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March 17, 1926 - Image 3

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1926-03-17

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lNIARWII3 17. 1926.


luehi nclde Construct ion Of 1[eteo r-
} oI ioglI lSttioens, Prediction Of
Storms, end Stiudy Of Air
,1Obj ct"Ves of the University ex.pedi-
j IOnc to Greenland next suiraer will
e~nludle the construction of four me-,
,Inleorological ttions on the island, an
j ttenipt to predlict storms whjich sweep
j'ver Elurope an(I the North Atlantic
gZy a study ou1 the air currents; map-
wping of the region coveredl by the ex-
O'edition from the air; an attempt to
"determine the depth of the ice cap
povering Greenland, and attacking the
'il roblumi of the iceberg, according to
iT rof. William HI. Hobbs of the geology
I"(olartment in a talk before the mem-
Aers of the Chamber of Commerce lun-
,cbeon club yesterday. "The party wvil
AR~e composed of a group of geologists,
~iientists, fliers, map maklers, and ex-
,lorers, and will be undlertakeni
1onjunct ionw with "a Danish expedition
which will land on the east coast of
4:e island," he, said.
Professor Hobbs described the is-
a~ nd as being a plateau, between
iree-fourlhs and two miles, high,-
cap of ice shaped like the back of
.tawatch and, coveredI with snow. U~n-
Tile some *of the Northern regions,
,1reenland will afford an excellent
i r id ing place for aeroplanes, the
pecker said.* Only along the coast
,ino the. tops of the hills protrude, the
l nterior being perfectly level and the
'!.rust of the snow quite strong. HeI
otra.,t d, this to tie landing condi-
jsons that confronted Amundsen and
;linelNillan, where it was almost im-
1 ,ossible to find a level place. on the
cor an open space in the sea large
.4uough to afford a lighting pjlace for
{th planes. The University expedi-
y opi will carry two planes of a new
--Hype, built with both wheels and skiis.
"T~ests which have been conductea
jwithin the last few weeks prove that
.,the machines will be a success, he as-

tt 9 nolgy nd te Sithoianinsttu-FLORENCE, Italy.-Wiilliam. Elis-
"Little Entente" Engineering Department Receivesn lgadthSmtninnst- Defer Ypsilanti soaCnlsmn cire ihhl
In Newest Rumor Chassis From M.Votor Car Companies is under the supervision of the Gen- Players Program ing made offensive remarks about Pre-
___________Ieral jMotors corporation rep esenta- mier Mussolini, has been setence4 to
gives in that city. eight months in jail and Snel 1500
Gift s of standard chasis of both ion of the crank ,ase has been sealed -________ Postponment of the fifth produc- lire.
Cadillac and l l3Uil motor cars of this with glass so that the engine may be AL~~DIf-piodn h tn ion of the Ypsilanti players for thet-
Year's modlel have been received and observed in motion. The internal wee of X arh 14h ha bee an BUEOS ARES.heMyteryanr
accepted on bealf of the mechanical gears of both the transmission anda aknt ib e.J H eleknue' h iapaac fCre
a st engineering department of the cugi-,diffeiental -have also beeuexposed. igaistPereyrang o alitralintr-wouned.Thepeouctonswil tf hone
nveering college by Prof. H1. C. Aner- 1Electrc~jighs are distributetlthrongh- pretation of that part of Genesis re- place ota, veek a r,-Aso 1 iaall Phmer ozDeputiepedn o h
A-~- -'-~-~-w:------son, head of the departmnt. The Cad lvott iM~aisof th ehas ss to ass aing to -Eve and the serpent, h j , nets - f k be $ot'the ;CarteCabro euis
1 .:" tr..ci " be lcbuoh h 1: tUc~ined t u(hts 4t steeIneek ac
->ru-7 'Vac Motor ar company gave its[Iro-j inlthe atily.lTl e ante~ ~ lch, 1 I of,- tMac
",Ilct as a permanent donation, ill,,-ipes agdl condrilns r&e ( ijl d n ~~i ~tl~t.PYYU US~PI~"
1t".Eic~cr on acnimn ariou01o tors Qidicate dC te e "i.1ir sest
-~-or memaoiiandamn chart basis. 'the steel parts being nickelplated;
t aly ll e p sd lat on a d the alumninum parts etched andiil , ,,I1
~: r:~::4~; - ~bol;cars are ~ickel-plated and see-'slipp'ed.-
A T faons oif each, f the closed ains O1ter h:si 'imilar ly (ct open,
i $ lr ~~hav . been Guf away to permit study for inensive study, hive ben pe- ,
4T the Thnterior'eonstruction and work- seatedi to the Univerisity o Caio ni, .. i.
rtei Tls 1he cutawayIor- the ]Vlssachusett5 Insitute ot Tech-Sp rt
ean______________ .x .eof. uppimes for all port

, -
Rumors of a Little Entente with
Trance and Italy behind it, are eman-E
atling from Rome and Paris following
visits to the two cities of Momtchilo
Nintch itch, foreign minister of Jugo-
Will Show Films
Of R.o. T. C. TNonight'
Two reels of film showing Michi-
gani R. 0. T. C. men at camp in the
Aberdeen Proving Grounds in Mary-
land will be shown tonight 'at 7:15r
o'clock in Natural Science auditorium'.
The reels were taken at the six-week
camp of the Ordnance departmient of
the local R. 0. T. C. unit last summer.
The pictures show the firing of the
16-inch guns, the manoevers of the
forces, the firing of the coast defense
guns, trench mortars and operations
of the tanks. Ultra-rap id: pictures
show the projectiles of the 16-inch
guns in full flight.

AOR Eves. - 50c to $2.50
ARRI Wed. Mat. 50c to $1.50
A, Sat. Mat. 50c to $2.00
The Season's Play Sensation
' ancing Mothers
With Mary Young and John Halliday
onstelle Playhouse r'gt °.,t 15
Nigts 'uc t $ir.
<^ Woodward at Uliot Tel. Glendale 9792
tIn the F'irst Release for Stock Purposes of
1 $1Wty $3 50
,, hubert Laatefayeglttte at 35
,:. r at.Mat. go- $2.50
"Ap.Thurs.Mat. 5cC to $2 00, plus tax. Cad. 8705
OF 1926k
With Jack Buchanan. Beatrice Lillie, GertrudeI
Lawrence and ia Brillianrt English ( omp-iny

Put an "1" on
the Register
e When you. register at
Hotel Fairbairii. put an
"M"s after your name.
It will assure you of
that cordial' welcom6
and courteous attention.
* accorded to all the
men of Michigan who
make the " F]airbairn
e their headquarters
* whilel'n Detroit.
Right lDowntoWIV"
& $1.50, $1.75, and $2
Columbia at
John R.


Open to Alen and



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