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March 27, 1926 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1926-03-27

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Published every morning except Monday
during the University year by the Board in
-. Control of Student Publications.
Members of Western Conference Editorial
Association. .
The Associated Press is exclusively en-
titled to the use for republication of all news
dispatches credited to it or ot: otherwise
credited in this paper and the local news pub-
lished therein.
Entered' at -the postoffice at Ann Arbor,
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Oflices: Ana «Arbor Press Building, May-
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' C


kt lelphoue 4935
Chairman. Editorial Board....Norman R. Thal
City Editor..........Robert S. Mansfield
News Editor..........Manning Houseworth
WoUmen's dir.....Helen S. Ramsay
Sport's Editor.............Joseph Kruger
Telegraph Editor.......... William Walthour
Music and Drama.......Robert B. Henderson'
-Night Editors
Smith H. Cady Leonard C. Hall
Robert T. DeVore Thomas V. Koykka
W. Calvin Patterson
Assistant City Editors
Irwin Olian Frederick H. Shillito

Gertrude Bailey
William Bryer
Phillip Brooks
F'arnum Buckingham
Stratton Buck
C:arl Burger
Ldgar Carter
jseph Chanberlain
Meyer Cohen
Carleton Champe
Douglas Doubleday
FEUgene II. Gutekunst
fames' T. Herald -
1>-sll Hitt
Kiles Kimball
jlAarion Kubik

Harriett Levy
>:llis Merry
dortothy Morehouse
Margaret Parker
tanford N. Phelps
Stion Rosenbaum
Wilton Simpson
Janet Sinclair
Courtland Smith
Stanley Steinko
Louis Tendler
Henry Thurnau
Oavid C. Vokes
Marion Wells
Cassam A. Wilson
Thomas C. Winter
Marguerite Zilske

Telephone 21214

T .#

Advertising...............Joseph t Finn
Adivcr-tisir{.. ............. Rudolph B btehmnf
Advertising.... .....Wm. L. Mullin
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- A gsistants

Awakening from a disregard of the
hazardous conditions which have ac-
companied the expansion of motor
vehicle traffic, Americans have at last
taken steps on a large scale to make
the country a safer place in which to
live. The Second National Confer-
ence on Highway Problems, called by
Secretary Hoover, has just ended its
meetings in Washington, after haying
drawn up a model code of laws which
will be submitted to the state legis-
latures for adoption. .
This -code calls for a standardiza-
tion of laws, which would do away
with the confusion now attendant to
touring through different states. It
calls for the abolition of regulations
which are too -lenient, speed laws
which Are more liberal than fifteen
miles per hour in the residential cen-
ters and thirty-five miles per hour in
the open country, regulations which
make it possible to obtain drivers'
permits before having attained the
age of 16 years, rules which allow a
permit to be held longer than three
years without renewal, an.d laws which
sanction license plates following the
car when it is sold.
Demand is also made by the code
for more drastic discipline of the class
of motor offenders known as "repeat-
ers," whose "mental and moral traits,"
according to the conference officials,
"should exclude them from the high-
ways." More adequate playgrounds
in order to keep the children off the
streets is another platform which is
included in the model set of statutes.
It is encouraging to know that ac-
tion is at last being taken to halt the
appalling loss of life and injury
which has been Increasing every day.
There is not an edition of a metro-
politan newspaper that does not de-
vote nearly a column to the terrible
toll which motor accidents have taken.
But until the meeting in Washington
no national efforts which might result
in far-reaching effects had been made
to relieve the condition.
A standard set of rules throughout
the country would relieve the perilous
traffic conditions, and the state legis-
latures should cooperate with the
movement by amending their statutes
so that they may be consistent with
the model code.
When Michigan's track team enters
the packed gymnasium at Ithaca to-
night to compete in the fifteenth an-
nual dual indoor track meet with
Cornell, there .will be retenated the
keen, competitive struggle that has
proved itself rich in tradition for a
period of twenty-four years. Begin
ning in 1902, track competition be-
tween Michigan and Cornell has de-
veloped until it is an illustration of
an almost perfect form of athletic
rivalry between the two universities.
Coincident with this --development
has been the observance of many
customs in connection with the meet
which have given'it an atmosphere of
unusual interest. Whether the meet
takes place at Cornell or at Michigan,
the same conditions prevail. -
One of these observances is the
continual playing of the band while
the races are run. Starting with the
crack of the pistol and playing fast or
slow tempo, as the length of the race
suggests, the music turns the crowded
gymnasium into bedlam at the finish
of each contest.
Another custom featured in the meet
is the formal attire of all the officials.
With the exception of the two coaches,
who absolve themselves from this
form of social proced&ire this prece-
dent has never been violated. - -Im-
mediately after the track meet, a
banquet is given, at which the teams,

officials, and alumni of both univer-
sities a're present.
It is significant that, regardless of
the outcome of the rivalry each year,
a strengthened good-fellowship is
pre-eminent and dominates the rela-
tions between the two teams.
Michigan is eager to be able to en-
gage in such competition with Cor-
nell each year, and to play her part
in fostering that spirit of sincere
friendship which should be present
in all forms of athletic rivalry.

George 11. Annable, Jr.
),. sari Bauer.
-jhn Ii. ]Lobrink
Q' i-dy .Cocdington
WV. -J,_. -GOT,--,..
-Marioin'A. Daniel
Mary Flinterman
;Stan -Gilbert
T.a Kenneth- Havei
J1aiiAd Holmes
Orrcar A. Jose

Frank Mosher
F. A. N4orquist
LIoleta G. Parker f
David Perrot
Robert Prentiss
Wmn. C. Plxsch
Nance Solomont
Thomas Sunderland
Wn. J. Weinman'
Margare Smith
Sidney .Wilson

'"' '' -

m . u u L..,a.A
a thorough investigation of the mat-
ter, instead of making apriori gener-
alizations, based upon prejudice or an D R A M A
inadequate knowledge of herd psy-
chology, will admit readily, or reluc- j
tantly, the entire correctness of my TODAY: The Junior Girls' play,
statement, which I would make even "Becky Behave," in the Whitney
more emphatic if I knew how. I have theatre at 2:15 and 8:15 o'clock.
been more or less in touch with this * * *
thing since the beginning, and if there "LE PAQUEBOT 'TENACITY'"
is any exception to this rule I think A review, by Robert Henderson.
I would have heard of it. "The Steamshp 'Tenacity'" by
The foregoing is submitted not as a Charles Vildrac, which the Ypsilanti
matter of opinion or Princeton loyal- Players are presenting this week as
ty It is a matter of ascertainable the final bill of their eleventh season,
fact, of record and of common knowl- formed the bulwark of Copeau's
edge to all well-informed persons in I repertory during the last valiant years
and out of academic circles. This of Le Theatre d Vieux Colombler,
knowledge can so- easily be obtained and stands today almost alone through
by those not well informed that I do the hysteric strain of post-war Paris
not believe that a man of Prof. as the masthead of French genius.
Cooley's eminence and accuracy was It is a quiet play, "Tenacity," filled
guilty of making such a palpable with a serenity of a past that seems
blunder. IHe was misunderstood and forever vanished, uninteresting to the
unintentionally misquoted, and will present commercial audience and the
therefore, I am sure, be glad to see appetite wetted only with saxophone
this correction-for the sake not only successes. Pregnant with that in-
of scientific accuracy, but of ordinary tensely shrewd and disillusioned op-
human optimism. timism which is so essentially
There are always people who de- French, its effects are both unstudied
rive a perverse pleasure from believ- and untheatric; it is realism in its
ing the worst of human nature., espe- best sense-a truthful, uncolored por-
cially youthful human nature. (Prof. trait of life.
Cooley is not that sort, and this con- Vildrac himself is an artist in life,
firms my belief that he was mis- his reaction are as direct. le tells a
quoted.) It annoys certain absurd story, with simple, moving dignity, of
little pessimists to hear that the two brothers Bastien and Segard,
younger generation occasionally be- as opposite as brothers always are
haves itself pretty well without the and an earthly girl. Much like Gal- I
compulsion and authority of their worthy in "The Pigeon" and "The)
elders. But that precisely is why and First and Last" of Eugene O'Neill in
the chief reason why the Honor Sys "Beyond the Horizon" he, treats of
tem hvorks successfully everywhere. wistful, inarticulate figures.
It has to be started and run by the The eldest brother, Bastien, more
students themselves or it is likely not daring loud and shallow, has argued
to ork at all. Segard into embarking for France.
rof. Cooley was also represent-id, Waiting for their ship, the two rest a!
or misrepresented, as saying that the week at an ocean-front inn. There
attitude of the honest student toward they meet the girl Theresa-a bitter
the cheater "is not severe enough." triangle-,and. Bastien carries her
Wrong again. Exactly the opposite away: he who was so keen for ad-
Is the truth. The only criticism of venture back to the country, while the
the Honor System I have ever heard boy Segard sails unwillingly for a
at Princeton was that the undergrad- new land. The curtain falls with the
uates were too meticulously severe. victor undecided before the subtle
The faculty has been known to beg irony of its conclusion.
the student committee respectfully to I Elizabeth Strauss as the girl gave f
reconsider acase. The committee re- a complete, exact performance. Her
fused the faculty's re'quest. dharacter, which in the hands of an-
-To make a go of the Honor System, other actress could be more sensual,
it is not necessary to "change human presented a child-woman swayed un-
nature,", as some think who haven't wittingly by the istinctive -passion
thought enough. Not in the least. of th' peasant. nveneered by the
All you have to do is to arrange some proscriptions of society, she is as
of its stimuli and let human nature primitively sexed as Nature itself.
take its course. Quay Beyer as Bastien equally en-
I have cited the example of Prince- compassed his part, and Walker Ever-
ton merely because I happen to know ett as the boY-in one of the most
it best. That ancient and intention- subtly poetic roles of all literature-
, ally small seat of learning and the touched ,again andagain, the deep
venerable University of Virginia, fire of the character, especially in his
which had the Honor System years sensitive scenes at 'the opening of the
before Princeton dreamed of it, are play. His last act, however, lacked
t,-not the only institutions where the the sure even tenor that can come
System has met with more than "some only with gruelling work-the lesson
t succes." Nor do they claim to have of absolutely certain effects which
a different sand superior breed of the every actor finally learns. In Miss
- human species. It is simply that the Horner as the Widow Cordier the di-
students themselves, some of whom rector completed the picture with a
used to cheat, boastfully and most in- perfect piece of type casting.
geniously, when (and because) they For Paul Stephenson the produc-
were under espionage, did not fancy tion comes as a high climax and con-
the indignity of being watched and so clusion to his work as director of the!
decided to capitalize their esprit de organization, and he is to be connect-!
corps and turned their individual self- ed next season with Richard Bole-
assertihn into a social asset instead slawsky at the Laboratory theatre,
of a liability. New York. In a healthy atmosphere,
Anyone who has the slightest prac- with grateful material, his extraordi-
tical knowledge of the phenomena of nary talent should flower to the bloom
human gregariousness can see how they call genius.
simple and reasonable it all is by " E AV
observing what happens at any pen- "EK EAE
tlemen's club the world over when A review, by Kenneth Wickware.
member is caught cheating at cards. It is gratifying to perceive that a
He is hauled up before the board of theatrical production can be pleasing
governors and kicked out. And that's to the eye without being what is-
all there is to it. Every layman called a spectacle play. The Junior

who knows the ways of the world Girls' play as presented at the Whit-
knows that.
I really can't see why it should be ney theater last night was in effect
, sdlihfl nafir, as one could,1
so difficult or distasteful to believe as-delightful an affa-sne u
,that youth will not and cannot es- .hope to see. This has been acconp-
' tablish a similar code when given en- lished without an involved plot, be-
co-ragemeit, instead of discourage- wildering scenery, or a dazzling ar-
nent. Youth with its idealism, its yChicaogowns direct from Paris or
enthusiastic respect for good sports- There are more pretty girls in the
manship, its love of Alma Mater,-a play than one has proper time to look
far more potent passion than the at, and the dramatic ability developed
hard-boiled businessman's fondness is little short of startling. It is of
for a mere club-prefers to be self- the highest credit to the girls them-
respecting when it has a chance. Old selves, as well as to Miss Amy Loomis,
dodos may keep on wagging their who directed the production, that the
-action, dancing, and singing have al
sceptical heads, if they enjoy doing so,acion ssand s nity havesa
( but meanwhile the Honor System in graciousness and spontaneity that is
examinations has worked, is now Minerva Miller was lovely as Becky,
working, and will keep on working, the bookshop girl; and the colored
f let pessimists say what they will, girl "Chloe" is played bewitchingly
I understand it is working admira- by Emily Oppenheim. The men,
bly here in the Engineering depart- Jerry and Bill, portrayed respectively
menit, and as an outsider I cannot un- I by Margaret Sherman and Angeline
,derstand why it should'n't work equal- Wilson, are sensibly more competent
and convincng thant such parts usual-
ly as well in all other departments. yar which isan attart byuno
-Jess Lynh Wi!ials are, which is an attainment by no
means inconsiderable. Then there
I was Mary, in the person -of Marian
Fairy music is being heard in Ire- yLeland,, who was quite beautiful and
land,,according to reports. One story, thoroughly personable. But one's
claims that a tiny red figure, dressed store of adjectives can not keep pace
in red and mounted on a horse, had with one's remembrance of the pretty
been seen. The fairies left this coun- faces, of dances, and the haunting
try with prohibition. songs.
The company was excellent through-



three years. Moreover, every doubting
Thomas-and they bob up perennially
--who has taken the trouhle to make !




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"It is a remarkable fact that
at present the United States is
"rrecciving from Europe an amount
approximately equal to the whole
cf the reparations which Germany
is paying. The bulk of the receipts
from Germany is going to France,
who is not paying her war debts,
while the bulk of the payments
to the United States are made by
England, largely out of her own
resources."--Winston Churchill,
Chancellor of the Exchequer, in
the British House of Commons.
Chancellor of the Exchequer Win-
ston Churchill stated before Parlia-
ment that Great Britain must pay the
United States $500,000 daily for three
generations. France, in round num-
bers, owes four billions; Italy, in
round numbers, two billons; Ger-
many's reparation indebtedness is the
most staggering of history.
That is why Chancellor Churchill
saw fit, with justification, to call at-
tention frequently to the prosperity
and the credit ledger of the United
States. Beyond doubt, the early years
of the war were extremely profitable
years for the United States, while
European nations were shelling away
millions. Beyond doubt, the policy of
the United States in funding the debts
of tother nations is to secure the me-'
turn of loans with the greatest bene-
fit to itself.
Debt negotiation and debt argument
tenaciously hold the spotlight in world
affairs, with increasing bitterness,
while the formerly poignant, tender
consideration of the millions of hu-
man beings who were sacrificed in
company wif1 the money bags mani-
fests itself with diminishing fre-
quency. The horrible war is remem-
bered today, not so much . as the
ghastly shaimbles that it was, but as a
costly period: for- which the com-
batants will have to pay.
The payment, howeverw.will not be
so easily forgotten .as the men who
fell unsuspecting of \their quick
oblivion. The debts, inconceivably C

W. I. BOGGS, Representaive



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Fifth Avenue at 4611 Street



Anonymous communications will be
disregarded. The names of communi-
cants will, however, be regarded as
confidential upon request.
To the Editor:
If it is not a base abuse of hospi-
tality for a guest 'of tihe University to
do so, I should like to correct the
rather remarkable misstatement of
fact in your issue of March 20th.:-r
- "Although admitting that the
honor system of examinations
has met with some sutcess at the
University of Virginia, Prof. C.
H. Cooley of the sociology depart-
ment, yesterday, said that it has
not met 'anywhere near as nmuchi


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