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March 10, 1926 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1926-03-10

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Published every morning except Monday
during the University year by the Board in
Control of Student Publications.
Members of Western Conference Editorial
The Associated Press is exclusively en-
ttd to thes retfor republication of all news
dispatches credited to it or not otherwise
creditcd in this paper and the local news pub-
lished therein.
Entered at the postofice at Ann rArbor,
ihi ,,an,eas second class matter. Special rate
of postage granted by Third Assistant Post-
vlaster General.
Subscription by carrier, $3.50; by mail,
Offices: Ann Arbor Press Building, May-
nard Street.
Phones: Editorial, 4s; business,2 1214.

TEeepkone 4925

.:1 s' h
R .tYl . Fr. e

more powerful argument for the ob-
servance of the law than a theoretical
sermon on the subject.
In addition to this influence, there
is the fear of publicity that hangs
over the head of those contemplating
overstepping the law. With the possi-
ble exception of the hardened crimi-{
nal, there is no type of person who,
will not go to considerable trouble to
avoid unfavorable publicity. The
knowledge that the press will broad-
cast their names and the nature of
their offenses is an influence that
younger criminals, especially, cannot
overlook. To remove this influence
by removing all mention of crime
would help to defeat the very end
which the Treformers seek.
Perhaps the treatment of crime
stories by the modern press is tend-
ing to increase the offenses, but the
remedy lies not in complete abolition,j
but in a change in viewpoint. The'
newspaper is capable of curbing
crime to an extent that other organi-
zations would find impossible.
In order to apprehend the early
morning criminal, the New Lork po-
lice commissioner has ordered the
detective force to be on duty at 6
o'clock. This seems to be a practical
application of the "early bird gets the
As the Dutch climate does not
agree with the kaiserin, the kaiser is
seeking a permit to move to a warmer
country, such as Spain. Perhaps, this
will be a consolation to Wilhelm him-

my friends. Unless an example is
made of some one there is bound to
be a serious injury from this source. m u sic
It does not seem to make any differ-1AND
ence whether wonen or children are
in the midst of these lines or not. The DR A M A
shoving goes on just the same. It has
gotten to a point where anyone ac-'-j
companied by a woman can hardly THIS AFTERNOON: The OrganI
enter a local theatre, basketball game Recital in Hill auditorium at 4:15
or any other amusement place where o'clock.
a large crowd is apt to be present TONIGHT: The Students' Recital
without risking the life of the woman in the School of Music auditorium at
who goes with him. 8 o'clock.I
The manager of one of the local TONIGHT: The Mimes present 11. j
theatres wrote a communication to S. Gilbert's "Engaged" in the Mimes
your paper sometime ago asking the theatre at 8:30 o'clock.
co-operation of the students in curb-c
ing this difficulty. He should also askTA
the same co-operation from some of THE ORGAN RECITAL
the young roughnecks who live in the Palmer Christian, University or-
City of Ann Arbor and try to be col- ganist ,will present the following pro-
legiate by shoving and pushing be- gram this afternoon in Hill auditori-
fore theatre entrances. Furthermore, um at 4:15 o'clock: *
the writer is not at all certain that Fugue in E flat ................Bach
the theatre owners have exerted their Air in D ......................Bach
best efforts in this direction because Prelude......Clerambaut (1676-1749)
it must be remembered that they Sonata No. 1.............Borowski
might lose business if they make Allegro ma non troppo
trouble for any of these roughnecks. Andante
The situation has already been pre- Berceuse and Finale (L'Oiseau
sented to Dean Bursley and it cer- de feu")...........Strawinsky
tainly will be presented to every (Igor Strawinsky is probably the
University official who has any au- most discussed of the modern com-
thority in "matters of this sort if any- posers. The "Firebird" suite is an
thing can be done to curb this rough- early work, only mildly suggesting
neck element. No doubt you can be the harmonic and rhythmic extremes
of some assistance through the col- characteristic of his later efforts.)
umns of your paper. Caprice in B flat.,........Guilmant
-A Disgusted Alumnus. Meditation (Thais) ........Massenet
Choral-Improvisation on "In
dU 1 M iJJAU. . . ..l bb'i'- *

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Clairman, Editorial Board. ...Norman R. Thal
(Cit y Editor............ Robert S. Mansfield
News Editor............Manning flouseworth
omes itor..........Helen S. Ramsay
5 ,o i' L ior...............Joseph Kruger
'Jrigap ditor..........William Walthour
Sand Dra .......Robert B. Henderson
Night Editors
Smith IT. Cady Leonard C. Hall
Robert T. DeVore Thomas V. Koykka
W. Calvin Patterson
Assistant City Editors
Irwin Olian Frederick H. Shillito

A t Both Ends of the Diagonal Walk

-Relieves Colds, and Cures
Sores Immediately


Certrwde Bailey
L I.;rlceslayere
illiam Bryer
hi lip Brooks
laruom Buckingham
Stratton Buck
f;rl Burger
Egar Carter
I h i C ha mherlain
t rhe ion ( nhipe
ITilas IDouleday
Adrw( ;oodnian
] T. He rald
11ile<s imball
MLrion ,ubik

Irriett Levy
Ellis Merry
Dorothy Morehouse
Margaret Parker
"tanford N. Phelps
;imon Rosenbaunm
Wilton Simpson
Janet Sinclair
Courtland Siith
Stanley Steinko
Louis Tendler
I lenry Thurnau
David C. Vokes
Narion Wells
Cassam A. Wilson
Thomas C. Winter
Marguerite Zilske


V; . ,

Telephone 21214

Advertising...............Jseph J. Fin
Avertising............Frank R. Dentz, Jr.
Advertising.................Wm. L. Mullin
Advertising..........T1homas D. Olmnsted, Jr.
t_.MrcUtaion ..............Rudolph Bostelman
Accounts....................Paul W. Arnold


George I. Annable, Jr. F. A. Norquist
W. Carl Bauer Loleta G. Parker
Olin 11. Bobrink D)avid Perrot
. J. Cox Robert Prentiss
Marion A. Daniel Wm. C. Pusch
Mary Flinterman Joseph D. Ryan
Jayrnes R. DePuy Stewart Sinclair
Stan ailbert Mance Solomon
T. Kenneth Haven Thomas Sunderland
1 Darold Uhles 'Wm. 3. Weinman
AnTc~.ie Margaret Smith
Frank Mosher Sidney Wilson
Night Editor-LEONARD C. HALL
Despite the unfortunate break that
lost to the squad four out of, at that
tine, the seven first men, Michigan
has added another distinction to her
list of athletic achievements. For the
secOnid time in the history of inter-
colhe iate basketball at the Univer-
SiPy, a period running over approxi-
rnately nine years, it has tied for thej
chaimpionship of the Western Con-
ference; never has the coveted prize
rested solely and indisputably here.
Whether or not we are in accord
with the present athletic system here
and throughout the country-if we
think this matter of competition to{
have been overstressed, that the over-
enthusiasm of the student body hasj
ultimately left intercollegiate ath-
lctics commercialized to the extreme,
or what not-the beauty of attainment
over and against heavy odds must be
a ppreciated.
A word of congratulation to Coach
1\:ther ,and the organization he hasI
built is the logical response; nor
tI- it be forgotten that Michigan
r oes not share these honors alone,
u',;r Conference members have earn-
(d the right to equal praise.

self for a place in the sun. LET'S CROWN THE PRESIDENT!
To the Editor:
A "Who's Who" of American ne- I wish to commend your excellent
groes is being planned. It is rumored and enlightening editorial of Sunday,
that it will also serve as the official 1 but feel that superlatives may fail
guide of the Ku Klux Klan. me. Just what is the use of the leg-
islative branch of our government,
Mummified horses have been found anyhow? Now that the right of un-
in Egypt. In the United States they limited debate has been wrested from
are still pulling milk wagons. them, what kind of a debating society
is Congress? And what right has
Congress to any power when the only
CAMPUS OPINION responsibility it has is that to the
Anonymous cdnmunications will be people? Undoubtedly, we will soon
disregarded. The names of communi-
cants will, however, be regarded as toss this "defective governmental ma-
confidential upon request. chinery" into the ash can-and Borah]
and any other "appallingly ignorant
GENTLEMEN Ipoliticans" along with it, and adopt
To the Editor: in its stead a "strong executive with
On Saturday evening, the writer at- powers sufficient to carry the respon-
sibilities now placed upon him."
tended the Ohio State basketball This business of having the Presi-
game accompanied by his wife and a dent responsible partly to Congress
girl friend of ours. It so happened and partly to the people, and having
that we arrived at about 6:30 o'clock Congress responsible partly to the
or shortly thereafter and lined up I President and partly to the people is
the bunk. In other words it's all wet.
with the crowd in front of the ex- What we should have is a President-
treme South door of the Yost Field Emperor and have him responsible to
House. By 7:00 o'clock long lines nobody but The Michigan Daily. Or,
had formed before each of the four in case the Editors of The Daily want
doors on the State Street side and as!a Job when their college work is
soonrsnthedorsttetretosdend as done, have a Congress of Master Po-1
litical Scientists, selected by the
rather severe jam resulted, due to the President-Emperor from graduates of
fact that people who were just arriv- The Michigan Daily staff and respon-
ing proceeded to push their way be- sible only to him. The purpose of
tween the lines rather than go to the this "legislative body" to be the job
end of these lines. As the crowd was of passing "administration measures,"
going into the Field House a girl ac- fpand congratulating the President-
companied by a young man just Emperor every time he has an "ignor-
ahead of us was jammed against one ant politician" like Borah who "goes
of the iron guide rails along the side around preaching reactionary doc-
of the door and was- quite severely trines of selfishness" assassinated.
hurt. tI was with difficulty that her B
But let us wait a few years until
escort was able to remove her from this tyrannic rule of the people has
the jam. worked itself into a Sedan before we
At about the same instant the girl upset the terrible status quo in which
who accompanied the writer and his a Congress, like an old man of the
wife became caught on the center sea, weighs so heavily around the
guide rail and was utterly helpless executive neck. Let us wait, at least,
because she could not extricate her- until we have an executive more
self, as the crowd was pushing for- capable of thrilling the imaginations
ward at the same time. It was neces- of the people than the present in-
sary for the writer to jump up and cumbent of the White House before
plead with the crowd long enough to The Michigan Daily starts its coup
get this lady away from the rail. The d'etat. In the meantime, keep cool
quick way in which the shoving stop- j with Cal and keep up the good work
ped showed very plainly that it was of bawling out the senators who
confined to a few individuals just in would like to talk all the time but
front of the door and not to the.crowd can't because The Michigan Daily has
in the rear. As a result of the severe prevented them by "a gradual lessen-
jostling which she received this ing of the American legislator's
friend of ours who accompanied us 'crowning-glory.'"
was quite severely hurt and it will -G. F. M.
quite likely be necessary that she___________________
have an operation within a few days
due to the aggravation of a previousI
This situation is far from new in
Ann Arbor. It has been going on for
several years and it is high time that A MATTER OF PRESTIGE
some effort be put forth on the part (The Philadelphia Public Ledger)
of the University authorities, the Ath- No matter how far Tacna-Arica is
letic association, theatre owners and from Washington or how dim this
the local police force to stop this curious hyphenate looms in the aver-
tomfoolery. The blame cannot be en- age American consciousness, one fact
tirely placed upon the University stu- is plain: the prestige of the United:
dents because the writer has not only States as a nation is tied up in the is-

CU1C1 jU S . .. .... L
Jesse Lynch Williams' "Why Mar-
ry?", which will be presented in
Mimes theatre on next Wednesday
and Thursday, March 17, and 18, by
a cast chosen by Mr. Williams and
Phyllis Loughton, the director (who
also directed "Great Catherine' the
Comedy club production), from try-
outs opened to all members of the
University, will be an entirely au-
thentic interpretation of the play,
since the author was present at prac-
1 +,--I)- .11 l1e- i'Ln eariia,o a in~A i-I

Paths on snowi
all grass roots
don't make or


i I


tically all the rehzearsa
structed every member of
to the characterization an
his part.
"Why Marry?" wasa
first Pulitzer Prize for t
of American life of th
1917. It is a light, hig
comedy of marriage. Alt
is a serious theme whi
the entire three acts, it
woven into dialogue fill
mor of the liveliest natur
The play is particularly
for presentation on a col
since it deals with the li
of an average college-
generation. It is not, h
of the many pieces whic
the pitiable state of th
this age. Mr. Williams i
sympathy with youinger
and seems to be able to
viewpoint and picture it
sense of humor.
It is well suited to pre
college people not only b
are able to sympathize,
because it is exactly thet
edy in which amateurs
Pauline Kaiser, enrolle
pianist and a violinist in
sity School of Music, wil
cital this evening at 8:0
the School of Music au
both capacities. Acco
will be played by Donn
Miss Kaiser's complete
as follews:
Sonata, Opus. 28........
Concerto, D major ....
Andante Cantabile
Au Jordiu.............M
Theme and Variations, C
No. 6............T
* * s
Originality and beauty
bined to insure the sue
choruses that will featu
annual Junior Girls' pla
sented March 23-27 att
theatre. With a "rain ch
initial group presentatio
will range from a Russ
dance to a garden ballet.
The scene of the rain
be a Bookstore, whichN
actual college life, as doe
play. A riot of color will
Russian chorus, in conn
which there will also b
ballet . A garden scen
dancers costumed entire
will be the setting of t
toe-dancers. Striking c
be afforded through a sp
by "Chloe," a negress, w
nes will effet a itatliin

ais, and in-{
f the cast as
d reading of
awarded the
he best play
e season, in
hly amusing
hough there
ch underlies
is skillfully


form ice and kill
beneath. Please
use such paths.



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ed with hu- Washing aso
e. Used Car Bargains
y appropriate
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~h deal with:POE50
e morals of -
s entirely in
adopt their
with a rareI=
sentation by
because they
with it, but!
type of com- o discovered
score most IN
s -ure way * ecoing -
ECITAL I S e= y of Decol
d as both a
the Univer-
li give a re-
0 o'clock in except by th
uditorium in -
a Esselstyn.
program is 2 systemat icproce so Sav-
..Beethoven -
_ ing a portion of income
- w-
...... Mozart
you haven't alIready a Sav-
1. Balakinoff ~
Ou 19 r."n v t schaikovskyin -
I -
iccoun we invite you
will be com-
cess of the to=one
re the 22nd =o" pen one w ith
y to be pre-
the Whitneyr
orus" as the,:
in, the play
ian national
chorus will
will portray2
es the entire E
usher in the
nection with
e a Russian
e with the
ly in white=.K
he ballet of =
ontrast will
ecialty dance -
vhose black- =
' difrence


tiWith the revival of the now famous I
lich case, and an epidemic of other
trials of a sensational nature in vari-
OuS parts of the country, the wail of
the reformer that the newspapers are
iundermining the morals of young
Anrca by printing detailed ac-
eounts of the testimony given is again
being heard. According 'to these
theorists in the field of journalistic
ethics, the newspaper that is honestly
attem)t ng to maintain the wholesome
intluence of its columns should keep
thmi devoid of any material related
to sensational exposures or immoral
p oc'eedings.
The reason the press of the nationj
is ,:ow to follow this advice is obvi-
ens. A nO wspaper is a commercial
enteiprise and must give the reader1
'what the reader wants if it wishes tol
ap su')stantial balance on the
right side of the financial ledger. The
utter abolition of crime news is not
recessary and is not worth the finan-
cial sacrifice it would entail.E
Whnf e nnP a e i iinfami-Pnt band-

seen Ann Arbor boys but also local sue. The American Government has
business men participating in jams of achieved a position of great influence
this sort. For one thing, it would and responsibility with regard to
seem that the Athletic association Latin America. It has undertaken the
should open the door of the Yost task of smoothing out a long-standing
Field House befo're 7 o'clock and al- and war-breeding friction betweeni
low the people who come to enter I Chile and Peru. All Latin America
their seats as thy arrive. It is cer- and a large- part of the rest of thel
tainly evident that a large number world regard Tacna-Arica as a test'
of students and other individuals are for the United States.
not good enough sportsmen to go to The way of the peacemaker hasI
the end of the lines when these lines been beset by perplexing and unfore-
are moving toward the Field House. seen difficulties. President Coolidge
While tonight will ho the lat hasket-! and the State Department have had

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