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January 20, 1926 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1926-01-20

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Published every morning except Menday
during the University year by th Board in
Control ef Student Publications.
Members of Western Conference Editorial
The Associated Press is exclusively en-
itlcd to the use for republication of all news
dispatches credited to it or not otherwise
ecrdited irn this paper and the local news pubY
fished therein.
Entered at the postoffice at Ann Arbor,
Michigan, as second class matter. Special rate
of postage granted by Third Assistant Post.
master General.
Subscription by carrier, $3.56; by mail,
Offices:.Ann Arbor Press Building, kay-
card Street.
Phones: Editorial, -49a; businesi, 21214.
Telepham p4921

who were not so fortunate as to be
able to readaGerman, newspaper Ger-
man at least, fell upon their bullet-
headed friends for confirmation. Be-
neath the rampant heads ran a long
and jubilant article giving a detailed i
description of a midnight session of
Congress at which President Coolidge
personally pushed through the repeal
of the eighteenth amendment. More
lengthy description was devoted to
the orgies and drinking bouts that fol-
lowed, and. the innmerble con-
grAtulations that flowed in upon, the
foam-flecked President . and his
friends. All this was then hailed as
the emergence of they Init States
from its 'souhofhy ocr iU.". The,
silence that - followed the. - reading of
the morning,,pipers.,was broken Aonly°
by thf crashing of, c autess steins
amid shouts of glee. "A ERCA WET
Perhaps some American bootlegger
vacationing in Europe had 'been tell-
ing a German reporter of prohibition-

Chairman, Editorial Board.. .Norman R. tha
City Editor ........... Robert S. Mansfield
News Editor.......... .Manning Houseworth
Vomen's Editor..........Helen S. Ramsay
Sports Editor...............-Joseph Kruger
Telegraph Editor........Williami Walthour
Musicand Drama......Robert B, Henderson
Night Editors
Smith H. Cady Leonard C. Hall
Willard B. Crosby Thomas V. Koykka
Robert T. DeVore W. Calvin Pattersen
Assistant City Editors
Irwin Ollan Frederick H. Shillito

Gertrude E. Bailey Helen Morrow
FWilliam T. Biarbour Margaret Parker
Stanford N. Phelps
Mari Reed
Philip, C rSimon Rosenbaum
L. Buckigham Ruth Rosenthal
Edgar Wilton A. Simpsea
Carleton Champe Janet Sinclair
Eugene H, Gutekude Courtlad C. Smith
Douglas Doubleday Stanley Steinkq
Mary Dunnigan Clarissa Tapson
james T. ierad Henry Thunan
Miles Trimba David C. Vokes
MiariS K ubik Chandler . Whipple
Wal e.Mac Cassam A. Wilson
Lobis R. Mark Thomas C. Winter
lli Merry Marguerite Zilake
Telephone 21214
Advertising...........Joseph 7. Finn
Advertising.........-..T D. Olmsted, Jr.
Advertising.... Frank R. Dent, Jr.
Advertising ........'.Win. L. Mullin
Circulation......---.-------. L. Newman
Publication.........., Ruolph .Bostelau
Acconts. .T.Paul W. Arnold
Ingred M. Alvzg <F. A. Norquist
George H. Annab T oleta G. Parker
W. Carl Bauer 7iAus C. Piskow
hn H. Bobink obert Prentiss
Cor m . ac.
Maron A. Daniel Franklin J. Raune
A. Rolland Dammn Joseph Ryan
' lames R. DePuy7 Margaret Smith
a Mary Flinterman Mance Solomon
Margaret L. link Thomas Sunderland
Stah Gilbert Eugene Weinberg
T. Kenneth Havn °Win. J. WeinnaK.
R. Nelson Sidney' Wilson
Night Editor-+1MITH H. CADY, JR.
The unusual success of Comedy
club's recent production of "Great
Catherine" is not only a happy ever'
for those whose time and effort ma -
that production what it was, but i
perhaps, a happy omen for all the or-
ganizations whose aim it is to glean
experience as well as financial sup-
port from their publc productions.
For it serves to prove to those who
are striving to- present meritorious
performances that there is in Ann
Arbor a public which is more than
slightly interested in the theatre.
That their continual struggle to pro-
cure sufficient public support to make
these productions possible is by no
means a hopeless one.
It shows further the need of an ade-
quate campus theater, which need, it
is hoped, Mimes will continue to an-
swer until uch a time as tiat or-
ganization, s well as the various
other societies, may have the benefits
of a larger and niore complete plant,
the ultimate goal of all campus dra-
That the first production of Comedy
club to be given such unusual sup-
port that even by giving two extra
performances it could not meet the
demand for seats should be the first
one presented by that club in the
Mimes theater p'roves, quite obviously,
that there is a large public that is,
willing to attend performances in an
adequate playhouse.
If Mimes theater, for the present,
and the much dreamed of Campus
theater, in the dim future, will remain
open to the better efforts of campus
dramatic groups, and the usual run
of productions 'maintain the hight
standard set by "Great Catherine,"
there Is every reason to believerthat1
the support of these plays will be un-t
lim ted,: It is quite apparent that in
a student iommunity of this size
there should be a constant demand
for; a high type of theatrical enter-I
tainment, amateur and professional. i
At present "Great .Catherine," both1
dramatically and financially, stands
as rather an exception, but there isf
every reason to believe that it can be
more than duplicated many times inf
the future.

America, it would seem, has neither '

Anonymous communications will be
disregarded.. The names of communi-
cants will, however, be regarded as
confidential upon request.
To the Editor
As-an old arid enthusiastic plumnus
and one who has for many years been
more or less active in alumni effairs,
I am perhaps justified in writing to
you on the subject of the Union Opera.
When Homer Heath -was in New
York recently, the subject of the
Union Opera was quite thoroughly
discussed and, as I recall, he gave it
as his opinion that the reason for pro-
ducing these'Operas without college
atmosphere and without any refer-
ence to the University and the reasons
for the lack or humor in these pro-
ductions was to be found in the in-
ability of those who sponsor the
Opera to find students who will write
librettos meeting these requirements.
I beleieve he also stated that it was
the experience of those in command
that the public was much more in-
terested in the songs and dances than
in the settings or the libretto.
Whether or not he has correctly
diagnosed the situation, I feel very
strongly that a college opera has no
real purpose when it excludes all ref-
erence to life and the things connect-
d with the particular university, and
,merely 'attempts to give an imitation
of Broadway revues. The theory
also seems to be that the require-
ment for the humor in an operette is
fully met by having these young men
dressed up to 16ok and act like Broad-
way show girs.
I think I represent a very substan-
tial number of alumni, not only in
New York .but elsewhere, who feel
strgly th t ,the present type of
tMichigai O ers wholly lacks humor,
4nd th a I\'itchigan Opera should in
some. fashion depict life in Ann Ar-
bor or at least have some reference
to it. We are not satisfied with a
wonderfully trained chorus and a
reasonably good score with a stupid
l and humorless libretto. Apart from
the fact that we believe that Operas
such as have been given recently
missed their real purpose, a series of
disconnected songs and dances, no
matter how expertly performed, gets
to be a bore and, of course, is no
longer a novelty.
It seems incredible that a college
opera must omit college life and
songs, when it is considered that an
operette like "The Student Prince"
(which has been running in New
York for almost two years) owes
much of its success to the students'
ichorus which almost continually
sings typical college songs. Perhaps
the most successful song in that pro-
duction is the' time ihonored "Geudea-
mus Igitur."
Songs by a good men's chorus have
been popular throughout the country
for many years, and it strikes many
Iofus as strange that a large opera
company from a university such as
ours produces an Opera without a
men's chorus, without a single refer-
ence to college, and, of course, with-
out a single Ann Arbor song.
This may possibly explain the fact
that at the last performance at the
Metropolitan Opera House college en-
thusiasm and atmosphere were entire-
ly missing in an audience composed
largely of members of one of the most
enthusiastic and vociferous college
organizations of which Michigan
I think that we should all much
prefer a less skillful display of danc-
ing end chorus work if we could have a
bit of college enthusiasm in the showv
and just a littl'e real humor. We can-~

not conceive that in a large body of
students one or two men cannot be
found who can write a libretto based
on those things that bring us back to
college days and Ann Arbor, and at
the same time have in it a reasonable
amount of real humor. The University
has turned out many successful nlav-

'Cile Iceberg problem has been
hampering the crew work at Michigan
considerable during~ the past few days,
according to Mentor Mipp, and be is'
'entirely in favor ofthe Michigan ecx-
pedition to Greenland and the sol'ving
of this otd Jproposition
"There i no aexcuse for cebegs
of any 'kind,? said he, "and I am
I heartily in' favorof removing them.
We'?have bech' tubledwibh tlemhre
~fit'l'MouisesVes itid A ye,4 sure t ha 1
the, exo1editiown this some T1'1 nitri-
ally aid iiur crew 4brkl hee as well
as rha Enrope bf 411 stormsA caused by 1
great blast;; of air leaving Greenland
in all .directions. We have not, as
yet, been disturbed by the air blasts,
even though they do cause storms in
* * *
"Fragile effects alluring..flashes of
glittering rhinestones..soft sheer
fabrics conforming with curved lines
some clinging.. Gracefully flaring
shirts, hem-lines in motion at daring
distances from the floor..queer 'col-
ors, dimmed, enriched, or somehow
different from any colors heretofore..
now and then a lankly white aind
self-effacing one. .in fact som'ething
for every type of girl."C
* * *s
"Buoffant Taffeta 'returns. 'In deli-
cate shades. 'With fascinating ruffles
of tulle. With' waistline at normalcy
-A "glorious youthfuil fashion for
those who have watched their figure
and for those who haven't..eually
smart but not such trying modes."
* . *
The above items are not selected
from the great American novel; but
from current advertisements in our
own, dignified, Daily. Such genius
must be recognized. Such a voca-
bulary has not been unleashed here-
abouts for years, not excluding the
Chimes and Inlander..Can't some-
thing be done about this?
* ,** . '
From the Detroit Fresh Press for
Sunday last:
.."New methods of couRt pQrocedur
were used by the Judge-in the cae
of-Mrs. --- who -suel frn th ctf-
tody of her 4-year-old-'Oughter Marie
who has been in the care of her 'sis-
ter-in-law M'rs. -- since sahe was
six years old."
Being unusually ]oor in--aluth. 'we
place this before the ublic in ihe
hope that someone will be kind
enough to explain itto us. The more
one reads it the harder it ecomes t
undlerstand ..
* *
By unanimous vote of the members
of this department, we 'su nit tO the
Board in Control of Athletics this pe-
tition "Requesting that the proposed
stadium be known as the Angell Sta-
dium, in honor of the one man who
did more, perhaps, than anyone else
aiding and encouraging its cause."
* * *
Members of communities through-
I out Southern Ohio and Northern Ken-
tucky, as well, as the Mississippi val-
ley, were in wild throes of joyous ex-
citement at the news of the new Sta-
dium plans at Michigan..
Members of the student body, show-
ed not the least enthusiasm..
."The bigger the stadfum the fur-
ther from the playing field they can
put us," said, .l P. Baddevane, '26,

captain of the Michigan crew and
prominent campus figu're.
The chief problem which now con-
fronts the B. in C. of A. is where to
get the Boy Scouts for the new Sta-
dium. Also what'll they do if there
are more than'. 52 sections-Use the
Russian alphabet 'or something like ,
that, is our guess.

Recital in Hill auditorium at 4:15
'uol1GlT- 'The Play Production
eiasseIp'e1 t .ernar I W' "An-
dWoclrsIpad.Ahe Lion" In Aliversity
haJ Ab S 3o'c1004. s
't'ONI-UHT 'rhie tudft ,Rectal in
th'e"ajliffiin of the 'Selol of Tlu.'
The following"students were.elected
'to' membership , in Mines -,at their
meeting held yesterday afternoon in
the Mirieds theatre:
George Green, '26E; Gordon Ibbot-
son, '27; Richard Lutes, '28; Neal
Nyland, '26; Ward Tollizien, '27; and
Howard Turner, '26E.
The initiation will be held Tuesday
evening, February 23, in the Mimes
theatre, immediately folhfing the run
of "Beggarman."
A review, by a Winded Carper.
"Every now and again Broadway is
afforded an exceptional' opportunity
for 'a genuine, honest-to-goodness
laugh. 'The latest' prize-winning mirth
provoker is 'The Gorilla.' About
ninety-nine per cent of the piece is
monkey business. It's spoofing on a
royal scale. Ralph Spence's buries-
ue melo4rama is just about the darnd-
est thing you ever saw. -But funny.
A real aughgetter. It went over so
big the opening night that anun-
usual denonstration followed the
final curtlain. It is not unusual to
hear 'bravos' and lusty cheers in a
Latin playhouse, but it is extremely
rare in New, York. But all of the
spoofers in the cast of this new, chill-
ing, thrilling, horrific concoction were
cheered and hissed and bravoed in
"'The Gorilla' accomplishes what
'The Tavern' attempted. It lays bare
the workings of a mystery play. All
the old claptrap is there and a little
bit mbre:. Trick lights flash on and
toff. A supposedly haunted house. A
band. crooks. Mysterious disap-
Dpe runces. Threats. Black-hand let-
te-tm. Seet doors, casements, walls.
A nrble' gorilla, head of a band of
crinminals, is thrown in for good
lasisre,' 'ind, just to make the thing
more complicated, a tattoed sailor,
'who is Just about the most irrelevant
= 1.n ta pick for such a setting.
Skelgtomrs, a bull's head, and a apt of
hai'ry ands and other chamber-of-
horror contrivances dress the goofy
dramatic creation up a bit more.,-
"When the audience is just about
hysterical, "vith mirth, the big gorilla
T j}ps ovr the footlights and ambles
around out front. A couple of cOcby,
'but dumb, detewtives funish the com-
edy. The lines are terrille puns and
awful wise~-hiting, but-it fits in
with the general character of the
hilarious 'mystery play.'
-Arthur Hornblow in the Theater
Magazine, July, 1925.
The annual production by Le Cer-
clo Francais will include the medie-
val burlesque, "La Farce de Maitre'
Pathelin," and "Les Deux Sourds."
Contrary to its former custom the
program will be presented. in the
Mimes theatre instead of Sarah Ca-
well Angell hall on Tuesday evening,
April 6.
IIurrah for Arthur Hopkins! He
has given us a laughable and lovable1
farce; a bit of spice and ginger-just
over from Paris.
Th'e author is not afraid to' admit
that husbands do some'time hold a

secret rendezvous with one much
fairer and much more fascinating 1
than friend wife. ''He has also dared
to bring this charming flirt into the
sacred home of the hero husband, and
then he has had the supreme audacity
in allowing the wife to adopt this
little lady as her daughter. It is all
very complicated with a young novel-
ist in love with the girl, and with a
startling impersonation that impli-
cates the poor husband to the point
of a nervous 'breakdown.
It is noticeably. French. The at- l
mosphere, the, gowns, the dialect-it
is all Parisian, and th ughty amus-
ing. The lines are incli d tQ border
on the risque but nobody finds that.
But for all that it is ndt a piey for the
censors to get after. It is just naugh-
ty but nice tomfoolery
Arthur Byron is au iicellent actor,
and well known amon.(te older gen-
eration. He is fine, e 7though the
part calls for a younge r an.owever
he demonstrates suc 'i "full t that a
man's age makes little difference.
Janet Beecher makes a lovely foil to
all the complications. She is de-

11 '_ A
I""c'__- _ ______________


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A new aidl"'nevestiP - ew
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ing looking South' 'a ilc m. t (i-
biridge lIoadtoiiard~'the old.
Saw Mill. This shows what
unusual charm the new bowl
will have jwhe the shadows

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