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October 16, 1926 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1926-10-16

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Dean Bursley Announces Establishment
Of Permanent Freshman Advisory Plan
To Solve Difficulties Of New Students



Colonel Johnson Withdraws While 21st
Ballot Is Being Taken To
Settle Issue
(By Associated Press)
PHILADELPHIA, Oct. 15.-Howard
P. avage, of Chicago, today was
elected national commander of the
American Legion 'in what was the
stiffest fight for office in the history
of the organization.
The election was made finally by
acclamation when the national con-
vention was in an apparent deadlock,
His principal opponent was Col. J.
Monroe Johnson, Marion, South Caro-
lina, who withdrew while the 21st bal-
lot was being taken. The delegates
struggled for nearly five hours to
break the deadlock.
Other Officers
It took but a few minutes to name
the other officers who are:
Vice Commanders, J. P. Sims,
Marysville, Tenn.; Thomas Dusha,!
Helena, Mont.; John A. Towne, Water-
ville, Maine; Stafford King, Minne-
apolis, Minn., and John E. Curtiss,
Lincoln, Neb.; chaplain, the Rev.i
Joseph J, N. Wolfe, rector of St. Bar-
barba's Catholic church, Philadel-
The new national commander is
general superintendent of the main-
tenance of way of the Chicago elevat-
ed railway and is 42 years old. He
was a member of the 55th Engineers
and served with his regiment in
France as a first lieutenant in con-
structing and repairing railroads.
Prior to the balloting, the conven-
tion completed consideration of com-
mittee reports. One of the last to be
adopted was that of the naval com-
mittee which urged that "There be no
reduction of the enlisted personnel
of the navy at this time." Other rec-
ommendations were:t
The construction.of a naval base
on the West coast that will be able
to repair and outfit the largest battle-
ships and cruisers.
The further development and con-
struction of the submarine as one of1
the best and least expensive types of,
ship f(Vr general defensive and offen-
sive operations.
Must Serve Two Yearst
That all graduates . of the naval
academy be compelled to give two1
years service before being-permitted
to resign.
That the naval reserve be maintain-
ed at the highest possible standard of
efficiency and sufficient in number to
provide the necessary supplementaryt
personnel to mobilize the fleet and all
its auxiliaries.
That the naval reserve officers whent
found competent should be given
technical education on the subjects
pertaining to their official duties in
the reserves.
That American interests should re-{
ceive the same protection in foreign
countries as is given by other first1
class powers, and that a sufficient

Inauguration of a permanent ad-
visory system for freshmen, whereby
first year men will receive the bene-
fit of faculty help in solving scholastic
or personal problems, was announced
yesterday by Joseph A. Bursley, dean
of students. The new system will be
entirely separate and distinct from the
classification advisory system inau-
gurated this fall, and is said to be in
accord with the University's policy
of attempting to lessen the confusion
of the change from high school to col-
lege !life. The plan is necessarily ex-
perimental for the present.
Approximately 250 freshmen have
been divided into groups of about 25
men, each group having one faculty
advisor. These groups have been se-
lected by several methods. Several
groups are composed of students liv-
ing within a certain area, two groups
are made up of students selected at
random, and others have been trans-
ferred from the freshman classifica-
tion groups. It is expected that this
miscellaneous selection of students
will shed some light at the end of the
year on. the best method of organiz-
ing the men. Studerits in the literary,
engineering and architectural colleges
have been placed in individual groups.
The ten faculty members who will
have charge of the freshmen groups
are Prof. A. S. Aiton, R. C. Angell,
Waldo Abbott, Prof. S. S. Attwood,

Prof. P. E. Bursley, Prof. A. L. Clark.
L. F. Dow, Prof. A. R. Morris, and
Prof. C. T. Olmsted. Each has been
permitted to select the method which
seems best in advising the freshman
groups. It is expected that the ad-
visor will occasionally meet with the
group as a whole and with individu-
als in personal conference. This will
continue throughout both semesters of
the school year.
Faculty advisors met yesterday in I
the office of Dean Bursley and con-
ferred as to the steps to be taken
in the near future, and the best meth-
ods of approaching the prOblems, to-
wards making the groups successful,
and bringing about a closer faculty-
student relationship.'
Dean Bursley stated that the plan
was experimental, and the changes inj
it will be made when the best method
of grouping the freshmen is worked
out. He said further that the students
would have to go more than half way
in meeting the advisors as faculty1
duties would prevent their looking up1
each individual student. The new1
groups are planned to work into and
in conjunction with the groups at the
Union, though definite steps have not
as yet been taken in this direction.f
The faculty advisors will meet with
Dean Bursley from time to time to
consider plans and compare notes on1
developments in general.t

Los Angeles Circles Detroit After
Leaving Airport; Conditions
Are Favorable
(By Associated Press)
CLEVELAND, Oct. 15.-The giant
navy dirigible Los Angeles was speed-
ing over Lake Erie tonight while the
men on board enjoyed a fried chicken
dinner. The ship reported air condi-
tions favorable and that if the present
rate of speed was maintained it would
reach Buffalo about 9:30 o'clock to-
The Associated Press tonight re-
ceived the follqwing message from the
Navy dirigible' Los Angeles via the
Inter City Radio Telegraph company.
"After taking off from the elabor-
ate Ford airport mast, we circled De-
troit and the mast and followed the
international boundary line through
Lake Erie.
"Winds are favorable and we are
now making about 70 miles an hour
over the ground. At present rate
should reach Buffalo about 9:30
o'clock tonight. Everything on board
functioning satisfactorily.
"During our stay at Dearborn, Mr.
Henry Ford and Mayor Smith of De-
troit were prominent visitors among
many others.
"We are now enjoying an excellent
fried chicken dinner.
"Everyone treated the Los Angeles
crew royally.
"The air is very smooth and our

Chicago Theologian To Use "What's5
In It For Me" As Subject For
!onvocation Talk1
"What's In It For Me?" is the sub-1
ject which Dr Carl Safford Pattont
has selected for his address at the
second student convocation of the fall
series tomprrow morning in Hill audi-
torium. Dr. Patton is at present ap
niember of the faculty of the Chicago
Theological seminary, and is particu
larly well known in this city wheret
he was pastor of the First Congrega-f
tional church for ten years.
Besides having occupied the pulpit
for several years in CongregationalC
churches in Ann Arbor, Auburn, Me.,
Columbus, O., and Los Angeles, Dr.o
Patton has lectured extensively. He1
'has given numerous sermons at SmithI
and Vassar colleges in the East, andI
throughout California. A graduate of -
Oberlin and Andover Theological
seminary, he received his Ph. D. de-#
gree at the University in 1913. Dr.
Patton has also written a number of,
The service will open at 11 o'clock
'tomorrow, as usual. Thomas Cavan-
'atigh, '27L, president of the Student
council, will preside. Otto Koch, '27
S. of M. will be the soloist, and Daliesj
Frantz will be at the organ again.
Dr. Patton will arrive in Ann Arbor
this afternoon. He will be the guest
of Shirley Smith, secretary of the Uni-
versity, during his brief stay ,here.

lcpublican Candidate For Governor
To Use "Football And Polities"
As His Subject
As .a step in its efforts to interest
students in using their voting fran-
chise, the University Republican club
will present the Republican guber-
natorial iiominee, Fred W. Green, '9L,
of Ionia, at a luncheon at noon today
in the third floor dining-room of the
Union. In response to the demand
for tickets, a few additional reserva-
tions have been provided for, and may
be obtained at the main desk of the
Union this morning.
Mr. Green's subject will be "Foot-
ball and Politics." Dean Ilugh Cabot
of the Medical school will be toast-
master, and] Dean Henry M. Bates of
the Law school will introduce Mr.
Green, who is to be the only speaker.
The session will be adjourned in time
for the Michigan-Minnesota game,
which the visitors will attend.
Mr. Green, was nominated at the
primaries by a majority of more than
140,000. Later in that month, he led
the Haggerty-Smith faction at the
Republican convention, which con-
trolled that meeting, nominating their
entire ticket for the remainder of the
state offices. His victory was the
final stroke in the defeat of the Groes-
beck faction of the state Republican
The nominee was leducated in the
high school at Cadillac, at the Ypsi-
lanti Normal school, where he grad-
uated in 1893, and received his degree
from the law school of the University
in 1898. le is head of the Ypsilanti
Reed Furniture company of Ionia, and
president of the National bank of
Ionia. Mr. Green has been mayor of
Ionia for 12 terms, and treasurer of
the Republican state central commit-
tee for ten years.
He spoke last night at a meeting of
Washtenaw county Republicans at the
Masonic temple. Congressman Earl
C. Michener of Adrian also appeared,
on the program. Mr. Green is accom-
panied on his trip by his wife, Mayor
John W. Smith, and Judge Ira W.
Jayne of Detroit.
All students enrolled in the
cheering section are urgently re-
quested to assemble at 2:15
o'clock this afternoon at Yost
Field house. William Warrick,
'27, Varsity cheer leader, an- -
nounced yesterday that the sec-
tion will take its permanent
form today for the remainder of j
| the season.

Olson Will Wield
Baton For Varsity
Band Parade Today
George Olson, one of the first drum-
majors of the Varsity band, and now
an orchestra director of wide repute,
will return to his former position for
a short time this afternoon to wield
the baton. Olson was drurh-major in
1914, and since leaving school has
been organizing and directing dance
orchestras with considerable success.
This week he has been playing for
the General Motors corporation at the
latter's building in Detroit, and it is
through the courtesy of that company
that he has been allowed to break his
engagement for the afternoon to re-
sume his old post for a few moments.
The Conference season will be initi-
ated today for the Varsity band as
well as the team, and the former or-
ganization is reported as being pre-
pared to greet Minnesota with new
formations and improved drilling. Last
Saturday was more or less a day of
rest for the yellow and blue bands-
men, for most of the time allotted was
given over to the United States Ma-
rine and Michigan State delegations.
The guests were accorded the honor
of doing most of the parading both
before the game and between the
Aurora Borealis Causes Air Currents
That Cripple Land And
Cable Service
(By Associated Press)
NEW YORK, Oct. 15.-A magnetic
storm of unusual int'ensity swept over
the northeastern United States and
'Canada today.
Going on one of its worst rampages
in many months, in aurora borealis,
maker of celestial fireworks that fre-
quently light up the arctic night,
caused air' currents that stopped the
operation of telegraph and cable wires
entirely for a period this afternooni
and throughout the day crippled both
land and sea cable services.
Low transmission of market trans-
actions between Wall street and Lon-
don was caused by the magnetic dis-
turbances this morning, but by the
time the height of the disturbance was
reached this afternoon most of the
trans-Atlantic market transmission
had been completed.
Telegraph experts reported that the
disturbance apparently did not go
South or West beyond New York, but
'the fact. that wires in this locality
were paralyzed at different periods
during the day affected messages go-
ing to and from all sections of the
country and to foreign countries.
For a while this afternoon nearly
every wire in the New York offices of
the Associated Press was "dead." In
Canada, the Canadian Press and
Telegraph company, likewise, found
their wires seriously affected by the

Wolverines Expet Hard Fight DespIte
Notre Dame's 20 to 7 VIctory
Over Invaders
Strengthened by the return of Jack
Lovette, veteran guard who was de-
clared eligible for competition late
yesterday, Michigan will meet the
strong University of Minnesota foot,
ball team in the opening game of the
Conference season at 3 o'clock (city
8 time) this afternoon at Ferry field.
Michigan's line showed many de-
fects in the opening non-Conference
games, but with constant drilling in
blocking and tackling, and with Lov-
ette resuming his place at right guard,
the Michigan coaches place their
hopes on the Wolverine line to break
up the Minnesota shift.
Seek Brown Jug
Minnesota, still suffering from the
sting of defeat at the hands of the
powerful Notre Dame team, has invad-
ed Ann Arbor with the sole intent of
taking the "little brown =jug" back
to Minneapolis. The Gophers have
been primed for today's game since
the start of the season and will go onto
Ferry field well versed in Yost's style
of play.
By virtue of its brilliant record in
the first two games of the season,
Michigan is conceded a slight edge
over the Minnesota team. Minnesota
press men were inclined to be pes-
semistic about the outcome of today's
battle after seeing Notre Dame de-
I feat Dr. Spears' eleven 20-7 last week.
However, Coach Yost has admonished
'his team to pay no attention to idle
rumors and to prepare for one of the
most important games on the Michigan
Coach Yost has selected his strong-
est backfield to start the game. Fried-
Louis Gilbert man will direct the play from the
Star Wolverine halfback, who has quarterback position, while Rich and
been on the sideines forefth 'past tw 6'Gilbert will fill in at the halfbacks.
weeks with an injured foot, will make N\olenda will carry'the burden of line
his first- appearance of the' season plunging and will be Michigan's
against the Minnesota team this after- strongest power on defense. Gilbert,
noon. Gilbert's punting is expected to who was not able to play in the open-
strengthen the iYost eleven consider- ing games because of an injured foot,
ably in its first Conference game. is back in condition and will do the
kicking for the Yost eleven. Mih-
Mgan's punting has been below par in
MIN TRY A S the:previous games, but Gilbert has
ON WAGE Sr' A NDability in kicking and is counted on
OIN WAGEt SrAND to take the Wolverines out of danger
with his long punting.
(By Associated Press) On the sidelines Coach Yost has a
VIENNA, Oct. 15.-The Ramek squad Q: capable backfield men in
ministry which has been in power in Greenwald, Babcock, Pucklewartz,
Austria since Jan. 15, 1926, today re- Hoffman, and Miller. The coaches
signed as a result of the demand of plan on sending Michigan's full
civil service employes for an -increase strength Against Spears' eleven and
i salary. Former chancellor Stitel 'will undoubtedly give all the reserve
Inalywlformranelminsty backfield men an opportunity to play..
probably will form a new ministry. Lovette Strengthens Line
The Michigan line will be the same
DECORATE UNION as that which played against the
I SPORT MOTIF Michigan State team, with the excep-
_____ tion of Lovette. Although Lovette has
'been declared eligible, there is a slight
Arrangements for the Union dance possibility that Squier will start at
tonight will provide an appropriate I right guard. Squier has made a
football setting in harmony with this strong impression on the coaches and
afternoon's game. Pennants, foot- may draw the assignment in place of
balls, megaphones, "The Little Brown the veteran. Lovette has not been in
Jug," and similar decorations will be training long and may not be able to
used. assimilate the signals well enough to
Refreshments for the Friday and start against the Gophers.
Saturday night dances at the Union Minnesota has a strong set of back-
will be served in the ladies' dining field stars in Joesting, Barnhart, Ny-
room, it was announced yesterday by dahl, Riddell, and Almquist. Joesting
the chairman of the Union ballroom eas one' of the best fullbacks in the

committee. A complete service, from Big Ten last year, and will be Mo-
10 to 12 o'clock on Fridays and from lenda's strongest competitor for all-
10 to 1 o'clock oi Saturdays, in the Conference honors this season. Barn-
ladies' dining room, will replace the hart is a new threat brought up from
former soda fountain on the ballroom the freshman ranks and will bear
floor. Women will also use the check watching throughout the contest.
room on the second floor for wraps. The probable lineups:
The ticket preference announced Michigan Minnesota
recently for seniors in all colleges Oosterbaan.......LE....... Haycraft
applies only to dances given during Baer ............LT.....,.....Hyde
the football season. Palmeroli..,.....LG......... Hanson
CLASPE RECEIVES L ovette ......... RG......... Strand
PGabel .......RT. . ........Gary
SECTIONAL PRIZE Flora...........RE.........Wheeler
r---Friedman .......QB......... Nydahl
f Everett Claspe, '27, winner of the Gilbert .........LH.......... Riddell
Current Events contest sponsored at Rich...........RHI.......:Barnhart
the University by the New York Times Molenda ........FB........ Joesting
in connection with their national in- i The officials: Referee-Birch, Earl-
, tercollegiate contest, has received a 'ham; umpire-Knight, Dartmouth;
medal and commendation from the field judge-Hackett, West Point; head
Times for his feat. linesman-Hustons, Parsons.
The medal, made of gold, will be on
display next week at Graham's book Complete football scores of all col-
store. lege game's will be posted tonight at
s The New York Times expects to' the Union. Competition in the Big
I make this contest an annual event in j Ten as well as in the East opens to-
t universities of the United States and day, and the schedule contains many
has made arrangements for a prize of, important games.

trip promises to be a

smooth one.

"Admiral Moffett disembarked atI

number of the navy ships should be Dearborn and will probably attend the
used in foreign service to safeguard Idedication of Lansdowne Field at
all American interests abroad. Youngstown Saturday."1
The message was signed, "N-E-R-N"
Union Committees the radio call of the Los Angeles.
Arangements have been completed TO HONOR GROUP
for the Union group of aiding com- 1
rmittees for the benefit of returning ; Alpha Omega Alpha, honorary med-
alumni, and the enlarged committee ical fraternity, elected seven medical
service will operate in the Union lob- seniors to membership last night at
by today, its annual fall election of new mem-
A general information desk will be bers. Those voted to ,membership
located in the lobby, at which will be were Christel A. Hiss, Selma Mueller,
found a campus directory, map of the C. C. McCrae, R. W. Teed, T. L. Parry,
city, and complete railroad, bus, and A. D. Seybold, and G. T. Brown.
electric cat time schedules. The initiation banquet was an-
Rooms for alumni will be in charge nounced for Oct. 19 at which Dr. Wil-
of a rooming committee which has liam Darrach, dean of ythe College of
prepared a list file of available rooms. Physicans and Surgeons, Columbia
Ann Arbor residents have already list- university, will be the guest of honor.
ed, and may still list rooms for this Following the banquet Dr. Darrach
and succeeding football games by will speak in Natural Science audi-
calling the rooming committee at the torium on "Why Study Medicine."
Union. This lecture will. be open to the public
Another alumni aid will be a di- and is the first scheduled Alpha Ome-
rectory at the Union desk in which ga Alpha lecture of the year.
Michigan alumni who are in Ann Ar- -_
bor for the week-end will register, RECEPTIONGVEN
and will be listed by class numbers. RE E TO I E
OF+LAW COUNCILMore than one hundred students,
representing 19 different nationali-
ties, attended the annual reception of
James Boyle, '27L, was chosen 'the Cosmopolitan club last night at
president of the college council of the the home of Prof. E. C. Goddard and
Law school yesterday at a meeting of Mrs. Goddard, 1212 Hill street.
the council renresentatives who were The evning was heun with a

Alumni Are Linked More Closely To Therlr College By
Radio, Says Kraus; Yost Explains Plans For New Stadium

l II

Some colleges and universities
which have installed their own radio
stations have even undertaken to
give credit courses through the air,
and in more than 50 institutions of
higher learning the radio is used to
keep in closer touch with alumni and
friends than would otherwise be pos-
sible, said Edward H. Kraus, dean of
the College of Pharmacy and the Sum-'
mer session, in the first of the four-
minute talks which was broadcast
from University hall last night.
In tracing the history of broadcast-
ing here, Dean Kraus explained that
the Extension division in 1922 co-
operated with station WWJ by furn-
ishing speakers from the various fac-
ulties to appear on their programs.
The next step came in 1923 when thej
electrical engineering department con-
strpeted a small station WCBC, the}
speaker continued, but this remained
in operation but a short time. The
cost of erecting a University owned
station was prohibitive, however,
and so last year a series of programs
which were known as Michigan
Nights were broadcast regularly
through the courtesy of station WJR,
the Jewett Radio corporation of Pon-
tiac, and WCX, the Detroit Free Press.
And from now until next May, Dean
Kraus explained, there will be 14 pro-
grams covering practically every field'
of endeavor.
Sawyer On Program

respect of people everywhere as her
University. Her alumni have gone to
all parts of the globe and have been a '
credit to her. They have been a tre-
mendous asset to the state indus-
trially, socially, and in many other
ways. This factor is often lost sight
of and not appreciated."
(The late President Woodrow Wilson I
was quoted ns having said: "I regard;
the University of Michigan as the first
post of influence, educationally,.in this
country today." And speaking of whyf
he left Minnesota to come here, thel
late President Marion Leroy Burtonl
was referred to as saying: "I was in-
fluenced to come to the presidency of
Michigan because the governing board
is a constitutional body, the institu-(
I tion is strategically situated in theI
Middle West, has a large body of(
alumni, and is ideally planned for a
[democracy in education."
Regent Sawyer complimented the
residents of the state, who through
their governor and legislature, have
understood the' necessities of the
University and have "properly, cour-
ageously, and cheerfully met these
needs." He also explained that the'
mill tax, based upon the valuation of
the property of the state was a just'
and ecu itable source of income, and
should be restored in order that the
needs of the University can always be
Vos E niains Jug

meet, the "little brown jug" has been
displayed at the game and has gone
as a trophy to the winning eleven.
Coach Yost then explained the con-
struction of the new stadium and how
it was being financed by a bond issue
in which any citizen of the state, any
alumnus or former student may parti-
cipate. In giving one of the reasons
for the need of such a structure he
said "not once during the last five
years has Michigan engaged in a ma-
jor sport football game at which there
was not a complete sell-out long be-
Ifore the day of the game."
Hobbs Talks
The series of speeches was con-
cluded by Prof. William H. Hobbs of
the geology department with a reci-
tation of the experiences of his ex-
pedition to Greenland. Professor
Hobbs explained that this was only
a preliminary trip and that a depot of
equipment and fuel had been laid
down and that arrangements had been
made with the Danish governor at
Holstensborg to have pemmican
kerosene, and other supplies which
were left with him, carried in by dog
sleds during the coming winter.
"Several alternative sites have been
selected on mountain tops for a
weather station to register the times
when outrushes of air from the inland
occur, and it is expected later that it
will be possible from such a situation

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