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November 10, 1926 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1926-11-10

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4:3 atl







Experts From Naval Reserve Squadron
At Detroit To Give Lectures;
Will Conduct Flights
Definite announcement that the Uni-
versity is to have a government air
reserve corps, was made yesterday by!
Prof. E. A. Stalker, of the aeronautical
engineering department. Organizationj
of the unit will be accomplished to-
morrow, when all those who are in-
terested in the course will meet at the

Law Professor Says Certainty Is More
Important Than Severity Of Punishment


Irwin Predicts No More Universal War;
Holds International Hatreds Declining





Editor's note: This is the fifth of a
series rii interviews with University authori-
ties on1th crimec situation in thc United
States. Copyright 1926 by -The Michigan
Pointing out that certainty of pun-
ishment is much more important than
severity of punishment, Prof. Burke
Shartell, of the Law school in an in-
terview with a representative of The
Daily, explained that the one prime
aim of all criminal law should be to
deter people from committing crimes.
He remarked that it is a common mis-
conception that the best way to at-
tain this end is to make the punish-
ment for crime 'as severe as possible.
"The 'good American people,' when
sitting in the legislature, work on the
principle that the more severe the
penalty the fewer will be the viola-'
tions," he stated, "but, on the other(
hand, the 'good American people,'
when sitting on a jury, are tremend-
ously impressed with the hardships
of the individual being tried before
them. and see in everv fact used inf

in its first prohibition law, made the
penalty for violation five years im-
prisonment, and found that under that
statute it was impossible to obtain
convictions. The ordinary jury flatly
refused to return a verdict of "guilty"
except in the most flagrant cases.
After a few years the state changed
the minimum sentence to six months'
imprisonment. Convictions at once
became more numerous while the
number of violations diminished.
The percentage of men that areI
hanged or imprisoned for life, as con-
trasted with the number of homicides
committed, must produce a relatively
small deterent effect, in the opinion
of the professor. A ten-year iaxi-
mum penalty, if enforced, would do
much more to check the crime, than
any futile threats of death or life im-
prisonment,! he believes. .
In England, he pointed out, crim-
inal laws are much more effectively
enforced than in this country. The
ratio of sentences to crimes commit-
ted is a great deal higher there than
here, and yet the punishment for first
offenders, except in the case of homi-
cide for which the penalty is hanging,
is usually very light.
(Continued on Page Eight)





Recommendation Sanctioned For Rais-
ing Price Of Trickets To $10 With-
out Extra Charge For Booths
At the organization meeting of the
J-H~op committee held last night in3
the Union, Friday Feb. 11 was chosen
as the date of the annual junior class
party. It is the day following the'
final examinations.
The J-Hop as in past years will be
held in Waterman and Barbour gym-
nasiums. Three orchestras will be
secured to provide music for the oc-
Committee Named
At the meeting Thomas Winter,!
general chairman of the annual junior
' event, announced the heads of the
various committees as follows:
Chairman ticket committee-Mar-
ion Hodgson.
iChairman booth committee- John

"There may be more minor conflicts
but the World war was the last uni-
versal struggle that will ever occur,"I
declared Will H. Irwin, writer and}
war correspondent, in an interview
yesterday before he left Ann Arbor.
Public opinion and the opposing forces
have reached such proportions, in the
opinion of Mr. Irwin, that they would
check any gathering momentum in the
direction of another great war before
it got well under way. The struggles
that will occur will be small and com-
paratively insignificant ones between
smaller powers, but will be very cruel;
and deadly, he believes.j
"Any war that would start now
would not be just because it would be
caused by economic motives. Wars
can be just, however, in certain in-
stances," Mr. Irwin declared.
In regard to the situation on the
continent of Europe the writer be-
lieves that there is far less hatred
there now between the nations than at
any other time in recent history. The
French have gotten over the idea, he
pointed out, that all Germans are
great bloodthirsty brutes and the Ger-
mans have gotten over the notion that
the French are a group of murderous

and selfish persons. Mr. Irwin men-
tioned that this was the first war
in which the participants ever actual-
ly criticised the conflict, after it was
over, as severely as it is being criti-
cised, and mentioned such works as
"What Price Glory" and "Behind the
Front' 'as illustrating this tendency,
which he believes to be a very whole-
some one.
Speaking of the League of Nations,
the famous correspondent said that an
international military police force was
unnecessary in view of the fact that
the league held the powerful weapon,
of commercial boycott. In two cases
already the mere threat of this means
has brought terms and there is no
reason to believe that it cannot be
used with similar success in the fu-
ture. "Disarmament is also a very
sound policy," he stated, "As well as1
these other methods and it is encour-
aging to see great nations actually
laying down their arms by mutual
In concluding Mr. Irwin declared
that there is no use laying down
rules for the governing of wars be-
cause in every major conflict the rules
are broken and treaties are nothing
but tissue paper.,


Gohring and Lutes Will Again
Male Lead and Comedienne
Roles, Respectively


Union. } evidence 1 som extenuating circum..-
Up to the present time, government stance."o
opportunities for learning to fly, have As proof for his theory Professor
been open only to those enrolled in shartel cited the recent case that oc-
the R. 0. T. C., who were aeronautical curred in a western state. That state,
engineering students. With the es-_
talsmeto NvlAiaiR- !
serve Unit here, all students on the l A l
campus are eligible for participation. I11 1 H TO


Final selection of men comprising
the complete cast of "Front Page
Stuff," the 21st annual production of
! Mimes and the Union, was announced
yesterday by E. Mortimer Shuter,
Opera director. The cast, 10 in num-
ber, is now rehearsing daily.
William M. Lewis, Jr., '29, will play
the role of 'June,' the feminine lead,
and will be featured both in numerous
dance numbers, and as a pianist, ap-
pearing in a toe dance feature and
iii a piano solo number on the order
of the Edith Baker specialty. Al-
though this will be Lewis' first ap-
pearance in a Union opera, he has
written the music for several lyrics
composed by Dorothy Stone for "Front
Page Stuff," and, according to Mr.
I Shuter, he has already proved to be
the most valuable assistant in dance
coaching that the Opera director has
ever had. Lewis is' an experienced
dancer, a promising actor, and in
feminine attire is possessed of a fig-
ure and facial beauty that recalls
"Cotton Stockings" and Lionel (Mike)

STATF flllf S WiI I


Courses iOutlined vLI i~lv *t~v + 11wa sawv 111 L. vw 1 ll1V111L.L.. i;
The course consists of ground Chairman music committee-War-I
school training and 30 hours of actual; IC A liii -'N EUS E T II1LL TOMORRO"' ren Wood.
flying for the first year. The secondLChairman decoration committee-
year is occupied with more advanceduCteR Harold Philpottncommittee
ground school training, and the hand-Chimnnvtio cmite -
ling of heavier planes during the sum- Claimants Claim, in Trial,, Portions Dr, Morris Fisbein and Lee A White Henry Grinnell.
met session at the Hampton Roads Of Mississippi Basin Polluted Will Be The Main Speakers At Chairman publicity committee~~
stationadBy Chicago Drainage Meeting Friday Night Clarence Houck.
Ground school training will begin Chairman floor committee-George
at the University starting Nov. 1, legand Hester.
every week following, one or two le,-1 HOLD SHIPPING IMPAIRED 600 MEN ARE EXPECTED Chairman favor committee-Paul
tures on the theory of aviation will beI Burton.
given. Experts in the various fields (By Associated Press) Practitioners from all over the Myrle St. Aubin was named treasurer
of aviation, from the VT 31 Naval Re- WASHINGTON, Nov. 9.-Volumin- state will assemble in Ann Arbor to- of the general committee and Warren I
serve squadron of Detroit, will present ous evidence was offered at the Su- morrow to begin a three-day conven- Wood secretary. Henry Grinnell was
ion which will include clinics andI appointed assistant general chairman.
the various lectures. Examinations preme Court chancery hearing today general meetings. More than 6 The budget for the party has been c
on the lectures will be usual features. . 00neral mengthretthsd $ ,sy ,
Students who are successful in this in support of the complainants' con- medical men throughout the state fixed at $7,000, as in past years, but
course of lectures, will be sent to the tentions that Chicago's water with- have signified their intention to be the price of the tickets has not beent
nayal air station at Chicago for a 45- drawal from Lake Michigan eventu- present, according to Dr. James D. definitely settled as yet. However,
day period in the summer. During this ally might be reduced without hard- Bruce, director of the internal met- recommendation was sanctioned by
time .the student will be given 30 Icile department and chief of the unaminous vote of the comnitte to in-;
hour ofastudllingfship to the city medical service at the University hos- crease the price of tickets from $7 tot
whic will be alone. A ground schioo The complainants, the states of pital, who has charge of the arrang&- $10. If the recommendation is acted!
course, more advanced than that given Wisconsin, Michigan, Minnesota, Ohio, ments. on favorable by the Senate Committee
at the University, will be given at the Pennsylvania and New York, seek to Dr. Morris Fishbein, well known on Student Affairs the tickets will be
training station in connection with the enjoin the Chicago sanitary district writer on medical matters and editor sold for $10 with the provision that no
flying course. from withdrawing water in such quan- of the Journal of the American Medi- extra charges will be made for booths. i
The seco e ourse will be a tities as in their view, impair lake cal association, and Lee A. White, of In previous years the J-Hop com-t
Th{eodya orewl eatte si hi iw marlk the Detroit News, have been secured mittee was composed of 14 members,f
continuation of the first year. More shipping through lowering of the nor- to seakoat Ne g al been becur butmit has 15mthsea du to te
adacd1cursi rud col.lsufc ee to speak at the general meeting to be1 but it has 15 this year due to the
advanced lectures in ground school mal surface level. hedFiayngtinNtrllcec
training will be given at the Univey- The states of Illinois, Missouri, held Friday night in Natural Science granting of the School of Business A-
sity, and for the second summer ses- Kentucky, Tennessee, Louisiana, Ar- en tion the right to be repre
sion, the student will be sent to the kansas and Mississippi are represent- public.,vented.
Hampton Roads station. here, the ed with the sanitary district in oppos- General sessions will commence on Applications Ready Soon
finer points of aviation including the ing the move, tomorrow morning and will continue A ruling was made at the meeting
advanced theory of flight, meteor- The complainants centered their until Saturday noon. Clinics will be that all final decisions will be made
ological conditions, the Morse code, fire today upon two points which they held at the University hospital from by the general committee, with the
and the finer technique of flying will hold to be the crux of the controversy. 9 to 5 o'clock on Thursday and Fri- various sub-commites having t
be taught. For actual flying, the stu- j They sought to establish that the day, and from 8 to 12 o'clock on Sat- right of recommendation only.1dy
dents will be trained how to handle sanitary district and its predecessor, urday morning. Ticket applications will be ready I
I More than 400 men have signified for distribution in about 10 days, it
the heavier bombing and observation I Chicago's drainage commission, bad their intention to attend the informal was anounce. Acceptances and re-
planes. 1Eburdened the population of downstate dinner which will be held tomorrow jections will be mailed to applicants
-Offers ComnitissionI Illinois and the contiguous territory whc1ilb edtmro etoswl emie oapiat
Completion of this course success-in the Mississippi basin with pollutedI night at the Union, at which time ad- after Nov. 26. First preference in
Competin o ths curs suces intheMisissppibasn wth ollteddresses will be given by President ticket allotments will be given to jun-
fully brings to the student, an En- water, and that adequate artificial drese Cilk ive Riet icket aotn ilgien to jun.
sig's ommssin i th aciveser- swag diposl pant wold akeClarence Cook Little, Regent Walter tairs of good standing, and those who
sign's commission in the active serv-I sewage disposal plants would makeH Sawyer Hugh Cabot, dean of the have paid their class clues. I
ice, or, if he wishes, a lieutenant's unnecessary withdrawal of water suf- l. Smedica 1school, and Dr. John B. Jack-
commission in the Reserve Air corps, ficient to constitute a burden upon s medical sc-oolhand C.iJdneB.Daek
with which he is paid $200 per year. Great Lakes shipping. son, president of the state medical so- Di
Five other conference universities Charles Evans Hughes, special mas- ciety. I
have units similar to that which is to ter for the Supreme Court to prepare In Building Struck
be established here. a record on the 25-year-old contro- COOLIDGE TRA VELS f
The corps comes as the efforts of versy, opened thie day by, overrulingWE T O DEDICATEBy Destroying Gae
Prof. Felix Pawlowski of the aeronav jIdefense objections to inclusion on the WESTLTOyi
tical engineering department, Prof. record of excerpts from previous in- LIBERTYMEMORIAL (B Associated Press)
Neil H. Williams of the physics de- quiries into the problem by war de-L
partment, and Prof. Herbert C. Sadler partment engineers and committees (aLA. PLATA, Md., ov. 9.-A twisting
of the marine engineering department f of the Illinois legislature. Through . wind struck suddenly out of a sury
who have been attempting to gain the these records, together with elabora- WASHINGTON, Nov. 9.-President sky today and shattered a school-
establishment of such a unit for some tions by council, more than 1,000,000 Coolidge traveled again tonight to~ house here in which about 50 children
time past. words of evidence was put into to- wards the Middle West, closing his were studying.
day's record, detailing the history of office to deliver an Armistice Day ad-i Eleven perished in the ruins and two
FETD the controversy since the opening of dress at the dedication of the Liberty others died while being rushed to
FRATERNITY BODY the old Illinois Michigan canal in memorial at Kansas City, Missouri, I Washington for treatment. At least
ASKED TO SUPPORT 1865 where, five years ago, as vice-pres- 20 more were injured, some critically,
ASKEDident, he spoke at the cornerstone and a Negro man and woman were
UNION AMENDMENTI exercises. killed in their dwelling, one of three
ALBRIGHT TO GIVE In addition to Mrs. Coolidge, the I caught in the narrow, mile long path
Interfraternity councilmembers, RI OF TALK President also had in his private car of the storm.
ingeterday afternoonattheI Secretary Dwight Davis of the war de- Eleven of the torn little bodies lay
nin wesery infomen by Lete N partment, who is a resident of Mis- tonight in the town's undertaking es-
Johnson, '27L, president of the Union, souri and who will speak at the cere- tablishment or at their homes, while
concerning the proposed amendment hcI moly; Everett Sanders, secretary to two were still in the Washington hos-'
co c r( h ro o e m n m n T hree lectures on various phases of t e P e i e t a d m lt r n a a i a .
to the Union constitution. After ex- Palestinian archaeology will be given the President and military and naval pital.
plaining the various provisions of the by W. F. Albright, director of the aides.
amendment and their probable re- American Schools of Oriental Re- The President is due to arrive in ODER FA 'T
sults, Johnson urged the fraternity ; search in Jerusalem, Nov. 18 and 19, Kansas City tomorrow morning and s.H w M ERN FAC ORY
representatives present to do all in Natural Science auditorium. Mr. remain there seven hours. ie will kET -ODS SIOW I
within their power to insure a large Albright is now on a furlough in this speak at the exercises at 11 o'clock
enough number of men at the meet-Icountry and has been secured by the l a hotel. Hate will not return to his To show the more modern methods
ing to"vote on the proposed amend- Michigan School of Religion to pre-dahereutillSatrry. of factory production and efficiency,
ment. sent this series of three lectures, it desk here until Saturday.nierlsoflmdpcngtseea
A quorum must be present before s anouncd yesteray.s It is the first time Mr. Coolidge hasvinereels of film depicting these fea
was nnouced esteday.tures were shown last night in Nat-
the voting may be conducted, he The topics which have been an- been in the Middle West since he ad-
pointed out; and a two-thirds vote of nounced for these lectures are "The dressed the American Farm Bureau auspicesnce auditorium, under the
nouned or teselecuresare"Th ausice ofthe American Society of
those present is required for the pas- New Era in Palestinian Archaeology," Federation in Chicago last December Mechanical Engineers.
sage of such an amendment. Wednesday, Nov. 17 at 4:15 o'clock; and it is his first visit to Kansas City Methods of the American Radiator
No business of the council, other "The Excavation of an Israelite as President. company were shown to illustrate
than a reading of the treasurer's re- City," Thursday, Nov. 18 at 4:15- modern factory production, while fac-
port, was transacted inasmuch as only o'clock, and "The Dawn of History in ; GARGOYLE WILL HOLD tory efficiency was demonstrated by
one-third of the member fraternities the Jordan Valley" Thursday, Nbv.I the conveyors as manufactured by the
were represented. The next meeting I118, at 8 o'clock.I STAFF MEETING TODAY LamsCo nveyor company.
of the Interfraternity council will be Mr. Albright has been director of
held Jan. 2. yoriental research for many years andi There will be a meeting of the ed-

Future Attempts Against Life Of Duce,
Or Member Of Royal Family, Will
Be Punished By Death
(By Associated Press)
ROME, Nov. 9.-Attempts against
the life of Mussolini or any member
of the royal family will be punishable
by death hereafter. The chamber of
deputies this evening approved this
law to which Mussolini himself con-
sented after the insistent demands ofl
the Fascist party.
The new measure also provides
heavy penalties of imprisonment for
antagonism to his regime. Simul-
taneously the assembly, which is com-
posed of 'black shirts," almost to a
man, unseated the Communists and
120 Oppositionists of various parties,
who have refused to participate in
Parliament since the Matteotei murder
in the summer of 1924.
The death penalty law was carried
by a vote of 295 to 8; the resolution
expelling the recalcitrant members
passed 293 to 10.
It was a remarkable demonstration
of loyalty to Il Duce. Throughout the
session Mussolini sat with arms cross-
ed, staring straight ahead in a line
above masses of roses heaped on his
From the beginning to the end of
the session, the chamber's sole pur-
pose seemed to be to show its admira-
tion for the set-jawed silent man
about whom every eddy and current of
Fascism moved.

Realism Most Significant of Problems
That Playwrights Must Solve
Van Druten Asserts



Senor Caserpeno, president of thea
chamber, abbreviated his usually E'
lengthy speech, summing up the dep-
uties' loyalty, "Long live MussoliniV
today-long live Mussolini always."
But in the midest of a demonstration
of good will, it became necessary toe
seize the anti-Fascist ex-deputy Calo
and forcibly eject him from the gal-I
Miller TO Address
Student Press Club
A. L. Miller, manager and editor
of the Battle Creek Enquirer News,
will address the Student's Press club
at 7:30 o'clock tonight in the editorial
room of the journalism department in
the old Medical building. ,
Mr. Miller was president of the Uni-
versity Press club of Michigan two,
years ago, is a member of the Asso-
ciated Press, and is considered to be,
one of the outstanding editors in the
state. "His paper is noted as a train-
ing school for young reporters and he
has always shown interest in their {
welfare," declared Prof. John L.I
Brumm of the journalism department,
who has arranged for Mr. Miller's!
appearance before the Press club to-E
Others interested in hearing the
speaker, as wellas journalism stu-
dents, are invited to be present.
Dean John R. Effinger, of the liter-
ary college, left yesterday to attend
the annual convention of the Ameri-

I Gohring's Third Year
DENIES PLAYS ARE BORN Russell Gohring, '27, selected as the
juvenile lead for "Front Page Stuff,"
"Contrary to the popular view a will assume his role as leading man
lay is not born in the author's mind; o ng pyerahf r te th e ,p an
it must be made," declared John Van ' ing played the part, of the. captain of u e , y u g E gi h d a ait o t e g a d i T m o rn ~l s e r
rut young mdEngli d ramatist, to the guard in "Tambourine" last year,
a large audience yesterday afternoon and the male lead in "Tickled To
n Natural Science auditorium. Death" the year previous. He will
play the part of 'Jimmy Bryant.'
The main problem in creating a suc 'Richard Lutes, '28, the comedienne
cessful drama, according to Mr. Van in "Tambourine," will again have that
Druten, is the necessity of making it role as the Swedish countess in this
ealistic. The theater is popular be-jyerspoutn.Ltshaapom
-aus itis cotinutio oftheyear's production. "Lutes has a prom-
cause it is a continuation of the isn atti er" si rhtr
'hildhood game of make-believe, and iasng parcomedy in "Front PageShute
projects the audience into other peo- will be excellent." Other members
>les' lives and characters. The of the cast who have had former
msiness of writing plays is, then, a Opera experience are Thomas Doug-
>argain between the author and the all, '28, a feature dancer in the wom-
tudience; the audience pretends the en's chorus of "Tambourine," and
,ituations are real, and the author Lorain Norton, '27, who sang "April
strives to make the audience forget Days" in the same show.
hat they are not, he said. The remailning members of the cast
In order to accomplish that aim, who will have major roles in "Front
he would-be playwright must, in the Page Stuff," are Donald Lyons, '27,
>pinion of the speaker, understand who will play the part of Professor
he function of the stage as well as Dodd; Richard Woellhaf, '27Ed., his
he technique of writing. Mr. Van Dodd; Frd Woeacha, '27dheis
Druten expressed the idea that the bwife; Frank Strachan, '27, their son,
actual purpose of the stage is not Bo'; Rbd ham, '29 Tse
aarrativ in nature. The theater, heapot and Philip Culkin, '29. These
said, can best do character portrayal men will make their first appearance
ad, dialues. din this year's Opera, but all of them
Mr. Van Druten also touched upon are said to show unusual talent.
the more practical side of play writ- Lyons, Woelhaf, and Strachan had
ing-the technique or mechanics of major parts in the recent Mimes pro-
erating a drama. The author must , duction, 4'S. S. Glencairn." Graham
atn more than a knowledge of how iwill have several important song num-
to write; he must have experienced bers in "Front Page Stuff."
the emotional sensations of his char- The cast, choruses, orchestra, and
acters. He must let his characters committeeme wl formaaconpany
dominate him, and suppress his own , of 100 men, fully as large as that of
individuality. In speaking of the 'last year, to be taken on the tour of
writing of his own play, "Young 13 cities during the Christmas vacaw
Woodley," Ir. Van Druten declared tion.
"I had the sense of becoming a steno- Lester, the designer of costumes
grapher taking down the words of my for several former Operas, has re-
characters." He urged the import- ceived measurements of the cast and
anc ofthe sicrty of the writer, choruses, and will make a special
and the necessity of a broad-minded trip to Ann Arbor to fit each costume
knowledge of his subject. before the Opera gives its first per-
formance at the Whitney theater.
Color plates of many of the costumes,
NEW PHILOSOPHY and photographs of members of the
SUIMMAR IZED B y company in their most attractive at-
tire will be on display in the Union
POLISH LECTURER lobby in the near future.
Take Moving Pictures
Rehearsals of the choruses are now
Summarizing the content of his new taking place twice daily, men andw
philosophy of the correlation of sci- men's groups practicing their dance
ence and life, Count Alfred Korzybski, numbers in the afternoon and eve-
author, philosopher, and lecturer of ningrMoving pictures of bth
Poland, explained the fundamentais choruses practicing their dance rou-
of his theory in an interview last tines and specialty numbers were
night at the Union. taken yesterday afternoon by repro-
"Modern life is built about the sentatives of the Reo Motor car com-
theories of Aristotle, of Euclid, and of pany, of Lansing, for use in their
Newton," pointed out Count Korzyb- weekly news reel. Several numbers
ski," and that is, why science and life were filmed of the. choruses working
an important part, have not been ac- together and separately, and addition-
incided." A new cycle of theories that al scenes were taken of solo numbers
are non-Euclidian and non-Newtonian, featuring Lewis and Dougall. Other-
in which the theories of Einstein play "film shots" include views of the
a nimportant part, have not been ac- work being done on the scenery and
ceptable as they would not coincide settings of the Opera. The news
with the old Aristotlian theories with reel will be shown at the Arcade the-
which they were fitted. ater, for a short time, beginning one
_______week from tomorrow.
Varsity Band W ilI "Front Page Stuff" will open at the
BWhitney theater on Dec. 6, for a
M akeTripTo h week's run, after which the company
I N (will again rehearse for a week be-
fore leaving for Chicago Dec. 17,
Definite announcement was made I where the Opera will give Its first
yesterday by Robert A. Campbell, I presentation on the .vacation itiner-
I faculty manager of the Varsity band, ary.

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