RiigulaJ. Sunday Open House To Ble
One of Features Of B'nai B'rithz
-....7..... _
Of; Questions On :every Possible Subject Confronts
i nforma-tfio~n Ds A nUi )fn Week-End Of Illinois
I~ienhersol th tillit)ilihOLat OO j 3)e9* ry;])g lt( itore iiitustial iil-I
_where had the "U" hail (of antiquity)
Continuing -the varioA plans for in-
creasing interest in thle B'nai" B'rith
Hillel foundation, the'social commit-
tee and the ;social welfare. committee
of that organization ,are making' ex-
tensive, preparations for 'the coming
Beginning Sunday, Oct. 31, the social
committee is to conduct open house
at the dome Qf the foundation at 015
E. University avenue, every Sunday,
afternoopn and evening from 2 o'clock
to 4 o'clock and from 6:30 o'clock to
10 o'clock. Refreshments will be
served and there will be a host and
hostess. in attendance.
The social welfare committee has#
started work on an employment serv-
ice for Jewish students on the campus.
It is planned to get part-time work,
Saturdayr jobs' in Detroit, and to list
summer: camp positions. This service,
bureau is equiipping itself with infor-
mation from over the country on these
jobs and hope's to have the .service
functioning in ?the, biear ,uture.
Subscribe for The Michigan Daily.
cotnmnittee, as.;st inia1 88111ali ge i s y ti>, ,, nrecl l-(1 there disappeared to ?"j
last Saturday in I he t.ii '98 lolm ( ;ws Jo i !vid ual wh, 'o a pproached Another individual, apparently in a
l)Ciidfced 0aMthe iri i s t lpoal iof ' all , l '1low Vcal n l ^n(.t a scalper total loss of memory, or direction, or
hlt li~a ('lflet lt iit g con ye 't- ; oW I., arnplest ( Vi ieu of0 his both, made a pathetic appeal for the
tioni week'' anid Ii)orc i'',of 11 e' for soine infoui inate pro- location of his ,parked automobile. As
inlduizl5eflecouhteret Iilltlie 1)f(dillysee! t\ H}A!1,1' iouglt 'to()locate the 1he had absolutely no idea where het
af ri she an y s el;,Ill0 ( -:Jon..1 ,e- le~I)V c5. av ou a ad left it before th~e game, a complex
furnishedtyon of 8the 15<8)1t ~ -;l of .zit I "1lave you any clheck- ;nmethodl of calculus and analytical
Est ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ c imtio f h Ioaliutub'W " 1 cu' 'rious requtests. geometry, including the confused one's
questions asked and ~t \ lot 1-i E1 1:7 idoiN h r<goi1lma, l)i('Mttl UlJ ot note ad tm
'' f oue ito hecity adthe tie e-
i 0 a,., ons11 of long 1 11111' standling ven.- i nent to walk to the Union, saved the1
trons traveling at 150,0{}0 mile,; a .sUI> "ii 5(j to iiotuircQ"\What is that. big day. Later he returned and thank-
end. l ;iiiet iit; II1"' ownfe tu'l 1 57rtt, and(l
Ifully reported the effeeivees of Ithe ipromlinent. Questions as to the un-
solution. (known where-abouts of tickets to the
Still another, whriosr geniaility ti is n gamne mounted into the thousands.
doubt, conducted a (iuO 'let' 1our11 Aside from exotic inquiries, there
harangue at l~wie ifrmation (d.,.h(were legitimate questions concerning
because his footbllt icke. t sn1't thei' everything from. bus and train sched-
ready for his ]Leer . "Wht'e n, Si:; '- tt,,iles, telephones, change of timeo, foot--
st reet?" wats one ~qtt .;[ ~u. ud : oan ba l)ll scares, where to eatt, anti locattion
''When is the school-I eacheysr:' n intiof places iii town, to requests for van-_
for the district o01 Fit ?" Other f ou, sourcees of en tertainment.
Airing puLrsulers of inforatf ton desi red Theinformation .desk functioned
to know to what f rat e rnitic s te if fronm 8 o'clock in the morning until
t ferent footb1)11ll layr ' belonged, an+_I late at night. It will be continued at
I what shows wer'e inl Ypsiant i. IteWsosngi(,
Of thei gereral questions causifi
}some deg4'ee of amnusement, were those BUENOS AIRES--The Pauly-Zanni
l asked repeatedly. "May I have some- expedition to the south pole will sail
fone paged?", "Whiere can I find so- from Buenos Aires during the latter
and-so?" and if not;, "Why not?" were part of November.
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Subscrip-"tio % to the
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- .All subscriptions of4 $375 not .) 81d by November-
15th advance to $4.25. After i o vember 20th, all
unpaid subscriptions will be stopped and billed-
at, the rate of 5c per Issue.
House Man ao-ers
Now is the tizme to settle this account.
Save fifty cc Ats on each subscription.
Please send checks for $3.75, or pay at the Daily Office,
- ~ in Press Building on Maynard St. (Opposite the Majestic)