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March 17, 1926 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1926-03-17

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fNX7WTT K Y r1VfAM1 1tT !,P 1fU.'u

..a_ . .

Published every morning except Monday
during the UniversitY year bythe Board in
Control of Student Publications.
AM embers of Western Conerence Editorial
The Associated Press is exclusively en*
titled to the use for republication pf alt news j
dispatches credited to it or not *ttierwise
cdited in this paper and the local news pub-.
fished, thrin.
Entered at the postoffice at Ann Arbor,
Michigan, as second class matter. Special rate
of postage)granted by Third Assistant Post.
master General.
Subscription by carrier. $3.30; by mail,
$4,0.o . i«
Offies: Ann Arbor Press Building, May-
nard Street.
Phones; iItoriIt 495*; bihlaees, .e214.


. -. '. 5, 5.

eiephnne 426 ,'

Chairman, Editorial Board.... Norman R. Thal
City Editor ........... Robert S. Mansfield
News Editor...........Manning Housewortb
Women's Editor..........Helen S. Ramsay
Sport's Editor:......... .Joseph Kruger
Telegraph Editor.........William Walthour
4lusic and Drama........Robert B. Henderson
Might Editors
Smith H. Cady Leonard C. Hall
Yobert T. DeVore Thomas V. Koykka
W. Calvin Patterson
Assistant City Editors
Irwin Olian Frederick H. Shillito

Crtrude Bailey
Charles Behymer
William Bryer
Phillip Brooks
Farnum Buckingham
stratln Buck
Carl Burger
a ar Carter;
JTph hamberlain
.er' Cohen
=r,;tn ( h'mpe
L)tinlas Doubleday
£g'-ne l Gutekunst
A .drcw Goodman
amos T. Herald
u S Kmball
sIn Kubik

Harriett ,Levy"
Ellis Merry
'Dorothy Morehouse
Margaret Parkers
Stanford N. Phelps
Simon Rosenbaum
Wilton Simpson
Janet Sinclair
Courtland Smith
Stanley Steinko
Louis Tendler
Henry Thurnau
David C. Vokes
Marion Wells
Cassam A. Wilson
Thomas C. Winter
Marguerite Zilske

practical, would aid in the fight to
decrease crime, as they would help to
abolish dissatisfaction, and would
foster good Americanism. Regard-
less of the fearful cry of "Socialism"
from the poorly informed, regardless
of the warnings of "uneconomic ten-
dencies," the New York legislature
should support the governor. Let the;
Empire.state show the way to the na-j
tion's cities in the matter of housing
For several years now distinguish-
ed artists have been brought to Mich-
igan by the Fellowship in Creative
Arts, because of the work they have,
already accomplished and the work
which it is hoped the fellowship will
encourage. And yet because of the
type of writing which these men have
done and because of the impossibilityl
of bringing it before the campus as a
whole, a vast majority of the student
body has little real opportunity to ap-
preciate and understand the creations
of the holders excepting the books
which they might have read.
But Jesse Lynch Williams, the'
present holder, has happily produced
something which may be brought be-
fore the student body s a whole,
something which large numbers of
students and faculty men may enjoy.
Starting tonight, a group of students
will present his play "Why, Marry?"
under the management of Masques,
women's dramatic organization, which
broke its precedent of having all-
women casts in order to be able to.
give the best possible production of
the play and in order to grasp this op-
portunity of doing something material,
in order to break the thin veil of Mis-
understanding which separates the
students and the holder of the fellow-
ship, whose position here is grossly
misconstrued by many students.
Mr. Williams is not here to benefit
the students primarily or directly. He
is here to aid' them indirectly, by cre-
ative work and the influence of his
presence upon those with whom he
comes in contact. That he has attend-
ed practically all of the rehearsals
of his play here should prove that he
takes interest in student activities in
a large measure. If this production
marks the first concrete contribution
of a holder of the fellowship to this
campus, it is by no means the only
thing of worth which Mr. Williams as
well as the former holders have done
for Michigan.
Anonymous communications :will be
disregarded. The 'ames of communi-
cants will, however, be regarded as
confidential upon request.

settlements and in the country could
be equipped like city houses? The
miner isn't the only person living


Telephone 21214

. ,t.

Advertising............ ...Joseph 3. Finn
Advertising........... Frank R. Dentz, Jr.
Advertising......... ..Wi. L. Mullin
Advertising.. .....Thomas D. Olmsted, Jr.
xr uLition..............Rudolph Bostelman
Accounts................Paul W. Arnold

their houses and sometimes a good
looking averaged priced automobile m u sic
standing in front of the house.
Mr. Maurer bewailed the fact thatdAND
the houses are not equipped with all D R A
the modern conveniences. Can it be
expected that houses in such small ,

Playing Cards


George II. Annable, Jr.
V. Carl Bauer
John H. Bobrink
W. J. Cox
Narion A. Daniel
Mary Flinterman
James R. DePuy
Stan Gilbert
T. Kenneth Haven
I-areld Holmes
Oscar A. Jose
Prank Mesher

F. A. Norquist
Loieta G. Parker
David Perrot
Robert Prentiss
Wmn.hC. Pusch
Joseph D. Ryan
Stewart Sinclair
Mance Solomon
Thomas Sunderland
Wm. J. Weinman
Margaret Smith
Sidney Wilson

rNight Editor-ROBERT T. DEVORE

_ -t ,#

without city conveniences. There are
some twenty million farm houses in
the United States, most of which have
no more conveniences than the min
ers' houses, and these farmers aren't
bemoaning their living conditions.
I was quite amused at Mr. Maurer's
statement that the mining towns back
from the main lines are much more
miserable than those which can be
seen from the through trains. The
fact is, the towns I have had in mind
in this letter are all back from the
main line, and as I come to think of
it, I know of towns along the main
lines much less pleasant than those
back among the hills.
It seems to be such a comman sit-
uation that those who sentimentalists
pity do not pity themselves. The la-
bor organizations and society at large
are worrying more over the welfare
of the individual laborer than the la-
borer is worrying about himself. The
miners themselves don't deplore their
own circumstances so much! Not in-
frequently have I heard miners re-
mark on a hot summer's day how they
pitied the people in the cities during
hot weather, or mention how they
would rather mine coal by far than
have the farmer's lot of working out
m the hot sun during hot sunny days.
Much was made in the lecture of
the miner's low wage of six to eight
dollars per day! This seems to me
to be an ample daily wage. It doesn't
cost the miner much to live-his
house rent being only six to ten dol-
lars per month and not having those
added expenses which are contingent
to the city dwelling. "But," states
the speaker, "the miner has work for
only less than half the days in the
year." This is indeed a bad state of
affairs, but not so bad as some indus-
tries in the same locality which pay
half as much per day for twice as
many working days .
If during the war and years of
high wages the miner would have
saved his money in place of squander-
ing it for higher priced clothes than
his employer ever bought, he would
have something to fall back on now.
And it is as entirely possible for a
miner to save his wages just as sal-
aried man saves his salary. In fact,
I know quite a few miners who have
at interest ten to twelve thousand
dollars as the result of discreet liv-
ing. These sort of people are able
to stand the industrial depression
Mr. Maurer proposes government
control as a remedy for the over-de-
velopment of the bituminous coal in-
dustry. The recent result of govern-
ment control of industry in North
Dakota should be a glittering exam-
ple to government control panegy-
rists. Why force the situation by
government control? It would not
be wise for the government to aban-
don the unnecessary mines any faster
than it is possible for the companies
to do so. This is a situation in which
nature should be permitted to take
its course, for if left alone the sit-
uation of over-development will solve
itself. It is to the best interests of
the companies that they should aban-
don surplus mines and they are doing
so as fast as their financial stability
will permit them-for abandoning
mines means the writing off of great
losses on the company books. The
Pittsburgh Coal Company, "the United
States Steel of the coal industry," is
meeting the situation admirably, for
their report last year shows an aban-
donment and dismantling of thirteen
mines at a cost of $1,669,352.92, which
was written off their books as depre-
ciation, making a total loss for the
company in 1925 of $1,266,240.
I might add that I was not a hit
surprised at Mr. Maurer's efforts in

attempting to elicit from his audience
commisseration for the coal miners'
lot by exaggerating facts and by false
representation, and that I was not a
bit astonished at his socialistic views
in view of the organization which
sponscred his coming to Ann Arbor.
--Calvin E. Pollins, '28L.
The Chicago police and the coro-
nrir's office believe that a certain pro-
fessional golfer died a natural death.
Knowing Chicago and golf as we do,
however, we are inclined to doubt the
truth of the statement.
"Italy Clamps Down On Press"-
headline. We are quite surprised to
find that there is anything that Mus-
solini hasn't already clamped down
A Detroit man is placed on proba-
tion for wife desertion. It seems that1


! meeting in Room 203, University hall,
at 3:15 o'clock.
Musicale, Mrs. Okkelberg and Eunice
f Northru soloists, in the Michigan
Union ball-room at 3:30 o'clock.
Recital in Hill auditorium at 4:15
TONIGHT: Masques present "Why
Marryl" by Jesse Lynch Williams in
the Mimes theatre at 8:15 o'clock.
* * *
Andrew Haigh of the pianoforte
faculty of the University School of
Music received the following criti-
cisms on his recent Chicago recital in
Kimball hall:
The Daily Journal-"Mr. Haigh
played well. The Bach was musici-
anly, clearly, thought out and crisply;
played. Not with great force, but
everything clean. The Beethoven son-
ata was also well played. Mr. Haigh'
is evidently finding himself and does
not as yet dare swing out with vigor.
But as far as he has gone he feels
sure and contents himself with keep-
ing within his powers. There was
understanding of the music, tonal
variety in expressing the different
moods and good rhythmic accent. Al
young man who is taking his art seri-
ously and seeking to develop his pow-
ers with a high aim."
The Herald and Examiner-"An-
drew Haigh proved a fine example of
nayive talent. He has achieved a
brilliant command of the keyboard.
He knows and observes 'the conven-
tions in interpreting Bach and Bee-
thoven. His present shortcoming is
to be discovered in a tendency to echo
his teacher, Joseph Levhine, one of
the least imaginative of pianists. To
win and hold the attention of the pub-
lie, Mr. Haigh must now develop a
personal message." (The charlatan
that must be in every artist, eh?)
The Evening American-"At Kim-
ball hall I heard Andrew Haigh, a
capable and finely trained young pian-
ist, who played Beethoven's uninter-
estin~g Sonata Opus 81, familiarly
(too familiarly) known as "Les
Adieux" in classic, but, not overclassic
"He made the sonata as interesting
perhaps as any one could make this
dryest of the great Beethoven's glori-
ous sontas.
"His pianistic style has elegance
and sobriety, the technic is that of
the thoroughly schooled musician and'
his tone is ever suave and agreeable.
He deserves his success."
Mr. Haigh is leaving today for
Lindsborg, Kansas, to give a recital I
there on the twentieth, and on Sunday,
April 4, he is playing the Rachmaninoff
Second Concerto inC minor with the
University Symphony orchestra in
Hill auditorium.
Of his recent concert on March 4
In Jordan's hall, Boston, Mr. Haigh
himself writes, "I have not yet re-
ceived a complete set of reviews from
the Boston papers, but those I have
seen were so unfavorable as to arouse
the suspicion that there was some
motive other than dislike of my music.
They seemed positively insulted that
a mid-westerner and (horrors!) a
school-teacher should dare to show
himself within the sacred precincts."
Philip LaRowe, organist, will pre-
sent the following program this after-
noon in Hill auditorium at four-fifteen
o'clock instead of Mr. Christian, who
is temporarily indisposed:
Adagio from Symphony VI....Widor
Grand Choeur in D (Tempo di

minuetto) ............ Guilmant
Carillon.............De Lanarter
Festival Prelude on "Ein' Feste
Burg"................. Faulkes
Dreams ................Stoughton'
Concert Variations.......... Bonnet
There will be an important busi-
ness meeting of Comedy Club this "
afternoon in room 203 University hall
at three-fifteen o'clock. It is re mested4
that all members be present.
A review, by Russell Hitt.
(Editor's Note: While it is not the
policy of the Music and Drama col-
umn to publish reviews of motion pic-
tures, the editor feels that "Lady I
Windemere's Fan" is such an excep-
tional film as to merit criticism.)
Few tricks were used, but the
camera work is of the highest order
-a remark that may be made of any1
of Lubitsch's pictures. The settings
are in extraordinary taste; it is al-

Make your party dis-
tinctive by using our
place cards, nut cups
and tallies.
2 Nickels Arcade
The Shop for Unique Gifts

Paths on snow form ice and kill
all grass roots beneath. Please
don't make or use such paths.

10 Suoth Main Street

For reservatios, Dial 5515

Bridge sets

Scare Cards





Chess and Checker Sets
Grahams oo Stor'
At Both Ends of the Diaa k

, U. -

- - --...,.



POWP%0%0%0 40 w %0 w w w - kow w - - - - - - - - - - - -



Accompanied by a hue and cry from To the Editor:

Say, You Frosh
Don't waste time wondering where to take er to
dinner, or to lunch after the Frolic. Come down to
Chinese Gardens for some chop suey, or one of our
wonderful steak dinners. You'll like it a lot. We'll be
open all night, Friday-,and there's dinner dancing fro-in
6 to 7, with music by "Norm" Gilmore's Band.

conservatives throughout the country
that the plan is "too radical" and "too
socialistic," Gov. Alfred Smith, of
New York has advan'ced a scheme
that will open the way to the abolition
co. New York's tenement district-the
slums ofd the greatest city. The New
York plan is the most sane of Tecent
examples of social legislation, has the
support of such leaders as Jane
A ddams, of Hull house, and seems to
be the logical way to relief from a sit-
uation that is the curse of America's
larger cities.
Governor Smith-s plan is not so-
cialistic, although why it would neces-
rarily be objectionable if it was, is a
question. However, it does not pro-
vide for state control of anything,
snd the state will not provide the
money nor do the building. The new
structures are to be erected by a pri-
' :iW company, with funds supplied
.y private investors, and the exten-
rion of the right of eminent domain
and the permission for the corpora-
tion to issue tax-exempt bonds are
the only concessions to be made by
the government. The average Ameri-
c an citizen is violently opposed to
tnY movement branded as a product
ef socialism, due to the fact that the
i rm is connected in the public mind
ivith Bolshevism and ultra-radical-
m--the type of thing that Russia
saw during the heights of the revolu-
tion. It is a false impression; acute
teed has driven America to many so-
iUstic ventures in the form of state
The plan now before the New York
gislature would overcome the ob-
.tacles that have heretofore blocked'
any hope of reform by a few simple
measures. If new, well lighted, fire-
proof, sanitary buildings are to be
built on the site of present disease-
breeding slums, they must be built
in large numbers in order to enable
the proprietors to keep the rentals
down. And to acquire large areas of
land in any city, state condemnation
proceedings are absolutely essential
to avoid land speculation and sky-
high prices. And to entice the neces-
sary capital, it seems necessary to
permit the corporation to issue bonds

After hearing Mr. Maurer, presi-
dent of the Pennsylvania Federationj
of Labor, speak on "What is Wrong
With The Coal Industry" last Wednes-
day, I thought as there was not a
large audience present and that con-
sequently not much harm had been
done by some of the false impressions
he inflicted upon his audience, that I
would let some of his statements goI
unchallenged. But since Thursday's
Michigan Daily devoted two articles
to reports of Mr. Maurer's lecture and
transmitted his talk so effectively to
the reading public, I think it would
not be amiss to attempt in this letter
to eradicate some of the false black
spots which the lecturer daubed upon
the picture he:painted of the coal in-
One not familar with the coal fields
of Pennsylvania would think from
hearing Mr. Maurer's talk that the
coal muiners of the Keystone State are
no better off than the laborers of the
Kimberly diamond mines or the Rand
gold mines of Africa.
Always having liven in the heart of
the bituminous coal- fields of western
Pennsylvania, I take issue with thej
speaker's description of what he call- t
ed "coal patches." I am familiar with
many of the coal mining towns of the
bituminous region-towns belonging
both to the big coal companies, such
as the H. C. Frick Coal & Cake Co.,
and towns owned by smaller coal con-
cerns. Far from being "sun baked
patches," these towns are quite de-
sirable little settlements hidden by
rows of shade trees planted along the.
roadways and in the yards. The
speaker emphasized the undesirabil-
ity of the houses in pathetically de-
ploring the fact that they are all so
much alike. But suppose they are allj
alike-they are comfortable houses
and are kept in good repair by the
companies. One can drive throughy
some restricted sections of our big
cities and find iows and rows of
houses built exactly alike occupied by 1
respectable citizens.t
But it is not always the case that
the houses are so uniform, for many
companies are now painting the
houses different colors while some

beforeiha. hr ensc
VEtravel "buy"s this! Imag
y a e" aur toEn n
ten dollars a dayd
Instead of just anrdinaryvacatmon at the
mountains or sea-shore this summer. why
ot2 jon"u congenal part o clee stu
d etintrucorel umn antheirfraieds
who will-tourEurpe? y"lraingaron-
Ionstreal, on Cstandia Pacioashs
Free sie trip(via Toronto) to Niagara
Falls. Opportunity to see eastern Canada.
romantic Montrealand picturesqueQuebec.
Comfortable accommodations and appe-
tizing meals on board the famous "M" fleet
of the Canadian Pacific. An American col-
lege dance band with each party. Plenty
of deck space for dancing,rest, recreation.
deck games, sports. dramatics. Two-day
voyage down the beautiful St. Lawrence.
Only four days open sea to Europe.
Landing at Liverpool, we visit Chester
and Leamington. By motor to famed
English castles the Shakespeare country, rural
n ourda sinLondon.
Viit the Hague. Amsterdam and Scheveninge
In Holland;sBrussels Binges. Zeebrnuggre, Osten
and other points in 11elglun. 'By train through
the battlefields to Paris, where we spend a week.
with tr"peto Vcrs -les and the American battle
I 8 Amr ''me for individual eight-see-
- g n Returnsaiingfrorn
$6e0 and $330. Extensio n to Switzer-.
Wrie for land, Germany and Italy at moderate
COPY. Cost. Tour management arranges all
details and personally conducts party.
CaSdrrea Gsf w yo Coe eIro
vnaedan Pacific
Art Crafts Guild Travel Bureau,
Debt. 122. SOO North Dearborn
Gentlemnen: Please send me. without obliga-
tion on my part, full details of your Collegiate
'Tours to Europe.
Name -------- -...- -.------ -.... .
,city ----------------------
state- -- -- --- -- -- -

Always Prepared:
Whenever you you a party at the
"house"--Whenever you are in need of
a photographer, just let us know--we're
always ready.
Also Kodaks (all sizes)
and all supplies
-9 TAJ3Lrsi MO,1905




Aazing Music
v f by the new
Brunswick "Light-Rays
electrical recording
Have You Heard the Newest
- ~ /Things by
Nick ucas,
3088 Always
I Don't Believe It, But Say It Again f
3052 Whose Who Are You?



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