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March 19, 1926 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1926-03-19

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Published every morning except Monday
during the Universityuyear by the Board in
Control of Student Publications.
Members of Western Conference Editorial
The Associated Press is exclusively en-
titled to the use for republication of all news
dispatches credited to it or not etberwise
jredited in this paper and the local news pub-
lished therein.
Entered at the postoffice at Ann Arbor,
Michigan, as second class matter. Special rate
of postage granted by Third Assistant Post-
master General.
Subscription by carrier, $3.30.; by mail,
Offices: Ana Arbor Press Building, May-
vard Street..
Phones: Editorial, 4g ; bushes1, 3:14.
f ' elephone 4925
Chairman, Editorial Board... .Norman R. Thal
City Editor..........'Robert S, Mansfield
News Editor.........Manning Houseworth
*VUIUen's Editor.....,......Helen S. Ramsay
Sport's Editor..............Joseph Kruger
a'elegraph Editor.......... William Walthour
Music and Drama........Robert B. Henderson
Night Editors+
Smith 11. Cady Leonard C. Hall
RobertT. IDeVore Thomas V. Koykka
W. Calvin Patterson
Assistast City Editors
Irwin Olian Frederick H. Shillito
Gertrude Bailey Harriett Levy
2 C:rles Behymer Ellis Merry
William Bryer Dorothy Morehouse
Phillip Brooks Margaret Parker
Farnum Buckingham Stanford N. Phelps
Stratton Buck :irnon Rosenbaum
Ca;rl'Burger Wilton Simpson
Vdgar Carter Janet Sinclair1
eph Chamberlain Courtland Smith
Ieyer Cohen Stanley Steinko
r aileton C(hampe Louis Tendler
i)ouglas Doubleday llcnry Thurnau
Vugene II. Gutekunst David C. Vokes
Andrew G3oodman ;Marion Wells
James '. Herald assain A. Wilson
Russell Ilitt Thomas C. Winter
Miles Kimball Marguerite Zilske
Marion Kubik
Telephone 21214



Acdvertising.................Joseph J. Finn
Advertising.............Frank R. Dentz, Jr.
Advertising..................Win. L. Mullin
Advertising.........Thomas D. Olmsted, Jr.
Crculation...............Rudolph BostelmanI
Accounts...................Paul W. ArnoldI

George H. Annable, Jr.
W. Carl Bauer
WcIf. Bobrink
Marion A. Daniel
Alary Flinter 'mad
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Stan Gilbert,
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F. A. Norquist
Loleta G. Parker
David Perrot
Robert Prentiss
Win. C. Pusch
Joseph D. Ryan
Stewart Sinclair
Mance Solomon
Thomas Sunderland
Wm. J. Weinman
Margaret Smith
Sidney Wilson

of Philadelphia in 1911, but his pres-
ent candidacy represents his first ven-
ture into state politics.
Back of Vare is a well organized
and highly disciplined municipalma-
chine capable of carrying Phladel-)
phia for the congressman against the
Angel Gabriel, himself, should the
latter be a candidate. Add to this a'
scattered wet strength in other parts
of the state and you have the sum
total of the Vare vote.
Senator Pepper will carry the Ger-
mantown and Chestnut Hill districts
of his native city and will probably
carry Pittsburgh. Most of the old
Penrose leaders in the up-state coun-
ties will line up behind him. The
enormous financial and corporation
interests of Pennsylvania will be a'
unit for Pepper.
Back of Governor Pinchot will rally
the former Bull-Moose element of
Pennsylvania, organized labor, most
of the women, the militant drys, and
some of the Republican county lead-
ers. The Governor's strength is in
the sixty-five rural counties. He car-
ried sixty-two of them four years ago
and will endeavor to repeat. He will
hardly get enough votes in Philadel-
phia to warrant the counting, and in
Pittsburgh will trail Pepper, sup-
ported as the latter is by the Mellon
Twelve years ago this coming
autumn, Pinchot contested unsucess-
fully for this same seat against Boies
Penrose and Mr. A. Mitchell Palmer,
of the Wilson Cabinet. In that cam-
paign, Colonel Roosevelt stumped the
state with great vigor for him. To-
day wrapped in the Roosevelt legend
and tradition, he enters the lists once
more with better than an even chance
of success.
The campaign will give a graphic
illustration of the fact that the poli-
tical "boss" is not always the ruler
he deems himself. Many a machine
politician in the country west of the
Susquehanna, who is in sympathy
with Vare ,will yield to financial and
corporation pressure and work for
Pepper. In the agricultural regions
many a "leader" will save his face by
going with the rising Pinchot tide.
The whole situation will be studied
carefully by the business and manu-
facturing interests of the state. For
many years Penrose in national poli-
tics was merely the political exponent
of Pennsylvania industrialism. The
corporations of Pennsylvania must
have in Washington an educated gen-
tlemen with brains to state their phil-
osophy of economics in the halls of
Congress and the White House.
In the Keystone Commonwealth the
medieval, feudal type of politics ling-
ers when it has passed almost every-
where else. The present contest is
like a chapter out of Coniston. The
entire nation will watch the battle
with interest and perchance with
As far as suppression is concerned,
medieval Europe seems to have had
a re-birth in twentieth century Italy.
A court decision rendered at Florence
recently appears to boast of the fact
that Italian jails eagerly await all
foreigners who dare to publicly criti-
cise Premier Mussolini . Italian citi-
zens guilty of the same offense are
also subjected to confinement.
William Ellison, an Englishman,
was recently sentenced to eight
months and five days imprisonment
and fined 1550 lire because he uttered
certain "offensive remarks" against
the government. The court recog-
nized the fact that Ellison was in an
, irresponsible condition at the time of
i his offense, but nevertheless sentenc
ed him.

Ellison is not entitled to sympathy
because he happened to be in an ir-
responsible state when voicing his
objections, nor should ane cry out
against such treatment of foreigners.
The significant fact is that a law
I which effects Italian citizens ought
to be and is applicable to foreigners.
Nevertheless, not only should all
foreigners object, but also the entire'
kingdom of Italy. The essence of the
sentencing of Ellison is an insult to
Italy and to the world at large. Free-
dom of speech and press, long sought
after, have been seriously curtailed,
if not wiped out, in Florence. Just as
Savonarola was burned in that same
city some four hundred years ago for
public utterances, now we have im-
pisonment. Granting that human na-
ture is, eternally the same, may we
not soon expect the stake again? The
spirit of intolerance is dominant, and
cruelty ought not be slow in forth-
coming. The France of before 1789 is
'recalled,-in fact, all the totures and
trials of the Middle Ages.
Since one cannot object to any gov-
ernmental function in Italy, and since
the public mind is paralyzed, the next
logical step for Mussolini seems to be
the use of that age-old instiution-
lettre sd e chet This is Mussolini's

(With apologies to the Detroit Times)
Dear Evadne:
Since I wrote you last so much,
OOOOoooh so much has happened. I
have been rushed nearly to death
what with one social engagement
after another. First of all the Chri
Omigosh girls gave a lovely tea in
honor of 'Miss Hortense Bluenose, an I
alumna who now lives in Broniville.
But I didn't go to that. Then my I
roommate gave a little tea in the
anatomy lab. She is studying to be a;
doctor, you know, and it was all so
romantic with all the cadavers about
and everything. Now I'll bet you're
going to say, it must have been a
dead party, but really Evadne, it
The Mimes boys put on a play call-
ed "Why Engaged?" or something like
that and it was all about a man named
Jeppe who got drunk, but they didn't
know which side of the boundary line
he fell asleep on so that when he be-
came a Noble no one knew who his
real wife was, but they didn't want
to get married anyway, so the judge i
had to chase them to town and get a
detective. That gives you a rough
idea of the play. The boys were sim-
ply killing in it, especially in the
murder scenes. I laughed so hard I
though I'd burst my stays.
"Speed" Bartron as the boys call
him, was just grand as the second
butler from right. Others in the cast
were George Green as the father and
son, and my cousin the deacon, as the
chair. The girls were simply stun-
ning although they were all too thin
to suit my taste. Nevertheless they
looked simply gorgeous in new crea-
tion of mauve tulle and filet de sole
with prettily hemmed bodices of
lemon colored organdie. The shoes
were of the new French heel style,
heavily studded with rhinestones.
Miss Jones comes from New York,'
you know.
Well, dear Evadne, I must stop now
as the editor only wants about six
inches and the boys want me to go
shoot some pool with them. Besides
I hate writing this women's stuff.
As Ever your,
Joe, (I mean Gracie.)
* * *
"Want a 'ride?"
"Oh all right"
"Are you a Chesterfield?"
"No. I'm a Camel"
"Hop out"
A moonlight night, a maiden's smile,
Oh someone save me from this guile-
Of loving every maid, I meet
And dropping down beneath her feet.
I love the women, bless 'em all
Although some day, perhaps I'll fall-
For just one girl, a darling miss
And fill my life with all that's bliss.
And when that day shall come at last
I shall forget this awful past-
And live a life that's free from sin
And at my home, I'll stay within.I
SCENE: A bedroom.
TIME: 4:30 A. M.

John Smith, a young lawyer.
Joseph Smith, his brother. An-
other lawyer.
George Smith, his brother. A den-
* * *
Rollo is turning bad, we fear. Last
week while we were in seeing a show
in Ypsi, he must have gotten some
bad liquor while we weren't looking,
for on the way home he passed out
cold on us. There we were stranded
half way between Ann Arbor and
Ypsi. Well, we finally got somebody
to take us in and pushed the dirty
bum- off into the ditch to sleep it off.
The next morning we sent his pet'
enemies from the Ford place out to.
hrimo- him in nlive or dead and thev

TONIGHT: Masques present "Why
Marry?" by Jesse Lynch Williams in
the Mimes theatre at 8:15 o'cloek.
* * *
A review, by Vincent Wall.y I
It was poetry-sheer poetry-with
here an odd rhythm, and there a wist-
ful little melody-and they called it,
"The Poet's Love. And there it was: 1
a gorgeous cycle of Schumann, a bari-
tone with a combination of rich tone
and well modulated resonance, and a
wildly enthusiastic audience that
packed the auditorium.
The first numbers were peculiarly
dramatic-irresistibly so, with a vol-
ume and depth, especially in "The
Last Song,' and "The Crystal Gazer.,
And it proved to be a most happy
combination, with that reckless im-
petuosity, and just a hint of the
theatre. It was in keeping with this

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FRIDAY, MARCH 19, 1926
Night Editor--LEONARD C. HALL
"The Coolidge Administration
is not going to be stampeded into s
any twenty-four hour panacea to
aid the farmers. Sound changes
based on accurate information is
what President Coolidge wants,
and he does not expect to do any-
thing in a 'jiffy.' I am taking
back to Washington a true pic-
ture of the problems of western
Texas, which the Washington
authorities must have at first
hand because the people who are
actually doing things, the people
in the country, are so far away
from us it is difficult to obtain
a clear picture of the whole sit-
uation."-William M. Jardine,
Secretary of Agriculture.

that Donna Esselstyn gave the Dra-
matico and the Allegretto of the
Scriabine sonata-there was that)
same verve and dash and spontaneity
that swept the audience into a wave
of applause.
And then Schumann and Heine- i
what a combination! and the quite
virgin cycle of the "Dichterliebe."
Theretis always something infinitely
pathetic about the lover who has
loved, not wisely, but still too well,
and his lady who loves neither wisely
nor well; and again that underlying
element of purely lyrical beauty, even
in the accompaniment. There was a
faint suggestion of tears unshed forj
the poet who buried his dream of love
in a coffin and sent it to the ocean
forever. And this, in poetry, com-I
bined with a voice that could find
the pathos and not the trite sentiment
is not only unusual but it is true
artistry-the kind that will move an
audience as the hokum and bathos of
cheap sentimentalism can never do.f
* * *
Due to an error a verb was omitted
in the 'review of "Why Marry?" pub-
lished in yesterday's issue of the
Music and Drama column. The sen-'
tence should have read: "In the oc-
casional scenes where the characters
took their platitudes seriously the ac-
tion halted and the theme wavered-
this excepts John and Lucy, the hus-
band and wife, who are ironic paro-
dies in themselves and relieve the
constant burlesque of the others with
their very near tragedy."
* * *


In the last hour of 1921, as the$
revellers danced in the New Year,
Doies Penrose died in the Wardaman-
Ilark Hotel in Washington. With his
passing, there ended a political
dynasty that had begun with Lin-j
coln's Secretary of War, Simon Cam-
eron, and then was left vacant a
senatorial seat which had gathered
around it a tradition of genuine and
positive statesmanship. To Penrose's
seat a full time senator is to be elect-
ed this spring of 1926 in the Com-
monwealth of Pennsylvania, and as a
result of the dissolved dynasty, a sit-
uation prevails among 'Pennsylvanial
Repulblicans which approaches chaos.
This, in a state where things political
are usually well ordered, is almost an
anomaly. The ides of March there
saw the setting of the scenes for
probably the greatest senatorial bat-
ie America has ever witnessed.

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A review by William Lucas.
All pre-conceived notions of Mr.
Williams' play ate ruthlessly shatter-
ed in actual production. What ap-
pears in the reading text as a conven-
tional social comedy on a conven-
tional subject is revealed as a comedy
of irresistible charm and individuality
The performance was keyed to a
varying tempo of high spirits, irony,
and pathos, always sincere, always
Of course, the marriage question is
not settled; there is no pretense of
this-and fortunately, too. One does
not suspect that Mr. Williams took
his subject too seriously. It is com-
edy, high comedy of the most delight-
ful type-at least this was the spirit
of last night's performance-gently
playing with the problem-never
overstepping the bounds of good taste.
The audience loved it, and with rea-
The uniform excellence of the cast
was no less a revelation than the play
itself. Lillian Bronson was captivat-
ing in the role of H-elen, which she!
played with exquisite grace and syn-
pathy. Valentine Davies, although
slightly too engrossed in the numer-
ous possibilities of his lines to do full
justice to the opportunities for an ex-
ceptional characterization, is corn-


Three candidates have presented
themselves as aspirants for the sena-
torial toga-George Wharton Pepper,
who was appointed to the vacancy by
Governor Sproul; Gifford Pinchot, the
present chief executive of the Com-
monwealth; and William S. Vare, one
of the Philadelphia Repesentatives in
the lower house at Washington.

cant resit


Pepper is a scholar, a churchman,
and an athlete. He is probably one1
of the half-dozen best lawyers in the
TniAd ca+- a Pnnhot i an. oduetna



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