A rx E P OUIR THE MICHIGAN DAILY TaESDAY, AMARCaJ O,1926 ®wt.., .,.g. ..r .,.. ......... ... . _. Published every morning except Monday during the Universit year by the Board in Control of StudentPublications. Members of Western Conference Fditorial Association. The Associated Press is exclusively en- tIdI ttoethe use for republication of all news di epathes credited to it or not etberwise credited ir. :this paper find the local news pub- lished therein. I: Entered at the postoffice at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second class matter. Special rate of postage granted by Third Assistant Post- master General. Subscription by carrier, $3.50; by mail, $4.00. Offices: Ann Arbor Press Building, May- $ard Street. Phones Editori L 491; Ma s sxs ar , ..W. 4 i k Y' f C C; l k IX ice}} ii 117K i n. I k ' w5 Ik , ; Y t.' DITORIAL STAFF, Telephone 4921 ' MANAGING EDITOR GEORGE W. PAVIS' Chairman, Editorial Board....Norman R. Thal City Editor............Robert S. Mansfield News Editor...........Manning Houseworth Women's Editor............Helen S. Ramsay rt's Editor...............Joseph Kruger '(1 L:e- aph Fditor..........William Walthour A" usie and Drama........Robert B. Henderson Night Editors Smith H. Cady Leonard C. Hal Robert T. DeVore Thomas V. Koyka W. Calvin Patterson Assistaat City Editors irwin Olian Frederick H. Shillito Assistants, , rtrude Bailey Harriett Levy r.oiles Behymer Ellis Merry 111es im Bryer Dorothy Morehouse r, Brooks Margaret Parker 1= :n Buckingham Stanford N. Phelps "r;eon Buck Limon Rosenbaum br 'Burger Wilton Simpson - w Carter Janet Sinclair it, ( 'haneriain Courtland Smith I - ,er Cohen Stanley Steinko rleton Champe Louis Teodler, Douglas Doubleday Henry Thurnau lugene It. Gutekunst David C. Vokes Coodnan Marion Wells T- Herald CassamnA.'Wilson itt , Thomas C. Winter 1 s Kimball Marguerite Zilske ,a Kubik 11USMNM STAFF Telephone 21214 USINESS. MANAGER BYRON W. PARKER dvertising.......... ..Joseph J. Finn Rudol BHostelmaii -lvetiig .............. ..---- LMteullin Advertising..............Wim.L.Mulli A,uI tising.........Thomas D. Olmsted, Jr. UNHERALDED Mrs. Stephen V. Harkness is dead in New York City at the age of eighty- ,eight years. In her lifetime, she do- nated more than $9,000,000 to Yale I university, $4,000,000 for a medical center in New York, and a million more in various gifts. The first gift to Yale brought about the now famous Harkness Memorial quadrangle, a dormitory for senior students that -is the pride of many Americans who have no association with th& u'ifversity. Her second' gift was used for the increase of faculty salaries. Mrs. Harkness contributed $3,000,000 to this fund' with the stipulation that it otl'd'become available upon the sub- scription of $2,000,000 more by other persons. Yale, as a result, benefited by $5,000,000. The site for the medical center will bring about a great institution, the advantage of which will come with time. Thus passeth another unheralded name. THE INIJIHTABLE COLLEGE MAN College polish has foiled prohibi- tion agents at Princeton, for Dry Agent Menninger, of Northern New1 Jersey, claims that his men, attempt- ing to obtain evidence against campus liquor venders. are baffled because they can not impersonate the col- legiate customer.E That is one way of looking at thej situation; another viewpoint, which apparently has eluded Mr. Men-, ninger's facile mind, is that there is very little constitutional violation in, the places ,-here his men have sought t. The latter viewpoint seems rather, more reasonable than the inability to imitate the Princeton gradation of college types, as perhaps Mr. Men- ninger would .agree. Michigan, at present plagued by small, superficial investigations, the reports of which cause untold damage, rshould waenmp th c p enf ofi TO AND FOR THIE G , LADIES L Unless something suddenly steps in the way again, it looks as if we were about to discuss the Girls' Number of ROLLS. The idea is 'this (No Sir, we're sorry but we can't use anything right now-we've got to run this stuff about the women's number here and now) pardon the interruption, the idea is this as we said above (No! for the last time NO!) the idea is that1 we don't see why, if the ladies are represented in every other depart- ment of the University except the Stu- dent Council which is just like having your name on some honor list-it doesn't mean anything,-why they shouldn't be represented in this de- partment. As far as we know there has never been a co-ed managing edi- tor of this column, and so the only thine \te can do is to announce an all women's number of ROLLS. There will be prizes awarded for 1 the best contribution, and others for second and third. The column Will appear the last issue before Spring vacation so that you can take a copy right home with you and show the family what' you won. Please send the contributions in as soon as possible, as we would like to have time to judge them carefully. The judges will be ourselves, Sir Toby Tiffin, Wfilker Everett, and also the managing editor of Gargoyle. These. ourene will decide. In case of at deadlock the decision will be reached by the use of a coin. As each con- tribution will be numbered so that the committee will not know even the nom de plume of the sender, thereI will be no chance of favoritism creep-' ing in. Please also include your ad-- dress with the contribution in order that we may send the prize in case this is necessary in your case. t l 9 l' 1 I 4' I 1 (} r uation................ .James i. .et uy au ue w cu e e L e same sort of ni- lruuI..............ran *. k II . ~I1I II J J1j'Ilte prizes will be decided upon as Putlication.... ........Frank R. I)entz, Jr rdirect vindication in which Princeton ' soam t paydar- Accounts.................Paul W. Arnold soon as this month's pay check ar- Assistants now basks. "Where there is Arives. It will be worth trying for George H. Annable, Jr. Frank Mosher there is fire" is axiomatic, but smoke however. t W: Carl M~auer P. A. Norquist . Cr bri'Loleta- G. Parke: and steam deserve differentiation. * * * S, dington David Perrot W. J. Cox, Robert Prentiss _ _ _ _FIND PRESS BUITLING .l;aon A. Danie Wm. C. Pusch AE Mary Flinterman Nance Solomon IAVIDOTHER RUINS Stan Gilbert Thomas Sunderland EDITORIAL COMMENT ; Ann Arbor, U. S'. A., The Earth; '1 Kenneth Haven Win. J. Weinman . ~~.~JT11~.1 II lt0' .~ . h at l4 a. )'i H,01)eS Margaret Smith_ (Special to Rolls)--The Press Build- d -wA }.