PAGE YOURn THE MICHIGAN DAILY Published every morning except Monday during the University year by the Board in Control of Student Publications. Members of Western Conference Editorial Association. The Associated Press is exclusively en- ttd to thes retfor republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise creditcd in this paper and the local news pub- lished therein. Entered at the postofice at Ann rArbor, ihi ,,an,eas second class matter. Special rate of postage granted by Third Assistant Post- vlaster General. Subscription by carrier, $3.50; by mail, Offices: Ann Arbor Press Building, May- nard Street. Phones: Editorial, 4s; business,2 1214. xPTTouLAL STAFF TEeepkone 4925 i .:1 s' h R .tYl . Fr. e more powerful argument for the ob- servance of the law than a theoretical sermon on the subject. In addition to this influence, there is the fear of publicity that hangs over the head of those contemplating overstepping the law. With the possi- ble exception of the hardened crimi-{ nal, there is no type of person who, will not go to considerable trouble to avoid unfavorable publicity. The knowledge that the press will broad- cast their names and the nature of their offenses is an influence that younger criminals, especially, cannot overlook. To remove this influence by removing all mention of crime would help to defeat the very end which the Treformers seek. Perhaps the treatment of crime stories by the modern press is tend- ing to increase the offenses, but the remedy lies not in complete abolition,j but in a change in viewpoint. The' newspaper is capable of curbing crime to an extent that other organi- zations would find impossible. In order to apprehend the early morning criminal, the New Lork po- lice commissioner has ordered the detective force to be on duty at 6 o'clock. This seems to be a practical application of the "early bird gets the worm." As the Dutch climate does not agree with the kaiserin, the kaiser is seeking a permit to move to a warmer country, such as Spain. Perhaps, this will be a consolation to Wilhelm him- my friends. Unless an example is made of some one there is bound to be a serious injury from this source. m u sic It does not seem to make any differ-1AND ence whether wonen or children are in the midst of these lines or not. The DR A M A shoving goes on just the same. It has gotten to a point where anyone ac-'-j companied by a woman can hardly THIS AFTERNOON: The OrganI enter a local theatre, basketball game Recital in Hill auditorium at 4:15 or any other amusement place where o'clock. a large crowd is apt to be present TONIGHT: The Students' Recital without risking the life of the woman in the School of Music auditorium at who goes with him. 8 o'clock.I The manager of one of the local TONIGHT: The Mimes present 11. j theatres wrote a communication to S. Gilbert's "Engaged" in the Mimes your paper sometime ago asking the theatre at 8:30 o'clock. co-operation of the students in curb-c ing this difficulty. He should also askTA the same co-operation from some of THE ORGAN RECITAL the young roughnecks who live in the Palmer Christian, University or- City of Ann Arbor and try to be col- ganist ,will present the following pro- legiate by shoving and pushing be- gram this afternoon in Hill auditori- fore theatre entrances. Furthermore, um at 4:15 o'clock: * the writer is not at all certain that Fugue in E flat ................Bach the theatre owners have exerted their Air in D ......................Bach best efforts in this direction because Prelude......Clerambaut (1676-1749) it must be remembered that they Sonata No. 1.............Borowski might lose business if they make Allegro ma non troppo trouble for any of these roughnecks. Andante The situation has already been pre- Berceuse and Finale (L'Oiseau sented to Dean Bursley and it cer- de feu")...........Strawinsky tainly will be presented to every (Igor Strawinsky is probably the University official who has any au- most discussed of the modern com- thority in "matters of this sort if any- posers. The "Firebird" suite is an thing can be done to curb this rough- early work, only mildly suggesting neck element. No doubt you can be the harmonic and rhythmic extremes of some assistance through the col- characteristic of his later efforts.) umns of your paper. Caprice in B flat.,........Guilmant -A Disgusted Alumnus. Meditation (Thais) ........Massenet Choral-Improvisation on "In dU 1 M iJJAU. . . ..l bb'i'- * Our Pen Department We maintain a repair department which is giving entire satisfaction to hundreds of customers. Regardless of make of your pen, our skilled, expert repair clerks are competent to give you guaranteed repair service. Our pen displays include pens of all reputable manufacturers and our guarantee of service on pens purchased has done much toward establishing us as MANAGING EDITOR GEORGE W. DAVIS # Clairman, Editorial Board. ...Norman R. Thal (Cit y Editor............ Robert S. Mansfield News Editor............Manning flouseworth omes itor..........Helen S. Ramsay 5 ,o i' L ior...............Joseph Kruger 'Jrigap ditor..........William Walthour Sand Dra .......Robert B. Henderson Night Editors Smith IT. Cady Leonard C. Hall Robert T. DeVore Thomas V. Koykka W. Calvin Patterson Assistant City Editors Irwin Olian Frederick H. Shillito Assistants A t Both Ends of the Diagonal Walk W HI-TE.. O N D E R -Relieves Colds, and Cures Sores Immediately 3: Certrwde Bailey L I.;rlceslayere illiam Bryer hi lip Brooks laruom Buckingham Stratton Buck f;rl Burger Egar Carter I h i C ha mherlain t rhe ion ( nhipe ITilas IDouleday Adrw( ;oodnian ] T. He rald 11ile