(t wI$&trnD a*
Published every morning except Msnday
during the University year by the Board in
ControlI of Student Publications.
Members of Western Conference Editorial
The Associated Press is exclusively en-
itled to the use for republication of all news
dispatches credited to it or not otnerwise
credited in this paper and the local news pub-
lished therein.
Entered at the postoffice at Ann Arbor,
Michigan, as second class matter. Special rate
of postage granted by Third Assistant Post-
master General.
Subscription by carrier. $3.50: by snail,
Offices: Ann Arbor Press Building, May-
Rard Street.
Phones: Editorial, 4925; business, 21214'
counsel for law violation. It was an
insult to the alumni which he repre-
sents, the University which he boldly
claims as his alma mater, the Presi-
dent of that institution, and the in-
telligence of the undergraduate body.
It is not too strong to say perhaps
that the brain that conceived such an
inanity, partakes of that most salient
characteristic of Dickens' immortal
ringThem to Usow
E. Hamilton Mipp, local rowing
coach is heartily in favor of the
Rummey zoning plan for Fraternity
alumni. When interviewed late last
night he stated most emphatically
that it was one of the best reform
measures he had hear of in many
"T a or mn i farnrof hn nln
There will be an important
ing of Mimes this afternooni
Mimes theatre at four o'clock f
election of new members.
s * *
in t'
or t
At Both Ends of the Diagonal Walk.
"Professional football is a parasite,
living on the training and reputation
' <? _.
T{~elephone 4925
Chairman, Editorial Board.. .NormanR.s hal
City Editor........ .. "Robert S. Mansfield
News Editor........... Manning Houseworth
Women's Editor ............ Helen S. Ramsay~
Sports Editor................Joseph Kruger
eleraph Editor.........- William Waithour
Musica and Drama......Robert B. Henderson
Night Editors
Smith 11. Cady Leonard C. Hall
Willard 1. Crosby Thomas V. Koykki
Robert T. DeVore W. Calvin Patterson
Assistant Ci Editr
trwin Olian Frederick
Gertrude E. Bailey Helen Morrow
William T. Barbour Margaret Parker
Charles 3ehymer Stanford N. Phelps
WNilliami Breyer Marie Reed
yPhilip C. Brooks Simon Rosenbaum
1. Buckingham Ruth Rosenthal
Edgar Carter Wilton A. Simpson
Carleton Champe Janet Sinclair
E'ugone II. Gutekunst Courtland C. Smith
l_):uglkS Doubleday Stanley Steinkn
P.Mary Du benigan Clarissa Tapson
es T. Herald lenr Thurnau
Miles Kimball -avid C. Vokes
Marion Kubik Chandler 3. Whipple
Walter -1. Mack Cassam A. Wilsonter
llis M arkus Marguerite Zilszke
Telephone 21514
Advertising...Josephs . Finn
Ativertising~............... D. Olmsted,Jr
Advertising.............Frank R. Dentz, Jr.
Advertising.................Wm. L. Mullin
Circulation............... H. L. Newman
Publication..............Rudolph Bostelinan
Accounts......-..-.--...Paul W. Arnold
gained by players on college teams," ." I am soy 1U ie plan
the report of the Board in Control of of having a room in each house for
Athletics, submitted by Prof. Ralph the alumni to drink in," he said, "that
W. Aigler of the law school, chair- I would even suggest going further
man, to the University Senate last than this. I believe that each chapter
night, definitely declares. And the should have a room for drinking
report continues to regard the danger graduates, one for dope adict grad-
of professionalism to college foot- uates, one for-well, every other form
ball as grossly over-emphasized, of illegal enjoyment of this kind.
This opinion un dubtedly has a firm Thing of what this would mean to the
basis of fact. Plofessional football American home if it became so well
was not even considered as a legiti- instituted that fathers of families
mate sport in collegiate circles a few would never drink or break the law
years ago. People interested in the in any way while around their homes
nation's universities paid no attention -if every time. they felt like being
to the commercial spirt until a hand- wild or uncouth they went to their
ful of former college stars were pre- chapter house at the nearest Univer-
vailed upon to join professional teams, mrsity Why, It would cut down the
even as many another athlete has!number of divorces by fifty per cent.
been attracted to professional base- "And of course the students would
ball. And nothing was thought of it. never enter ito the dissipations of the
The one thing that brought thu pro- older men, for they would realize that
fessional game before the public eye they were too young for that sort of
more than anything else was the al- thing, and that it was up to them to
liance with it of "Red" Grange, wait until they had reached the high
"Ernie" Nevers, and other outstand- position of a graduates before they
ing college players immediately after could break the laws in specially re-
the close of the college season. Ther served rooms-kept for the purpose.
transfer of these players, their sup- Obviously this would stimulate the
posedly exhorbitant salaries, and the undergraduate members to harder ef-'
accompanying newspaper publicity forts toward graduation, so that they
"made" the professional game-for too could enter the sanctum sac-
about a month. But it is practically torium and enjoy the pleasures of the
all over now. less moral life. Yes, I am heartily in
College stars, outstanding stars, favor of this plan and I believe it one
can't catch up to their former reputa- of the most constructive ideas which
tions by playing with a group of pro- has been presented to authorities who
fessionals, they lose their appeal for are trying to solve the social prob-
the public. As Professor Aigler's re- lems of the day."
port says, "....the gross commercial- course," added Mipp, "this
ism of the professional game is or would in no way solve the student
drinking problem at Michian, but it
will be its own undoing. Indeed, many inking poem at "b
maitai ~tat ootallis ecuiary ais a fine idea anyway."
maintainthat football is peculiarly a
game that must depend upon the col-
legiate surroundings for its populod- MIPP CALLS CANDIDATES FOR
ity; a 15-yard run for dear old Siwash ALL CREWS; SHELLS AND
produces a thrill out of all keeping RIVERS FOR TRAINING
with that produced by a 90-yard dash ARRIVE
for $1,000." -~~-"
The first program of the year in the
series of Students' Recitals offered by
advanced pupils in the University
School of Music will be given in the
School of Music auditorium tomorrow
evening at eight o'clock. The public
is invited, and the program will in-
clude the following numbers:
Impromptu, Op. 142, No. 3.. Schubert
Ses deux Alonettes ...... Seschetizky
Marjorie Newell
Etude, Op. 10, No. 12........Chopin
Alice Manderbach
Oh, Rest in the Lord (from "the
Elijah") ...........Mendelssohn
Hope Bauer
Waltz, No. 4...............Brahms
Gopak ................ Moussorgsky
J. D. Lodeefson-Grevinck
,Legend, Op. 17 ..........Wieniawski
Londonderry Air.............Tertis
Moto Perpetuo, from the Third
Suite .................... Bohm
Helen Laraway
Valse Chromatique ..........Godard
Beryl Maysteadf
Trio, No. 1, G major (Kochel, No.
496).................... Mozart
Marguerite Shattuck, piano
Mary Alice Case, violin
Zona Eberly, 'cello
"The Lark" [L'Arluette..........
Margaret File
Little Star (Mexican Song)..
Skilled Repairing
that misfit pen for a
A Real Fountain Pen that won't run dry or balk in the middle
of an Exam.
Holds 230 drops.
Pon Specialists. Now at 315 State St.
IrvingWarmots,DS C
707 N. University Ave. Phone 21212
24xiour Service
The Hottest Dance Music in Town!
For Engagements Call
"Norm" 'lenmore at 6381
it sL~
Ingred M. Alving
George 1. Annable,
W. Carl Bauer
John H. Bobrink
J. Cox
:Maronn A. Da~niel
A. Rolland Damin
James R. DePuy
MVary Flinterman.
Margaret L..Funk
Stan Gilbert
T. Kenneth Haven
R. Nelson
F. A. Norquist
Jr. Loleta G. Parker
J ulius C. Pliskow
obert Prentiss
Win. C. Pusch
Franklin J. Rauner
J oseph Ryan
argaret Smith.
Mance Solomon
Thomas Sunderland
Eugene Weinberg
Wm. J. Weinman
Sidney Wilson
Night Editor-W. C. PATTERSON
No public man has ever been ablel
in his private capacity to utter a
statement, which because of its radi-
calism is likely to provoke important
controversy, without the effect of
that unfortunate indiscretion register-
ing itself in hundred fold measure in
the industry or undertaking which he
represents. It is impossible for him toI
'separate himself even for the momentj
from that public character which is
And the sincerity of the board in
making the above remark is brought
out by the fact that a new and larger
stadium was again endorsed by the re-
port, which also definitely announces
that the "new stands and gridiron
will be located outside of Ferry
That Michigan needs and must have
this new and larger stadium is hardly
a fit subject for controversy at this
time. All that has been discussed be-
fore, and as to the arguments against
the project, the board's report con-
tains practically the same sentence
as that which appeared in these col-
umns earlier in the year: "Most of
the arguments that have been advanc-
ed against a stadium larger than thej
present one have really been argu-
ments against football."
Professionalism has not doomed
enl1Pe e footballTfn In vthin . it has
Ann Arbor, Jan. 18.-E. Hamilton
Mipp, famed crew mentor and foot
specialist, who is said to.have all the
chiropodists in the country at his
feet, has put in a call for all candi-
dates for the 1926 crews at Michigan.
They will all meet at noon tomorrow
on the corner of the campus nearest
the Arcade where the shells will be
waiting for the men to practice in the
pond there.
Mipp announces that he will spon-
sor the organization of an honary
crew fraternity to be known as Rho
Rho Rho. This organization will not
be organized, however, unitl the mem-
bership of this season's crew is pret-
ty well determined, as it is not desire-
able to have its membership consist
of a number of substitute oarsmen.!
Mipp's men will work out daily from
now on until the first meet which will
be a practice race against the Betsy
Barbour Rowing and Paddling Club
crew. This even is scheduled for
early in the middle of April.
Among those prominent in the
early training are Jupiter P. Bade-
wanne, and Jean Paul Bains, both
men having had years of experience
on crews of other institutions. Fur-
ther reports and interviews with Mr.
Mipp will follow as soon as the crewI
work reaches a stage where there is
anything to report.
"Hithere Bill gotcher skedgdl fixt
whr WU~. L yul~r IL, t
For that reason, it is peculiarly un- served to show the superior calibre
fortunate and almost unbelievable of the amateur sport. The mere fact
that Mr. Mason P. Rumney, President that "Red" Grange brought headlines
of the University Alumni association, to the commercialized sport for four
should have allowed himself to be or five weeks does not mean that the
rer~suadedi into the unguarded and attendance at university games will
tctally ridiculous statement that hesThe
mad:e, before the group of fraternity not be as great as ever.Th profes-
sional sport will probably have the
alumni representatives assembled opposite effect, and will stimulate at-
'with the President to aid him in the tendance at collegiate contests.
solution of the drinking problem as Football holds too great, too con-
ic exists on the campus. . structive a place in the educational
That any man of competence should system of the country to be treated
vcen in the sacred privacy of his own .lightly. We open the doors of our
mind cherish an idea as manifestly universities to the multitudes; why
absurdl as the one Mr. Rumney chain- ( not open the gates of our stadiums
])iOnls is incomprehensible; but that a Ito their families and friends?
man who holds a position, represent- t
in the ahumni of a university which
ihey rrofess to revere, should deli-AMATTED OF CHOICE
berately overlook the fact that his Sometime since, a man who is the
satement must be taken, not as an father of an unusual son was explain-
evidcnce of individual mental aber-- ing to some friends why he had sent
ration, but as an authoritative re- him to a small "freshwater" college
fl ction of the general alumni atti- instead of one of the larger and better
tude, is almost tragic . known universities.
The aims of the President to en- "I didn't think it made much dif-
force the national liquor laws have ference what school he went to," he
received the support of every im- said, "as long as he really wanted an
portant body on the campus. There education. The opportunities are
may still be in some of the darker about the same in any college; they're
jportions of the campus where the there, if anyone wants to take ad-
golden light of reason cannot filter vantage of them."
through the underbrush of ignorance That is something for parents to
and prejudice, opposition to his think about when they read in news-
method, but no reasonable being can papers and magazines of the whole-
doubt that the President is taking sale drinking, wild parties, and loose
4he -only way open to him as the morals supposedly 'running riot with
administrator of a state institution. present day college students. The
With the expressed approval of the boy or girl who wants an education
students, even, one might say, at the will get it, regardless and in spite of
request of the students, for the move- ,the erratic tendencies and senseless
ment got its first impetus from Dr. activities of a minority who have no
Burton's attempt to remedy the business either in school-or out.
-alumni and drink situation upon com- The intelligent undergraduate will
plaint of the undergraduate body not be sidetracked by a super-abund-
itself. Dr. Little apparently is blocked ance of outside activities; the "dumb-
1by this incomprehensibe stupidity on bell" will not get an education no
the nart of the alumni body itself, at matter how well he may be cloisteredE
.LaFort p.u .La C .o M-EN-
Come to the Garden, Love. ... Salter
Lottie Hutzel -A Wiser and Better Place
to Buy."
Etude, Op. 25, No. 7; and Op. 10, . Watch for Our New Spring Line.
No. 8.................Chopin Hats Cleened and Blocked.
Saime Mouhidden I FACTOR AT STRE ';
Accompanists - Rena Pavitt and 617 Packard Street. Phone 7415.
Helen Elahnik. (Where D. U. R. Stops at State St.) "
"STIPPINg STONES" GRANGER'S usual Wednesday night dance
A few more tickets in the MichiganJ g
bloc of seats at the New Detroit Opera wiE beEel tomorow .-1. gig from pop-
House for "Stepping Stones," Friday ,Iularity, 'this' mid:eek -dance seems to fill a real
evening, January 22, are available at D N'Tneed for many students. We are glad to cater to
the house manager's office of the sII N
Michigan Union. These will be held the student body in this way and invite all who
for purchase until tomorrow. Dorothy AK E-e ee
Stone, the only woman member of are interested.
Mimes, and Roy Hoyer, who arranged
all of the dances for "Tambourine,"
are in the cast supporting Fred Stone. "
Palmer Christian, University or--C
ganist, will l'resent the following Or-
gan Recital 'tomorrow afternoon in Paths on snow form ice and kill ~
Hill auditorium at four-fifteen o'clock: all grass roots beneath. Please
Allegro maestoso (Suite for don't make or use such paths.
Organ) ......... Borowski _--
Hymn to thQ. Sun (Le Coq l'Or) -- - -''
.Rimsky-Korsakoff llIlli1lIli iIia, flI fll 11111 11111111111 I-l-H-
Scherzo-Caprice .......... Candlya / I-lIIIIIIiIIIII !IlIl IDIIIlI IIllIIIIIIIlIlIIjIIIIIII1llIIIItIII~
Andante (String Quartette).. Debussy'w
Sonata No. 2 .........Mendelssohn 7 'AV&
Grave-Adagio I
Allegro maestoso e vivace
FugueEye Glass Prescriptions Filled
Berceuse (Jocelyn).........GodardEr
Rosace (Byzantine Sketches).. Mulet Reg. U. S. Patent Oice Lenses Duplicated
Fiat Lux ...6................ DuboisTat Cold SAVE THE BROKEN PIECES
Professor Hollister's production to- WAITE WONDERrSALVE -O S
morrow evening in University hall of a
Bernard Shaw's "Androcles and the 35c, 60c and $100 at Frames Made to Order
Lion" will mark the final number of all drub, stcres. New Temples and New Fronts Replaced
the present Play Production series, as a . nll Not Sy Y SE.XME
well as the finest program in the M a WHtTE W() fnLdE
group: there is no saint nor devil's I WHEMI'AL C.1
disciple writing today-as "Great Montgomery, Ala. psD er m e nt
Catherine," perhaps, proved-quite so aIIII11UIIIIIIi'111111111IIl11111111111°
theatric, so effective and dynamic:-
Shaw is absolutely of the profes-
sion; he knows 'what produces re-
sults this side of the footlights and
combines it with a certain devastat- -
ing, leering humor. "Androcles," STATE STREET JEWELERS
itself, is much akin to "Catherine"
wvith togas replacing periwigs and a ' Illfllllil ilillilllifiillillillillilll
scarecrow Caesar filling in for Rus- - -
sia's glory. The old legend of the ~-~_~~~~~~~~.~______
lion, and the henpecked husband, too,
enter in for background, but it is the
Shavian epigrams and saws that carry - CASTING REFLECTIONS is somethihg
the main theme-a broadside against - that yr
war and religious piety, and in thear n
end, a pamphlet for man's carnal- WHE
militarism and his church militant.WNE YOU wear the suit we've ceansed in
* * * DON'T FORGET THE ENZRGINE for you, even the mirror can
Mr. McIntyre has announced "The
u are ynr tghea W hit ri thce. vnen
"Shoor have. Five pipesfurra
uh sixteen hours."
"Bettur lay offen em pipes
Yoor libel tuh get stuck liken
I uz
I this semnestry."
"Ho ho so yu us fish ho ho."
"n1ishell, Yudadone the same ting,
fudabin in my plane."
"Justa same I dont fall fer- punk
"Ennahow, jus lemon form yu thet
pipes izza good ntigta staya way
"Ho ho doncha feer, Igod mies
widopen, old keed. Thanks forda tip,
jussasame. Oarvoyer."
"Addy ose, old keed."
-Monte Cristo.
0 **C
Those of us aesthetics who went to"
see the Clavilux saw that instrument
and more. We had it impressed upon
us, and very strongly that the Col-
onel has really gotten somewhere
with his talk, or else he need not have
talked. The campus is full of air-
plane builders who certainly know
their stuff. If war should ever breakC
out there would be a good five thou-
sand youngsters ready to go into the
uorma o ~ LII V ILly Leare,
Saturday, January 23. Despite its
title, this comedy is primarily a bur-
Ed Wynn's "Thy" Grab Bag" is also
announced for Sunday, January 31.
Ed Wynn himself is with the company,
and he is supported by one of the
most excellent assisting troupes, I
have eyer seen in a revue. The set-
tings, too-the work of John Wagner,
at one time scenic artist for Max
Reinhardt-are extraordinarily beau-
You are buyinig a cab ride. W len
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receipt presented .at' our office will - 117113Z t
enable us to find the cab again and
give you an exact record of the trip.
Sometimes that information is invalu-.
i able. Get the habit of. taking a re- ,209
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this service. AVEUETH 1
tP!o -od %o U-AVENUE
a ammmma a aa a