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September 29, 1926 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1926-09-29

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Organization Of College Councils To
Be One Of Principal (Projects
Of Governing Body
General consideration of the vari-
ous activities and work to be under-
taken by the Student council this year
will comprise the program at the first
nieeting of the new representatives
this evening in the council rooms
at the Union. The council will meet
every Wednesday at 7:30 o'clock
throughout the school year.
The policy of the Student council
this year will be similar to that of
last with every effort towards even
more comprehensive student govern-
ment than In the past. ,it will be te
chief aim of the council to further
promote student government," Thomas
Cavanaugh, '27L, stated yesterday.
"In addition to the' various activities
planned by the organization from time
to time, particular attention will be
given this year to criticisms and com-
plaints from students in regard to
affairs on the campus. For that pur-
pose, among others, a representative
of the council will be at the Union
from 2 until 5 o'clock daily. Within
the council, the presence of repre-
sentatives at every meeting will be
obligatory with a request for resigna-
tion as the alternative."
Cheering Section Made
The first undertaking of the council
this year is the establihment of the
permanent cheering section. Enroll-
ment in the bloc of 1,200 seats was
conducted all of last week and will
b'e concluded within a few days.
Two University pep meetings have
been arranged for this year on the
eve of important football games, with
'the possibility of a third rally before
the season closes. The meetings al-
ready scheduled will be held in Hill
auditorium preceding the Illinois and
Wisconsin games here.
The Sunday convocations, which
were held in Hill auditorium last
May, when they were regarded as
highly successful, will be resumed this
fall and next spring as planned by the
council. Two convocations are being
arranged for October and two for
November, as the first semester pro-
gram, at which time educational and
religious leaders of national promi-
nence will speak.
Will Conduct Elections
The council will supervise all class
elections this fall as in past years.
Election of officers in the senior,
juhfor, and sophomore classes will be
held in about a month's time although
it is plafned to defer the elections in
the freshman classes until after
Christmas this year. The latter may
not be held until the first of the next
semelter, according to present plans,
In order that members of the first
year classes in the literary and en-
gineering schools may be better ac-
'quainted, and thus better qualified to
select their respective officers. Pre-
siding officers will be appointed in
each class by the council at once, who
will be responsible for calling meet-
ings, and the like, until the regular
officers are elected.
One of the principal new projects
which the council will undertake this
year will be the organization of the
college councils, formulated last
spring in the literary, engineering,
Law, Medical and dental schools. Each
council will hold its first meeting in
the near future for the purpose of
framing its constitution and by-laws
and for. the election of officers within

each college body. The first'meetings
will be called by the general council
and the president of each college
council will automatically become an
ex-officio members of the general,
The council, as usual, will super-
vise and arrange the fall and spring
games between the freshman and
sophomore classes this year.
The National Student Federation of
Colleges and Universities will hold
its annual convention in Ann Arbor,
Dec. 4-6, under the auspices of the
council. This city was selected as the
next meeting place following the con-
vention held at Princeton, N. J., last
winter. Representatives from all
American colleges and universities
will attend the sessions here. The
federation. was founded a few years
ago for the purpose of studying the
life, government, problems and dis-
cipline of students.

The editorial staff of The
Michigan Daily offers practical
newspaper experience and inter-
esting campus associations. Sec-
ond semester freshmen or sopho-
mores who wish to try out are
asked to see the News Editor at

the offices
at once.

in the Press building


Croup of 350 Ancient Documents Date
From Third Century, B.C., to Fifth f
Century, A.D. IV
(By Associated Press)
LONDON, Sept. 28.--Prof. Francisg
W. Tealdi of the University of Mich-
igian, is returning to the United Statess
with a remarkable collection of an- t
cient documents, ranging in date from t
the middle of the 3rd century, B.C., tob
the end of the 6th century, A.D., which r
have been presented to the University b
by Oscar Webber and Richard H. Web-. C
ber of Detroit. B
The collection was brought together 1
in Egypt and comprises more than
350 documents. Some are fragment- w
ary but many are complete, and per-A
fectly preserved. Nearly all are on4
papyrus; a few are on wax tablets. i
The language is chiefly Greek, but l
there is a select group of Coppic docu-
ments. There is a bilingual papyrus
in Greek and Latin containing a por-g
tion of a report in a law case. On a d
wax tablet is part of a Latin speech in 1
which is a reference to the last year ti
of the reign of the Emperor Hadrian,
139 A.D.
The contents are varied. There ares
petitions, one of which is addressedC
to the governor of Egypt; contracts,
leases, and receipts for money; lists'T
of workmen, statements of accountsI
and the tax rolls; magical charms,
and order for the supply of a donkey
to provide transportation, private let-
ters, and a few fragments of literaryp
work, chiefy verses of epic poetry, in
part Homeric.
Among the dated documents are an
compelte expense account of the yearh
145 or 135 B.C., one foot in lengthi
and three and three-quarters inchesb
wide; a tax receipt dated 162 A.D.;e
an official statement of an amount of
grain delivered at Alexandria in 374a
A.D.; and a surety for tenants remain-r
ing on their holdings dated in 594 A.D. 1
(By Associated Press)e
NEW YORK, Sept. 28. - Ogden B.I
Mills, of New York city, vigorous op- e
ponent during the past year of Gov- I
ernor Smith's policies of state ad-
ministration, was chosen today by the
Republican state convention to facef
the governor at the polls this fall.s
Seeking 'reelection for United Statest
senator from New York, as a runningv
mate of Mr. Mills, will be James W.1
Wadsworth of Genesee. His nomina-'
tion by an overwhelming majority
served to crush, at least for the timer
being, opposition by the dry wing ofs
the party to his stand in favor of mod-
ification of the federal prohibition
laws. Seymour Lowman, of Elmira,t
was nominated for lieutenant gover-
No Immediate,
Hope Held For
Miners' Release
(By Associated Press)'
IRONWOOD, Sept. 28.-Many addii-
tional hours of ceaseless toil in the
underground passageways of the
Pabst mine will be necessary 'before
the state of the 43 miners imprisoned

there since Friday is learned.
Officials of the Oliver Iron 4ining
company directing the rescue work
refused last night to estimate the
probable time when the men will be
reached and one engineer said it
3 might take a week or ten days. 1
Whether the men are rescued alive
3 depends, they said, on earth condi-
tions encountered in boring towards
the eighth level of the mine, 727 feet
below the surface where the men are

Seh'ool of Music Promotes 48th Annual a
Series; Extra Concert Series Is c
9th Consecutive Presentation
Advance notices hIave been posted
or what is planned to be one of the
most successful seasons, if not the
most successful, in the history of the
Choral Union concerts, according to
Charles A. Sink, the secretary and
general manager. This year's pro- S
ram will make the forty-eighth an-j
nual series promoted by the Univer-
ity School of Music. Coincident with
he regular concert programs will be
he extra concert series, which will
e in its eighth successive year. The
egular series will bring to Ann Ar- t
or two driawing cards in the persons
f Fritz Kreisler and Marion Talley. s
3esides these two there will be four T
ther numbers, making a total of six
oncerts in all. i
Kreisler, recognized by many as the a
world's greatest violinist, has visited c
Ann Arbor many times. He is re- 1
eived everywhere with admiration,
not only because of his mastery of his d
nstrument but also because of his C
ack of eccentricity and general inter- d
est in world affairs.
Marion Talley is the Kansas City
girl who-has received such recognitionm
during the last two years, and wh o o
nade her debut last February before 0
he Metropolitan opera patrons in t
Rigoletto" and "Lucia." Her talent
was first remarked upon when she
sang with a church choir in Kansas r
City at the cage of ten. In 1922 she re- p
ceived official auditions from Amelia t
Galli-Curci, Mine. Ernestine Schu-w
mann-Heink, and the committee of thea
Metropolitan opera house.a
Frieda Hempel Is First
The first number on the regular
program will be Frieda Hempel, who
has been heard at Ann Arbor Mayf
gestivals on several occasions, bute
never before in regular concert. Miss I
Hempel has advanced her sailing datec
from Europe by two weeks in ordern
to make the local date.
During November the English Sing-b
ers, reported to be a distinct novelty
n the concert field, will come to Hillc
auditorium. They will be followed,o
December 13, by the Detroit Sympho-s
ny orchestra under the direction of i
Ossip Gabrilowitsel. The Marions
Talley recital will follow, Jan. 17, and
Kreisler on Jan. 31.
The final concert of the regular ser-t
ies will be rendered on March 2nd byt
Gulomar Novaes, Brazilian pianist.f
The Extra Concert series will begin
on Oct. 9 with the United States Ma- ,
rine band under the direction of Capt.
Wililam H. Santelman. Added inter-
est will be added to this number fromp
the fact that the band will play in thea
afternoon at the M. S. C.-Michigant
football game. The Marine band is I
said to be the oldest public organiza-
tion of its kind in the country. Itn
was formed some time before 1800 and
has been in continuous existence evere
Moriz Rosenthal, bulletined as the
most eminent survivor of the heroic1
school of pianists constitutes the see-
cnd number of the extra program,
playing here on Nov. 29.
What is regarded by the directors of
the concerts to be the high spot on the
extra series is the appearance, Decem-
ber 4 of Roland Hayes, negro tenor.
Hayes rose from an impovershed ,

youth to considerable recognition in
both this country and in Europe,
Russia Singers Listed
The fourth number of this series
will be furnished by the Russian Cos-
sack Choir, an organization now tour-
ing this country for the first time.
The singers are under the personal di-
rection of Sergei Socoloff, a musician
educated in imperial Russia before!
the °war. This attnaction will visit
Ann Arbor, Jan. 10, and will be fol-
lowed, Feb. 21, by the Detroit Sym-
phony Orchestra, which will close the1
program with its second appearance
in Hill Auditorium in one season.
Earl V. Moore will again be musical
director of the concerts. Tickets for
the regular concerts and for the extra
series are separate, and may be ob-
tained by mail, or, rafter Oct. 4, by di-
rect application to the School of Mu-
sic offices. After Oct. 7 all remaining
tickets for single concerts will be of-
fered for sale. Course tickets for the
regu-lar. series are priced at seven,

Little Refuses
To fan Student
Secial rains1
Declinng to comment ;onl:the ac-
tion take~n by the University of Chi-
ago authorities and the proposed ac-
ion of the University of Illinois, on
he use of special trains by students
o out-of-town football games, Presi-
dent Clarence Cook Little, stated yes-
erday that "There Is no change con-
emplated at present here at Michi-
ran. Students have not abused any
privileges extended them, and as far
s I am concerned, the football spe-
cials may run again this season.
tudent Council President To Welcome
Class; Explain Traditions And
Campus Activities
Members of the class of '30 will have
heir first opportunity to gain an in-
ight into the traditions of Michigan
Phursday afternoon when all first year
nen and women are expected to attend
Freshman traditions meeting at 4 o'-
lock in Hill auditorium. The assemb-
y will be addressed by Dean of Stu-
ents Joseph A. Bursley and Thomas
'avanaugh, '27L, president of the Stu-
net council.
Cavanaugh will welcome the fresh-
nan classes to the University in behalf
f the council and will give a general
nutline of traditions at Michigan and
he various extra-curricula activities
which are on the campus. The fresh-
nen will be requested to bring any
roblems which may arise to the atten-
ion of a representative of the council
who will be located at the Union every
afternoon. The cguncl eeuutIye will
also name the member of the' Student
council who will act as prsiding of-
leer of the freshman class until the
irst year students have held their el-
ection of offcers. The new offce will
be established this year because the
council has decided to defer the fresh-
men elections until after 'Christmas in
order that members of the class may
become' better acquainted before
choosing their officers. The presiding
fficer will have charge of calling and
supervising all freshman meetings un-
til the regular election is held late this
semester or the early part of next.
Dean Bursley will explain his posi-
tion and duties in the University; will
tell the first year students what the
faculty expects of them; will explain
the advisory system and the system of
grades in the University; and will sug-
gest the best ways for freshmen to get
properly started in the University. Fin-
ally, he will extend a general invita-
tion to all freshmen to meet him in
his office at any time for the purpose
of discussing various problems which
may arise.
Doors will be opened at 3:30 o'-
clock Thursday.
swiss Teacher
Will Give Two
Lectures Here
Prof. Herman Weyl of Zurich, Swit-
zerland, internationally known mathe-

myatician and physicist, will give twc
lectures under the auspices of the de-
partments of mathematics in the lit-
erary and engineering colleges
"Gravitation and Electricity" is the
subject of the first lecture which wil
be given at 4 o'clock tomorrow it
Natural Science auditorium. The sec
ond lecture, on the "Rate of Infiniti
in Mathematics," will be given at thi
'same place and hour on Friday.
Professor Weyl is well known fo
his work in mathematics and physic,
'and is one of the outstanding authori
ties on the theory of relativity, ac
cording to Prof. J. W. Glover of th
mathematics department. The lec
tures will not be technical but of
nature to appeal to students and oth
ers interested in mathematics, philos
ophy, astronomy, physics, and chem
Professor Weyl is giving +a series o
lectures at Princeton and Harvar
and is making a brief trip West to lee




Conducts Arctic
Exploration Trip

Haggerty Secures Secretary Of State
Nomination; McKay And Fuller
Are Unopposed
(By Associated Press)
DETOIT, Sept. 28.-The political
machine of Gov. Alex J. Grosebeck
was wrecked today while 300 police-
men kept Groesbeck supporters from
even a glimpse of the catastrophe.
It was a jubilant destruction of a
machine that has been driven in tri-
umph through Michigan Republican-
ism for nearly six years. As uni-
formed officers stood outside Cass
Technical high school denying admit-
tance to 403 Wayne county supporters
of the governor, 888 delegates from
outstate cities and towns were inside
loudly acclaiming Fred W. Green,
nominee for governor and nominating
in its entirety a Green picked slatel
of candidates for minor state offices.
For two years the Groesbeck ma-1
chine has given signs of collapse,'los-
ing an essential part here and there,
yet continuing to lead the way for
Michigan Republicanism. Today saw
the end. There was no crash-just
a sudden collapse of the entire ma-
chine. The entire Green slate for
minor state offices was nominated
without any serious attempt by the
Groesbeck group to prevent it.
Wayne county (Detroit) which or-
dinarily has one-third of the voting
strength of the state convention, had
nothing to say today. The convention,
faced with demands to seat both a
Green and a Groesbeck delegation,
turned thumbs down on bth.
' War clouds that were black last
night and early today, cleared entire-
ly at noon. Mayor John W. Smith of
Detroit, a leader in the Green army,
ordered 300 policemen stationed about
the convention hall or withincall, and
admittance to the hall was denied all
but delegates.
Threatened contest for state offices
did not materialize. John S. Hagger-
ty, leader of Green's forces in Wayne
county, won the nomination for sec-
retary of state from Charles DeLand,
Incumbent, and Groesbeck adherent.
Frank D. McKay, state treasurer, and
0. C. Fuller, auditor general, were re-
nominated without opposition.
Justice Ernest Snow, a Groesbeck
appointee, was renominated to the
state supreme court. He was favored
by Mayor Green.
(By Associated Press)
ST. LOUIS, Sept. 28.-The United
States circuit court of appeals today
reversed and remanded the decision
of the distirct court at Cheyenne, Wy-
oming, upholding the Teapot Dome oil
lease obtained by Harry S. Sinclair-
and associates from th government
while Albert B. Fall was Secretary of
the Interior.
The appellate court's decision is
sweeping in effect and instructs th
lower court immediately to cancel the
mammoth oil company's lease to en-
join it from further trespassing o
- government lines. The opinion was
received here from William 'S. Kenyor
- of Fort Dodge, Iowa, presiding judge
of the appellate court
i Alpha Nu, Adelphi, )
Make Year's Plan
e 1 Alpha Nu, local chapter of Kapp
Phi Sigma, national literary society
r and the Adelphi House of Represen-
s tatives held their first meetings of th
. school year last night in their rooms
. in Angell hall.

e 'The 'meetings were largely taken
- up with plans for the coming year
a since no programs were arranged for
- either organization. Both societies
- will meet again Tuesday night of nex
- week at which time all students on
the campus interested in the activities
fi of the groups are invited to attend
d including first semester freshmen.

Director Declares Preliminary Work
Of Great Value To 1927 And
1928 Expeditions
After a perilous return journey
through ice floes, high seas, and hur-
ricane winds on the crippled schooner,
Morrissey, ending at North Sydney,
Novia Scotia, Prof. William H. Hobbs
of the geology department, director
of the Greenland expedition, arrived
in Ann Arbor yesterday morning and

William H. Hobbs
Head of the geology department
who returned yesterday after direct-
ing an expedition to Greenland ,for
the preliminary investigation of - gla-
cial and meteorological conditions.

' t
Preventive Medicine, Hospitalization,ih
Brought About By City Growth, P
Declares President t
"Medicine has undergone a great t
change in the past two decades," de- o
clared President Little in his address e
yesterday in the University hall audi- n
torium before the tannual convocationb
of Medical students.-I
"The rapid growth of cities hasd
brought about the development of two L
comparatively new phases in medicine
-perventive medicine and hospital- t
ization." President Little pointed out
that the congestion in cities necess-p
tated study of preventive medicine inI
order to curb epidemics, while hos-r
pitalization has been brought aboutI
because of the need of capable attend -
ants and for isolation of contagiousi
This new situation brings about the
necessity for closer cooperation be-
tween medicine and its allied sciences.
"The medical science seems to be a
sort of suspended super-structuret
while these allied sciences seem to bet
building its foundation rather inde-
pendently, and there is an increasing
danger that one will not fit the other,"
the speaker pointed out.
President Little also described some
of the connections between medicine1
and some of the tallied sciences, deal-
ing principally with sociology, biol-
ogy, and psychology. He stated that
the physician, should take a sociol-
ogical attitude in treatment of cases.
In conclusion, a warning was given
the medics against overspecialization. I
Don't be just a man of medicine, but
be a doctor of medicine, a teacher, and
a scholar," the president concluded.
Vera Cruz Hit
By Hurricane,
(By Associated Press)
VERA CRUZ, Sept. 28.-Vera Cruz
has been swept by a hurricane, the
most devastating since 1888.
Several ships were sunk in the bay
and the Ward liner San Juan was par-
tially wrecked.
With the great gale came heavy
seas, which flooded the piers and
'drove out those living in that neigh-
borhood, in fear of an inundation.
The streets of Vera Cruz are lit-
tered with fallen trees, but thus, far
not many casualties are rpported.
- There is no word as yet of damage in
the interior.-
MEXICO CIT'Y, Sept. 28. - News
from Vera Cruz, received by the cable
company this afternoon, is that the
city'is inundated, the waters- varying
t from one to five feet; that several
L small ships were sunk in the harbor
by the hurricane and many wooden
houses destroyed. So far as is known,
, there was no loss of life. All the
light and power services have been

rave an Interview on the dangers and
-esults of the summer's trip which
e declared successful "far beyond
ny expectation."
Disembarking from Holstenborg,
sreenland, Sept. 7, after nine weeks
>f exploration and investigation, the
>arty of six together with only Capt.
tobert Bartlett, skipper, and four
eamen,, started their dangerous re-
urn on the crippled Morrissey, less
:han 100 feet long, with keel torn off,
nd hull badly damaged and leaking
y grounding on an unchartered reef
fear Cape York. After a day out, the
raft's propellor dropped off, render-
ng the auxiliary engines useless; all
ands were required to man the
umps; food was, rationed -out; .and
he water supply was diminished ,to
ne-half a cup daily and later cut off
Flounder Three Days
By the time the Morrissey reached
he treacherous srtaits of Belle Isle,
inly nine miles wide, a head-on storm
nveloped the ship. Loss of the keel
made the ordinary process of tacking
mpossible and progress could only
be made by the dangerous method of
ibbing. After floundering for three
lays the craft made harbor on the
Laborador coast, and six days later
arrived at North Sydney, Novia Sco-
In addition to Professor Hobbs, the
personnel of the party was as follows:
Prof. Laurence N. Gould, assistant di-
rector, geologist and photographer;
Prof. S. P. Ferguson of the U. S.
Weather bureau, meteorologist and
upper air expert; Prof. G. E. Church
of the University of Nebraska, meteor-
ologist; Ralph L. Belknap of the
geology department, surveyor; and P.
C. Oscanyan, jr., radio operator.
Although navigating through a con-
tinuous ice field the trip from North
Sydney to Greenland was quite un-
eventful, being made with the benefit
of continual sunlight. The base of
operations, named Camp Little in
honor of President Clarence Cook Lit-
tle was established 50 miles east of
Holstenborg and just north of the
Arctc circle on July 7.
Tragedy very nearly overtook the
party on one occasion, when Professor
Gould and Mr. Belknap capsized a
motorized canoe on one of the north-
ern fiords more than a mile from
shore. Before the other members of
the party could reach them, several
Eskimos in their skin-constructed
craft had pulled the scientists out of
the icy water.
Reach Ice Cap
After some preliminary work near
the base, Professor Hobbs accom-
panied by threelmembers of the party
and four Eskimos penetrated the con-
tinent 100 miles in an easterly direc-
tion to the ice cap, where they made
records with meteorological balloons,
survey considerable territory by the
triangularation, and made a general
investigation of the region. Inability
to secure natiive game as planned,
cut the length of this trip from eight
to three days, and necessitated forced
marches on the return.
While at Camp Little the party
maintained wireless communication
with the Morrissey which was investi-
gating other parts of the far north.
News dispatches were received daily
from broadcasting stations in this
country; and stations in all parts of
the world were heard. The Camp Lit-
tle station under the call IXL was the
first short wave outfit to be established
in the Arctic region.
When the schooner Morrissey
grounded, her distress call was picked
up by both the McMillan and the
Hobbs expeditions, which notified the
Danish gunboat cruising those waters.
Assistance was immediately given by
the Danish commander, and the holes
in the hull of the Morrisey were
patched so that, with continual pump-
ing, navigation was possible.

rif I

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