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October 03, 1925 - Image 5

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The Michigan Daily, 1925-10-03

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School Of Nursing
Offers Complete 9NNU9LLIIIJUL

Cast For Masqes
Play Is Chosen
"In cihoosinlg womE(l MICfor the cast of
"Ihe Cradle Soig' I have had to pick




Riegular Stu dents ~Au Ioiuitleiall '
iBecomie Associate 1M(libers
of {Organiizal ioll

Several new features have been{
adopted this year by the Women's
Athletic association for its member-
ship drive which will oven Monday.
This fall, for the first time, all Uni-
versity women except special and
graduate students automatically be-
come associate members in the W. A.
A. by the payment of their regular
tuition. The seniors amnd graduates
may become associate members by the
payment of 25 cents. Associate mem-
bership entitles each woman to earn
athletic henor Points toward the 100
points required for active member-
ship. No woman can play on any team,
such as hockey, archery, or basket-
bail, unless she is at least an asso-
u iate member.
All women who have earned 100
;noint and who are therefore eligible
for active membership will be per-
sonally sclicited during the drive
which lasts until Friday afternoon.
All eligible women who cannot be
reached because their address is $not
nown, should report between 3:30
and 5 o'clock Tuesday or Thursday
in Barbour gymnasium, to take out
membership. The dues are $1 for ac-
tive membership.'
Craduate students are especially
urged to join the association this
year as graduate teams are to, be
formed in all the major sports if the
demand warrants.
The thermoeter poster will be plae-
ed in the corridor of Barbour gym-
nasium to show the daily progress of
held at the close of the drive.

With the completion of Couzens
hall and the opening of the new Uni-
v(srrity hospital the School of Nursing
situated in Ann Arbor is one of the
most complete institutions of its kind
in the country, according to Miss
Shirley A. Titus, director of nursing
Miss Titus is a graduate of the St.
Luke School of Nursing in San Fran-
cisco, and has succeeded Miss Alice
Lake, who is now instructing in
theoretical work in the hospital.
Within a few more years the School
of Nursing will be even more en-
larged and improved, although at the
present such advantages as can be
received here can not be excelled in
any other sinlilar institution. The
School of Nursing is capable of giving
full nursing training under one roof,
It is not necessary to affiliate with
other institutions as many' smaller
schools do, sending students from one
to the other before the course is com-
pleted. Here the branches such as
medical, surgical, eye, ear, nose,
throat, skin, obstetrics, mental and
childrens diseases, are all taught so
that there is no reason why a begin-
ning student should change to a dif-
ferent institution before her course
is completed.
The freshman class which entered
Sept. 4, is the largest ever admitted
to the school. It numbers 80 student

Virginia Reel; Circle Two Step, Event
of Evening at Request of I
Spontaneous sociability character-
ized the first Women's League party
given at Barbour gymnasium last'
evening, at which more than four
hundred women, beautifully gowned
in varied colored formals attended.
Frequently accompanied by theirl
advisors, freshmen and entering wo-
men displayed genuine enthusiasm at
this cordial reception of the older stu-
dents of the University. 'A welcome
feature of the party was the Virginia
reel, and circle two* step introduced
during the evening at the request of
Miss. Hamilton, and danced to the mu-
sic of Jean Buck's orchestra.
Mrs. Clarence Cook Little, wife of
President Clarence Cook Little, was
introduced last evening for the first
time to such a large gathering of
Michigan women. Guests were also
given the opportunity of meeting such
prominent women at Michigan as
Dean Jean Hamilton, Mrs. Alfred 14.
Lloyd, Mrs. E. , L. Whitman, and Nor-
ma Bicknell, '26, president of the Wo-
men's League who were present in the
receiving line.
Credit for the successful party may
be attributed to the social committee
of the League which includes: Kath-
erine o Keldar, '27, chairman; Mary,
White, '28; assistant; Esther Tuttle,
'27; Dorothy Currie, '27; Katherine
Johnson, '27; Josephine Clark, '26;
Katherine Ferguson, '28; and Mary
Van Deurzen, '28.

only those who have already demon-
strated and proven t heir dramatic'
ability", says Miss Amy G. Loomis,
'22, vho is to direct Masques' play
this year. "Eachli (f the fburteen parts
is a real acting part, and calls for a'
real actress."
The women chosen from the tryoutsj
held Thursday and Frid ayv in Sarah
Caswell Angell hall are Minna Mil-.
ler, '27, Marguerite G oodnman, '26',
Margaret EfNinger, '2;, Liiiian ron-
son, '27, Phyllis LougIhton, '28, Mar-I
garet Geddes, '26, Frances O'Brien, '26,'
Helen Vos, '28, Evelyn Murray, '27,
Ruth Kahn, '27, Laura Croft, '27,
Geraldine Knight. '26, Winifred Bone-
dict, '26, and Margaret Eirich, '27.
Rehearsals for the play will start
at 4 o'clock 1\Ionday in Sarahr Cas-~
well Angell hall.
The canoeing section which meets
Monday and Weednesday will take the
preliminary swiming test which is
required, at 4::15 o'clock t;day n ar-
bour gymnasium.

Im red Fr irenich kid gloves, from lgteams in intramural hockey will play
" aleries la ayette oe of the lective rifle classes will begin Oct'gainst a faculty team at 10:30
most C\uivii(e glove stores in Paris, 5. There is still room for a few en- clock today in Palmer field. Any Un-
w'ill be sold by Mortarboard society tries in the Tuesday and Wednesday iversity woman whose residence
this year for the benefit of the Wo- sections. Sign up in Barbour gymnas- house does not have a team may play.
nen's League. The members of the mm
society start today to canvass the -- The first rehearsal for Masque
sorority houses, league houses, dormi- ri play will be held at 4 o'clock Monday
toris ad pivae hmesto et rclrs The first mneeting of the hoard of di- , 1ayvE
ores and private homes to get orders rectors of the Women's League will in Sarah Caswell Angell hall.
for the gloves. be held at 10 o'clock this morning at i
This sale has been carried on by Parbour gymnasium. SUBSCRIBE TODAY FOR DAILY!
the menmbers of Mortarboard for the
past five years and this year they
hope to make mnore by it than in pre-
vious years. Last year the gloves
were ordered through Mrs. Theron
Langford, who has done a great deal l
to help the women in this sale. IXClu iv e1in erCoats
In the drive last year, orders for

117 pairs of gloves were taken and
$65 was cleared. The sale is held
in the fall with the view of selling
gloves for Christmas presents, and
orders are always sent in soon enough
so that the gloves will be returned
before the students leave for Christ-
Imas vacation.


b. _____ A_._ ,__J


17 a

New Hiking Club '
Formed For Women
All women who feel "the call of
the open road" will be interested to
hear of the formation of a hiking
club, the first meeting of which will
be held at 5 o'clock, Wednesday, in
~arbour gymnasium. The purpose qf
this meeting is to elect oli.cers and
to choose name for the club. hikers
are requested to sign on bulletins
posted in Betsy Ilarbour house, Helen
Newberry residence, Martha Cook
bfiuing,~ They Pahner -fleldF house - nmd
the gymnasium. Telephone numbers
should be included so that all may
be informed of meetings of the club.

nurses. The total number of student
nurses in the school is 250, and they
are all housed in Couzen's hall, the
gift of Senator James Couzkns of
Detroit. Besides the student resi-
dents, part of the administrative
staff is housed in the hall so that
the total number of residents is 275.
Plans have been made for th'e erec-
tion of two dormitories for the gradu-
ate nurses as building accommoda-
tions are not now sufficient.
Schedule Ready
For Tennis Match
Schedules for the interclass tennis
tournament are posted in Barbour
gymnasium and all women who signed
up for this sport should call their op-
ponents imnmedliately to arrange for
the first round. All first round games
must be played off before Wednesday.
Miss Ruth Figge, coach, urges the
players to take advantage of the good
weather and get the matches played
off as soon as possible.
More than 90 women have signed
up, which greatly exceeds the enroll-
ment in iTy' jtrevious tournament.
Matches umay be played or practice
held from 8 to 10 o'clock any morn-
ing and after 4 o'clock any after-
noon, all Friday afternoon and all
day Saturday,

- j4
New Colors
New Fabrics
New Modes
Listinguisl the Lae A rrivals in lts.
Models for discriminating Misses -)nd Women
in an Appealing Price Range
at $5.00, $7.50, $10.00 and $12.50


color, and trim. .1Featur-
ing slim straight lines or
gracefully flaring, front or
back fullness, tight cuffs
and chic inverted pleats.
Every .one distinctly in
the mode, yet of a distin-
guislied singularity. Lux-
uriously fur -trimnmed,
flawlessly tailored.

Managers To Draw
Place In Contest
On Monday afternoon there will
be a meeting of all hockey nanagersj
of the various houses to draw places
for the hockey tournament which is
to take place in a short while. Alsof
there will be a vote taken on the
most desirable way to play off the
tournament. Twenty-five teams have
signed up to be in the contest. They
are Kappa Kappa Gamma, Martha
Cook, Zeta Tau Alpha, Delta Delta
Delta, Graduate and Faculty, Kappa
Delta, Betsy Barbour, Pi Beta Plii,
Delta Zeta, Kappa Alpha Theta, Adelia
Cheever, Delta Gamma, Alpha Xi Del-
ta, Chi Omega, Gamma Phi Beta.
Theta Phi Alpha, Helen Newberry,
Alpha Phi, Alpha Omicron Pi, Mc-
Eachran House, Alpha Gamma Delta,
Collegiate Sorosis, Alpha Epsilon Iota,
Zone 7, and Outlaws.

Each one

the acme of
as to styling,



6f two

L-M :W -lfl.


ti tllttlltr111rsrr111#lliilllltlllt111111It11tt1111t111111Ttit11ttitfl11111111t11111111111l111t1111111111t11111t11l111111t11111111t1111111tltt11
75e Plichigan ay
wishes to announce that
Classified Ads
may be phoned into the

- -; ---
- K
- ' ~ -Nude, Nothing
Nile, Orchid,
Zink, \W idsor,
Chani ia-gm e,
Doh-ou-link, Pan iv,
Black and While.
$3 95
These "comfy' things are a tim.ehy purchase
meNw nd a good value. Elatic and shirred
cT as ilulistratel.


P'ichigan W omen Get " Firsts

in Pure Silk Hose


at oodyear' s

Not Just Once
in a While But
Always at
These are real full fashioned stock-
ings-and they are REAL SILK-
not silk nmixed with somnething else.
How do they look?
'They are beautiful - the sheerest
weight. Quality that will bring thei
through many tubbings with lustre
and charm of newness.
Several exceptional things in veloqr-for
instance one with metal thread and silk
embroidered trimming-an ornament of cel-
luloid-a flower or two-a little ribbon-all
on blue velour, $10.00.
Some a're polo cloth-suede lined, $15.00.
We have lunber jacks, too, for the same
u"rpose at "ly $5.00.
Crafty colorings in checks. Socks as low
a 165; others at $2.00. Ildse, $2.00 to
Smart girls know about these-we don't
sell diem to anyone else--so wv O soon?
Well fashioned wool-$3.95 and $5.00.

Daily business Office'

Dial 21214
You 'll obtain service and sure results
HI H11111U1111lllllll1llilli1i0'11
....... .... ............ . .......... r t i y 1lEar itlltlll11 llll ssettlll ilil il i l lilllll l l1 1 i1 11 11 11 11 Illl i llill llllflllll Illllllll X9


B' ,....,... . .

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