his absurd
expansion program, and the precise
i Night Editor-CARLTON G. C4AME
Night __Edtr--CARLTON ______AME instant of its occurrence is of little
The broader viewpoint must some-
It is not to be wondered that follow- ...
time come to Europe in international
ing the break-up of the now historic affirs. A respect of the rights of.
IigThree, the formation of an East- others is one of the primary and most
ern conference along the ines of the pressing needs of the dark continent
Western one ,is receiving widespread (ethically). A realization that if Ital-
( onsidertation. Since it Is generally ians were planted in Turkey they would
agreed that the Big Ten offers many become Turks in the course of a few
advanayges in scheduling games, Years would save mad Mussolini all
naintainnig rivalry, and promoting the trouble which he seems to have
clean athletics, the formation of an o icount of his population. A com-
Eastern conference :i.ould be a good paratively simple, analysis of history
nucut C 01n s: ort, would PIrovide bet- would show him that Englishmen
ter machinery for the enforcement of were German immigrants only fifteen
high standards, and should promote hundred years ago, and that that fact
a wider interest in athletics gener- has never materilly altered the cor-
ally. diality of the English and the Ger-
Perhaps ,the greatest obstacle to the mans for centuries in the past. There
inauguration of an Eastern confer- is no more vicious and rabidly unin-
S_ once would be that of scheduling telligent policy that could be under-
games satisfactory to each member taken in the present status of Euro-
.of the association.. Practically all the peas diplomacy than to attempt to
scools which might enter the con- inflict one's will on other nations
ference; Yale, Princeton, Brown, by force. Real world expansion-the
Army, Navy, Columbia, Dartmouth, b-roader viewpoint-understanding and
Cornell, Pennsylvania, and Pennsyl- cordiality between nations, which
vania State, have their annual game would solve the overpopulation prob-
- er games of historic and traditional lem, are just the contradiction of
importance. These could be dropped what Mussolini will bring about by
only with difliculty. However, at the his demented diplomacy.
start of the conference, the schedule
could be arranged with full allowance PLACING RESPONSIBILITY
for these traditional games yet pro-.
viding other contests which would With its ultimatum to the English
spirit far removed; and actually nulli-
des the effect of that document for the
purlose of naval armaments.
Such action on the part of Germany
is not commendable. The world was
almost beginning to believe that the
great empire was going to settle
down and become a useful citizen of
this universe; but the confidence has
been betrayed and military Europe
continues to be more military still.
Versailles was an error; Germany
again threatens to be a menace;
Europe is still the eternal problem.
given when the New York String
Quartette will present a program in
Pease auditorium in Ypsilanti. The
quartet is composed of Ottokar Cadek,
first violin; Jaroslav' Siskovsky, sec-
ond violin; Ludvik Schwab, viola;
Bedrich lVasko, 'cello. Other concerts
to be given during the year are a{
Christmas Concert by the Normal
Choir on Thursday, December 9; a
piano recital by Carl Friedberg on
January 28, Sigrid Onegin in a songt
recital on March 22, and a concert by
Georges Barrere, flautist, and Lewis
Richards, harpsichoildist, on April 21.
Their program will be as follows:
"From My Life" quartet in E
minor ................... Smetana
Style - Quality - Service I
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Hats Cleaned and Reblocked
Fine Work Onlyt
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The Newest Thing Now is
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knonymous communications will be
disregarded. The names of communi-
cants wil, however, be regarded as
confidential upon request.
Allegro vivo appassionata.
A PROTESTATION Allegro moderato a la Polka.
To The Editor: Largo sostenuto.
I am not, as a rule very easily
moved to indignation. Long ago I Quartet in G mninor, Op. 47 .. Haydn
came to realize its futility. But I Allegro.
nmust confess that an event took place Largo a isai.
recently which moves me to protest. Menuetto. Allegretlo.
Finale. Allegro coni brie
I refer to the performance of Mr. Fil Alrc bo
Haines' adaptation of Mark Twain's Notturno...................fBorodin
Joan of Arc, by the Clemens group, By the Turn .............. Coossens
or rather, troupe. Saltarello....................Grieg
It is my notion that the student and
faculty population of Ann Arbor would
resent Ann Arbor's being catalogued A rel-iew, by henetlhI Patlrick.
as a small provincial town, with the The combination of Somerset Maug-
connatation that our writers of hmar ad Etbel Barrymore seems to
"Main St.'s" and "Babbits" have given i-0k wie as far as making footballs
it. They feel, and rightly, that their of the fundamentals of*family life
presence, the presence of the univer-
sity with its multifarious activities, and kicking them around are con-
distinguish it from hundreds of small, cerned, and in addition the game is
colorless towns. By a divine fore- played in a very entertaining and al-
gathering of hundreds of erudite in-1 most hilarious manner. The epi-
structors and professors for the pur- grams of "The Constant Wife" are so
pose of suffusing thousands of matur- nicely turned, the drawing-room fur-
iDeliciotS wenre ipe.II
Pcepaid 'AnywhereU. S. A.$2
+ .'.$z , ti tX x.n. 'a. w +7 ' : { i. t°A'r k y . .:r;' "i}'?' tY ?17,'efL.
> i i
. S
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Cars Washed
and Stored
31 Maynard St.
Opposite "Maj"
Leaving Detroit
Return to Detroit
11:50 P. M. November 24, 1926
8:00 A.M. November 28, 1926
ing boys and girls with 'the first blush
of ripened knowledge, it is presumed
that the atmosphere will be rendered
intellectually rich for miles around.
But what conclusion is one actually
to draw when a crime such as was
perpetuated that evening is permitted,
or what is worse, sanctioned. More,
it was a triple crime; first, it was a
crime to charge admission; second, it
was a crime to thus take up a per-
son's time, which might have been
better applied scanning the evening
comic supplement; and finally, it was
a crime to let the performers suffer.
The whole affair, from adaptation
to presentation, put one in mind of
nothing so much as the old ten-
twen'-thirt' thrillers in the days of
Tony Pastor, excepting that in those
vivid days, I'm sure the actors would
have been greeted with more than
polite applause. As it was, how for-I
niture so correct and the witticisms
so profusely scattered, that the un-
dertone of drama is merely felt as
existing. It is not until the listener
gets outside the theater that he rea-
lizes the full amount of sugar-coated
dirty work that has been going on be-
fore his eyes.
The story, brietly, is that of an Eng-
lish surgeon of some success who
Las reached the stresses and strains
of middle life, and who is-like many
ianother of that age-unquestionably
fond of his wife, but willing to in-
dulge in a little unseen byplay
with some one else's spouse. The awk-
ward part is; of course, the inevitable
discovery by the jealous husband and
the revelatlin before the ensemble.)
So far the tale is rather commonplace,
but it now presents some startling
developments. The downtrodden;
wife refuses to assume the angle, and I
latches things up so that no one is hurt,
causing the surgeon's heart almost to
flutter once more. When everything
is running smoothly again she takes
herself off for a vacation in Italy
wit h a former lover, leaving irate
mate home to supply the details with
his imagination. On not overly close
inspection, it is evident that the plot I
is anything but a moral one, consid-
ering that it is not thought exactly
proper to tell one's husband
that he is no longer loved-and has
not been for many years-and then
to let the matter rest at that basis.
Undoubtedly the philosophy is some-
what warped, but most entertainingly
Wilson Dam-now in action
U. S. Nitrate Plants-cost $84,000,000
Helen Keller's Home
Cotton Fields of Alabam'
Scenic Cumberlands
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(Includes Fare, Pullman, Meals, Side Trips,
Hotel Bills, Fees-Complete Expenses).
Information and Reservations
1010 Penobscot Buidhig, Detroit, -hch.-land olph 2737.
S. Cocherhtm, ianage r L. .1aubenimeyer, Assistant Manager.
Branch Office---120 Penr Street, Phone Jmi3, YIlilanti, Mich.
?. 11 out elle--Representative.
tunate for the players that they con-
fronted a polite, unctuous audience,
somewhat in awe, perhaps, of viewing
in one and the same person a woman
I who stood in close relation to two
celebuatcd artists-Mark Twain, (may
his spirit have been asleep or else-
where during the performance) and
Ossip Gabrilowitch( the same sincere
wish accords).
I 'haven't a doubt that Mrs. Ossip
Gabrilowitch is a charming women-
off stage. Surely the aureola of fame
and glory exuded by her two disting-
uished relatives must be sufficient in
size to encompass her as well. To
preside charmingly and graciously, as
she does, every Thursday and Friday
evening in the first right hand box
All Colors, in Wool, Slicker or Sheepskin Lining-
Our prices will interest you.
for extra warmth, we have all kinds.
For Ladis and imien
lead to new alignments. In a few miners that refusal of the govern- at Orchestra hall,-to be the wife of.
years it is not improbable that an ment'. basic terms for the coal strike a man who so superbly conducts one
elastic program could be worked out settlement will mean its withdrawal of the finest symphony orchestras in
to the satisfaction of all. from the present parleys, tie British this country, and is himself one of the
Heretofore the East has been the slmost illustrious pianists of the past
only section of the country which has government has wisely thrown the re- and present generation as well-that,
lacked for a representative confer- sponsibility for the delays upon the I it seems to me, is sufficient recom-
ence . The Far West, the Missouri I parties themselves. pense for existence. Instead of which,
Valley, the South aid the Middle West In arbitration such as the govern- does Mrs. Clemens become imbued with
all have their groups. But until the ment has fostered, there is alway-s a the notion that she can sing, she at
recent dissolution of the triple al- tendency to hold up the conference once finds, by reason of her cele-
liance, the East has been prevented unnecessarily in order to obtain better brated name a gullible and awe-struck
from forming such a conference. Now terms. Because the parleys are ar- audience; does the estimable Mrs.
the way is open . A Big Ten of the ranged by the government, neither -Clemens become possessed of the
Eastern schools, such as those men- party can be definitely held responsi- myth that she is a tragedienne, she,
tioned, might conceivably bring the ble fTr the delays. finds, for the same reason stated.
country into a national conference As provided by the ultimatum, how- above, an audience equally gullible. }
systern through which the highest ever, tie miners will be required to But for a nioment's return to the,
standards of athletics and sportsman- ! deal directly with the mine owners, play. Every fresh grotesque grimace
ship could be mainitained. Then, too, unless they accept the present terms on the part of one of the troupe made
with a Big Ten in the East and West, in which the main points have already you feel like nothing so much as step-
a post-season game between the cham been conceded. In any such arrange- ping into the nearest drug-store and,
pions of each offers exceedingly in- ment, there will be no third party to swallowing a bottle of veronal at a
tere ting possibilities. I which blame may be shifted. Respon- gulp. In spite of the God-awfulness
sihility will heome nlainIv vident nf it, however. I continued. like the
The play-even as its lines are all
Maughanm-is in its presentation en-
tirely dominated by the Barrymore.
She is exquisite as the wife who re-
fuses to be abused, and cracks the
whip about the other characters with
all the alacrity of the trained ring-
master-or mistress-that she is. She
I is the drama-almost-and the others
but the scenery and properties.
This is not meant to take away
from the remainder of the cast, for
it was composed of experienced ac-
tors, most of whom filled their parts
Ito perfection. C. Aubrey Smith,
known for many distinctive roles,
characterizes the erring husband,
and almost crocks the sophisticated
vein of his audience into one of sym-
pathy in the last act. Frank Gonroy
truthfully enacts the old flame, seem-
ing to be really embarrassed at times
in his sincerity. Mabel Terry-Lewis
changes her views to meet situations
in a most able manner as the unemo-
tional mother-in-law, while Cora
Witherspoon, as the irritating sister, j
makes the audience ache to rise up as
For your. selection we are offering a large assortment of Wool Blouses,
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