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September 30, 1926 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1926-09-30

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Published evecry morning except Monday
during the University year by the Board in
Control of Student Publications.
Members of Western Conference Editorial
The Associated Press is exclusively en-
titled t. the tse for'republication of all news
dispatches' ci edited to it or not otherwise
ccite sd in this paper and the local news pu
lished therein.
Entered at the postoffice at Ann Arbor,
Miciga n,as second class matter. Special rate
of postage granted by Third Assistant Post-
master General.
Subscription by -carrier, $3.50; by mail,
Ofices: Ann Arbor Press Building, May-
nard Str eet.
Phns: Ediorial, 4925; business 21214.
Telephone 4925
Chairman, Edit. Board... W. Calvin Patterson
City Editor.................Irwin A. Olian
News Editor......... ...........
Wtomen's Editor... .......Marion Kubik
Sports Editor............,Wilton A. Simpson
Telenraph Editor..................... .
Music and Drama.......Vincent C. Wall, Jr.
Assoc. News Editor..........Philip C. Brooks
Night Editors
Charles Behymer Ellis Merry
Carleton Champe Stanford N. Phelps
o Chamberlain Courtland C. Smith
James Herald Cassam A. Wilson
Assistant City Editors
Douglas Doubleday Carl Burger

Alex Bochnowski
ercn Caiopbell.
waanuelat Cplan
Windsor Davies
Clarence 1delson
William Emery
John Friend
Robert(Ge sner
Elaine .ruber
Marthn Icove
Miles Kimball
Paul Kern
' Milton IKir shbaunm
Walter lleimann
Garlaind Kellogg'.
Hlariet L ey
G. Thonias McKean

Dorothy Morehouse
Kingsley Moore
Henry Marymont
Martin Mol
Adeline O'Brien,
Kenneth Patrick
Morris Quinn
Sylvia Stone
James Sheehan
Henry Thurnau
William Thurnau
Milford Vanik
Herbert Vedder
Marian Welles
Thaddeus Wasielewski
Sherwood Winslow
Morris Zwerdling

r Y r

Telephone 21214

Advertising.....Paul W. Arnold
Advinrtisiiig ... .....William C. Pusch
Advertis ig. .. .'..Thomas Sunderland
.6lvertisin... .......George H. Annable, Jr.
Publication...............John H. Bobrink
Accounts...............Francis A. Norquist
G. B. Ahn, Jr. T.T. Greil Jr.
1). M. Brown A. M. Hinkley
M. 11. Cain E. L. Hulse
-l arvey Carl S. Kerbaury
Dorothy Carpenter R. A. Meyer
Marion Daniels H. W. Rosenblum
Night Editor-AMES T. HERALD

increased the output of his country by
billions; he has fired his countrymen
to an enthusiasm for the greatness of
ancient Rome and has instilled an
idealism with his stringent economic
policy. Today Italy stands as one
of the most stable of European gov-
ernments, due to this man-Musso-
For this we must give the dictator
credit which is justly his, but when
his ambition reaches the point where
it regards neither his neighbors nor
the rights of mankind in general, then
there is something wrong and then it
is time that a larger force than Mus-
solini take the reins of policy. When
a man's thirst for influence reaches
the point where a whole nation must
alter its plan of mobilization, as
France has been forced to alter its
plan, then it is time that a greater
power, the power of world public
opinion, exert its influence to save
for itself what has been won at so
great a cost-its security from narrow
minded nationalism.
General development of the nation's
waterways with particular emphasis
upon the proposed Great Lakes-St.
Lawrence route, is receiving valuable
support from Herbert Hoover, secre-
tary of state, who strongly advocates
it as an aid to farmers in the middle
With his usual thorough analysis,
Mr. Hoover points out first that, since
the price of farm products is deter-
mined at the seacoast or abroad
where the streams of competitive
goods meet, transportation costs must
be borne by the farmer; second, that
r'ailway rate increases coupled with
the stationary steamship charges paid
by the foreign competitor have handi-
capped the midwest farmer to the
extent of six to twelve dents a bushel.
In this situation, the development of
a waterway whose power possibilities
would repay the original investment
and provide a cheap means of trans-
portation should be welcomed gladly.
Opposition, however, has risen in
those sections, principally New York,
where private interests would suffer
by the diversion of traffic from the
Empire state and its first metropolis.
For the sake of, their argument, the
objectors have advocated the use of
the obselete New York barge canal
in conjunction with the Great Lakes
and the Hudson river. This route,
however, involving 169 miles of canal
and 130 additional miles of restricted
waterways, is greatly inferior, and its
construction would constitute an ever
enlarging demand for government ap-
National preparedness has also been
dragged into the controversy with the
argument that the St. Lawrence route
would be a distinct handicap to the
,United States in case of war with Great
Britain, while the New York scheme
would provide an all-American en-
trance to the Lakes. Aside from the
obvious fact that there is very little
possibility of such a conflict, the ob-
jection falls down when the absolute
unpreparedness of either route to
aerial attack is considered.
With national welfare <lepending
upon the prosperity of the farmer,
and with financial and economic con-
siderations backing the St. Lawrence
route, narrow sectionalism should be
forgotten, and the leadership of cap-
able, public spirited men should be
Eight and one-half round-the-world
flights, or 72 times across the Atlan-

tic, is equivalent to 216,000 miles-
the distance covered by the torpedo
and bombing plane squadron, No. 1,
of the navy scouting fleet, in a period
of less than a year, and all without
being compelled to make a single
forced landing. Meanwhile it has been
announced by the army that since the
inception of its model airways in
1922, its aviators have covered more
than 1,000,000 miles on schedule op-
erations with but one fatality. These
feats are merely a part of the year's
program of the army and navy.
However, the record is significant.
Can it be anything but indicative of
the future for air service? To the
casual reader of the daily news the
fatalities and the accidents incurred,
in air transportation are appalling,
but statistics seem to prove that flying
is no more dangerous than other me-
thods of travel, and the apparent para-
dox is explained by the fact that fly-
ing is a new field of transportation
in comparison to steamships, rail-
roads and automobiles, and because of
this, unusual notoriety is given the
accidents with which aviators meet.
The development of the air service
is fascinating and the record made by
the army and navy during the past
few years stands as convincing proof
that this aerial transportation is prac-
ticable and safe.

Reform in the movies! Coach Yost
this summer directed a fooball pic-
ture, and according to reports put the
"real thing" into the acting. He saw
to it that there was some football
science in the plays, and that the hero
didn't make the winning touchdown
by an end run around the back of the
* * *
That sort of thing should be carried
further. Why shouldn't there be a
college graduate, or at least someone
who has been to a college on a visit,
to direct the "collegiate" pictures.
And then too, they ought to use the
real characters once in a while. Why
not use real professors for such char-
acterizations in one of those stirring
dramas? The usual comical element
could be secured, of they acted na-
* * *
Of course, the above does not hold
for all professors, the ones who know
us being excepted.
* * *.
The mailman on our route is in the
hospital today with a broken back,
following the great influx of mail to
this department yesterday. Just like
those prize contests it was, and we
only wished there had been a photo-
grapher around to take one of those
beautiful scenes they always print in
the big papers, with the poor clerks
facing a mountain of mail, all of
which came from the contestants,-
and the creditors of the paper.
It even surpassed the receipts, of
the Athletic association for tickets
for the Oklahoma game.
* * *
One of the first we dragged in was
one from "Capand Anchor." It ran
like this: "Wagon ye merry tongues."
* * *

Then "Nega The" comes
with the "Struggle Buggy."
* * *



While the University has ,nver
lacked traditions of the right sort in
the past, alumni have remarked that
they have been often of a transitory
and unenduring nature. Forinate it
is then, that the University has as
President one who in a yea'rhas al-
ready made definite progress in estab-
lishing certain standards of campus
life. Accordingly, the utmost support
should be given to the new tradition
brought forward by the administration
-that of the sensibly restricted use of
the automobile by underclassmen.
As President Little stressed' in his
address Monday night in Hill auditor-
ium, the tradition will be very easy
to break-at first. Perhaps a fresh-
man may drive a car undetected for
a while. But President Little expects
the upperclassmen to enforce the new
tradition as a measure found neces-
sary and wise '"to ;keep underclass-
men from kicking themselves out of
The ruling should become a recog-
nized tradition, as has the ban on
pipe smoking by freshmen. No one's
liberty is taken away nor is anyone
deprived of his legal rights. As a
common sense measure to benefit the
students themselves the new tradition
should be supported, not with a vague
moral acquiescence but with vigorous
enforcement, the kind that will lead
to an offender's being fairly punished
for the infraction of a tradition de-
signed for the greatest good of all
Distrust, an occult alliance, and
then-War ! Twelve years have pas-
sed since this inevitable sequence last
visited war-ridden Europe, and during
that period a catastrophe so terrible
has occurred as to awaken nearly all
the nations Hof that continent to the
realization that some method must be
found for the preservation of peace.
One glaring exception still remains,
however, the exception which has ex-
cized wars in the Balkans, which has
fought over numerous isles in the
(Mediterranean, which has threatened
Fra'4ce, and which has now com-
mitted a breach of present interna-
tiotval gtiquette by attempting to effect
a sec'ret alliance with Russia and Ger-
many for the apparent domination of
Europe. The exception is Italy, the

One for the road hog was composed
by "Ababa Rococo." He sent in: "The
Hoss of the Road."
This Art Collection is open to all
artists on the campus and you do not
hato send in any coupons or sub-
scip~ns along with your contribu-
tiona. No ,manuscripts will be return-
ed, but prize exhibits will be posted
in Alumni Memorial hall, where they
will be open to the curious at all
1 hours.
* s
The question now arises as to
whether a horse and buggy can
make Ypsilanti and back in one
night. Well, if the Ann Arbor
railroad can make Toledo in the
same week, pretty near any horse
ought to be able to do the Ypsi
run 0. K.
* * *
You know there's something that
has been entirely overlooked in the
various essays on the degrading in-
fluence of modern civilization. Pro-
fessor Tilly told us in Shakespeare
class once that there is a story that
has been going around wherever it is
that such stories would go around, to
the effect that Bill Shakespeare start-
ed out in London holding horses for
the theatergoers. While they went in
to see the plays, William watched the
buggy to see that no bank robber
swiped it to make his get away in.
Well, isn't it possible that we have
been keeping down some great dra-
matist by our scorn of the buggy?
For the sake of the literary future of
America, then, let us go back to bug-
610-AP ,
* * *
One thing about buggies: when you
meet one of the telephone company's
poles coming around a corner, and
smash a few wheels, you don't have to
walk home. Just unhitch the horse
and ride home in style.
* * *
Taxi drivers will receive a great
increase in business, and the bus
lines will keep more people waiting
on the corners, but nity the noor no-

TODAY: Choral Union tryouts in
the School of Music auditorium from
4 to 5 o'clock.
* *
The dramatic season of the Univer-
sity of Michigan will be officially in-
augurated on October 12, 13 and 14,
when the Mimes will present Eugene
O'Neill's trilogy of plays in the Mimes
theatre. The "S. S Glencairn" was
the play which closed last year's
season so successfully, and since
patrons were turned away at
practically every performance be-
cause of lack of seats, a revival of
the ",oon of the Carabees," "Bound
East for Cardiff" and "In the Zone'
which compose the series, will with-
out doubt be a successful initiation
of the season.
These one-act plays, each contain-
ing independent action, but maintain-
ing a unity because of the continuity
of characters, form one of the most
powerful cycles of sea plays on the
legitimate stage today. They are
cross sections from the life of the sail-
ors on the "Glencairn." The action
is swift and vital, and the play is ad-
mirably fitted for an entirely mascu-
line cagt, since the only female parts
are four West Indian negresses, Bella,
Pearl, Susie and Violet-nice names
for the ladies who appear in one play
only of the three but who furnish
material for several colorful incidents.
In last year's production the direc-
tors-Mr. E. Mortimer Shuter and
Robert Henderson created strikingly
brilliant effects; the realism was
ctressed and the characters seemed to
live into their parts. The cast for
this year's production will be practi-
cally the same, since the work of the
men last year could hardly be im-
proved. Leonard Hall in the part of
Davis and Thomas Montgomery in the
part of Bella will be replaced, and an
announcement of the complete cast
will be made later.
. . .
A Review, by Edward Heyman
Here is another of those lavish, stu-
pendous affairs. The Shuberts have
presented "The Prisoner of Zenda"
Oet to music in the hopes that it would
create as much a furore as did "The
Student Prince." But unfortunately,
the "princess" fails to measure up to
her brother. We cannot be too harsh
with her, because she is a typical
younger sister-inclined to become
boring after awhile. She is a bit too
ambitious for her age. Her brother
is much more sedate and interesting.
"Flavia" is without a single doubt
beautiful. Evelyn Herbert in the title
role is entirely satisfactory; the stage
manager has done a good job with the
sets; the composer has fashioned
some lovely tunes; and the choruses
are capable enough. However there
is something entirely lacking.
There has been an unusual ava-
lanche of operettas this season, and
many of them are too good to worry
about serious competition.
"Princess Flavia" lacks the sensa-
tional chorus of the "Student Prince,"
or the marvelous ensembles of "The
Song of the Flame." It is completely
without the dash and virility of "The
Vagabond King." It boasts of no stir-
ring melody; pretty waltzes all of
them, but easily forgotten. All in all
it does not live up to the standards of
modern operetta.
It will please those who fail to ap-
preciate the true value of an operetta,
but it will disappoint those who ex
pect a piece of surpassing qualities.
The Shuberts have not learned that it
takes more than a sensational scene

to awe .0 audience,
It will interest the friends of Roy
Hoyer, who is leading man with the
Fred Stone company and who through
courtesy to Mr. Shuter arranges the
dances for the annual Union opera
will appear with Fred and Dorothy
Stone in:their new show "Criss-Cross"
which opens at the Globe theatre in
New York. (Mr. Hoyer who has been
with the Stones for years both in "Tip
Top" and in their last show "Stepping
Stones" is one of the best dancers now
appearing in musical comedy, and is
one of the many reasons why the
Michigan operas have succeeded ip
losing the stigma of "amateur produc-
tions and rank as the most complete
college operas in the country.
"Criss-Cross" is a beautifully staged
show and is now playing try out en-
gagements through the middle west.!
The last act is believed to be one of
the most elaborate of any musical
comedy to be in New York; the setting
40 nmr a m o 1k411on+ n- mirnr


Rider's Pen Shop
That beginning the middle of this week, we will enter the local



Typewriter Field
selling, renting and servicing standard makes of typewriters.
In keeping with our policy of the past, we will handle only
reputable, dependable merchandise and all work turned out will be done
by skilled workmen in this line.
We will have a large and complete line of rental machines to
enable you to select your favorite make and in the selection of these
machines care has been used to see that they 'are up-to-date and above
all, serviceable.
Let us serve you on typewriters and we will try to deserve your
patronage as in the past.



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Calendar Pads
Ring Books and, Sheets
Cash and Bond Boxes
A. Few Suggestiojis for the Socialf Year
Place Cards
Dance Programmes


Both Ends of
The Diagonal Walk


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The Mayer-Schairer Co.
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' I


Effective October 1, 1926

I "

to- 'Po . ...,
to Points Ch

in Long Distance Rates
'u tside Michigan


To points outside Michigan that are 150 miles or more distant, Long Distance
rates will be reduced substantially-the greater the distance, the greater the re-
duction. For example, from Detroit to St. Louis the basic station-to-station
rate will be $2.30 instead of $3.00; to Denver, $5.25 instead of $7.40; to San
Francisco, $9.30 instead of $13.45; to New York,$2.40 instead of $3.15. Reduc-
tions in rates from this city will be in like proportions.
Rates for distances between 24 and 110 miles will be adjusted, in many cases;'to
make the schedule consistent throughout, but in these cases any increase of the
basic station-to-station (Anyone) rate will be only five cents.
Reversed Charges on Station-to-Station
(Anyone) Calls
Heretofore the reversal of charges has been available only on person-to-person
(Particular Person) calls. As a further conveience to the public, this privilege,
will be extended to station-to-station (Anyone) calls where the rate is 25 cents
ormore, both to points outside of Michigan and between points within the state.
Longer Redaced-Rate Period
Reduced rate hours for station-to-station (A ayon ) calls, bothi to Michigan
points and to outside points, will begin at 7:00 p. m., instead of 8:30 p. m. as
formerly. Between 7:00 p. m. and 8:30 p. m., the discount will be approximately
25 per cent of the day station-to-station (Anyone) rates; from 8:30 p. m. to 4:30
a. mn., the discount will be about 50 per cent of the day rates. These discounts
will apply where the day station-to-station (Anyone) rate is.40 cents or more,
with a minimum reduced rate of 35 cents. Because of the unsatisfactory service
conditions which it brought about, the midnight discount still in effect on calls
to points outside Michigan will be discontinued.


I. I


4 1W


i klL t
: u

The net result of these rate changes will be a saving to the telephone users of
the United States of'app roximate&,. 3000,000 a year. The service changes are
made in the interests o public coz K-fence, to relieve the burden now imposed
by the congestion of business at midnight and to furnish still better long
distance service.


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