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March 27, 1926 - Image 5

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1926-03-27

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)Fake Arrang-emen'ts With 1efroi
Flint, Highland Park, And Grand
Rapids For Practice Workx
Arrangements have been made witl
Detroit, Highland Park, Flint, andl
Grand Rapids, by which seniors in the
School of Education may utilize their
spring vacation in doing practice
teaching and observing in the schools
of these cities. Professor C. O. Davis
of the education school has asked al
instructors who are willing, to excuse
those students who have maintained a
satisfactory standard in their work, a
few days extra, in order that they may
get as much practice teaching as pos-
sible. Several instructors have al-
ready complied with this request.
The students will leave either
Thursday, April 8, thereby getting 10
days of teaching, or April 12, getting
six days. For the first day or two
they 1ill observe in the elementary
schools and the junior and senior high
schools. They will then be assigned
to a school in the particular field n
which they are interested. Here they
will take a few classes while 'ti.
regular teacher is in the room. It is
expected that before the end of the
week they will be given sole charge of
the classes with no supervision at all
from the regular teacher.
Last year it was arranged that a
few seniors do practice teaching one
(ay a week in the schools of Detroit.
All 22 students who obtained this ex-
perience, received positions in Detroit
schools this year.
A statement has been received from
Detroit that students who do prac-
tice teaching there during the coming
spring vacation, will be given prefer-
ence in the filling of vacancies next

Sheppard- Towne
For The Examin

More than 10,000 infants and chil-
dran have been examined under the
t, operation of the Zhepparl-Towner act,
kinice its passing by the state of Michi-
gan in July 1322, according to Dr.
Lillian Smith, director of the Dureau
S of Child Tygiene and Public Health
ITNursing of the Michigan department
[ of health at Lansing, who spoke at the
i luncheon given by the League of Wo-
e men Voters recently.
rlilis ac~t wicih provides for the
r proper care of mothers and children1
partjcularly in the rural districts
where physicians are difficult to- reach
in case of emergency, has been adopt-
s ed by 43 states up to the present time,
e Michigan being one of the first to ac-
cept it. Uender this act, $5,000 is re-
ceived by each state adopting its
terms to begin work with, and any
- sums over that amount raised by the
- individual states is equalled by a fed-
eral contribution.
"'little Mother's' classes, consisting
of girls between the ages of 10 and
15 years, are instructed in the care of
the home and the child, simple first
aid methods, and general information
1 which they should have about general
health habits and which is not given to
them in any other manner," continued
Dr. Smith.
S"Through these classes the parents
a are reached also, and interested in the
work. A better foundation is being
built up in classes which are given
for mothers, and which include lec-
tures and demonstrations given by
nurses and doctors working for the
"Clinics are operating, to which
children may be brought, and examin-
ed free of charge. Malnutrition, and
general ailments 'due to the lack of
proper food are diagnosed here and
mothers are advised as to the condi-
tions necessary to the proper rearing
of each individual. Each child is
treated as a particular case, thus
avoiding the grouping which is apt to



r Act Provides
ation Of Children I
be in use where large numbers are
"Literature of all kinds is being
sent out to women interested in the'
care of their babies, every day, and 1
more than 68,000 letters have been
sent in answer to those received by
the department of health. In 1921,
preceding the enforcement of the
Sheppard-Towner act, the infant mor- -
tality rate was 79 dying to every 1000 ]
living births. At present, this has
been lowered to 75.6, and we hope to
continue lowering it," Dr. Smith con-
eluded. y

Alumna Aids Fund1
By Sale Of Maps
S howizngCampus
Th 'WonTan's leagle-of the.jnver-
sity of Michigan,: WaYe. inaugurated.
many new' and : arled ideas in the


Money Donated To
Arras To Repair
War Devestation
(By Associated Press)
MUNICH, March 26.-Lida Gustava
Heymann, Gertrude Baer, and Frau
Frieda Perlen, representitg the Ger-
man section of the Women's Interna-
tional League for Peace and Freedom,
of which Jane Addams, of Chicago, is
international chairman, have just re-
turned from an unique mission to;
They were delegated to present to
the municipality of Arras, in the heart
of the devastated areas, the sum of
15,000 francs i-aised among German
women for the purchase of trees as
an act of gopdwill and as a gesture of
fGerman willingness to repair damage
wrought in the World war.
RIO JANEIRO.-The foreign office
denied emphatically an assertion madeI
in the British House of Commons that
Premier Mussolini of Italy was behind
Brazil's action in the recent League
of Nations' meeting.


raising of money. for: ttheir new build- ,sw
ing but possibly the n ot.original is be
the plan ,they hope to ,carry out lu- m
ing Commencement week, this coming t(
Juie. 'This plan is .bengmade pos an
Bible through the etorts of an al'unir pa
nae of the University Mrs. R hes. Ih
ler of -Chicago. %M
Mrs. Kessler is a ioted artist. in this mi
part of the country and her plan is Fi
to diagram in pictures the campus of TI
the University of Michigan. To do -
this many views of the campus have
been taken, both in the air and on the
ground and these pictures Mrs. Kess-
ler is going to Use on her maps. One
can easily imagine how much this will
help the new students coming to our
school for now instead of numbers and
black lines and squares to guide them
in the right direction they will have
definite views and pictures to help
them. They will becoime acqiainted I
with the campus much quicker in this
way and less congestion. will result
Want a room? Read: Page Seven
and use the Classifled cd6lumns.-Adv.
11:00-1:30 5:00.8:004
Special Sun. Eve. LMnch
%9rrgjer a p r
Corner Liberty and MIaynard I

Hodgson' of
nniTi T R department,
to turn iny
to the physi
Officials have been announced for worn in the
e intramural swimming meet to be Jessica Ni
ld March 31, at the Y. M. C. A. "Funny race
iimming pool. Miss Laurie Camp- able to con
ll, of the physical education depart- events. Othi
ent will act as starter, and Miss B., be a free sty
guise Patterson, Dr. Margaret Bell, relay, and t
id Miss Annis Hall, also of the de= sist of oner
rrtment will be judges Mary Ails- dives. Wom
use, '27Ed, will be the scorer, and Grace Kratz
iss Ruth Figge, Miss Ethel McCor- ticket sale;
ick, Miss Janet Cumming, and Myra try blanks;
nsterwald, '27Ed, will act as timers.: ers; Aileen
.he announcers will be Miss Pauline and records.

ov. erw wrr rrr oc woro.c~rrr. rrrr. oo,.,o.oa~mt..

f the physical education
and Harriet Dively, '26.
c managers are expected
?ntry blanks for the meet
dcal education offices im-
Only cotton suits will be
xon, '27, will lead the
," for women who are not
pete in the other racing
er events of the meet will
'le race, back stroke race,
he diving event, to con-
required and two optional
en may enter two events.
, '27, is in charge of the
Gladys Appelt, '28Ed, en-
Helen Wooten, '28, post-
Miller, '27, score sheets

110 of




One 1924 Chevrolet Sedan
This car has had an overhauling and is in very good condition now.
good paint, upholstering and a motor that is 0. K. Our price is $3!
Bring in your old car and trade.
One 1923 Ford Coupe
This car is in A-i shape, and if you see this you are sure going to pick
It will pay you to look over our Used Car stock before buying.

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n 4tHerelIs the
Old Fashioned Bar
Double Strength Peppermint
Ifyou prefer SuaCoated Groh
I n V -

Charming New Frocks.
For Women of DiscriminatIon
A to $5p shedCollection Reing
the latest Tendencies fionm Parts.
Expressed in Hosts. of nterestinig
Devetopmexucs, r
$25 to $55,


Red, Blue, Green, Tan
and Purple
Sizes for Women and

As smart as their fabrics are protective
-these New Weatherproof Coats are
our spring shipment which has just ar-
Lustrous, colorful, ample roomy cut-
proving that stormy day attire can be
wonderfully attractive as well as pro-


The New Parasols->
With Cover of Slicker Fabric
Girls, they're very new! And wvherever' this cle1ver ium-

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