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May 28, 1926 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1926-05-28

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FRDAY. MAY, 28.1926

. -

. w , ,. , , .. ,.


Published every morning except Mon~ay
durin the Universityyear by the Bostin
Control of Student ublications.
Members of Western Conference Editorial
The *ssociated Press is exclusively en-
titled to the use for republication of all news
dispatches credited to it or not otherwise
credited in this paper and the local news pub-
lished therein.
Entered at the posteffice at Ann Arbor,
Michigan, as second class matter. Special rate
of postage granted by Third Assistant Post-
master (General.
Subscription by carrier. 51.e; by mail,
Offices: Ana Arbor Press Building, May-
gard Street.
Phones: ditoial. 4135 business, az:e.
elephon. 433
Chairman, Editorial Board....Norman R. Thal
News Editor............Manning Houseworth
Women's Editor......... Helen S. Ramsay
Sport's Editor.r............Joseph Kruger
Telegraph Editor..........William Walthour
Music and Drama........Robert B. Henderson
Night Editors
Smith H. Cady Leonard C. Hall
Thomas V, Koykhai W. Calvin Patterson
Assistant City Editors
Irwin. Olian Frederick H. Shflito


Gertrude Bailey
Charles Behymet
George Berneike
William Breyer
Philip C. Brooks
Stratton Buck
Carl Burger
Edgar Cartert
Joseph Chamberlain
Carleton Champ.
Douglas Doubleday
Eugene H. Gutekunst
James T. Herald
ussell Hitt
Miles Kimball
Marion Kubik

Harriett Levy
Ellis Merry
DorothyM orehoun
Margaret Parker
Archie Robinson
Simon Rosenbaum
Wilton Simpson
Janet Sinclair
Courtland Smith
Stanley Steinko
Louis Tendler
Henry Thurnau
David C. Vokes
Marion Wells
Cassam A. Wilson
Thomas C. Winter

Telephone 21214
Advertising...............Joseph J.tFinn
'Advertising....... Rudd >h Boltelman
Advertising................Wn. L. Mullin
Advertising ......... Thomas D. Olmsted, Jr.
Circulation ...............James R. DePuy
Publication...........Frank R. Dentz, Jr.
Accounts....,..............Paul W. Arnold
George H. Annable, Jr. Frank Mosher
W. Larl Bauer F. A. Norquist
John H. Bobrink Loleta G. Parker
Stanley S. Coddirigton David Perrot
W.rJ. Cox Robert Prentiss
Marron A. Daniel Win. C. Pusch
Mary Flinterman Nance Solomon
Stan Gilbert Thomas Sunderland
T. Kenneth Haves, Wm. J. Weinman
Iarold Holmes Margaret Smith
Oscar A. Jose Sidney Wilson

E '

FRIDAY, MAY 28, 1926
About a year ago, in that sandy and
desolate country of Morocco, there
broke out a revolution of a nation
against another nation that governed
it. Things went successfully, and
within a comparatively short time the
proud European government, much to
its chagrin, was forced to admit de-
feat and make concessions to the peo-
ple who cared enough about their
home land to fight for its indepen-
dence. The struggle did not end
there, however, for another and far
more powerful nation entered the lists
against the tiny group of nationalists,
and the outcome was inevitable; the
superb training and military disci-
pline and equipment that civilization
gave to the French made the end only
a matter of time, and a few days ago
that end came.
The man who had the insolence to
desire freedom for his native country
is now in the hands of the enemy, and
it is doubtful fwhat will ultimately
happeii to him, for in the eyes of the
enlightened diplomats of Europe he
is a traitor and a rebel, and thereby
subject to the most severe of penal-
ties. If he is allowed to go free, it
will be because of the "leniency" of
the French government, and not be-
cause he did not merit the greatest
punishment that was available for
Morocco itself will settle back into
that coma of listless enterprises and
feeble accomplishment that is char-
acteristic of the north African states,
and French government and French
intrigues will again fasten themselves
upon -the nation and strangle every
attempt that it may make to develop
under its own initiative; and this will
go on for years and years, until an-
other Abd-El-Krim arises.
The question which interests the
student of human relations, however,
is not that of the political conse-
quences of the petty war that has just
occurred, but rather of the great and
broad principle upon which the policy
of every colonizing power must rest.i
The question may easily be asked as
to whether a nation has the right,
merely by reason of superior military
force, to hold in subjection another+
nationality which desires to be in-
dependent; and the answer is unsatis-
factory indeed to the narrow-minded I
diplomats of the great powers.
The treaty if Versailles apparently#
recognized the principle of self-de-#
termination for small states-in Eu-

the same militarist, however, crosses
the Mediterranean to commit his
dastardly deeds, there is not even so
much as a ruffle in the tranquil calm
of nations. This, it seems, is legiti-
Is it true that the welfare of three
millions on the continent of Europe is
worth more than that of ten millions
in Africa? Is it true that superior
military force gives one nation the
right to rule another? Is it true that
respect for small nationalities is a de-
lusion and a farce? Or is it still true
that the honorable desire to be free
is respected in the councils of men?
Although maintaining that he does
not necessarily favor the Haugen bill,
which was defeated in the House last
week, Vice President Dawes has de-
clared his indorsement of the princi-
ple of proposed legislation to raise the
prices of farm products on the Ameri-
can market through control of the
surplus and coverage of losses by an
equalization fee assessed on produc-
tion, and so stands in opposition to
President Coolidge, who believes the
plan to be unsound and a dangerous
price fixing scheme. By allying him-
self with the farm bloc leaders, Dawes
has given fresh impetus to the move-
ment to secure some sort of remedial
legislation for the agricultural in-
It can scarcely be doubted that the
original Haugen bill was defective eco-
nomically, and President Coolidge was
justified in standing in opposition to
it, but it is equally certain that the
same acute need for alleviation of the
farmer's situation still exists. The
present Congress was seated to legis-
late on the problem, and the forces
which killed the Haugen bill are be-
ginning to have qualms of fear for the
approaching elections, with no relief
measures to their record.
The members of the farm bloc,
alienated themselves and perceptibly
lessened their chance of securing the
desired legislation by their fanatical
attitude, but now it is time that they
declare themselves willing to concede
certain points in order that both they
and the agricultural classes may not
suffer from their stubborness.
In assuming the position in the con-
troversy that he has, Vice President
Dawes has strengthened his govern-
mental office in the eyes of the pub-
lic, and contributed greatly toward
reviving agitation for relief legisla-
tion. The decline of agriculture is a
vital problem confronting American
politicians, and it would be regret-
table if the solution of the situation
was indefinitely postponed because of
the defeat of the Haugen bill. Per-
haps the action of Vice President
Dawes will bring about a conciliation
of the factions, and if it does, his stand
in opposition to President Coolidge is
Though bitterly criticised for his re-
cent order on the enlistment of state
officials in federal prohibition en-
forcement following his recent speech
on the decline in the power of the
state governments and state rights,
President Coolidge is standing by his
decision. The order, contrary to a
precedent set by President Grant in
1873, has been savagely attacked as
unconstitutional, illegal, and a viola-
tion 'of the principle of state sov-
ereignty. It has been charged that
the order will immediately result in
the enrollment of ten thousand offi-
cials who will swoop down upon help-
less citizens, that it will cause undue

expense to a people already burdened,
and that the infringement of the stated
constitutional rights of the states will
add a further impetus to their decline
in power.
In the clamor, no one seems to have
taken the trouble to look into the
realities of the question, and when
the facts are considered, it is readily
apparent that the situation is not as
bad as it has been rhetorically paint-
ed. General Andrews has less than
two thousand men with whom to help
the state officials enforce the federal
prohibition act. Consequently, he has
bee unable to render them any ap-
preciable aid. Then, too, the order
is not mandatory, state officials may
or may not accept service in the en-
forcement machinery. As a matter of
fact, the order will not have such
widespread consequences as has been
maintained by its opponents. It has
now been declared legal and constitu-
tional, and it is not expected that dry
officials from one state will invade an-I
other in hot pursuit of their duties.
What will happen will be that the new,
dry order will permit better enforce-
ment of the eighteenth amendment.
States' rights will not be transgressed,
and the improved enforcement may be
a partial answer to the ironic ques-
tion, "When does prohibition tike ef-
fect?" j

We hate to preach, but we feel
that some of our readers may not be
aware of the fact that it is now time
to study. Unless you don't have an
exam tomorrow.
Dear Mr. Hay:
Inadvertently speaking of humor,
have you seen the book list promul-
gating from the rhetoric department?
Probably not. We could not borrow
one either, and were even forced to
buy it. It cost the price of one good
breakfast. But a man cannot live by
toasted rolls alone-no matter how
you take it. We say again we bought
it. Frankly, Mr. Hay, it disappointed.
It was too abstract as it stood. But
after getting six people to mark on it
which books they had read, we began
to see the humor in it. Yes, we did.
Being scientific, if nothing else, we
chose .a random group: one junior lit,
two library assistants, a grad. spe-
cialing in English, and two others
claiming to be history students. We
had to have the latter so that some-
body would mark the Greek, etc. In
order to be as funny as possible we
give nothing but bonified results, to
wit: it takes six actual students to
make 54 per cent of one educated
But frankly, Mr. Hay, we believe
marking the list makes it so much
more effective. And would, suggest
that it might even be used as follows:
Read those books not marked by any-
body (rhetoric department included).
By simply alluding to them off-hand
you stand the best chance of making
an impression. Perhaps you can do
as well by not reading them at all but
mentioning them just the same.
Do not read the books marked by
everyone (rhetoric department not in-
cluded). If they should by any chance
ever turn up in a discussion at which
you are present, simply say, with
sufficient savoir faire, "Indeed! Every-
body reads that, don't they? But say.
you don't want to miss the Njalssaga.
But read the Mabinogion first, you
know, as a sort of introduction."
Don't you think that is right Mr.

TONIGHT: The Students' Recital in
the School of Music auditorium at 8
* * *
A review, by Charles Wolcott.
A find!! There IS on this campus
someone who can combine the dia-
tonic commonplace with modern dis-
sonance in musical composition. Even
though his work is immature, Jack
Conklin, a pupil of Otto Stahl gave
signs of his possibilities by the
presentation of seven original pieces
last night in the auditorium of the
Music School, assisted by Susan
Browne. His own works were pre-
ceded by four piano-pieces of well-
known composers.
In the first group "La Cathedrale
engloutie" by Debussy, was given the
best interpretation by Mr. Conklin.-
One could almost visualize the scene'
of a wanderer coming into a town
hearing the faint pealing of the
chimes in the Cathedral and hastening{
forward, the deep, rich tones looming
as he strode eagerly onward, and fin-
ally the echo of the lingering finale.
"Melodie" by Gluck, and arranged by
Giavanni Sgambati, was interesting be-
cause of its rarity as program ma-
terial. Though performed often in
Paris, Berllin and other continental
capitals, it is scarcely known in the
United States.
"Mary Ellen" and "Autumn" vied
for honors in the trio of songs next
on the program. Susan Browns real-
ly has a full soprano voice, but her
enunciation in the three songs was
anything but clear. Judging from the
music only, it would be hard to tell
whether "Mary Ellen" was Scotch or
Irish. Perhaps she is better left
alone. "Autumn," written in a minor
mode, expresses the composer's com-
bined talent to advantage.
The quartet of piano offerings that
completed his set of original things
had one common fault-too much ma-
terial. However, better that than
monotonous themes that are so often
the results of amateur production.
His "Prelude" was marked with a
pounding uniqueness in the second
part. "The Brook" rather developed
into a mountain torrent before the
end, but nevertheless was an interest-
ing finger-exercise.




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Thmothiy Hay.

The helplessness of the situation
CAMPUS OPINiON goes farther than that. Every college
Anonymous communications will be student knows that public opinion is
disregarded. Thce names of comnnuni-
cants will, however, be regarded as shaped largely by the press. At Mich-
confidential upon request. igan the press is controlled by men,
which prevents the women from form-
132 INTERESTED WOMEN? ing opinions and gaining interest that
To the Editor: the men claim they should have. One
The article in Sunday's Daily on the
in the murmurs about the wonen's page,
womens paricpationrs rntr but that cannot even be called such.
campus election deserves an answer. jAdvertisements take up all but thirty
It is only fair that the women's side or even twenty inches on that page
of the situation should be presented and important notices or stories have
since it is usually the man's which n t e fout while tr res he
receives attention at Michigan. to be left out while the rest of the
The figures given cannot be disput- paper shouts men's elections, men's
ed; only 132 women of a possible 2,000 athletics, and Student Council propa-
edor th2 wmenhof apossiblewh0001ganda. It is only to be wondered that
voted for the three offices for which the women have formed as much pub-
they have the privilege of voting. lie onn he have.
This has been compared to the men's In apition as theomni.
vote of 2,242 out of a possible 7,000. In addition to the points mentioned.
The comparison is absurd because it it would have been impossible for the
fails to take into consideration the women to accomplish what they have
fact that already, 800 women had voted this year if there had not been suffiI
for their campus officers in their own cient interest. No one knows what
election. Comparing these figures they have accomplished because the
with the men's, we have 800 to 2,000 press does not disclose weekly, month-
and 2,242 to 7,000. Mathematics ly, or yearly reports. The women
shows that the men only show in- have a real self-governing accosiation, I
creased interest at the rate of 0.6 per with a functioning judiciary council
cent. These figures seem to indicate for deciding cases of discipline,
that the women can vote if there is neither of which the men's Council
anything to vote for. This represents can boast in spite of the men's promi-
an increase of 100 over the number nent interest in affairs. The women
of last year, meaning increased in- are to be congratulated because in
terest. their nominations and elections, merit
The underlying significance of the and ability rank first instead of poli-
small number of women's votes in the tics or fraternity. This is a symbol of
general campus election has been the type of interest they have. What
overlooked. It has hastily been call- the" women have accomplished has
ed by the men's Council and others a gone unsung, or their results have
"lack of feminine interest in campus been accredited to some other organ-
elections." Actually it is something ization. The Student Council gets the
quite different. credit for originating and carrying
To begin with, the helplessness of through Sunday convocations, where-
the situation overwhelms the most in- as the women had petitions in from

Read the


1 =



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terested campus worker. The campus
elections are noted for the efficient
political machines, the fraternity co-
hesions, and the knock-down-drag-out
vote attitude. These thoroughly dis-
gust the average college girl. Taking
the offices into consideration, the Stu-
dent Publication Board, Oratorical
Association, and Athletic Board, all!
are not important enough to the wom-
en to warrant the trouble of regis-
tration Representation begets in-
terest. All men running means no
representation for the women because
annnintnnc, nrPal nicmon 'Php a ly

the campus asking. for convocations
before the men, and the cooperation
of the Women's League has been but
slightly mentioned.
Taking these things as they come,
the result is that the 132 women de-
serve as much glory as the 2,242 men
who participated in elections. It
( meant that they had the optimism to
register at the polls with groups of
political consorts hanging around
passing ballots or remarks; it meant
that in spite of the apparent helpless-
ness of the situation, the women are
Otrivino 'fnr and annn, nlich inp' rpa I



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