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May 06, 1926 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1926-05-06

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6, 1926



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I i

Sophomores will meet at 5
Io'clock this afternoon in the
Union, assembly hall to elect a
captain for the Spring games.
( Members of older classes in the
University will be present to ex-
plain the new event, the horse
and rider contest, which will
take place Saturday morning.
The class of '28, won the
Spring games a year ago and
also the Fall games the first1
semester of this year, and it is
understood that several capable
candidates are in the field for the
captainship this year.k

Calls Japan "Most Alert" In
Cites Persian' Events As
Sign Of Awakening


"If Asia is not yet new, she at least
has a vision of the new, and is striv-
ing to attain it," declared Sir A. Fred-
eric Whyte, former president of the
legislative assembly of India, speaking
yesterday afternoon at his second Uni-
versity lecture on "The Political
Awakening of Asia." It is, however,
still an open question whether the
unchanging East" has changed es-
sentially and whether she an adopt
the democratic institutions of the
western world, pointed out the speak-
er. who will deliver his third and final
address at 4:15 o'clock tomorrow in
Natural Science auditorium on "Na-
tionalism and British Rule in India."
,Sir Frederic, dealing primarily with
the aspect of Asia's reaction under
the influence of the West-traced the
principal recent political events andl
tendencies in Turkey, Egypt, Persia,
Siam, China, and Japan.
West Influences Sni
Siam, is practically the only original
autocratic country left in Asia, "so
complete has been the destruction"
brought about by western political
institutions declared the speaker.
"The modern fever of democracy, so
marked in the students of other coun-
tries, does not evidence itself in Siam-
ese people upon their return from
study in other countries," he stated.
In our sense of the word, she has
nade the least progress politically;
progress in other lines, however, has
eeffniade, as evidencedby their rail.
roads, characterized by Sir Frederic
as "the best of any I have ever rid-
den on."
Persia, showed the lecturer, by her
act of placing a shah at the head of
her new autocratic government which
followed a democratic revolution, has
completed a full circle of political evo-
lution. The establishment of a par-
liament first weakened the ancient dy-
nasty, which was completely abolished I
later, a republic being set up. This
form of government was abolished in
turn; and the shah's reinstatement a
fortnight ago has completed the circle.
Japan, he showed, has offered a con-
structive object lesson to Asiatic
countries, Japan, "the most alert
Asiatic country, has deliberately re-
frained from breaking away from an-
dient traditions when setting up mod-
ern systems of progress." The Japan-
ese statesmen, both liberally and re-
actionally, have endeavored to re-
store the emperor to his supreme
eminent position and to fortify this an-
cient office against modern tendencies,
as well as to establish modern insti-
tutions on a basis ready to meet the
rivalry of the western world.
In the formation of the new Japan-
ese policies, said Sir Frederic, a prac-
tical wholesale adoption was made of
the' English navy, the German army,
and the economic organization of all
the western nations. When it came to
adopting democratic principles, how-
ever, Germany alone srved as a
model for the constitution of Japan.
Predicts China's Future
"The reactionaries gave China ani
overdose of western democratic prin-
ciples," maintained the speaker. "The
phenomenon known as nationalism to
us is unknown to them, the Chinese
not being of a democratic disposition."
In the future, China must either go I
back to her ancient Asiatic traditions,
or else acquire patriotism, which we
have found necessary for democratic
governments, predicted Sir F'rederic.,
The Egyptians themselves have
played little part in the modern, ren-
aissance of their country, according to
the speaker. The West contributed
the first impact to awaken her from
her long slumber; this was brought
about by Napoleon's Egyptian cam-
paign. Mahomet Ali next played an
important role in her awakening, and
Europe again assisted in the form of
Lord Cromer's work. Egypt today was
styled as "a quasi-independent sove-
reign state.''
The Turkish were regarded by the
speaker as being "fair practitioners in
the art of government, and on the
whole a nation of realists." The
struggle for the modernization of Tur-
key. inaugurated in 1908 by a grou

Four Schools Set May 29 As Opening
Date; June 8 Is Announced
As Last Day
Examinations in second semester
work will begin in the literary, busi-
ness administration, education, and
Graduate schools Saturday morning,
May 29, schedules made available for
distribution yesterday, show. The ex-
amination period will extend until
June 8.
Beginning Saturday, May 29, classes
meeting at 11 o'clock on Mondays,
will be examined in the forenoon;
during the afternoon examinations
will be given in rhetoric 2, and psy-
chology 31.
Monday forenoon, May 31, classes
meeting at 9 o'clock on Mondays will
be examined; during the afternoon
examinations will be given in eco-
nomics 51 and 52, and business ad-
ministration 206.
Tuesday forenoon examinations will
cover classes meeting at 10 o'clock on
Tuesdays; the afternoon examinations
will cover work of classes meeting at
11 o'clock on Tuesdays.
Wednesday, classes meeting at 10
o'clock on Mbnda s wilRlbd eamined
in the forenoon, and mathematics 1,
2, 3, 4, 7, 51, and 52, classes will be
examined in the afternoon.
Thursday forenoon, examinations
will be given to classes in French 1,
2, 31, 32, Spanish 1, 2, 31, and 32; and
during the afternoon, classes meeting
at 1 o'clock on Monday will be ex-
Friday, classes meeting at 8 o'clock
on Mondays will be examined in the
forenoon; while classes meeting at 2
o'clock on Tuesdays will be examined
in the afternoon.
On Saturday, June 5, classes meet-
ing at 8 o'clock Tuesdays will be ex-
amined in the forenoon, and classes
meeting at 3 o'clock Mondays, will be
examined in the afternoon.
Examinations will be given Monday
forenoon, June 7, to classes meeting
at 1 o'clock Tuesdays; during the
afternoon, classes meeting at 9 o'clock
on Tuesdays will be examined.
On the final day of examinations,
Tuesday, June 8, classes meeting at 2
o'clock on Monday will be examined
in the forenoon; those meeting at 3
o'clock Tuesday will be examined in
the afternoon.
Irregular classes which cannot be
examined during scheduled hours, will
be given examinations during the aft-
ernoon, May 29, May 31, and June 2,
and in the forenoon, June 3.
Copies of examination schedules
may be obtained at the offices of the
various colleges.
On the basis of his experience as
an educator and executive in Mexico,
Prof. Andres Osuna, of Mexico City,
will discuss "Present Phases of Mexi-
can Affairs," in a University lecture to
be given at 4:15 o'clock today in New-
berry hall auditorium.
Professor Osuna was formerly di-
rector of public education in the city
of Mexico, and later governor of the
state of Tamaulipas. He has been a
leader in the progressive educational
movement inaugurated under the Ob-
regon administration. The lecture
will be presented under the auspices
of the political science department.

Dry Leaders Expect Enforcement Bills
To Leave Committee With
Favorable Report
(By Associated Press)
WASHINGTON, May 5.-New light
on the sixteen proposals for modify-
ing and strengthening the Volstead
Act was sought today by the Senate
prohibition committee, which recently
completed three weeks of public hear-
ings on the wet and dry issues.
This time the public was excluded,
and the committee turned to the sena-
tors and administration officials for
calm exposition for their proposals
free from the clamor and strife of a
crowded hearing room.
Senator Edge, Republican, New Jer-
sey, appeared for the wets, while Gen.
Lincoln C. Andrews, in charge of Vol-
stead enfrocement, and other treasury
officers were on hand to explain the
sixth administration bill designed to
bring about more effective enforce-
ment of the dry laws.
The wet's measures were taken up
first with Senator Edge centering his
fire on the resolution proposing a na-
tional referendum on prohibition and
,an amendment to the Volstead Act
permitting the manufacture and sale
of beverages which in the language of
the Eighteenth Amendment, are "non-
intoxicating in fact."
The New Jersey senator presented
a voluminous brief in support of le-
gality of action by Congress in invit-
ing the states to hold a simultaneous
referendum on both the Volstead act
and the eighteenth amendment.
Leaders of the drys were hopeful
that all of the measures for making
enforcement more effective would
come out of the committee with a
favorable report, but they saw little
prospect of final action at this ses-
sion, anticipating strenuous opposi-
tion from the wets to specific pro-
visions in several of the bills.
Forensic Society
Receives Thirteen'
Thirteen were initiated in lia
Sigma Rho, national honorary de-
bating society, at its formal banquet-
initation last night at the Union.
The address of welcome to the in-
itiates was delivered by Ray L. Alex-
ander, '27L. He was followed by ifar--
ry L. Gervais, '27, who spoke for the
initiates. The address of the evening
was delivered by Prof J. K. Pollock
of the political science department.
Prof. T. C. Trueblood, head of the pub-
lic speaking department and one of
the founders of Delta Sigma Rho, also
Those initiated were: Targucrite
V. Dutton, '26, John 1i. Elliot, '2,
Josephine B. Garst, '26, Harry L. Ger-
vais, '27, Emanuel J. Harris. '27, Mar-
garet C. Henckel, '26, James'T. Her-
ald, '28, Geraldine I. Knight, '27, Ray-
mond Olson, '27, and John 0. Yeast-
ing, '27.
Illness Prevents
Bin gay's Lecture
Continued illness has occasioned a
further postponement of the lecture by
Malcom W. Bingay, managing editor
of the Detroit News, which was sche-
duled for this afternoon. According
to the vocational guidance committee,
under whose auspices Mr. Bingay was

to speak, the lecture will be given on
May 18 or 20.
Junior To Enter
Oratorical Finals
Myron Winegarden, '27, accom-
panied by Prof. Thomas C. Trueblood,
of the public speaking department,
will leave this morning for Madison,
Wisconsin, where he will represent
Michigan tomorrow night in the finals;
of the Northern Oratorical league an-
nual contest.

Will Start On
Campug Today
Registration for voting in the an-
nual spring elections, which will be
held next Wednesday, will begin at
9 o'clock this morning and continue
until 2:30 o'clock. Booths on the
campus for students of all schools will
also be open for registration tomorrow
from 9 until 1:30 o'clock. It is, nec-
essary that all students who intend to
vote next Wednesday register either
today or tomorrow.
Students of the literary school will
register either at the middle of the
diagonal opposite the library or at the'
end of the diagonal at State street.
Engineering students will register at
the booth which will be erected at the
engineering arch. Registration tables
Literary students register atj
the middle of the diagonal or I
the end of the diagonal near
I State street.
Engineering students register
at tie engineering arch.I
I Law students register in the
I law building.c
I Medical students register in
the medical building. '
I Dental students register in the!
I dentistry building.I
All other students register at t
the middle of the diagonal.t

for law, medical and dental students
will be maintained on the first floor
of each of the three buildings for the
respective students of that school.
Students in all other schools will
register at the booth in the middle of
the diagonal.
The ballot for next Wednesday will
consist of offices for the Student coun-
cil, and the four new college councils;
the Unlion, the Students Christian as-
sociation, and the Oratorical associa-
tion; and the Board in Control of Stu-
dent Publications and the Board in
Control of Athletics.
"Reaclion Of The Tissues Under Nor-
uiia And Pathological Conditions"
Is Subject Of Lecture
As the final lecturer on the course
of Alpha Omega Alpha, national hon-
orary medical fraternity, Dr. Peyton
Rous of the Rockefeller Institute for
Medical Research will discuss "Reac-
tion of the Tissues Under Normal andl
Pathological Conditions" at 8:15
o'clock tonight in Natural Science
Dr. Rous is recognized as one of
the leaders in the field of research.
He has devoted the greater part of
his work to the study of cancer and
discovered the first transplantable
tumor virus, the Rous chicken-sar- I
coma, which is the foundation of the
work of Gye and Barnard and other
experimental research. HeI has also
done important research on the blood,
bile, and the liver function.f
After receiving his medical degree
from Johns Hopkins university, Dr.
Rous became associated with the
pathological department here and re-
mained as an instructor from 1906 to
1908. In 1908 he became an assistant,
at the Rockefeller Institute, the fol-
lowing year an associate, in 1912 an
associate member, and in 1920 was
made a full member of the institute
in pathology and bacteriology.
Dr. Rous will reniain in Ann Arbor
for several days as the guest of Prof.
A. S. Warthin of the pathological de-
pratment in whose department he
taught when an instructor here. t t
is expected that he will address the
students of the Medical school dur-
ing his stay. Next month Dr. Rous
will leave for England in order to
fulfill a visiting professorship at Cam-
bridge university.
At the present time, Dr. Rous is the
editor of the Journal of Experimental
Medicine. He has made a large num-
ber of contributions to medical maga-
zines concerning researches on the
blood, cancer, and other bacteriologi-
cal and pathological subjects.
Request Seniors
To Get Caps And
Gowns This Week1
Members of the class of '26 are
. ....1 1 1. ...11 P... i1"..-" ' "" ov .' -'

Lloyd Presides At Third Conocation
In University's History: Glee
Club Appears
"We have got to become soldiers of
scholarships and the sword of schol-
arship must be wielded against ignor-
ance, superficial knowledge, and frag-
mentary knowledge," declared Dr.
Lynn Harold Hough, former president
of Northwestern university, in ad-
dressing the honors convocation yes-
terday in Mill auditorium.
Dr. Hough's subject was "The
Sword of Scholarship" and he devel-
oped it by showing the militaristic dis-
cipline required of the true scholar.
"Scholarship," he stated, "is a mil-
itary activity. The difficulties to be
surmounted by the scholar are just as
great as those of the soldier. He must
unsheath his sword of scholarship."
In showing the conflict of scholar-
ship and ignorance, Dr. Hough defin-
ed ignofance as the tendency of ev-
ery man to be content with his intel-
lectual status quo, to be satisfied with
the use of wornout mental "pass-
words" as an excuse for real knowl--
edge. "The capacity of-students to re-
sist knowledge is tremendous," the
speaker stated in passing.
Dr. Hough brought out the dangers
of superficial knowledge. "College
men," he said, "often know pass-
words and names of knowledge, but
have no conception of the true mean-
ing for which they stand." He de-
cried the evil results of fragmentary
knowledge and an education too high-
ly specialized for its possessor to
grasp the larger aspects of life in
general. The results of the German
seminar system adopted years ago in
this country, he showed to be both
good and bad, as the system tended to
emphasize minute specialization too'
much. "The attainment of true schol-
arship," Dr. Hough concluded, "is a
life long task but it is a worthwhile
Dean Alfred H. Lloyd of the Gradu-
ate school, presided at the convoca-
eion, the third in the history of the
University. The Glee club appeared
on, the program and Phillip LaRowe,
SofM, was at the organ. The 300
honor scholars and holders of various
fellowships and scholarships occupied
the center section of the main floor
of the auditorium, while the faculty
were seated upon the stage..
In the program of the Honors con-
vocation were omitted by error the
following names:
Lloyd's Register Scholarships:
Mark L. Ireland for 1903 to 1927, Wil-
liam R. Renner for 1924 to 1927, Leslie
D. Weston for 1925 to 1928.
American Bureau of Shipping prize:
Robert E. Fisher of the class of 1925.
Going into detail in regard to the
annual clashes between the freshman
and sophomore classes, and explaining
their history since the inception of
the Student council, Joseph J. Finn,
'26, chairman of the Spring games
committee of the Student council told
the class of '29 at their annual spring
banquet last night in the Union that
a large turn-out was an important fac-
tor in winning the gaines.
The side of the Huron river taken

by each, class will be decided just be-
fore the Tug-of-war tomorrow, Finn
stated, by a coin flip between the cap-
tains of the two sides; this will elim-
inate any pre-arrangements like those
that have occurred in past years, the
council believes.
From a ballot on four candidates,
Frederick M. Asbeck, was elected cap-
tain of the spring games, and immed-
iately called a brief meeting of the
class to choose the lieutenants. William
F. McAfee, Jr., Frank E. Meese, John
A. Thayer, Ernest B. McCoy, Martin
Mol, John R. Gilmartin, Stanley J.
Hozer, Tracy S. Smith, George Costan,
George S. Channer, Harlan P. Cristy,
and Lawrence A. Raymond were theI
men appointed to assist in directing
the freshman action tomorrow and
I f 4..'Ir~LL

Is Strike Leader

Herbert Smith
Herbert Smith, is leader of the
British mine workers who have gone
on strike, a million strong, refusing
to accept new minimum wage and
longer hours offered them by mine
Guthe Relates Indications*Of Islands'
Trade With China As Far Back
As Eleventh Century
That the Philippines had trade con-
nections with China as far back as the
eleventh century was indicated by the
finding of the University expedition to
the islands, declared Dr. Carl E.
Guthe, associate director of anthro-
pology and leader of the expedition, in
his lecture last night in Natural Sci-
ence auditorium.
In his speech, Dr. Guthe related the
many incidents of the trip which last-
ed from 1922 to 1925, giving partic-
ular emphasis to the searches made
in caves in an attempt to discover
evidences of old Philippine manners
of living. A large amount of Asiatic
porcelain and pottery was found and
sent back here with the result that
the University now possesses the
largest amount of Asiatic ceramic ma-
terial in the world.
Approximately 20 trips were made
to the southern half of the islands
with the greater part of the traveling
in a 75 foot schooner loaned to the
party by Dean C. Worcester, '89. Ac-
eroding to Dr. Guthe, Mr. Worcester
has played an important part in the
political history of the islands.
Dr. Guthe prefaced his discussion of
the trip with a geographical and cul-
tural summary of the Philippines. The
lecture was illustrated with lantern
slides and was given under the au-
spices of Sigma Xi, national honorary
society for the promotion of research
in both pure and applied sciences.
Judge Postpones Sentence Of Orclhes-
tra Leader To Confer With Parents
Prospects of a speedy settlement of
the Majestic theater robbery case were
in sight yesterday when Alexander P.
Strauss, former orchestra leader, and
Robert L. McHeinry, Jr., auditor, plead-
ed guilty to charges of larceny over
$25 and embezzlement, respectively.
Mrs. Strauss did not appear in court.
Previous to their appearance ii cir-
cuit court yesterday all three had
,signed written confessions of the fake
hold-up they had been accused of com-
mitting March 8. When arraigned
before Judge George W. Sample they
stood mute and pleas of not guilty
were entered for them. Yesterday,
under the advice of their attorneys,
they decided to admit the charge and
1were remanded for sentence.
The court consented to postpone




Asserts Government Cannot Resume
Negotiations Until General
Strike Is Terminated
(By Associated Press)
LONDON, May 5.-The close of the
second day of Great Britain's vast in-
dustrial upheaval found the country
on the whole following out Premier
Baldwin's advice-"keep steady."
Evening added a faint ray of hope
that tomorrow may bring develop-
ments for renewed negotiations be-
tween the government and the trade
Instances of isolated rioting and
disturbances were features of the
sparse news bulletins and handbill
newspapers, but these incidents seeni
almost negligible when the vital is-
sues and potential forces involved i
the greatest industrial struggle of
modern times are considered.
From swidely separated points in
the metropolis and provinces come re
ports of a few auto busses wrecked
and improvised tram services attack
ed by strikers, but many of such acts
are attributed by the police themselves
to "hooliganism."
Both Sides Stand-Off
The official position of the strike
has rached a point tonight where both
sides are standing off, demanding
that the other must make the first
move to reopen negotiations, which
came to an end dramatically Sunday
night and stalled the economic life of
the country.
In the meantime both government
and strikers ' are consolidating their
positions like great opposing -armies.
The government is bending every ef-
fort to reestablish railways, interur-
bans, and municipal transports in or-
der to maintain essential services of
supply, while the trades union con-
gress is devoting its energies to main-
taining solidarity in organized labor
In setting forth the situation to the
press the government's spokesman at
the admiralty declared that the nation
was meeting the crisis quietly and
calmly with food and fuel supplies
guaranteed for many weeks. An of-
flicial of the trades unioncongress a4
Eccleston Square, labor headquartersi
announced the railway tieup was the
most complete in the history of Great
Britain and that the striking men and
their womenfolk were standing solid-
ly together in the cause of labor.
Leaders Confer
Based on various conferences held
this evening, one of which was believ
ed to be among Ramsay MacDonald,
A. J. Cook, and Herbert Smith, labor
leaders, there were predictions in
some quarters of possible important
developments. One was that the gen-
eral strike would be ended by Mon:
Nevertheless there is no precise in-
formation on th'e subject, although it
is known that such men as Ramsay
MacDonald are striving with might
and main to bring about a settlement,
the former labor premier even implor-
ing the House of Commons prior to
its adjournment, "to do something
toward a settlement."
A sensational incident of the day
was a raid by Scotland Yard on the
office of the Daily Herald, the labor
organ, which had undertaken the
printing pf the British Worker, a pa-p
per issued by the trades union con-

gress to offset the British Gazette pub
lished by the government.
The raid caused considerable ex-
citement, but the authorities withdrew
the embargo after a sample copy of
the British Worker had been exam-

Humor Magazine Mocks Year
Book In 'Gargensian' Number

Alpha Omega Alpha, national hon-
orary medical society, will hold its
initiation banquet at 6 o'clock tonight
at the Union. The following men will
be taken into the society all of whom
are junior medical students: J. H.
Maxwell, G. J. McCurdy, W. G. Mad-
dock, C. G. Miller, and G. B. Myers.
Prof. Preston M. Hickey of the

For the first time in ten years. Gar-

I "views" of thpecamus : a senior se

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