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November 09, 1926 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1926-11-09

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______________________________________________________ U






Without Presence Of Samuel
Escort Is In Danger Of


(By Associated Press)
SPOKANE, Wash., Nov. 8.-Queen
Marie of Roumania, and her entour-
age traveled southeastward through
Montana today, beaning aboard herl
special train further threatenings of
the discord which marked her visit to
the Pacific northwest last week.
After stops at Glacier National park
and Billings, her route lay towards
Caspar, Wyoming, where she is to be
greeted tomorrow by another woman
ruler, Gov. Nelli Taylor Ross, of
Wyoming. Governor Ross is to ac-
company her to Denver, where she is
due to arrive on Wednesday. ,
Threaten Disagreement
Without the presence of Samuel
Hill, personal friend of Marie since
pre-war days, millionaire road builder
and creater of the Mary Hill museum,
for whose dedication the Queen de-I
clared last week she had made the
trip to Washington, and minus that of
J. B. Ayres, representative of the Ford
Motor company, the royal party today
was still threatened with disagree-
ment among its personnel.
Mr. Hill, who joined the train at
Spokane last Tuesday evening and
left it Saturday night at Seattle, dis-
agreed so markedly with Maj. Stan-{
ley Washburn, special aide to the'
Queen, that an open breach between
them developed at Portland Thursday1
Involve ]ay Birkhead
The latest complications involved
Miss May Birkhead of New. York and
Paris, press agent for Miss Loie Fuller,
former dancer and close personal
friend of Queen Marie. A reported
statement by Miss Birkhead to another1
member of the party that Madame
Lahovarie, lady-in-waiting to the,
Queen, is identified with a Bucharest;
political group not in sympathy with
the present Roumanian government,
was the subject of questioning by Col.
John H. Carroll, official host to Queen;
Marie, and by Major Washburn. '
Miss Birkhead suffered a nervoust
collapse aboard the train today, and'
was under the care of the Queen's1
nurse. Colonel Carroll announced
that it was undecided whether she!
would remain on the train or be left
in a hospital enroute.

Editor's note: This is the fourth of a
series ciinterviews with Uiversity authori.
ties on the crime situation in the Unite('
Copyiight 19i6 by The Michigan
"In my experience I have fount'
that jurymen are willing to sit on all
kinds of criminal cases, regardless of
their seriousness"- so believes Clara-
mon L. Pray, clerk of the Washtenaw
county circuit court. Mr. Pray said
that his experience seemed to reverse
the popular conception that most citi-
zens are averse to judging cases where
severe penalties are involved.
"Only one or two a year don't like
to serve on even high criminal cases,"
the local clerk stated in an interview.
Most of the men and women drawn to
I serve base their request for being ex-
cused from duty on business reasons.
Farmers he classified as a group gen-
erally to be found on late fall term
panels, due to the lull in the amount
of agricultural work to be done.
"What do you think of the efficiency
of women on criminal juries?" the,
reporter asked.
"The policy of drawing women on
the jury has a tendency to raise the
standard of its work. That has been
proven by experience in this county,"
was the reply. "Women are as good
as men in this capacity; in fact, they
take all their cases more seriously
and are willing to sit in judgment on
the most serious criminal offenses."
Leaving the subject of the general
character of men and women servingI
on juries, the interviewer asked as to1
the main defect of the system today.
"There isn't any real main trouble
with the jury system," Mr. Pray de-
clared. "However, the present organi-,

,ation allows too many challenges in
a criminal case."
Twelve jurymen are picked out of a
box containing 30 names, he explained.
no the ordinary criminal trial, the at-
orneys for the defense are allowed
Wve challenges without cause to the
prosecution's four. When life im-
prisonment is the penalty, 30 pre-
emptory challenges are allowed the
lefense and 15 for the prosecution, in
addition to an unlimited number for
"The many challenges allowed gives
the criminal too much liberty," it was
asserted. "In my way of thinking, it
gives the co-respondent too much of
a chance to pick men that would suit
their particular case."
A remedy suggested by Mr. Pray
would limit the number of challenges
in criminal trials to the preemptory
challenges without any additional be-
ing allowed for cause. This would
eliminate the long delays and ex-
pense involved in the selection of a
jury and would prevent unscrupulous
lawyers from prolonging the trial to
the benefit of their clients. "My ex-
perience has been that the first jury
drawn has been as good as the last
jury accepted," he concluded.
Abrogation Of Chinese-Belgian Pactr
Is First In Series Of Treaties
Dealing With 15 Nations
(By Associated Press)
PEKING, Nov. 8.-China's abroga-
tion last Saturday of the Chinese- I
Belgian treaty of 1865 may become of
world wide importance. It is the first
cancellation of one of a series of
treaties that concerned the relations,
of 15 nations with China. The treaty
was abrogated by China after Belgium
had delayed negotiations of a newj
treaty based on equality and recipro-
city, and had proposed reference of
the question to the international court
at the Hague.
Chinese officials pointed out today
to newspaper representatives that
China had been unable to obtain
treaty action by the various powers
on her note of June 24, 1925, in which
China said that although she joined
the victorious allied powers in the
World war, her own international
status had remained "unimproved and
is in some respects even inferior to!
that of the defeated nations."
LONDON, Nov. 8.-China hasn't a
legal leg to stand on in its dramatic
abrogation of the trade treaty of
1865 with Belgium, according to re-
sponsible British opinion.

In l1ith Division Where The Candidate
Was Reported With Only One
Vote le Received 41
(By Associated Press)
PHILADELPHIA, Nov. 8.-The en-
tire election board of one division and
the Democratic inspector of another,
where no votes were credited to Wil-
liam B. Wilson, Democratic candidate
for United States senator, in the un-
official returns of last Tuesday's elec-f
tion, have been ordered to appear be-1
fore the election court tomorrow to
explain discrepancies as shown by the1
official count.(
The official tabulation showed that(
Wilson had received 35 votes in the1
14th division, 24th ward, and Con-
gressman William S. Vare, his suc-
cessful Republican opponent, 61. Int
the unofficial count election night, the{
Vare figures were the same, but Wil-
son was not credited with any votes.
Other Discrepancies
Another of similar discrepancies,
were noted by the special election'
cqurt in the 44 divisions in which Wil-
son was given a zero in the unofficial
count and another where he was
credited with only one or two votes
against several hundred for Vare.
In the 15th division of the 34th
ward and in the 6th of the 36th,1
where the Democratic senatorial can-
didate was credited with only one
vote in the unofficial returns, it was
shown that he had received 41 and 251

Illinois Dean W~ill
Attend Installation
Of Honorary Society
(Special to The Daily)
URBANA, Ill., Nov. 8.-Dean Thom-
as Arkle Clark, creator of the college
office of Dean of Men, will attend the
installation of a chapter of Phi Eta
Sigma, freshman scholastic fraternity,
Friday, Nov. 19, at the University of
Michigan. Dean Clark was founder
of the fraternity in 1923 at the Uni-
versity of Illinois.
A few days previous to his arrival
in Ann Arbor, Dean Clark will make
three addresses during one day in
Chicago. He will go to Ann Arbor
from New York city following the an-
nual Intrafraternity Conference, of
which he is educational advisor. Dean
Clark is a former national president
of Alpha Tau Omega and the recipient.
of many academic honors.
Arrangements are being completed
for the installation banquet which will
be held on Nov. 19 in the Union. A
suitable program has been arranged
by the student committee. Three oth-
er speakers beside Dean Clark will be
on the program. Forty-five men from
last year's freshman class will form
the charter members of the Michigan
society. These men were selected as

(By Associated Press)
NEW YORK, Nov. 8.-The
American Railway Express is to
take to the air.
Robert E. M. Cowie, president,
announced today that a contract
to carry the company's packages
by plane over two routes-the
first of a proposed great national
network-has just been signed
with the National Air Transport,
The first route will be between
New York and Chicago and the

second between Chicago an
I las, Texas, with service to
mediate points on both lin
Will Hold Special Meeting N
Assembly Room of Unlo
tPass On Amendment
All mnm{.... +1--T-

having the necessary scholastic re-
quirements necessary for membership.
Ohio State To Dedicate New Stadium
Oct. 22; Navy And Minnesota
Also To Play Mere


H. E. Van de Walker
Urges Club To Aid,
Charity Movement'
Urging that whole hearted support
be given the Washtenaw county move-
ment for the care and education of
crippled children, Hugh E. Van dej
Walker, president of the Michigan so-
ciety for crippled children, addressed!
the members of the Exhange club at
their banquet last night at the Union.
"Previous to the present organiz-1
tion for the crippled children of the
state of Michigan there were no so-
cieties in the state which sought in
any way to help intellectually normal
children with physical deformities,"
said Mr. Van de Walker. "No one
knew how many crippled Fhildren
there were and there were no facilities
for their care. This fact was ascer-
tained by a group of Ann Arbor people
and it was this group that started
the present movement, by starting the
education of a few children in the
University hospital." r

I '.

The official tabulations in 35 of the Coach Yost announced three of the
8 wards had been completed tonight. [home games for next year's football
t showed 27 "zero" election divisions schedule yesterday. Ohio State will
or Wilson and 28 in which he re- dedicate the stadium, Oct. 22. The
cived only one vote. United States Navy will meet Michigan
here Nov. 12, and the University of
Announce Little To IJMinnesota will play here Nov. 19.
Coach Yost will attend the meeting
Speak 0 n Prog ram of Conference coaches in Chicago Nov..
S wrom 27 in order to schedule one more big
' h ttln WW ome game; a Conference game If it 1
is possible to arrange dates with the
other schools. If it is impossible to
President Clarence Cook Little, schedule another Big Ten game,
opening the third of the Michigan Coach Yost will accept one of the
Night Radio programs, will be heard two other offers from other large in-
over the radio at 8 o'clock Friday stitutions that desire to play in Ann,
rom the Detroit News, station [Arbor next year.
WWJ, according to Waldo Abbot of The Board in Control of Athletics
he rhetoric department who is pro- decided to sell Stadium bonds on the
gram manager. installment plan at their meeting last
He will be followed by Ira M. Smith, Saturday. Most any plan that the
registrar, who will discuss the prob- purchaser wishes will be agreeable to
em of the increasing enrollment in !the Board provided final payment will
universities and the methods by which be completed before Sept. 1 of next
t is being limited and controlled. year. Final details regarding the
The third speaker, who will talk on plan will be announced later. The
he aims and advantages of the Union, I Stadium bonds are selling as well as
will be Paul Buckley, general manager was expected, but this plan was
of the Union. The last of the four adopted in order to give more Michi-
minute talks will be given by Harold gan fans an opportunity to purchase
Scott of the rhetoric department, who the bonds.
has recently returned from the Philip-
pine Islands where he has been teach- Michi an I
ng for the past year. He will re- E
count his experiences there, giving an Oratorical Contest
nsight into some of the educational
methods practiced in the islands. On U. S. Constitution
Anthony Whitmire of the School of
Music will play several solos, and --
Myron Burneson, baritone, accom- Announcement that Michigan would
panied by Miss Margaret File, will again be entered in the national ora-
give three numbers. Both are stu- torical contest on the Constitution
dents in the School of Music. was made yesterday by Prof. Richard
D. T. Hollister of the public speaking

i All members of the Unio
matically including every m
dent on the campus, will hav
ness meeting Wednesday, N(
the assembly room of the 1
vote on the amendment wb
been proposed for the Union
tution by the Board of Gove
This amendment is offered
care of the life membership
tion as affected by the actio
Board of Regents last sprin
they decided to increase th
portion of each man's tuition
to $10. Under the new pla
would be no participating li
bership and the present part
life members would be g
credit toward their life mer
from this fall's tuition. A
[amount would also be credit
each succeeding year's tuiti
the life membership fee of;
been paid.
This amendment also provi
all men entering this fall an
after would automatically bec
members upon the completion
years in the University. Any
is a fUlly paid life member w
ceive a refund of $10 from th
tuition and any succeeding fi
may be entered in the Unive
The present situation, wh
proposed amendment would
provides that the $10 part
man's tuition makes him a
member for this year only, an
credited as a payment towa
Members of the life men
adjustment committee of whi
ence W. Little, '28 is chairm
be in the student offices on t
floor of the Union from 2 to5
any afternoon this week to di
dividual cases..

d Dal- I|Remarks Versailles Treaty Is Worst
inter- (E Document Imaginable For
es. [ Its Purpose
"America is at the crossroads," de-
clared Will Irwin, magazine writer,
editor and war correspondent last
night In an address at Hill auditorium.
It may choose either to develop a
U ivast empire or to assume a moral and
material leadership unprecedented in
history; so far it has done neither,"
he said.
ov. 17 in The lecture, which was given on the
n to subject "The War Against War" and
t which was the third of the annual
Oratorical association lecture series,
OARD , consisted of a brief resume of the
methods used in the last war; a dis-
cussion of the peace conference and
n, auto- the League of Nations, and then an
hale stu- outline of America's position of world
e a busi- leadership which this series of events
e a7 us- has caused.
-v. 17 In Mr. Irwin prefaced his lecture by
Union to explaining that though people are
hich has generally tired of hearing about war,
n consti- that the time to discuss problems of
international peace is between the
rnors. events themselves, and that the time
I to take to prevent a war is before the war
proposi- starts. The cause for the World War
n of the was traced back to its roots, and the
ng when speaker held that the bitter comner-
e Union cial rivalry and the growing spirit of
from $6 nationalism that had developed in the
n there eighteenth and nineteenth centuries
fe mem- was largely the cause of the conflict.
icipating He explained that the "dollar diplo-
iven $10I macy" of the European diplomats in
mbership attempting to secure new markets,
similar raw materials, and places to export
ed from capital, was the chief cause.
on, until Traces War Course
$50 had The course, of wars was treated
ides that from primitive times when there were
nd hat- ' no rules at all to comparatively mod-
nd here- ern times when rules of warfare were
ome life accepted and generally eyed.wIt
zof four gnrlyoee.I
one who was a generally accepted principle
ould re- prior to the World War, Mr. Ir~vin
his fall's said, that 'non-combatants were to be
fall they spared and life conserved as much as
a ty.h possible. All this,. however, was
ich the thrown over before the war was a
replace, week old by both the Central Powers
reach and England, and it soon became ap-
student parent that it would be a war between
id is not nations, a war between the people of
ards life one country and the people of an-
nbership The best minds of the nations had
ch Clar- never previously been trained on the
an, will development of instruments of war,
he third the speaker said, and when they did
5 o'clock in the late war theresults were re
scuss in- markable. At the beginning of the-
war the only way that men knew of
to kill other men was by hitting them
ber with a hard instrument. his wash,
rnbe soon changed, however, when the
Germans introduced gas, and constant
Case improvements were made in gas until
an American, Lewis, invented a pro-
duct so deadly that there was no de-
fense for it except a complete gas
harles E. proof armor. Mr. Irwin declared that
aster be- it is true that while cities could be
wiped out in a single night with this
counsel gas and declared that if another gen
y began eral conflict came with this weapon
d by the being used it is entirely probable that
f the in- white man's civilization would be
tribunal completely exterminated.
Discusses Peace
Chicago The speaker then passed to a dis-
ersion of cussion of the peace t-reaty and the
League of Nations. He declared the
at is ex- Versailles Treaty to be one of the
worst documents imaginable for the
collection carrying out of its purpose and said
ntroversy that it hung "like a 16 pound ball and
trict, its chain from the leg of the League of
mplainant Nations." But the League itself, he
n, Minne- said, had accomplished a great deal
and New in the short time that it had been in
and Illi- existence and declared that Europe
Hater and could never get along without it now.
earing to- and that the Geneva organization is
uri, Ken- gradually taking a place in the minds
Arkansas of Europeans that cannot be denied.
1 The speaker dwelt at some length
upon the accomplishment of the
G O League in the Austrian question, when
WON they sent experts to chaotic. Austria
ELr'lP and saved it from the brink of eco-
d. A~~J nomic destruction. The permanent
Secretariat of the League, being as it
is bad for is entirely neutral, is seen by Mr.

t not for Irwin as the most effective depart-
now their ment of the organization." The
han ever. League of Nations, while far from per-
for young fect, is a great step in the right di-
rection, even though I would not say
d that the definitely that the United States
rium Sun- should join it," Mr. Irwin said.
t. "I did World peace must come ultimately
of that and America stands in a strategic
nd I feel position in relation to its accomplish-
ost agree- { ment, the speaker concluded.

During the five years of the life of cc w t
Le de C the society they have made a careful Making A Play Is I
Leaders Compromise; survey of the state and have found S bF
that there are approximately 12,000 S be tC o e o
On Tax Refund Plancrippled children in the state today Suject osen For
which means that there are four TFalk By Van Druten
(By Associated Press) -physically deformed children in every
WASHINGTON, Nov. 8.-President 1,000 people of Michigan, he pointed "Making a Play" is the subject Johnis
Coolidge and Secretary Mellon ironed out. Although great steps have been Van Druten, the English playwright, (
out the tax proposal of the executive te byntheasocesifrtheringiedu-,has chosen for his lecture to be given 1
today and agreed that it should be cationra measue y hthese chire at 4:15 o'clock todayin Natural Sci-r
accomplished through a credit to the no great headway has been made be- ne auditorium.
cause of the large number of children oneapxoim
tax payer of about 12 and one-half AusMr. Van Druten is the author of
per cent on income taxes to be paid that need care and the lack of inter- "Young Woodley" which made its
next year on this years income. ai i the people that should support initial appearance in New York lastI
While the President was busyl ad- the movement. year. The play, which stars Glenn'
justing his tax-saving plan with hisI Hunter, is now appearing in Atlanticd
secretary of the treasury, congres- 'GRAHAM ROBBERS City. He has also written two other
sional leaders were expressing various EM N T LAE plays which will be brought forth inl
views which indicated clearly the plan R M a short time.J
did not meet will full approval at the! After the success of "Young Wood-
Capitol. Police have been unable thus far ley" had become established, the the-
Mr. Mellon accepted the proposal to to discover any important clues to the atrical world waited for someone to ap-i
take his surplus apart, but convinced i apprehension of the thieves who loot- pear to claim the authorship of the'
the President that the idea for an Im- ed C. W. Graham's East University play. Mr. Van Druten, did not pro- I
mediate refund of taxes collected this avenue book store early Sunday morn- claim his identity, and the play was I
year would be too costly from an ad- iig, taking fountain pens and draw- thought to be the experiment of some Y
ministrative standpoint. ing instruments roughly valued at well-know English writer. However
[sev:ral thousand dollars. he was revealed to the public by As-
Two men were seen leaving the sociated Press reporters, who found
Deny Barnes-Hecker i store at about 4:20 Sunday morning him holding a professorship of law in
Bby a campus nightwatchman, who re- the University of Wales.
M ine To Be Sealed ported that one of the pair was on Mr. Van Druten was persuaded to
crutches. City police officials believe, come to the United States to lecture,
however, that this was but a trick to and while speaking in this country
(By Associated Press) cover up any possible chance of their was obtained by the University for
ISHPEMING, Mich., Nov. -- R being identified. Entrance was ef- today's address, held under the au-
ports that the Cleveland Cliff Iron fected by jimmying the front door. spices of the English department.
company was intending to seal up the
Barnich ermine, west of here
which 50 miners and William E. Hiil FOOTBALL SEASON THEME OF LATEST
rvsette county inspectorloserISSUE OF GARGOYLE ON SALE TODAY,
lives~ in a cave-in last Wednesday,
were denied Monday.
Work of clearing the shaft i an With the football season as the l in the construction of multi-tier seat-
be on the first level, continues theme of its art and literary work, the- ing apparatus to be situated on the
__________rs ____,__ti__s INovember number of Gargoyle, cam- Ififty-yard line is graphically explained
pus humor magazine, will go on sale by Vyse with reference to the mod-
GRAND RAPIDS-The American this morning. The spirit of the issue ern skyscraper. Under the title,
Legion memorial pillars to heroes of is presented both by the cover which "outlines of Football," the season's
the World war will be formally pre- shows a wolverine, drawn in carica- sport is explained with respect to his-
sented to the city by the American ture by Fred Hill, '27, art editor, torical events from the age of the
Legion Armistice day. making a touchdown, and by the front dinosaur to the Civil war in a col-



RobbinsPree ts1department.
o ins resens Michigan's representative last year,
Report To Senate Philip N. Krasne, '29L, won his way
to the semi-finals which were held in
Los Angeles, California, and received
At its first meeting of the present $500 in prize money. The contest this
academic year held last night, the year will be organized in much the
University Senate heard the annual ! same way, holding local, state, dis-
report of the Senate council which trict, and national contests in order1
was presented by Dr. F. E. Robbins, and paying about $5,000 in prizes to
assistant to the President. An address the winner.
of welcome to the 45 new members I Prof. Louis M. Eich of the public
of the body was given by President speaking department will have charge
Clarence Cook Little. of the contest here and all students
After completion of the business interested should see him at once.
meeting, the members of the Senate The contest here will be held some-
adjourned to the University club room time after the Christmas holidays.
in Alumni Memorial hall for an in-
formal reception. MODERN YOUTH L
Committeemen Will I WITH INQUIRINGA
Set ate For i-H op "Youth today has an inquiring at-

Ex-Cabinet Me
Hears Illinois
(By Associated Press)
Hughes, sitting as special m
fore an imposing array of
representing 13 states, toda
the taking of evidence aske
Supreme- court as a result o
junction suit filed with that
to restrain Illinois and the
sanitary district from the div
water from Lake Michigan.
The proceeding opened wh
pected to be a three weeksc
of facts bearing on the old co
between the sanitary dist
I mother state, and the con
states of Wisconsin, Michiga
sota, Ohio, Pennsylvaniae
York. Allied with Chicago
nois in its fight for lake w
represented by counsel app
day are the states of Misso
tucky, Tennessee, Louisiana,.
and Mississippi.


J-Hp -titude toward religion," declared Wil-1
J-Hop committeemen will meet at 1Ham Lyon Phelps, Lampson profes-
10 o'clock tonight in room 302 of the sor of English at Yale university, in 4
Union for the purpose of organization. an interview following his convocation'
Committees will be appointed. The address here Sunday. "It is not a
date for the annual social function hostile attitude; it is not as favorable
will be set and other business will be as it might be; it is certainly not in-,
transacted. difference, however. This is the most1
informal age we have ever had."
Gr ek Re ublIn explaining his description of the
G e R u i npresent age, the Yale professor re-4

time of less restraint. This
the eakmndedyouth, bus
the strong. Those who k;
own minds are better off t
The present age is a testi
men and women."
Professor Phelps remarke
congregation at Hill audito
day was an inspiring sigh
not believe that one-tenth
number would be there, a


greatly honored. I was m<

mnrAn cTo


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