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March 30, 1926 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1926-03-30

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Published every morning except Monday
during the Universit year by the Board in
Control of StudentPublications.
Members of Western Conference Fditorial
The Associated Press is exclusively en-
tIdI ttoethe use for republication of all news
di epathes credited to it or not etberwise
credited ir. :this paper find the local news pub-
lished therein.


Entered at the postoffice at Ann Arbor,
Michigan, as second class matter. Special rate
of postage granted by Third Assistant Post-
master General.
Subscription by carrier, $3.50; by mail,
Offices: Ann Arbor Press Building, May-
$ard Street.
Phones Editori L 491; Ma s sxs ar ,


, ;

Telephone 4921 '
Chairman, Editorial Board....Norman R. Thal
City Editor............Robert S. Mansfield
News Editor...........Manning Houseworth
Women's Editor............Helen S. Ramsay
rt's Editor...............Joseph Kruger
'(1 L:e- aph Fditor..........William Walthour
A" usie and Drama........Robert B. Henderson
Night Editors
Smith H. Cady Leonard C. Hal
Robert T. DeVore Thomas V. Koyka
W. Calvin Patterson
Assistaat City Editors
irwin Olian Frederick H. Shillito
, rtrude Bailey Harriett Levy
r.oiles Behymer Ellis Merry
111es im Bryer Dorothy Morehouse
r, Brooks Margaret Parker
1= :n Buckingham Stanford N. Phelps
"r;eon Buck Limon Rosenbaum
br 'Burger Wilton Simpson -
w Carter Janet Sinclair
it, ( 'haneriain Courtland Smith
I - ,er Cohen Stanley Steinko
rleton Champe Louis Teodler,
Douglas Doubleday Henry Thurnau
lugene It. Gutekunst David C. Vokes
Coodnan Marion Wells
T- Herald CassamnA.'Wilson
itt , Thomas C. Winter
1 s Kimball Marguerite Zilske
,a Kubik
Telephone 21214
dvertising.......... ..Joseph J. Finn
Rudol BHostelmaii
-lvetiig .............. ..---- LMteullin
A,uI tising.........Thomas D. Olmsted, Jr.

Mrs. Stephen V. Harkness is dead
in New York City at the age of eighty-
,eight years. In her lifetime, she do-
nated more than $9,000,000 to Yale I
university, $4,000,000 for a medical
center in New York, and a million
more in various gifts.
The first gift to Yale brought about
the now famous Harkness Memorial
quadrangle, a dormitory for senior
students that -is the pride of many
Americans who have no association
with th& u'ifversity.
Her second' gift was used for the
increase of faculty salaries. Mrs.
Harkness contributed $3,000,000 to
this fund' with the stipulation that it
otl'd'become available upon the sub-
scription of $2,000,000 more by other
persons. Yale, as a result, benefited
by $5,000,000.
The site for the medical center will
bring about a great institution, the
advantage of which will come with
Thus passeth another unheralded
College polish has foiled prohibi-
tion agents at Princeton, for Dry
Agent Menninger, of Northern New1
Jersey, claims that his men, attempt-
ing to obtain evidence against campus
liquor venders. are baffled because
they can not impersonate the col-
legiate customer.E
That is one way of looking at thej
situation; another viewpoint, which
apparently has eluded Mr. Men-,
ninger's facile mind, is that there is
very little constitutional violation in,
the places ,-here his men have sought
The latter viewpoint seems rather,
more reasonable than the inability to
imitate the Princeton gradation of
college types, as perhaps Mr. Men-
ninger would .agree.
Michigan, at present plagued by
small, superficial investigations, the
reports of which cause untold damage,
rshould waenmp th c p enf ofi

Unless something suddenly steps in
the way again, it looks as if we were
about to discuss the Girls' Number of
ROLLS. The idea is 'this (No Sir,
we're sorry but we can't use anything
right now-we've got to run this stuff
about the women's number here and
now) pardon the interruption, the
idea is this as we said above (No! for
the last time NO!) the idea is that1
we don't see why, if the ladies are
represented in every other depart-
ment of the University except the Stu-
dent Council which is just like having
your name on some honor list-it
doesn't mean anything,-why they
shouldn't be represented in this de-
partment. As far as we know there
has never been a co-ed managing edi-
tor of this column, and so the only
thine \te can do is to announce an all
women's number of ROLLS.
There will be prizes awarded for
1 the best contribution, and others for
second and third. The column Will
appear the last issue before Spring
vacation so that you can take a copy
right home with you and show the
family what' you won.
Please send the contributions in as
soon as possible, as we would like to
have time to judge them carefully.
The judges will be ourselves, Sir Toby
Tiffin, Wfilker Everett, and also the
managing editor of Gargoyle. These.
ourene will decide. In case of at
deadlock the decision will be reached
by the use of a coin. As each con-
tribution will be numbered so that
the committee will not know even
the nom de plume of the sender, thereI
will be no chance of favoritism creep-'
ing in. Please also include your ad--
dress with the contribution in order
that we may send the prize in case
this is necessary in your case.

l' 1

(} r uation................ .James i. .et uy au ue w cu e e L e same sort of ni-
lruuI..............ran *. k II . ~I1I II J J1j'Ilte prizes will be decided upon as
Putlication.... ........Frank R. I)entz, Jr rdirect vindication in which Princeton ' soam t paydar-
Accounts.................Paul W. Arnold soon as this month's pay check ar-
Assistants now basks. "Where there is Arives. It will be worth trying for
George H. Annable, Jr. Frank Mosher there is fire" is axiomatic, but smoke however.
t W: Carl M~auer P. A. Norquist
. Cr bri'Loleta- G. Parke: and steam deserve differentiation. * * *
S, dington David Perrot
W. J. Cox, Robert Prentiss _ _ _ _FIND PRESS BUITLING
.l;aon A. Danie Wm. C. Pusch AE
Mary Flinterman Nance Solomon IAVIDOTHER RUINS
Stan Gilbert Thomas Sunderland EDITORIAL COMMENT ; Ann Arbor, U. S'. A., The Earth;
'1 Kenneth Haven Win. J. Weinman . ~~.~JT11~.1 II lt0' .~ . h at
l4 a. )'i H,01)eS Margaret Smith_ (Special to Rolls)--The Press Build-
d -wA }. <e Sidney Wilson
IS IT WORTH IT ing of the ancient University of Mich-
l(Kansas State Colegian) igan was discovered here today by
TAAfter a hectic .eek of campaigning Rolls' Own Expedition.
_________ MARC_____30,_1926 _by party, leaders, distributing hand- ' This building, which housed the of-
Night Editor-W. C. PATTERSON bills and cards, displaying pictures, hices of the undergraduate papers and
marring the sidewalks, and other magazines, contains files of the issues
varied forms ofadetsnhi
UNIVERSITY RADIO 'sring election advertising, the of the various publications which will
Tonighte for the last time this lectiondrew the suin total of be of extreme value to historians in
242 out of a possible 3,000 ballots. their efforts to learn what was the
inester, the University will be brought This is 150 less than the number who true state of civilization of the Earth
tothe minds of thousands of radio voted at the fall election, when the in the centuries preceding the Great
fans throughout the country when new party system was innovated. Dry Wave that swept the American
the usual program of speeches and One wonders-what's the use any-. continent about the 30th century.
way? Students and organizations Rolls takes great pleasure in an-
music is relayed to Detroit. For the who have the school at heart have nouncing that its historian with the
greater part of the school year that is worked hard in an endeavor to instill expedition, Prof. 1898, Series F, is
almost passed, this most modern of at least a small degree of pep and preparing a history of the centuries
modern inventions has been combined interest in class activities. The party } of semi-civilization preceding the
with the natural advantages of a uni- system was not born as a result of a known era. Basing his conclusions
Versity community. The 1,900 or so natural split among the fraternities. on the University of Michigan publi-
letters of appreciation that have been The Greek letter organizations divid- cations, Prof. 1898, Series F, will pre-
received by Mr. Waldo Abott of the ed first, in order to start a little po- sent a series of sketches in this d.e-
rhetoric department, program man- litical life on the campus, and second, partment depicting the life during
ager, are sufficient indication of the in order to give the non-fraternity this strange periooi in the history of
combination's success. and non-sorority students an oppor- the Univeu,.
tunity to f'get in the crowd." The series will be raio-ethered,
TROTZKY SPEAKS The experiment has been a miser- article by article, as the Professor
Russia vs. the United States-com- able failure, but this is in no manner writes them at his office in the ruins
due to the lack of'work or the effort of the Ahimni Memorial building on
nput forth by those who attempted it. the Earth. Further progress of thel
m--will be the two contending for- Pep and interest is shown only for expedition will also be published in
W in the great world struggle that is the very short time of the election- Rolls, as new important discoveries
nevitable, according to Leon Trotzky, f perhaps election day itself-and very are made.
leader of the Soviet government and few votes are changed by all the "The Michigan Alumnus" was dis-
I hub-bub. Perhaps not more than 10 covered in the Press Building today.
apostle of its ideals. And Europe will of the entire 242 votes were cast by This, the official publication of the'
be the first battleground of the two students outside o' social organiza- Aluinnii association, was issued daily,
forces. tions. The so-called A'barbs" appar- containing, 40 or 50 pages on the aver-
Why such a struggle is as necessary ently do not feel that they have a age, and had a mailing list of 1,000,-
ond inevitable as Mr. Trotzky and his chance for representation, although 000, whigh represented a fairly large
to *ian followers believe is not evi- they wer'e invited and even begged to percentage of the living alumni.
(lent. Nations are free to choose for affiliate by leaders of both parties An article in one of the issues tells
themselves. Europe has not, as yet, The purpose of the parties have; of the caimpaign being waged to im-
hecome a distribution center for been defeated. The results obtained ' prove the financial condition of the
.\r-ntan-made products, and with merely amount to so much history. Union, which was an ancient palatial
e growth of European manufacture One reflects. Is the increased in- clubhouse for the students. The club
after the war, the local competition terest, class spirit, and tradition suf- was mostly used, it is believed, from
to imported American goods is be ficient to balance the expense and copies of the newspapers so far dis-
coming more and more keen. T'rue. work entailed by candidates in the covered, as the headquarters of the
the United States is blessed with the recent election? We maintain that it many conventions that visited this
great natural resources and .time and .isnot. -.seat of learning in ancient times. The
I or saving devices that make pro,, It is chaiged t ittie 25,cent voting I adticle in the Alumnus proposes that
ion on a large scale possible, but fee prevented a large ballot. Still the the income be forced up to equal one
the cost of transportation equalizes election for president of the S. S. G. half of the expenses, at least. "An
'he competition. A. last spring, when there was no vot- investigation is being conducted," the
"The United States is the judge and ing fee, only drew a few, more, than j paper says,. "to determine why the
ster oEurope," says the Soviet 401 votes. ' tidents donj't use the Union more
If such is the case, the One of the party leaders has' stated han tiey do".
Anerin wiards are very unruly, for that "the Kalakak. and Srigga parties' -TIMOTHY HAY.
:1 t of the master is not being have started a new,.regimeof Iolitical * **
calmlnaces ted. The American mo- activity at K. S. A. C. Things have . It appears as; if the prizes would
tion picture industry is fighting for) gone so far that a return to the old consXst of beautifully colored views ofl
its life in central Europe, trying to system will never come." We venture the world's wonders of architecture
avoid being legislated out of existence to say that a retention of the party almost life size. These have been1
by the various governments. Is that system is about as problematical as a hanging in this office for several
''_' _ a ._:_ _ i _. _:..- ., ._ .st_- +, ,. r. , - + 1,-. ,1a

A review, by Charles Dearing. 1
Playing before an audience which
refused to become enthused, Albert
Lockwood and Maude Okkelberg,
pianists, assisted by Marian Freeman,
violinist, presented a program vary-
ing in selections from the bravura
style and sophistication of Manuel In-
fante and Arnold Bax to the tradi-
tional Celtic melancholy of Louis
Vuillemin. Of course it is poor taste
for an audience to become boisterous-
ly appreciative of artists who are not
performing under the inspiration of a
The two-piano presentation by Mrs.
Okkelberg, and Mr. Lockwood of
Rubenstein's Sonata, Op. 12, was
characterized by a recurring and
dominant melody with just enough of
the bombastic to avoid monotony, and
by an originality which set it off in
contrast to much on the modern,
nondescript composition. It is said
that the piece was hastily and badly
written--if so, the transcription for
two pianos has made possible, through
an enlarged tonal effect, an appealing
loveliness, enhanced by ease and pre-
cision of execution.
Along with other revivals comes the
reclamation from obscurity of Jeno
Hubay's violin pieces. They have al-
ways proved popular with audiences
because of their unpretentiousness
and fluency, but quite obviously Mrs.
Freeman found them a little difficult
in places.
The group of Vuillemin, Bax, and
Infante pieces were all originally
written for two pianos and received
their initial Ann Arbor performance
at Sunday's concert. Tradition says
that while Manuel Infante is a "good"
musician, he is not to be numbered
among the brilliant composers of
Spain, but his pieces, "Sentimento"
and "Gracia," as played by Mrs. Ok-
kelberg and Mr. Lockwood, had all
the dash and brilliancy which we
usually associate with the best Span-
ish music.
Piano recitals, free from the agon-
izing gymnatics and exhausting
tactics of the performer, are so scarce
that one could not help but be im-
pressed by the ease, dignity, and sin-
cer4yvith nwich Sunday afternoon's
concert was conducted.
aiY ]PT?"
The performance tomorrow after-
noon at the Whitney theatre of Jesse
Lynch Williams' "Why Not?" by the
Bonstelle company of Detroit is of
special interest for several reasons.
In the first place Mr. Williams is
holder of the fellowship in creative
arts in the University. tIn the second
place "Why Not?" is the companion
play of "Wy Marry?" which was
presented by Masques two weeks ago
at the Mimes' theatre will an all-cam-
pus cast. And finally the general in-
terest evinced in Fernec Molnar's
"The Swan" which was given by Miss
Bonstelle's company some time ago at
the Whitney is sufficient reason for
the production.
"Why Not?", presents a situation
even more unusual than "Why Mar-
ry?" which maintained such a uni-
form standard of excellence during its
five performances two weeks ago. In
"Why Not?" there is a three fold set
of possiblities. In this play there are
perfect people who might be true but
( probably aren't; there is a situation

that might be possible but probably
isn't;'and these impossible people in
this impossible situation are doing
things which people in that situation
' might do but probably wouldn't. Like
"Why Marry?", too, it 'is comedy,
pleasing comedy, with a note of seri-
ousness and truth underneath that
must not be overlooked. And this
combination in the hands of Miss-Bon-
stelle completes a production that
should be interesting and widely ap-
preciated, as well as unique and
The production was secured for the
Ann Arbor performance through the
efforts of the Alumnae council, andj
the proceeds from the play will go
towards the Women's league fund.
Tickets may be obtained at the box
office all day today and tomorrow.
Not so long ago Apin. Arbor was
eiven the o nnnr timit of h ai1


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The man we want is graduating in June; he is ambi-
tious and aggressive as shown by outside work done since he
enteked school. He has some knowledge of businss methods
and office management, to which he applies ideas of his own.
His personality is such that he probably has been made a
member of a good fraternity. He must have no inferiority
complex, yet must realize that a college graduate still has a
few minor details to learn. If he is planning to be married
soon, so much the better. To such a man we will pay
whatever he can convince us he is worth to us, up to five
thousand dollars a year. If you are the man we want, your
first letter will show it. Address Box 74, care the Daily.












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7omorrow 8-io-.
Our mid-week dance, on Wednesday,
8-10, is to fulfill a demand on the part
of our student patrons. Music by Gran-
ger's Big Ten Orchestra. In every re-
spect like our week-end dances-but
only lasts two hours.



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gie use o~rL n y o nearing
opera, real opera-"Madame Butter-
fly" and "Traviata." And now those
lovers of Shakespeare who have been
thirsting for a professional perform-
ance will be given the opportunity of
seeing Robert 13. 'Mantell not only
in two Shakespearean pieces, "The
Merchant of Venice" and a modern
presentation of "Hamlet," but also in



4.4. .--;



# 4 - + ++ 2LJ I

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