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March 09, 1926 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1926-03-09

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EI' A Y 111 R


TUE SDA'Y, MAntI.H , 9

. ,. _ ,

Fublished every morning except Monday
Oaring the University year by the Board in
Control of_ Stud ent ublications.
Members of Western Conterence Editorial
The Associated Press is exclusively en-
titled to the use for republication of all news
dispatches credited to it or not etherwise
crdted in this paper and the local news pub-
lished ther"ein..
Eitered at the postoffice at Ann Arbor,
A <igan, as second class matter. Special rate
ei postage granted by Third AssistantPost-
niaster General.
Subscription by carrier, $3.30; by mail,
Offices: Ann Arbor Press Building, May-
pard Street.
Phones Editorial, 4la5; busless, 91214.

.; .. ., f
? i.

Telephone 4021


Chairmau, Editorial Board.... Norman R. Thai
City1 E:tor...........Robert S. Mansfield
Nws Elitor...........Manning Houseworth
SEditor............Helen S. Ramsay
S Editor................Joseph Kruger
'! eegra h Editor...........XWilliam Walthour
M1usic and Drama........Robert B. Henderson
Night Editors
Smith 11T Cady Leonard C. Hall
Robert T. VVore" Thomas V. Koykka
W. Calvin Patterson
Assistant City Editor:
Irwin Olian Frederick H. Shillito

Honor will be done to the tele-
phone, an important contribution to
the world's progress, at a general
convocation to, be heldrupon the in-
stigation of the electrical engineer-
ing department of the engineering
college Wednesday. That date, and'
the service appropriate to the occa-1
sion, will mark the passage of a'
half century since spoken words were
first transmitted over wire through
the instrument perfected by Alexan-
der Graham Bell.
It is to Bell, and to the instrument
he designed, that much of the present
commercial importance of the tele-
phone is due; it is therefore proper
that much of the 'program should be
devoted to him, and that a replica of
the phone which Bell devised should
be presented to the University by
Judge Franz Kuhn, president of the
Michigan Bell Telephone company.
Holding of the convocation to mark
the golden anniversary of the tele-
phone bears with it the suggestion
that if the event proves to be as profit-
able as is reasonable to believe, it
might be yell to set aside, occasion-
ally, other days during the school
year when honor might be done to an
invention, a man, a date, significant
as a milestone in civilization's for-
ward march.
Convocations such as that planned
for this week might well be held by
the various departments of the Uni-
versity, to which might be invited all
those interested. In some universi-
ties, notably those of the East, such
assemblies are held frequently during
the course of a semester, and with
wholesome results,-for such an event
can well be made an occasion, not
only for bowing in recognition of the
contributions of the past, but also for
serving as an inspiration for the work
of the future.


J r n~ln r u mrmf intr n fltio ILM




A review, by Robert Ramsay. {
Even music cannot free itself froml

Some philanthropist walked into
the Maj yesterday afternoon and just
kind of helped himself to a few thou-
"Just a loan," he smiled and walkedj
off. The police were notified and per-
forming quite prosaically, surrounded}
the theatre. Seeing this the culprit
walked out, bowed to the police, (he
might even have thumbed his nose
although they denied that) and left,
unruffled. It seems he helped him-
self to a box seat and enjoyed the
show while waiting for the police to
An example of modern courtesy on
both sides. He waited quietly for the
cops, and they in turn smiling bowed
him out of the building. No doubt
he will return the money in a few
days, if they don't hurt his feelings.
That, of course, is the ideal crime.
No shooting or bloodshed to worry
the innocent bystander. No leering
and swearing and sharp shooting, as
most of the pictures in the same
theatre are wont to show.
The police here have the right
idea. They take innocent unprotected
lizzies parked on extensions or ovet
time or something on which to prove
their prowess, and leave the men who
make it their business to borrow
funds alone. This, of course, is as it
should be.
S S ,

hundreds of customers.


fcrtrude Bailey
f(liarles Behymer
Wbilliam llBrycr
Fatnu Buckingham
C %irl Burger
Edgar Carter
i Chamberlain
IMI yer Coher
areton Champe
ooglas ~Doubleday
& c I. Gutekunst
J 7",e *rhJerald
Marion K!ubik

Ilarriett Levy
EllisMerry -
Dorothy Morehouse
largaret Parker
tanford N. Phelps
~imon Rosenbaum
Wilton Simpson
Janet Sinclair
Courtland Smith
Stanley Steinko
Louis Tendlet
Henry Thurnau
David C. Vokes
!Marion Wells
Cassain A. Wilson
Thomas C. Winter
Mairguerite Zilske

( . _.



Our Pen Department
We maintain a repair department which is giving entire satisfaction to

Telephone 21214


1 1, ', , , '', ljj,

J\dve rtising...... . ......Joseph J. Finn
°Advertising..,.........rank R. Dentz, Jr.
Adlvrtking........... .... Wm. L. Mullin
Advertising..........Thomas D. Olmsted, Jr.
%. rculation..............Rudolph Bostelman
Accounts....................Paul W. Arnold
George TL Annable, Jr. F. A. Norquist
'.1. Cairl Bauer' Loleta 'G. Parker f
m .1 . Bobrink David Perrot
J. Cox Robert Prentiss
?.1arion A. Daniel Win. C. Pusch
Mary Flinterman ."Joseph D. Ryan
limes R. DePuy Stewart Sinclair
Stn(ilbert M\ance Solomon.
Kenneth Haven Thomas Sunderland
. Uro(ld holmes Wm. J. Weinman
r~'-- . T ose 'MTrarp* 'Smith
Frank Mosher Sidney Wilson
Nii ht Editor-W C. PATTERSON

Anonymous communications will be
disregarded. The names of communi-
cants will, however, be regarded as
confidential upon request.
To the Editor:
I read with interest and much mirth
Mr. M. M. M.'s condemnation of Hen-
derson to the gallows of campus
opinion. It is too bad that The Daily
hasn't an efficient proof-reader so
that such nonsense would be put in.
the proper place-the dry column
(Toasted Rolls). No doubt M. M. M.
is correct-any person presuming to
conduct a Music and Drama column
for a college newspaper certainly al-



(Special to Rolls)
Ann Arbor, Mich., March 8.-After
attending a special seance arranged
by Mr. X last night, members of the
committee who investigated the sup-
posed communication refused to issue
any formal statements as to their be-
liefs in the matter. The seance was
held in the parlors of Barbour gym-
nasium and due to the noise of a
piano 'which came from the gym it-
self, it was difficult to tell just what
was what. This was made particular-
ly difficult by the fact that Dean Zilch
choose to reveal his spiritual pres-
ence by means of playing a spiritual
Spiritual Piano Confusing
Members of the committee are all
agreed that there was no piano spirit-
ual or otherwise in the room during
the seance, and are willing to take
an oath on this fact.
"You can't very well overlook a
piano," one of them said, "although
I am perfectly willing to admit that
I have never seen a spiritual one."
All the members of the committee
agree on the fact that the piano
(either the one in the gym, or the one
Zilch used) was out of tune, and since
in real life, Joe never played a piano,
several nembers are dubious as to
the veracity of the playing they heard.
There are various theories expressed,
however. Two of the members doubt
that the late Dean could learn to play
the piano in such a short time, alive
or dead. Still others believe that if,
he had learned he would not have
used such a sour instrument. The last
group swear that the music heard
came from the piano in the next
room, which is definitely known to be
extremely sour. It was used to aid a
class of beginners in ballroom danc-
ing, and by coincidence, Zilch chose
to play the same one-step over and
over again.

personality, and nowhere can person-
alityz mean more than in the conduc-
tor o f a symphony orchestra. A
glimpse of the greatest will only serve I
to confirm it. There is Frederick
Stock, best known to Ann Arbor, and
for that reason, often slipped over
with a shrug-wildly teutonic, with a
glare in his eye that is diabolically
electric, a dynamo of force and en-
ergy, theatre to his finger tips. What
has he that makes him a figure to
conjure with? He has the most mag-
nificent bow that is bowed before any
audience in this generation-loconi-
cally suave, infinitely elegant, with
just a suggestion-faintly-of infinite
tiredness. There is Leopold Stokow-,
ski, too recently the storm center of
heated debate, to risk any further dis-
cussion here, and Walter Damrosch
who pretends now and then to forget
and to stamp impatiently, ponderous-
ly, noisily as he lashes his orchestra
into a frenzy of musical ecstacy. They
all understand their business, as part
of drama, nine tenths theatre. 1
And what of Ossip Gabrilowitsch? I
Tonight for the first time I have seen
him, he played without his notes. It was
the nearest approach to "a gesture of
the dramaticathat he has ever allowed
himself. He has one indulgence; it
is the pardonable pride with which he
summons lhis orchestra to share in
his ovation. That is all, unless one
counts his collar!
Despite that, he must certainly oc-
cupy a place here as the finest pianist
that ever played in the Auditorium,
and one of the best conductors. He
is thoroughly artistic, infinitely poetic,
but always coldly austere. His ap-
proach to music has always been
scholarly, his interpretations marvel-
ously sensitive, without partaking of
that bombast that must surely win an
audience. The Beethoven 11fifth Svm-
phony is, if notethe greatest, at least,
the grandest in symphonic literature;
it is frankly theatrical, its stately I
sweeping measures, the magnificent
climaxes are all a part of the bombast
which is meant obviously to win favor
with the audience. In the hands of
Gabrilowitsch, who seemed inclined
to play it too slowly, it stirs one to
the pleasantest of thrills; from a les-~
ser artist with a disregard for the
tenets of scholastcium, , it is tre-
mendous. Which can only mean of
course, that .abrilowitsch knows
more about music than Beethoven, but
less about audiences.
The concert is the best save one
that has been heard in Ann Arbor this
year. A. concert that combines the
greatest glory of Beethoven, with the
intensely beautiful Love Death of
Wagner could not fail to be good. But,
from the poetic, if austere hand of
Gabrilowitsch, it assumess asignifi-
cance that is highly impressive.
* * *
The sixth annual Spanish Play un-
der the auspices of La Sociedad His-
panica will be presented Thursday
evening, March 11, in Sarah Caswell
Angell hall. The play this year is
"Contigo Pan Y Cebolla" by Gorostiza
and is under the direction of Prof.
Ermelindo Mercado.
The history of the annual Spanish
Play includes "Zaragueta" by Ramos
Carrion and Vital Aza in 1921, "Los
Intereses Creados" by Jacinto Bena-
vente in 1922, and "Las Cigarras Hor-
migas" by Benavente in 1923, all un-
der the supervision of Norman L. Wil-
ley. "Dona Clarines" by Los Her-
manos Quintero in 1924 and "Juan de
las Vinas" in 1925 have both been di-
rected by Professor Mercado.
* *s
A review, by Charles Dearing.
Each player in the Tuesday chil-
dren's performance of the Detroit
Symphony orchestra was nonplussed
by the burst of applause which greet-
ed its straggling entrance; the larger
the man and the more impressive the
appearance of his instrument, the
more enthusiastic was ris reception.
Victor Kolar was assisted in his

difficult task of making symphony
music intelligible to school children
by the charming way in which Miss
Edith Rhetts interpreted each selec-_1
tion before it was played. The con-
cert consisted entirely of familiar
melodies, and, strange as it may seem.
Mendelssohn's Overture to Midsum
mer Night's Dream was the most ap-
preciated by the audience. Possibly
the four opening chords from the
wood-wind section succeeded in
transporting the children into the 1
fairyland setting of the play. They
accepted Miss Rhetts' explanation of'
Victor Herbert's "Bandinage" as "idle
chatter," and enjoyed the eccentric
piece immensely.
My conclusion is this: the country
has one "hope" at least, since "pea- !
nuts and other eatables" were not in
evidence and the conduct of young



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lows courage to outrun discretion,
ECONOMFICALLY DESIRABLE and will probably be driven-no, noi
Despite its rejection of the billion to drink, the S. C. A. will protect hin
dollar plan for the consolidation of from that by closing the blind pigs-
the Nickel Plate 1ines with several but, what is still worse, to suicide-
other railroads, the interstate com- before the year is out.
merce commission took a favorable It seems pathetic to me that .any
attitude toward unification by promis- person who knows so little of the
ing to approve voluntary mergers English language and especially of
-which were properly financed with- the diction of criticism that he mis-
out waiting for congressional action takes Mr. Henderson's splendid criti-
or for the formulation of the admin- cisms for "near-meaningless verbo-
istration's plan of consolidation. sity" doesn't have sufficient acumer
In the Van Sweringen case, the to realize that perhaps there are
commission rightly approved of the things which he still has to learn.
transportation plan of the proposed It is 'really alarming that people
system. This program, universally still exist around the University who
applied, would organize the nation's must raise the cry of hare whenever
rail transport facilities into the best the Music and Drama critic has cour-
economic combination, as recom- age enough to differ from the encore-
mended by President Coolidge. By seeking applauders hell-bent to get
unifying the comparatively small their money's worth. It is sad, indeed,
lines into comprehensive units, the that when a student reads in The
advantages of large scale production Daily the morning after a concert a
which are inherent in this type of, criticism differing from his own ap-
industry would be realized to an un- praisal of the program his good na-
precedented extent. At the same time, 1 ture is impaired to the point of wish-
nmonopolistic tendencies would be ing the unfortunat6 Music Editor
curlbddy the cdmpetition of other throttled.
powerful sytems in the same terri- If I may be permitted a suggestion,
tory. why not have a little toleration and
With the approval of the transpOr- broad-mindedness? If a person dis-
tation plan, the commission also is- agrees with the column opinion, let
sued a warning to future promoters him write a dissenting criticism based
that the rights of the small stock- on something more than a flat contra-
holders must be protected. Accord- i diction of what has already been said
ing to the Esch-Cummins transporta- and a rounded cursing of Henderson.
fHon act of 1920, from which the car- It would undoubtedly take up much
riers gain authority to combine, an space in the columns already "jam-
adequate return must be insured to med with imbecilities," but I sincerely
('very member of the combination on believe that the editorial column
the basis of the capital invested. Any would be more valuable filled with
1)roposal which would concentrate that sort of thing than it would with
ihe voting power within a small por- the orthodox brand of editorial that
tion of the stock would violate the it is running at the present time. Per-
spirit if not the letter, of this pro- haps if the condemners of Henderson
)vision. !would try writing critiques there
Although the commission justifiably would arise a fellow feeling and this
rejected the plan because of its finan- threatening campus feud would thus
cial deficiencies, it left the door open be averted. At least, it might be
ffor a modified proposal which will helpful to the layman to hear a great-
filfill the financial requirements. If er variety of opinions.
the Van Sweringens submitted their I Nor can we hold with M. M. M. that
scheme in good faith, they will at Henderson is so extremely non com-
least attempt to revise their program, pis mentis as he chooses to declare,
rind obtain the commission's consent. The prominent part Mr. Henderson
1f the conditions were otherwise, the has taken in campus dramatics leads
flecision of the commission nipped a us to believe that he has had more
incial plot in the budding. opportunity (of which he has evident-


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A 1aiiib paitlto 3Norm
The "Wednesday-Night-Granger" habit is a good one
to form. You can't be a grind the whole yveek. Why not
plan to enjoy yourself for two hours on Wednesday night
-only two hours-long enough to give you, a little wel-
come recreation in the middle of the week, yet short
enough so as not to interfere with your week's work.

Same Song
Again there are varying opinions
concerning this. Some claim that as
Zilch knew the committee to be du-
bious as to his spiritual presence, he
played the same piece over and over
again, in order to convince them of
t the true situation. Others claim that
the pianist in the next room didn't
know any other one-step. No formal
announcement of any kind was made.
* a a
If we don't quite reach the bottom
of the page .today, please do not
think that we ran dry of ideas or any-
thing. It is merely because the edi-
torial board, in all its pomp and cir-
cumstance, decided that they needed
the space. And being of a mild and
peaceful disposition we agreed.
* * *
As a matter of fact there isn't very
much more to write, otherwise we
would not have mentioned it ;above.
Sir Toby Tiffin.
To the Editor :
The editor of your Music and
1 Drama column assumes that all other
people are actuated by the same

don't make. or use such paths.
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vulgarly spiteful motives as he is.
The foreign students are not angry;
they are too tolerantly wise to be dis-


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