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January 22, 1926 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1926-01-22

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New Incumbent Previously Active InI
Union Affairs; Outlines Poloy
For Remander Of Year
William L. Diener, '26, was elected
president of the Union yesterday at
a special meeting of the board of di-
rectors. He will hold office for the
rmainder of the school year.
The directorate session was called
yesterday for the purpose of filling the
vacancy in the executive office caused
by the removal of Albert Adams, 26,
Who became ineligible for participa-
tion in campus activities last month,
because of deficiency in academic work,
and whose petition to the Administra.
tive board of the literary college, for'
special consideration of his case, was
rejected last Tuesday. Robert J.
Cooper, '26M, who was'elected acting-
president of the Union, pending ther
disposal of Adams' case by the Admin-
istrative board, presided at the special
board meeting yesterday.
Diener, the new president, was one
of the leading candidates for the same
office last spring, losing to Adams by1
88 votes. lie has beeni active in stu-
dent activities at the Union for the
past three years as well as a mem-j
bier of the staff of the Michiganensian.
Last year he was general chairman of'
the Underclass department of the Un-'
ion and supervised the reorganization
of' freshman affairs there. lHe hasI
also. been chairman. of the alumni I
rooming committee, a member of the
reception committee, and has been ac-
tive in Union life membership and
sw inning pool drives. At present he
isa member of the advisory commit-
tee of the Michiganensian, having
held the office of Organization editor
last year.
Following: his election yesterday,
Diener announced that he will b in
thre president's office from one unt'vocoktdyfrteproeo
interviewing all 'sophomores and Jun-
iors interested in working on Union .
committees. He later issued the fol-
lowing statement:
"I can see no reason why everyt
male student on the -ampus shoulds
not actively support and encouraget
interest in the activities of the Michi-t
gan Union. The progress made byt
this institution depends almost en-
tirely upon the effort put forth by in-
dividual members. Alumni and othersl
look upon the Union as the leader in
its field, and it remains for us, as}
cooperative workers, to carry out the
aims and principles upon which itc
was founded.
"It is our aim to further student ac-
tivities within the Union; to encour-t
age the use of the building and its1
equipment; to welcome constructive
criticism based on fact, with the as-
surance that every opinion properlyY
brought to our attention, will receive!
careful consideration. We fully realize 1
that the Union, as any other organiza-
tion or individual, is not perfect, andI{
fr that reason heartily solicit timelyf
suggestions for its betterment. j
"The appointments of committeesl
will be made impartially, and these
will1 be announced withn a few "days.
There will be opportunity for any st-t
dent,, representative on the campusj
and with the best interests of the
Union at heart, to pursue some linet
of work in the organization. Depart-
ments will be' organized immediately
and will function in the very near fu-
ture. Any sophomore or junior, who

is scholastically eligible, is asked to
interview me at once.
"The charges of 'mismanagement
and gross inefficiency' within the Un-
ion are being, and will continue to be,c
irnvestigated, and a full report will beE
made public as soon as the commit-
tee completes its work. The board ofl
directors, in a recent meeting, re-
quested Mr. Adams to submit, in writ-t
ing, the various charges which had
come to him. As soon as this is done,
the allegations will be gone into att
greater length.
In the meantime, however, until
1' c public announcement is made of!
the approval or disapproval of these!
.,ccusations, it is our earnest wish that
1 e student body refrain from encour-I
' ;ing any propaganda detrimental to
the future welfare of the Union. We
think that it is only fair and just to
an institution of so long standing, and,
to the alumni who have preceded us,
to make this request." V.

Life Is Worth While For Less
Than One Per Cent-Onderdonk

Life is worth while for less than one
per cent of the world's people, accord-
ing to statements made by Dr. F. S.
Onderdonk, of the architectural .col-
lege, in a lecture at Alumni Memorial
hail yesterday afternoon. The address
was illustrated with lantern slides
and dealt with the teachings of Leo
Tolstoy, the Russian novelist.
"More than 99 per cent of the peo-
ple" he said, 'go through life striv-
ing selfishly for things that will grati-
fy their vanity, and when they do se-
cure their immediate ends, they are
not happy, but only desire more. And
what is the result? We have young
boys holding up motorists so they can
buy more ice cream cones.
"We have rulers like Mussolini who
believe that their little group is the
I only thing in the universe that mat-
ters and who send armies out- to be
slaughtered to secure a little bit more
land for these unimportant groups.,
The only people who make their lives
worth while are those who go through
their days radiating love, not only to
their friends and families or yet to
their petty national groups, but to
the whole world, friend and enemy
Dr. Onderdonk spoke at length on
the infinitesimal importance of the
world, its events and its people. He
referred to Ceasar, Hannibal, Alex-
ander, and Napoleon as unimportant
persons, but as important murderers.
Mussolini and Red Grange came in
for continued pannings,bas did the
Tennessee statute forbidding the
teachingof the evolution theory in the
public schools.
"All of us fight a great battle with-
in ourselves between good and evil
he continued. "We must decide
whether we will join the ranks of
More Than 30 College Instructors
Expected To Attend Semi-
Annual Meeting
Instructors in college physics of the
State of Michigan will hold their semi-
annual meeting on Jan. 23 at the Uni-
versity. There are 45 instructors in
the junior colleges, normal schools
and colleges of Michigan, and more
than 30 of them are expected to at-
tend this meeting, in addition to the
members of the staff of the Univer-
sity physics department.
The Michigan teachers of college'
physics hold one of their two semi-'
annual meetings regularly at the Uni-
versity and one in the Spring at some,
other institution. General topics of
discussion include teaching problems
and recent research work.
The coming meeting will be devoted'
to an inspection and discussion of the
research work now being carried on
in the new physics building. There
are more than 30 separate phases of
research work under way at present.
After an introductory talk by Prof.
E. F. Barker of the physics depart-
ment on the nature of the work being
done, the time will be devoted to an
inspection of the various research
rooms. The inspection will be fol-
lowed by an informal meeting for dis-
The visiting physicists will be en-
tertained at lunch in the Union by the
University physics staff.
Cardinal Mercier
Refreshed After
Talk With Guests
(By Associated Press)
BRUSSELS, Jan. 21.-Cardinal Mer-'
cier, far from being fatigued by the
earnest talks he has had with Vis-
count Halifax, president of the Eng-
lish Church' union, and Queen Eliza-

beth, actually seems to thrive under,
the stimulus of such visits.
After Lord Halifax's departure to-'
day, the Cardinal began to write for!3
the first time in many days, presum-
ably concerning the project of thel
union of Christian churches, whichj
has been occupying his every waken-1
ing thought.
The meeting of the cardinal and
Lord Halifax this morning deeply
moved all"witnesses. The head of the
English church union kneeled at the
prelate's bedside, grasping his hand,
which he kissed fervently. Suddenly,
the cardinal, in a supreme effort, sat
unright, tendering both hands to Hali-

evil and battle to get all we can for
self, family, or group, and when war
comes join the forces of butchers and
shoot down other humans with gun
powder and poison gas, or whether
we will choose to fight for the good
and follow the teachings of Jesus and
Tolstoy, refusing, should war come,
to murder our brethren. It is, better
to be shot by our own countrymen
for refusing to slaughter, than to die
on the battle field while murdering
Before the lecture, Dr. Onderdonk
announced the purposes of the Tol-
stoy league that he has founded here.
They are: to support the Esperanto
movement, the war resisters league,
prohibition, the non-tobacco league,
and the vegetarian movement. Week-
ly discussion groups are to be held
at seven o'clock each Friday, to whichE
every one will be invited.
Administrative Hleads Stage Campaign
So As To TRing About Vote
At Early Date


(By Associated Press)
WASHINGTON, Jan. 21.-A war of
attrition on opponents of the World1
court was begun today in the Sen-
The campaign was inaugurated by
administration leaders after negotia-
tions looking to a consent agreement
for a long time to vote had faileC
with the two sides so far apart that
further conversations were regarded
by each as useless.
A seven-hour session of the Senate
tomorrow was arranged for, with indi-
cations that even longer hours would
follow in the effort to wear down the .
opposition and bring about a vote at
an early date.
While this warfare is being waged,
the $352,000,000 tax reduction bill re-
mains on the Senate calendar. It be-
come definitely involved in the court
row and proved one stumbling block
in the way of an agreement for a vote
on the resolution of adhesion to the
Geneva tribunal.
Opponents of the court have consol-
idated their forces and are determined
to carry the battle along to the point
where they believe the administration
forces will be obliged to take up the
revenue measure, which must be pass-~
ed next month if taxpayers are to get!
the benefit of the reduction in the
returns which they must make on
March 15..
Refusal of the anti-court forces to
agree to any definite date for a vote .
on the resolution of adhesion proved
the main obstacle in the negotiations,
which were begun late yesterday. Pro-
court leaders were insistent that a
date be fixed.
Opponents proposed that the court
be laid aside for the tax bill; that
four days after the passage of that
measure, the protocol and statute be
read and then a limitation be placed
on debate on the reservations, but'
without any date for a vote on the ad-
hesion resolution.
Advocates proposed first that a vote
be taken on Feb. 10, but presented a
counter-proposition that the court
question be laid aside for passage of
the tax bill under an agreement fixing
a definite day and hour for the court
vote thereafter. '
Both of these tenders were rejected
by the opposition and their proposal
was turned down with equal celerity
and finality by the advocates of ad-
Meanwhile, the question of a time
for a vote on the tax bill got tied up
in the court negotiations.
Roy L . Andrews
Will Leave For
Orient March 6
(By Associated Press)
DETROIT, Jan. 21. - Expressing
confidence that his newest expedition
will yield important revelations con-
cerning primitive man, Roy Chapman
Andrews, explorer, announced today at
at a private lecture in the Dodge Broth-
ers plant that he will sail March 6
from Vancouver or San Francisco on
his fourth trip into the heart of Mon-

Will Present Lantern Slides Showing Treatment Is First Example Of Cure
Investigation To Determine Administered To Vens, Says
Size And Shape Of Earth Research Director
William Bowie, chief of the Division Declaring that Dr. Blair Bell's lead
of Geodesy, U. S. Codst and Geodetic cure opens a new era in the treatment
survey, will deliver an illustrated lec- of cancer, Dr. Francis Carter Wood,
ture on "Mountain Forming from the director of the institution for cancer
Geodetic Surveyor's Viewpoint" "It research at Columbia university, dis-
4:15 o'clock today in the Natural Sci- cussed "Public Health Aspects of Can-
ence auditorium. cer in Relation to Diagnosis, Preven-
In commenting- upon the isostatic tion, and Treatment" last night in
theory of the earth's surface by which Natural Science auditorium.
he will explain the formation of moun- Dr. Bell's lead treatment, which is
tains, Mr. Bowie explained yesterday the first example of a cancer cure ad-
afternoon that the crust of the earth, ministered to the veins, has helped
estimated to be 60 miles thick, is in persons who could not beaided by
equilibrium at all times and rests on 'surgery, Dr. Wood stated. The treat-
the plastic material constituting the ment consists of six injections in the
interior of the earth. This theory meins of a considerable quantity of
which was first advanced by J. F. metallic lead. Dr. Wood has only re-
Pratt, an English surveyor, has been cently returned from Liverpool, where
completely verified by the United' he examined ten persons whose lives
States Geodetic survey in the last were prolonged from one to five years
decade in their investigation to deter- by the lead treatments. however
mine the size and shape of the earth. these treatments can only be given
As a result of this verification, a in Liverpool at present, as the for-
complete revision has been made in mula for the treatment has beenkept1
accounting for the earth's surface.'secret, Dr. Wood saide p
The continuous formation of moun- Discussing the cause of cancer, Dr.
tains is no longer thought to be due Wood declared that two factors are
to the shrinking of the earth's sur- always involvel, heredity and irita-
face as it cooled. The explanation tion. "While it is difficult to say how
now offered attributes the action t far these two factors apply to human
erosion and sedimentation of ma- beings," Dr. Wood said, "it is my
terials, followed by a sinking and opings, hr.cWner saud, sy
swelling movement of the earth's opinon that cancer is caused by a
perverted growth of a cell originated
crt.hI ke mnn, ten cause ofby irritation." Citing experiments,
earthquakes is now given as the iwith small animals, performed n his
weighting down of the crust by sedi- laboratory, he said that in some cases
A large collection of lantern slides iimals will not get cancer unless
irritated, although both parents have
showing the work of the department the disease.
will be presented to illustrate the "The death rate of cancer can be
theory which the survey has discov- lowered only through euction" said
ered in its investigation. Dr Wood. "The object of all publicity
Mr. Bowie is a graduate of Trinity is.r. nr pby
college, and received his doctor's de- c ,an s"Statis fr St Lkys,
gree from both Trinity and Lehigh cians"Statistics from St. Luke's
greefro boh Tinit an Leighhospital, where a large raio-thera-
university. Since graduation from Le- utic ,ere drect bDr.
high in 1895, he has been employed in W, were given wingcthaby only
the government service. During his a few ,dpert ent of teilweg t wo
connection with the department, he camewtper cent of the people who
has written a number of publica- came otere h could be cured from can-
tions of the Coast and Geodetic survey cer tothose could have been
on the various branches of geodesy, serted.
including measurement of lines, pri- "All cancer
mary triangulation, gravity, and iso- i to q publicity sends many
stacy. Since 1912, he has represented pat ents to quack doctors and the
the Division of Geodesy at a greatsaid come to he spfor treatment too late
many international scientific confer- pointed out
ences held in all parts of the world. that one of the biggest fights was to
From 1912 to 1917, he had charge keep patients from going to quacks
of the summer course in practical as- professing to have cures for cancer.
tronomyf and geodesy at Columbia uni- In Europe, persons go to physicians
trny aifor treatment early, however, this is
versity. not the case here, he declared.
Cancer attacks chiefly those of mid-
O. S.U.L iquor de age, Dr. Wood pointed out. With
increasing years, one is more liable
to get the disease. A common fallacy
Investigators was the belief that the death Trate
S W elcom eHelp f rom the disease was in women, one
c in eight, and in men, one in thirteen,
he declared. He said that in men of
(By Associated Press) 40, the death rate is only one in 3,000,
COLUMBUS, Ohio, Jan. 21.-Having I and in men of 95, one in 80.
reached the end of its arranged pro- Dr. Wood is recognized as one of
gram of taking testimony, the Ohio the foremost men in the field of can-
State university trustees investigating cer research. Since 1912 he has di-
committee tonight awaited "anything rected the institute for cancer re-
pertinent" anyone may suggest for search at Columbia university, made
furthering its inquiry into alleged possible through a gift of $1,500,000
liquor law violations and communis- by George Crocker. For m re than
tic activities at the institutions. 28 years he has been pathologist at St.
Hearings which have been under Luke's hospital in New York city.
way for five days, during which 62
witnesses have been interviewed, were
concluded with the statement that the Classincation

committee felt it had followed up A
every lead which had occured to it
and called attention to the fact that ;
"no specific charges were in the be- Period Closes
ginning presented to this committee".
The committee will now begin pre-!
sentation of its report to Gov. Vic Classification for second semester
Donahey, who requested the inquiry 1literary college courses ended yester-
following a report received by him day afternoon with the close of the
from S. A. Propst, deputy state pro- four-day period allotted to elections.
hibition commissioner. Further elections will be received at
the recorder's office only anon pay-



Little Urges
Research In
Cancer Field
Explaining that cancer is a case of
uncontrolled growth, and not the
presence of a foreign substance, and
expressing the hope that' some day
an institute for research in the cause
of cancer will be established, Presi-
dent Clarence Cook Little gave a
radio address from the Detroit Free
Press station, WCX, last night, on the
subject of cancer as a problem of
biological rather than medical re-
President Little spoke of the nor-
mal rate of tissue growth, which be-
comes slower as we approach adult
life, and which then reaches a con-
dition of balance, wherein the rate
of growth just keeps pace with the
need of repair. At times, however,
there is an abnormal growth in some1
part of the body. This results in
over-taxing of the ordinary blood sup-
"It is possible in many cases,"
President Little continued, "to pre-
vent or postpone disaster by opera-
tion or other treatment if the case is
reported early to a 'reputable physi-
cian. There is no disgrace and no
need of false values in reporting such
a matter. In its earliest stages many
types of cancer are actually healthi
and more vigorus than the surround-
ing tissue-and therein lies part of
the trouble since that very vigor
makes it difficult to control them."
Detroit Edison Company Mead Says'
Every Man Should Choose Own
Course Of Conduct
Stating that every man should
adopt a few fundamental principles
of conduct and maintain them as a
matter of personal responsibility,
Alexander Dow, president of the De-
troit Edison company, explained his
conception of modern business ethics
in a talk given yesterday afternoon
in Natural Science auditorium.
"Each man should be allowed the
freedom of choosing his own course of
conduct as an individual and as one
of a group, in such a way as to in-
sure the greatest welfare to himself
and to his business associates," said
Mr. Dow. "In regulating my own
conduct, I have attempted to follow
the principles effecting an increase
in the sum total of human happiness,
trying especially not to reduce that
"The individual must choose for
himself. His ethics must be of his
own making to be efficacious. A law
may be a generalization of phenomena
or an imposed rule of conduct, but
in either case it cannot persist if it
is antagonistic to the will of the in-
dividual and inconsistent with the ob-
served facts of life." '
Mr. Dow defined ethics not as a
science, but as the obligation of one
human being to another. He explain-
ed that his definition had no concern
with the salvation of the egotistic
soul nor with any duty to the Crea-
tor, but was simply' an expression of
the relation of a man to himself
through his personal ethics and to
his fellow men through his business
Codified ethics, Mr. Dow believes,
are advisable in temporary form, but
should not be considered iron-clad
and unchangeable and incapable of be-
ing improved upon from time to time.
They should periodically be submitted
to readjustment to suit new condi-

tions and to meet new problems.
"While a man need not be charita-
ble in his business relations," stated
Mr. Dow, "he may be lenient to the
extent of offering a helping hand or
word of advice to the large numbers
of men who enter business without
an adequate knowledge of how to pro-
ceed-who either cannot learn their
trades or who unwisely believe they
know them perfectly. The novice
must be tolerated and taught in or-
{der to maintain and increase our
class of successful men.."
Freshman Frolic
Date Tentatvely
Set For March 19
Pending tne confirmation of the
eligibility of the various committee
members until the end of the first

Eminent International Authority Is
Now Reviewing For New York
World And Vanity Fair
Alexander Woollcott, international-
ly famed as a dramatic critic, will
give the sixth lecture of the Oratori-
cal association season course at 8
o'clock tonight in Hill auditorium. His
subject will be: "Behind the Scenes."
In his lecture, Mr. Woollcott will
give a vivid account of what takes
place behind the footlights. He will
also discuss the life of the New York
stage and deal with a number of sub-
jects that appeal to all who are in-
terested in plays, playwrights, thea-
tre-going, and the characteristics of
audiences. He will discuss the prin-
cipal plays of the season, explaining
the history of their production and
reasons for success.
His articles on famous actors and
actresses have been featured in many
of the leading magazines in this coun-
try and Europe. For many years he
was dramatic editor of the New York
Times, and today he holds the same
position with the New York World and
Vanity Fair. A prominent figure in
literary circles, he is the author of
several books on the drama, including
"Enchanted Aisles", "Shouts and Mur-
murs", "Mrs. Fiske", and "Mr. Dickens
goes to the Play".
During his long career as a dra-
matic critic, Mr. Woollcott has become
intimately acquainted with the leading
men and women of the stage in this
country and Europe, especially Eng-
land and France. His acquaintances
also include the principal dramatic
authors. It has been this personal
contact with the topnotchers of the
)rofession that have given the critic
a store-house of reminiscences with
which to interest his audiences.
As to playwriting, Mr. Woollcott be-
lieves that an aspiring author who
tries his ability at the drama should,
first of all, select a good actress as
a model to follow. In other words,
he holds that dramatic instinct is
hereditary, that blood will tell, and
that successful playwrights, as well
as successful actors, are born and not
In reviewing a lecture recently de-
livered by Mr. Woollcott at Bayonne,
N. 3., the Times of that city said:
"Alexander Woollcott accomplished
the rare feat of comlining enlighten-
ment and entertainment. The great
dramatic critic, moreover, spoke the
English language with the same ap-
preciation of its beauty that he writes
it. He gave his hearers a remarkable
picture of what he called 'the fourth
dimension of the theatre', his interest,
as he explained, being in the living
drama which surrounds the people
who make the theatre what it is. He
told of the struggles, triumps, and
careers of actors and actresses, and
of the results of their convergent des-
tinies. His lecture throughout was
distinguished by the most vivid human
When a well-known English play-
wright visited this country recently
he expressed a great desire to meet
Alexander Woollcott, and to h'ear him
lecture. "Mr. Woollcott" he said, "is
re.cognized in England as the world's
greatest dramatic critic and also as
one of the foremost 'authorities on the
drama". To thousands of American
playgoers and others, Mr. Wollcott
has become similarly known by his
splendid reviews of notable theatrical
productions, which appear in the New
York World and Vanity Fair, and are

widely quoted by the press.
Many Set Sail
On Pilgrimage
To Holy Land
(By Associated Press)
NEW YORK, Jan. 21. -- The steam-
ship Republic of the United States
lines sailed from Hoboken today with
519 passengers bound for the Holy
Land on an interdenominational pil-
grimage,. Many of the passengers had
mortgaged their possessions to pay
the fare for the trip, which will take
50 days.



Business School'
courses Popular!
In addition to those, regularly en-
rolled in the School of Business Ad-
ministration, 108 students from other
schools and colleges on the campus
are taking from one to four courses
in the business school.
- j

Ient of a $1 fee.
Opportunity will be given for mak-
ing unavoidable changes in elections,.
without payment of the fine, on Feb.
11 and 12, it was announced.
This is the first time elections have
been held prior to examinations, the
plan being adopted with the thought
that early classification would avoid
the usual confusion attenda' upon
classification during the exai'nation'


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