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VOD. XXXVI. No. 97




Tolstoy Must




Chicago Tribune Radio Station, WGWN,
Broadcasts TaIks By Coach
And Ex-Gov. Lowden
(Special to The Daily)
CHICAGO, Feb. 11.-Speaking on
the problems associated with the ad-
ministration of athletics in the West-
ern Conference, Coach Fielding H.
Yost of the University of Michigan
addressed the fraternity men of this
city at the ninth annual dinner of
the Interfraternity Association of Chi-
cago, held tonight at the Drake hotel.
Coach Yost's address, as well as
that of ex-Gov. Frank 0. Lowden, of
Illinois, who spoke on "Abraham Lim-
coln", was broadcast by WGN, the
Chicago Tribune radio station, and,'
according to reports, was heard
throughout the country.
In his plea for fair play and good
sportsmanship, Coach Yost called on
the alumni to cooperate in changing
the attitude of spectators at intercol- I
legiate games, and to eliminate bet-
ting on college contests. These prob- I
lems, he declared, are common to all
colleges, not the University of Michi-
gan in particular, for the "loyalties,
aspirations, and ambitions surround-
ing your university are very similar
to those surrounding every other like I
"Our program of intercollegiate
sports," he declared, "is built very
largely upon the confidence and re-
spect that one student body enter-
tains for the other. It is this confi-
dence and respect that makes possible I
fair play and good sportsmanship. I
When two universities agree to meet
each other in an athletic contest they
agree to two tests,,one to determine
which has the stroger team, and the
other to determine which has instill-
ed into its team, students, and alumni,
the better quality of sportsmanship."
Stressing the fact that the spec-
tators are representing their univer-
sity in the latter test just as mHuch
as the team on the field, Michigan's
coach decp red that the manner in
which univbrsity men treat visiting
players and guests, how they react
to clean playing on the gridiron, the
manner in which they cooperate with
officials, and their own personal con-
duct, are as essential to the contest
as the playing ability of the men on
the field.
Referring to betting, Coach Yost de-
clared emphatically that alumni are
making a mistake in associating bet-
ting with loyalty. "Loyalty is not in-
terpreted in tdrms of stakes," he told
the alumni last night. "Betting com-
mercializes athletics and detracts
from the spirit of play and it breeds
criticism, disloyalty, and a lack of har-
mony among the various factors that
make up the university. Friends of
clean sport can do much to help us
in our problems by eliminating the
practice of betting on intercollegiate
In speaking of modern university
coaches, Yost declared that they are
teaching citizenship, and their suc-
cess should not be judged on the per-
centage column at the end of the sea-
son. "The value of your coach must
be judged by his success as a teacher
and a developer of men and by no
other standard," he said.
In closing, the coach placed the
whole problem of college sports in
the hands of the spectators, and chief-
ly the alumni, at college games.
"When the day comes," he repeated,
"in which spectators are capable of
the same high standard of conduct
as are now almost universally appli-
cable to players, then football will
have come to mean all that it should
mean in our college communities."
Coach Yost was introduced by
Richard Henry Little, who conducts
"The Line" in The Chicago Tribune,
under the signature, "R. H-1. L." The

captains and captains-elect of North-
western and Chicago university foot-
ball 1eams were present at the ban-
ROME. - Carnival masks in the
streets are now forbidden by the Fas-
cisti and the police have the right to
make masqueraders at private parties
lift and identify themselves.
Our~e atherMan

Be Studied As
Tolstoy was pre-eminently a writer
of the truth, according to Prof. Clar
ence L. Meader of the Latin depart-
ment, who delivered a lecture on
"Tolstoy the Artist" yesterday after-
noon in Angell hall.
"Many persons have written or
talked of Tolstoy the man, many of
Tolstoy the preacher, many of Tolstoy
the social reformer, and more than
all these have discussed Tolstoy the
artist. But it must be remembered
that there was only one Tolstoy, that'
the man, artist and reformer were the
same and that one cannot appreciate
him properly without studying him as
a unity," Professor Meader said.
Declaring that he did not believe as
did many persons, that Tolstoy's life
could be divided into two eras, Pro-
fessor Meader said, he rather thought!
of his life as a continuous growth be-
ginning with the writer's early man-
hood and not ceasing until his death.
To understand a person's life, he de-
clared, one must know something of
the kind of a mind that produced that
work. To that end he described the
principal characteristics of Tolstoy's
mind andpersonality-curiosity, a
1 broad human knowledge and sym-
pathy, a talent that gave him a master-
ful control of language, a vivid cre-
ative imagination, and a passion for
the study of human relationships.
The lecture was tle second to be
given under the auspices of the new-
ly organized Tolstoy league, and it
was announced that the third would
be held next Thursday afternoon with
Dr. F. S. Onderdonk of the architec-
tural college discussing Esperanto.
President Of University Of Toronto
Will Be Prineipal Speaker
On Holiday Prog'rani
Sir Robert A. Falconer, president
of the University of Toronto, will be
the principal speaker at the Univer-
sity convocation, in commemoration
of Washington's birthday, to be held
at 10:30 o'clock Monday, Feb. 22, in
Hill auditorium. This date, as an-!
nounced in the calendars included in ,
the University announcements, will be
a University holiday.
Dr. Falconer was selected at th
dean's meeting held recently. He had
been scheduled to speak at the con-
vocation last year, but due to the ,
death of President Marion Leroy Bur-
ton, the gathering was called off. As
a result he was again requested to
speak at the convocation this year.
The Washington's birthday convoca-
tion was first begun as a function of
the Law school. Each year promi-
nent educators and lecturers were se-
cured under the auspices of this I
school to speak at a gathering in
honor of the birthday of the nation's
first President. It was later taken over
by the University and since then has
been under its direction. Speakers at
this convocation during the last few
years have included, John H. Finley,
editor of the New York Times, and
Edwin F. Gay, '90, a professor at Har-
vard, and former editor of the New
York Evening Post.
The visiting speaker is the holder
of many degrees, one of which was
t conferred by the University. In 1918,
Dr. Falconer received his honorary
LL.D. degree here. Other degrees
which he holds are: LL.D. and B.A.

from London university; M.A., B.D.,
and Litt.D., from Edinburgh univer-
sky; D.D. from Knox college; andt
LL.D. degrees from Toronto, Prince-
i ton, Glasgow, Pennsylvania, Edin-
burgh, Western Reserve and North-
western universities.I
The musical numbers to be includ-
ed in the morning's program will be
under the direction of Palmer Chris-
tian. Unvet'sity organist.
DELHI.--Creation of a royal Indian
navy as a combatant force and recon-
struction of the Indian mercantile
marine were announced by the retir-
ing viceroy, Lord Reading.

Views of Moon Craters, Sun, Comets,
And Consteiallons rxpiained By
Harvard Scientist
Evolving from his description and
discussion of the stellar universe the
astronomer's philosophy of religion,
Dr. Harlow Shapley, director of the
Harvard observatory, in his illustrat-
ed lecture last night in Hill auditor-
ium particularly emphasized the in-
significance of this earth and man
when time and the marvels of the sky
are considered.
"Studying this universe with all its
beauty and wonders does not make
the astronomer an atheist" said Dr.
Shapley "but it does leave him grop-
ing as to the real status of man in
the universe. When man explores
time and the wonder and beauty of
the objects of space, he is given a
rude shock to his vanity and hereal-
izes how insignificant he is in com-
parison to it all."
Dr. Shapley's subject was "Beyond
the Milky Way" and by the use of
slides and motion pictures, coupled
with comments, lie took his audience
on a tour of the universe. He pointed
out that the most cospicuous thing
beyond the Milky Way is the light
that fills the space, and said it is
the great problem of astronomers to
find out where it goes and why it
never comes back.
"The energy for the radiation comes
from matter itself" lie stated, "400,-
000,000 tons of mass for radiation per
second is given off by the sun alone.
From the fact that a star shines it
is evident that the matter which com-
poses it will perish. On the earth it
is different; matter is not annihilated,
but stays on the surface of the earth."
Slides showed that the system of
stars appears to be flat and watch-
shaped, and the rich and beautiful
stars and clusters were described in
general and specific terms by the
speaker. He explained that most of
the universe is in a gaseous condi-
tion but here and there the gas is
frozen and a planet results. Humans
are nothing more than frozen liquid
gas, he said. i
On the screen was presented views
of the telescopes and the observation
stations that Harvard is maintaining
in the Andes in South America. Then
views of the mopn with its extinct
craters were shown. The sun, comets,
Saturn, the orion nebula and other
wonders of the sky came in for their
share of description.
The lecture was the eighth of the
season course of the Oratorical as-
sociation. William C. Dixon, '28L,
president of the association, intro-
duced the speaker.

(By Associated Press'
SCRANTON, Pa., Feb. 11.-The
( full scale committee of the an- I
thracite mine workers was sun-
( moned to Philadelphia late to-j
( day.. Members from this section
( will leave at 1:50 o'clock tomor-
row and are due in Philadelphiaj
about 8 o'clock. James Gleason,
tscale committee member of dis-
titone, confirmed the call. I
(Thesucoin of the scalej
( committee to'Philadelphia, where
the leaders of the miners and
operators have been in spearatej
( conference throughout the day,
gave rise to the hope that defi-H
nite steps had been taken to end1
the hard coal strike.(
Alaskan Surveyor Relates Adventures,
Illustrating With Slides,
Motion Pictures
Giving his audience a visual n-i
pressidn of the geographical condi-j
tions and of the scenic beauty ofj
Alaska by meansof lantern slides and!
iotion pictures, A. C. Baldwin, for-
merly connected with the Alaskan1
boundary commission and the UnitedE
States coast and geodetic survey, re-
lated experiences and adventures cou- I
pled with the marking of the bound-1
ary line of the northern territory, in;
an address yesterday afternoon in Na-
tural Science auditorium on "Tracing




Many Speakers Of National Pronid.
nence Will Address Gathering In
East Engineering Building
Bringing together the leading high-
way engineers of the state as well as
prominent speakers in the profession
throughout the country, the 12th an-
nual conference on highway engi-
neering, held under the auspices of
the engineering college in cooperation
with the Michigan state highway de-
partment and the Michigan Associa-
tion of Road Commissioners and En-
gineers, will open Monday with head-
quarters in the East Engineering
building. More than 700 delegates
are expected to attend the banquets
and discussion sessions during the
four day gathering, according to Prof.
A. 11. Blanchard of the civil engineer-
ing department, who is chairman of
the committee in charge of arrange-
Aithough the conference is ar-
ranged primarily for the l\ichigan en-
gineers, it is expected that the repre-
sentatives from other states will be
present at the sessions discussing
the various highway problems which
!will be considered. Because of the
announcement of the gathering in
technical journals and of the sev-
eral important subjects to be consid-
ered a large out-of-state attendance is
The aim of the conference is to aid
in supplying to road commissioners

Dutch Collect
Source Books
For Use Here
Believing that "each nation should
give to America the best it has to
give," the Dutch people of the state
have endeavored to enriell American
learning by collecting a library of
source material in Dutch history and]
literature. With the co-operation of
W. W. Bishop, librarian of the Univer-
sity, and a contribution from tle Uni-
versity equal to the amount raised by
the Dutch-Americans, they have ob-
tained several thousand books which
have been placed in the University
This work has had the support of
Jacob Steketee, Dutch consul at Grand
Rapids, Dr. R. B. Anderson, formerly
a professor at Wisconsin university,
Gerrit J. Diekenia, former congress-
man, of Holland, Mich., and Dr. Harry
B. Hutchins, president-emeritus of the
Mr. Diekema is to preside at the3
meeting tomorrow afternoon, when the
Dutch minister will present to the1
University the autographed portrait
of Queen Wilhelma, in recognition of
the University's aid to those interest-
ed in the collection of the books.
The chief purpose of the collectors
has been to obtain documents relating
to the Dutch influence on European
and on world history in the 16th, 17th,
and 18th centuries. Consul Steketee
has cited the contributions of Holland
to art, and international law as of es-
pecial interest.



Worker Will Give Speech At
University Service Int


,,,and engineers information relative to I
the Boundary of Alaska."hgwyamnsrtoognztoIl uioim
In sketching the history of the Alas- highway administration, organization, nage systems
the origin of the project, with which and foundations and the construction FOUNDED "HULL HOUSE'
he was connected for seven years, in and manitenance of roadways and
the Anglo-American treaty which pro- bries. sJane Addams, founder and director
vided that the boundary he markedl ' Prominent speakers will give ad-ofIllHusCiaooclset-
with durable monuments at three mile dresses on the relation of highway of hull House, Chicago social settle-
itedrval tartin s at thronspios F construction and regulation to public I iient, will give an address on "New-E
peak of Mt. St. Elias, which was safety, the preparation of sub-grades, er Movements Toward World Peace"
named by Dearing .in honor of the the materials used for road construc- at the University Service next Sun-
naedbyDerig n onr f the the relatio f highwayto ther l
patron saint of the day, the major por- tns t relatri so hiw to ors day night in Hill auditorium. The
tion of this line runs north to the means of transportation, personal da
management, and laboratory methods. program will be conducted by mem-
Arctic ocean. President Clarence Cook Little will hers of the University Y. W. C. A., who
Although the work was only carried,
onAintheum r, the reaest parob- speak before the highway delegates at will introduce Miss Addams, read;
on in the summer, the greatest prob- thsmkrtbehdMnayigtn td
1cmof hesurey ary, aidth cx Ithe snioker to be held Monday night in Scripture passages and offer prayers.
lem of the survey party, said the ex- the assembly hall of the Union. Hon.p
plorer, was that of transportation. Frank F. Rogers, Michigan state high- Miss Addams, together with Miss ,
With the exceptional use of dogs on way conmissioner, will also speak at Ellen Gates Starr, founded Hull
the higher mounta slopes, western his meeting, while Prof. Henry E. House, a social settlement on the
horses were used to trek supplies and Riggs, head of the civil engineering south side of Chicago in the tenement
instruments to th' Yukon river where department, will act as toastmaster. district, in 1889, and has since that
the operation Iirst began. Contrary Among those who will speak on the time been its active director. The
to general supposition, the lecturer relation of public safety to highway material and experiences collected in
revealed, the far-famed dog teams are construction will be Harry L. Bright- her work with the impoverished resi-
biesnd aplanes. b tin, pictures man, engineer of surveys in the state dents of the tenement district in Chi-
were sn aeroplanes. etlyoplted highway department; Professor Blan-- cago, Miss Addams has included in
were shown of the 'recentlycompleted chard, who will give an address on s her several literary productions,
United States Alaskan railroad, which "Multiple Lane Highways"; and C. F. I which include "Twenty Years at Hull;
is the only road built and operated by Boehler, engineer of design and plans House" and "The Spirit of Youth and
the government. I of the state highway department, who the City Streets."-
In the last year of the project, Mr. I is scheduled to speak on "Highway As a result of her singular accom-
Baldwin in company with two other ! Right-of-way Widths." plishments, she has been honored by i
members of the party successfully jI several degrees from prominent uni-l
climbed the 18,000 feet peak of Mt. St. I versities. In 1910, she was given the
Elias, which ranks as the third high- first honorary degree ever bestowed
est summit on the continent.-Hupon a woman by Yale university.
Discussing the general conditions of!I She holds other degrees from Smith
Alaska, the explorer refuted the pre- TTcollege,the University of Wisconsin
valent belief that this territory is a TIi LI U IT L LL IILLI Iand Rockford college. The latter in-
vast ice-covered region. In fact, he _stitution is her alma mater.
explained, it is an especially favored President Stresses Importance OF Miss Addams is generally recog-
portion of the globe, being free from Scientific Knowledge In Law ; nized as one of the foremost womenj
snow except on the mountains for the I-in America today, due to her efforts
major part of the year, and having 21 Addresses by President Clarence ! at social betterment and her reputa-
hours of sunlight for a short time | Cook Little and Dean Henry M. Bates tion as a writer of social and political
each summer. !.of the Law school comprised the chief reform. In 1915, she presided at the
Mr. Baldwin was introduced by ( part of the program following the International Congress of Women 'at
Prof. Clarence T. Johnston of the I banquet given last night by Sigma I the Hague, and also at three later
geodesy and surveying department as Kappa Delta, legal fraternity, for the conventions, Zurich, Vienna and the
an explorer, scientist and engineer. senior members of the other four! Hague.
Several years ago the former govern- legal fraternities oi the campus.
ment geodesist lectured on the Ora- President Little spoke on scientific
torical program on his work on the matters to be of interest to the lawyerE
boundary between the United States of the immediate future. He stressed
and Canada. especially the need of the modern
practitioner to acquaint himself with(HEREFOR ANNUAL CLINIC
the developments of scientific re-
search, particularly in the fields of
i sterilization and cases involving the f Fifteen members of the American
Menfdelianllaws of inheritance. Gynecological club, an organization
Dean Bates, in expressing apprecia- I composed of noted gynecologists and
tion for the spirit evidenced by the 'obstetricians throughout the country,
hosts of the evening, stated that it will be in Ann Arbor today for a clinic
Taking as his subject "Shake- was his hope that such gatherings at the University hospital and their
speare's Italian Comedies," Prof. O. J. of the senior law students might be- annual meeting to held tonight at
Campbell of the' English departient come traditional-to be held at least the Union. Dr. Reuben Peterson,
addressed 11 Circolo Italiano in annually. He pointed out the advan- I professor of gynecology and obstetrics
Alumni Memorial hall last night on tages of such protessional friendship at the hospital, a charter member of
the influence of the early Italian com- and cocperation, from the utilitarian ' the club, will be their host for the
edy on the Shakespearean drama. as well as the sentimental point of ; day and will conduct the clinic be-
Professor Campbell cited as typical view. Ile also discussed the question I fore the guests. The organization
examples "Loves Labor Lost" and of whether the Lawyers' club was go-1makes a trip of this sort in February
"Two Gentlemen of Verona," and ing to prove a detriment to the legal I every year to observe the work of one
showed that in the development of fraternity, asserting as his conclusion 1 of their members and to hold their
plot.as well as in the characterization that the relation between the Law annual meeting.
Shakespeare had used Italian models. school, the Lawyers' club and the law The clinic at the hospital from 9:30
The Italian theater of the Elizabethan fraternities should be one of coopera- until 1 o'clock today will open the
I period was extremely popular, as- tion. f program. During this time. Dr. Pet-

Raise Allowance To Be Given For
Depletion On Discoveries
Of Oil, Gas Wells
(By Associated Press)
WASHINGTON, Feb 11.-The Sen-
ate continued its liberal tax cutting
wave today while Secretary Mellon
sounded a warning from the treasury
that a deficit was certain if the re-
duction already authorized became
Without even -a record vote, the
Senate approved a slash in the alco-
hol tax involving an eventual loss of
$8,000,000 annually, and by a vote of
48-13, it increased from 25 to 30 per
cent tie amount of allowance to be
given for depletion on discoveries o
oil and gas wells.
Administration leaders made no at-
tempt, before going into the night
session, to reconsider the actions of
yesterday when the Democrats and
some Republicans wiped from the bill
the levies on automobiles, admissions
and dues.
This action boosted the total reduc-
tions provided by the bill from $352,-
000,000 to $452,000,000 for this calen-
der year. Secretary Mellon had set
$330,000,000, the amount of reduction
provided in the House bill, as the
limit which the treasury could stand,
but lie has given approval to the $352,-
Another $100,000,000 reduction was
declared impossible today at the treas-
ury, where oficials expressed the
hope that the conference committe
which must adjust the differences be-
tween the Senate and House would
bring the total cut within the limit.
As the Senate completed work to-
day on the amendments proposed by
the finance committee, "LOai'iaaf "
Smoot laid plans to bring about the
final vote on passage of the bill for
tomorrow night. He held the session
tonight to start work on a score of
amendments offered by individual
Passage of the bill this week will
assure tax reduction by March 15,
when first income tax installments
are due.
Jesse Lynch Williams, holder of the
Fellowship in Creative Arts, and
author of "Why Marry?" and "Why
Not?" as well as a number of novels
and stories, will attend the tryouts
for the presentation of "Why Marry?"
which will be given next month by
an all-campus cast in the Mimes
theater, at 3 o'clock this afternoon in
Newberry hall.
The play is being given under the
general supervision of Masques, but
the tryouts will be open to the en-
tire camlpus. The play will be direct-
ed by Phyllis Loughton, '28, who di-
rected "Great Catherine" and was
stage manager for Miss Jesse Bon-
steile for two seasons. Mr. Williams
will assist in the casting as well as
in the direction of his play. "Why
Marry?" was awarded the Pulitzer
prize for the best American play of
the season, on the first occasion that

this award was given, in 1917.
The tryouts will be held from 3 to
16 o'clock this afternoon and tomor-
row morning from 9 to 12 o'clock.
Any student is eligible to participate
in campus activities may tryout. Re-
hearsals will start Monday under Mr.
Williams' supervision. Special scen-
ery and lighting will be used for the
production, which will be the first
presentation of any of the author's
plays in Ann Arbor.
"Vanishing Rome," is the title of an
illustrated lecture to be given by Dr.
Es.ther Boise Van Deman, '91, Fellow
of the Carnegie Institute of Washing-
ton, amd Norton Lecturer of the
Archaeological Institute of America,
at 4:15 o'clock today in Natural Sci-
ence auditorium.

Six acts of vaudeville and the films I
showing the dances in "Stepping
Stones" will be presented for the last
time at 8:15 o'clock tonight in the
Mimes theater. The program includes,
in addition, the movies which were
taken back stage when "Tambourine"
was being produced in Detroit, and an
Aesop's Fable.
The films were made at the personal
expense of Fred Stone for his own,
use and are having in the Mimes the-
ater their only public showing any- !
where. The dances are done by Fred
and Dorothy Stone and Roy Hoyer. #
The vaudeville includes a two-piano
recital by Frederick Lewis and An-
drew Haigh, a ventriloquistic per-
formance, an eccentric dance, and a
Marinmbaphone presentation.
All seats are reserved and are uni-
formly priced at 50 cents. Tickets are
obtainable at the bookstores or at the
box office of the Minmes theater.

All second semester fresh-
men wishing to enter the annual
competition for staff positions
on The Daily will report prompt-
ly at 4 o'clock today in the out-
er offices of the Press building.
At this time the work will be


No orations will be accep ed from
students competing in the prehiminar-
ies of the Northwestern Oratorical
league contest after noon tomorrow,
Prof. Thomas C. Truebrood, head of
the public speaking department, said
yesterday. All naners must be turned




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