ESTABLISHED 1890 les' lives and characters. The of the cast who have had former msiness of writing plays is, then, a Opera experience are Thomas Doug- >argain between the author and the all, '28, a feature dancer in the wom- tudience; the audience pretends the en's chorus of "Tambourine," and ,ituations are real, and the author Lorain Norton, '27, who sang "April strives to make the audience forget Days" in the same show. hat they are not, he said. The remailning members of the cast In order to accomplish that aim, who will have major roles in "Front he would-be playwright must, in the Page Stuff," are Donald Lyons, '27, >pinion of the speaker, understand who will play the part of Professor he function of the stage as well as Dodd; Richard Woellhaf, '27Ed., his he technique of writing. Mr. Van Dodd; Frd Woeacha, '27dheis Druten expressed the idea that the bwife; Frank Strachan, '27, their son, actual purpose of the stage is not Bo'; Rbd ham, '29 Tse aarrativ in nature. The theater, heapot and Philip Culkin, '29. These said, can best do character portrayal men will make their first appearance ad, dialues. din this year's Opera, but all of them Mr. Van Druten also touched upon are said to show unusual talent. the more practical side of play writ- Lyons, Woelhaf, and Strachan had ing-the technique or mechanics of major parts in the recent Mimes pro- erating a drama. The author must , duction, 4'S. S. Glencairn." Graham atn more than a knowledge of how iwill have several important song num- to write; he must have experienced bers in "Front Page Stuff." the emotional sensations of his char- The cast, choruses, orchestra, and acters. He must let his characters committeeme wl formaaconpany dominate him, and suppress his own , of 100 men, fully as large as that of individuality. In speaking of the 'last year, to be taken on the tour of writing of his own play, "Young 13 cities during the Christmas vacaw Woodley," Ir. Van Druten declared tion. "I had the sense of becoming a steno- Lester, the designer of costumes grapher taking down the words of my for several former Operas, has re- characters." He urged the import- ceived measurements of the cast and anc ofthe sicrty of the writer, choruses, and will make a special and the necessity of a broad-minded trip to Ann Arbor to fit each costume knowledge of his subject. before the Opera gives its first per- formance at the Whitney theater. Color plates of many of the costumes, NEW PHILOSOPHY and photographs of members of the SUIMMAR IZED B y company in their most attractive at- tire will be on display in the Union POLISH LECTURER lobby in the near future. Take Moving Pictures Rehearsals of the choruses are now Summarizing the content of his new taking place twice daily, men andw philosophy of the correlation of sci- men's groups practicing their dance ence and life, Count Alfred Korzybski, numbers in the afternoon and eve- author, philosopher, and lecturer of ningrMoving pictures of bth Poland, explained the fundamentais choruses practicing their dance rou- of his theory in an interview last tines and specialty numbers were night at the Union. taken yesterday afternoon by repro- "Modern life is built about the sentatives of the Reo Motor car com- theories of Aristotle, of Euclid, and of pany, of Lansing, for use in their Newton," pointed out Count Korzyb- weekly news reel. Several numbers ski," and that is, why science and life were filmed of the. choruses working an important part, have not been ac- together and separately, and addition- incided." A new cycle of theories that al scenes were taken of solo numbers are non-Euclidian and non-Newtonian, featuring Lewis and Dougall. Other- in which the theories of Einstein play "film shots" include views of the a nimportant part, have not been ac- work being done on the scenery and ceptable as they would not coincide settings of the Opera. The news with the old Aristotlian theories with reel will be shown at the Arcade the- which they were fitted. ater, for a short time, beginning one _______week from tomorrow. Varsity Band W ilI "Front Page Stuff" will open at the BWhitney theater on Dec. 6, for a M akeTripTo h week's run, after which the company I N (will again rehearse for a week be- fore leaving for Chicago Dec. 17, Definite announcement was made I where the Opera will give Its first yesterday by Robert A. Campbell, I presentation on the .vacation itiner- I faculty manager of the Varsity band, ary.