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October 16, 1926 - Image 10

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The Michigan Daily, 1926-10-16

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' I f_ r

Hall Adds To Geological Survey Of
Conditions At Haiti And Other Islands;,
_________ ack Up All Mly Cares and
Supplementing the geographic sur- population of about 9,000, in compari- !-I
veY of Haiti begun during the summer ' oMrtnq =1000 Ltl W hoa!-
of 1925, Robert B3. Hall, of the geo- known about the island as yet, even -
graphy departnment, returned to the,
Republic of Haiti during the summer ;b the peoleof (dW 0luetoi1, .
to continue his research work as aI natural inaccessibility. Bordering; the I'm on may way to
guest Of' the Navy department. The a'ti an ams ipntal1
greater part of the summer was spent b Jh fdes agov.Bhn
by Mr. Hall in making a geographical this in at)rove swamp is a broad sa- I I-'
reconnaissance of the neighboring line mud fiat which extends inland -l ..i~
isad n uligdpnecea-fgiving rise to rocky hills covered with-
sislands ad t lyUingv e pen encesas-thorn forest and underbrush. The in- - -
ite by t e ni e st .trxor lhighlandls are the most suitableI-ill111[111111111E51!11l1t1tl ~ l111111 U 1t ~ 11~1 N U l~11
Mr. Hall was granted the use of the fiOiziu1.~il areas andl support thl' - -
"" c arc l , ariel sh p,"n d ac dsm a ll b l k sh ip ,o p uaan d. "Thina ivid e n t-s s fi e"1al y th e fl aoh pfoth e H itp o p u la tio n . "T hee a s ri i ng e xn a tivepi o e e
ally~~~a Th the flgsipofthlHitanfletfied"rea trkigoxapluomnons
in which they made the two-Week 1f ,°nitier' life," Hall remarked. "They R a h al ou n
stopover cruise around the southern h'ave an agricuzltural organization and
peninsula, exploring the islands of , .<,n.7arcis of living far in advance of
Grande Caymite and Isle a Vache, and flio,-t sections of the mainland. Their
reaching many inland points on the' extensive, well cultivated gardlens______
peninsula hardly accessible by land keep 1i lr amply fed,-and-their-large
travel: I thatedo houses are a distinct con-
Grande Caymite is a low limestone trast to the miniature garden methods
island having a Negro population of I and srnaller homnes of the rural in-
about 3,000, who make a living by! habitants of the Haitian mainland."
combined fishinxg and farming. The c"rpiv chief handicap faced by the
limestone, composing nearly all of the; people of La Gonave is the scarcity of
surface rock, is pitted with small water, duec to the. surface rock forma-
holes which-are filled with water most Lion of the island. The entire island
of the year and provide an excellent is composed of porous limestone, hay-
breeding place for mosquitos. During ing no surface streams and only a few
the rainy season the mosquitos be- springs. Water holes must be relied
come unbearable, and practically the upon entirely in many parts of the
entire population suffers from maa-' island, and these usually go dry dur-
laria. "No form of taxation exists ing the dry season. It is niot unusual
here," Hall said, "and immigrants to see people travel as far as ten
from many of the West Indian islands j miles for water. The women carry
"have settled there on that account, the water home on their heads in
in spite of the mosquitos and poor large .rourds, which hold about a gal-
general health conditions." ion. The distribution of population
The Isle a Vache, south of the is determined by the location of
peninsula, also has a Negro popula- springs, as there are no wells."
Lion of approximately 3,000, and is a These natural obstacles have effee-,
similarly unhealthy place. The sus- Lively retarded attempts at coloniza-,
tenance of the inhabitants along thej tion during the past centuries. Al! .
coastal settlements is derived fromt though no definite relics of proof have
fishing and agriculture, while cattle IYet been found, the Island was prob-
raising plays an important part in the ably first settled by Indians who fled
interior grasslands. A small amount; from the Spaniards at the time of their°
of lignum vitae is also cut and sold occupation of Haiti. During the co-
or traded to merchants on the main- lonial period of American history the
land. French left the island untouched, andI
"The boat dropped us about five it became a refuge. for runawayl
miles from shore," Hall continued, slaves and fugitives from justice. The
describing his experiences, "and we Haitian government is now concerned
threaded our way over the surround- in the solution of their hygienic and
ing coral reefs rowing about four economic problems, as well as the
hours in a small row-boat, until we colonization of the island by the grant
reached the north shore of the island. of a land concession.
We made the trip into the interior
on foot, as no horses or burrows Subscribe for t he "MIieligan Paily.
could be secured, but the guide hesi-
tated at the idea of going too far in-i



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land, as the island has establishedI
an unsavory cannibalistic reputation.f See' the New
The natives proved, however, to be of;Moe
much the same type as those in Haiti.Moe
They stared at us mistrustfully, as. Corol a
most of them had never before seen a
white men." a
La Gonave, the third main objective
of Mr. Hall's research, lies approxi- I id r P e Shop'
mately 35 miles northwest of Port an
Prince. It is almost as large as the repairin'l
French island of Martinique, having a

To You -

H* Yu T


seerrrrrr...ss., :.o~ ccc.,,:r v~i r. rr .~






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"! i

In Appreciation of Your Long.Service as a Builder of -Men;
and in R.ecognition of Your' $'ccessf l'and Siotsiralk
Leadership' in the Making of Footba l History in Michigan
Con gr,atu

;, t

' II
e ls' ,









On~ Rectchinrg the Goal of a
Quaorter Cerztuy OfS'erve to the
Un~iversity of Michigan


Do you remember that first game with' Albion
College in 1901? Dgo you remember how you let
the "big f ellow", W\illie H-eston, into the last half?
and how he covered himself with glory in his
first game for Michigan?
Just the other day, under the caption of "Twenty-
five Years Ago Today", soiveone re-told that story.
A reporter happened into Mr. Heston's down-
town office. He found the ruddy faced dean of
football stars at his desk, reading the story. The
"big fellow" was almost in tears. And with a
voice that. quavered. just a little, he spoke this
tribute: "I'm not ordinarily 'swayed by sentiment,
but when I read this- thing emtotions came over
me that almost choked me. It brought back those
memories of Yost, of the old stadium, the battles
in mud and gore-and glory. I'm oldejr now and

away from such tings, but I'm 'happier in
memories than~ I was then in the realities,a
3" *


Your friends are miniifful, Mrs Yost , of till fact
that it is just twenty-fve years a g6 this fa ll since
you. came to the camp sof o eo ved Un c iver si ty
of Michigan. Footbal.l history, farn~eand lsuiccess
hav e been written large ,since thcn tas proof of
your capable lead.ership. -
But great as h ave been your acehievemIetits in the*
realm of thye gridliron, it i5 your inil~uenc e in' the
lives of Michigan nien, yoiur idEah of ctic-s in
sportsmanshlip, and your conttibutills to inter.-
collegia te athletics that have won for y ,ou. th _
admirationr and frienadship of u ii ch'.
y -, .- ,.-' q y g1
behal f of you)tr f rk~nds to w ,hom 'yov r ::a rtc r
century of service is filled WithY sighii ican e


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Saturday, October

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Michigan vs.,Minnesota at Aw Arbor



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