- IT__y WBDNESDAY,' JANU Published every morning except Menday during the University year by th Board in Control ef Student Publications. Members of Western Conference Editorial Association, The Associated Press is exclusively en- itlcd to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise ecrdited irn this paper and the local news pubY fished therein. Entered at the postoffice at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second class matter. Special rate of postage granted by Third Assistant Post. master General. Subscription by carrier, $3.56; by mail, $4.00. Offices:.Ann Arbor Press Building, kay- card Street. Phones: Editorial, -49a; businesi, 21214. eITORA MSTAFI Telepham p4921 who were not so fortunate as to be able to readaGerman, newspaper Ger- man at least, fell upon their bullet- headed friends for confirmation. Be- neath the rampant heads ran a long and jubilant article giving a detailed i description of a midnight session of Congress at which President Coolidge personally pushed through the repeal of the eighteenth amendment. More lengthy description was devoted to the orgies and drinking bouts that fol- lowed, and. the innmerble con- grAtulations that flowed in upon, the foam-flecked President . and his friends. All this was then hailed as the emergence of they Init States from its 'souhofhy ocr iU.". The, silence that - followed the. - reading of the morning,,pipers.,was broken Aonly° by thf crashing of, c autess steins amid shouts of glee. "A ERCA WET AGAIN! VOLSTEAD .IN) illioni dollar stadium, ., Takei, from the roof of tihe ro etalBidld. ing looking South' 'a ilc m. t (i- biridge lIoadtoiiard~'the old. Saw Mill. This shows what unusual charm the new bowl will have jwhe the shadows