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Sestion's Concerning Landladies An
Tardiness At Houses To,
Be Hand~ld By Group
Definite cases to be brought up be
ore the Judiciary council, for judg
'=nent were decided upon at a meeting
of that group yesterday afternoon at
the Women's league office.
The types of cases which the coun
cil feels it is capable of handling im-
mediately include those cases of land-
ladies referred through the office o
the dean of women to the Judiciary
council, and excessive number of tar
dinesses at all houses. As the body
comes to function it is expected it will
take over even more responsible
"We do not want to undertake too
much at the start," stated Norma Bick-
r nell Mansfield, president of the league
"f we feel that we have the time and
ability later on to take on more work
then will be the time to do it."
It will depend a great deal upon the
policy of next year's league president
whether the functioning of the Ju-
dicary council will be encouraged.
For the past two years attention of
the league heads has been directed te
other divisions, but with the present
administration of the league special
aemphasis is being placed on making
the law enforcing department an ac-
tive one..
Miss Jean .Hamilton, dean of wo-
men, was present at the meeting and
discussed in detail the tentative sub-
jects to be referred to the council. She;
also drew a distinction between the
work of the office of the dean of wo-
men and the Women's league.
A questionaire will be drawn up by
the office of the Women's league
which will be sent to every Michigan
woman through the house presidents,
and will urge the cooperation of the
students with the council. The coun-
cil will require a statement of every
case before actual judgment is pass-
ed and a definite report will be kept!
of the case for future reference.
Becaue the council is a sma ll
group it will be expected to meet at
an hour's notice to take care of any
urgent matters that might be, broi4ght
up. A meeting has been called by the
league president for next Tuesday af-
ternoon when the questionaire will be
approved and mailed.
'League Committee
Converting the parlors of Newberry
hall into an exclusive Paris salon with
one purrpose only,' the display of
d1 beautiful gown., the undergraduate
campaign cominmitteevwill sponsor a i lt tive Ofx Iafioiial Board Of
style show at 4 o'clock this afternoon. -. - - pVisit Anil
The xshow will, take on plroportions Arbor Tis3 Moth
never before reached in previous dis--
plays under the auspices of the league. WILL GIVE, INTERVIEWS
With models from all the houses on
. campius to wear the frocks, the dis-
. Oplay this afternoon promises to be tierso denel o YepartAent of the Na-
both opportune an d' bleaiutiful. tional board of the Y. V. C. A. in"New
, The modiste will take orders from York is to have a representative in
E any women wishing to order gowns this region during the latter part of
. from the exhibition this afternoon. January, and, according to a letter
Mature experience is at the service of which has been received by Miss Ruth
all which is an opportunity rarely to Deb r, secretary of the University Y.
I be found in Ann Arbor. In addition to . o.e .
Ithe charm and advantage of such a W. C. A., this representative will visit
_ style shw h arn' egewl Ann Arbor if a sufficient numnber of
* tl show, the Women's league xviii women on the campus are interested
receive a liberal commission on all . the ciationaasa nrrested
orders placed this afternoon or as the !in the assortionat sen otomen
direct result of the display. to all of the colleges and universities
!where they think women will be in-
terested in the work. Tbey hold inter-
views with the students, because one
I of the requisites in professional Y. *W.
C. A. work is that the person be inter-
SCHOOLOF DDPATIO viewed by one of these representa-
d.Interviews will be held in Newberry
S President Clarence C. Little will ad- hl n n n h ol ei-
the tudets ad faultyhall and any one who would be in-
dress the students and faculty of the terested is asked to call the office
School of Education at 4 o'clock Wed- there as soon as possible so that ar-
nesday at the Natural Science audi- rangements can be made for the rep-
torium. President Little has not an- resentative to coe het dstu de t ak t
nounced his subject, but it is sure to isw en i she does come. Information
be of interest to those who expect to will be given as to the work of the
enter the teaching profession,.ilb ie st h oko h
t the asemblynghrfessilln. aGirl Reserves or the industrial de-
At the assembly there will be a partment of city and town associa-
"call-over". The members of the var- tions as well as any other phase of
ious classes and societies will be the work such as social service.
asked in turn to the stand and be pre- tis personnel work is carried on
sented by Dean Allen S. Whitney, of y thie national association in an at-
the School of Education to President tempt to find out who are interested
Little. in taking up Y. W. C. A. work as a
The occasion wil be unique in the profession, to recruit secretaries for
history of the education school. The communities, totrain them through
size of the auditorium makes it pos- the national training school, and to I
sible to invite those students who, al- place them in local positions.
though not enrolled in this school are p___tem ____aostn.
taking courses in education, and also!
those who are not affiliated with the Doctor A dvisesj
school but are interested in teaching .
as a profession, and in the place of WOen On c fOKmg
education on the campus. A very spe-
cial invitation is extended to freshmen So popular has smoking become at
and sophomores who ore considering Barnard College that Dr. Guliema F.,
teaching as a profession. It is ex- Alsop, college physician, has prepar;d
I Elect OfficersCouncil NOTIES
1P ILL BEGIN TUES9AY Chorus 1 will rehearse at 4 o'clock
Officers of the honor council of the today. Chorus 2 will rehearse at 5
Women's league for next seuiester - -o'clock today also, in Sarah Caswell
Were Cle(tedl at a meeting of the l Beginners' basketball teams will be'Angell hall.
concil yesterday afternoon. Mar- chosen Monday afternoon, and the -
guerite Vand1erClock, '27Ed was elect- strte
J , goerres Vl ande Mac Ld wasn e lear t-hcolor tournament will start the next Mummers' picture taken tomorrow
eda presidlent. andI Madeline Margah,
'27, was reelected secretary. day. Miss Ruth Figge, of the physical noon at Spedding's studio. Dues must
The honor council and the house or-. education department, who is in be paid today or tomorroxv.
ganization committee will meet next I charge of the class, requests that all
sunday morning at a joint breakfast women who have any expectation
in arbour, gymnasium. The possi- whatever of being chosen for one of graduate women wl o are interested
bl combination of the work of the the teams attend the meeting of theoin thich skstbemn p on the
t"o committees and the junior ad- I class Monday. Three teams will be poster which has been placed on the
.bulletin board in Barbour gymnas-
visory comilittee will be discussed. At picked for the tournament, a red, lmuiTea practices xwilibe held at
10:0 o'clock following the breakfast, ( green, and blue team, who will coi- nght.
the honor council picture is to be pete among themselves, playing three g
taken. games each.
Miss Figge has expressed herself as
Shaving been very favorably impressed
with the progress that the class has
mnade this year, saying that the wom-
en enrolled have not only learned the
Eelements of the game, but that they
The make-up comiittee -will meet
from .) to 11 o'clock Saturdlay at Bar-
bour gymnasium.
NeNyberry Hall
Special meeting of the Y. W. C. A.
cabinet at 4 o'clock tomorrow after-
The new congressional directory,
just off the press, has the history of
congresswomen as well as congress-
mren. Each writes his own biography.
Mrs. Norton owns up that she was
born in 1875; Mrs. Rogers confesses
that her birth year was 1881. Mrs.
Kahn, oldest of the three, omitted all
birth statistics.
d101I I UII UfldIL I WILL'
sixteen teams have signed up so
far fob the intramural basketball
tournament to be played off next se-
mnester, and all teams expecting to
enter the tournament are requested to
sign up at once,, and procure entry
banks from Miss Pauline Hodgson, of
the physical education department.
Basketball is at this season the mainf
way that houses may earn W. A. A.
honor points, 50 points being given
for entering in the tournament, and
additional points for each game won,j
making a total of 150 points for the'
winner of the tournament. Delta
Gamma's team won the intramural
basketball tournament for the last two
years, and if they win again this year
Hey will be entitledto keep the intra-
mural cup that is now temporarily in
thJir possession.
The houses whose managers have
signed up so far for the tournament
are in the order that they signed up:
Pi Beta Phi, Martha Cook Building,
Zeta Tau Alpha, Kappa Delta,
Kappa Alpha Theta, Alpha Xi
Delta, Alpha Gamma Delta, Helen
Newberry residence, Alpha Chi Gm-
ago, Betsy Barbour house, Delta Zeta,
Theta Phi Alpha, Alpha Epsilon Iota,
Alpha Phi, Adelia, Cheever house, and
zCne C.
"The greatest qualities of leadership
in home, club and community life of
I,00,000 farm" children in the Unitedy
States was, the title given to Miss
Frances Smith, 18-year-old high school
girl of Geary, Olg a. She will enter
Oklahoma college on a scholarship
awarded her for all around ability.
Want a room? Read Page Seven
and use the Classified columns.-Adv.
l hfivn attninnri nn "nnrnnrnsrino- rlnvrnn i 1
of skill. The class, in which 24 wom-
en are enrolled, is an elective class
in basketball for women who have
never received instruction in the l
game, and was given before the regu-
lar basketballseason so that its mem-
1 hers would be eligible to compete in
the regular class and intramural
Graduate Team To
Enter Tournament
Francis Dunnewind, '27, is planningI
the organization of a graduate bas-
ketball team this season, which will
compete with the regular class teams;
in the class tournament. This year
is the first year that any graduate
athletic teams have been organized,
and Miss Dunnewind requests that all
I- J~f
Present it, with $1.10, at our Toilet Goods Section
and receive a regular $3 box of the wonderful eaw
Peter Pan Opal Hue Beauty Powder!
That Strange
New Beauty
the Sensation
of the East!;
Comes in a
Black and
Gold Box Secaled in Silk
[non Presentation of This Coupon and $1.10 You Will
Receive a Regular
$3 Box of Peter Pan
Opal Hue Beauty Powder
must be presented ONLY tomorrow or Saturday.
Name .................................................. .............
Address . . .- .._
We are always glad to
give you the best in
service after the holi-
days as usual !
707 North University
Phone 21212
pected that a large number will take
advantage of the opportunity of hear-
ing at first hand President Little's
views 'on educational matters and of
being presented to him.I
Let The Daily sell it for you thru,
tne Classified columns.-Adv.
list of nine unofficial rules for the
nefit of women students. Inhaling;
d blowing through the nose are se-
rely frowned upon, and the maxi-
um number of cigarettes to be
noked in one day is placed at five.
wenty-one is the age set for matric-
ation in the art of smoking.
IAddre....... ..............
Tis i8 An Introductory Offer Only-
After the Sale the Price Will Be $3!
Toilet Goods Dept.
The Ann Arbor Fral WS
Vol. 1. No. 41. Published Every Friday by Ann Arbor Floral Comupmy
On Your Birthday Send
Your Mother, Fra-
grant Flowers
Flowers are the perfect gift for mother. A gift of
flowers for mother is appreciated beyond all price. Beautiful
and fragrant flowers are an expression of love that she wi
never forget. r
Flowers of every variety grown in our on
greenhouses-the prices are never high.
CARE OF CUT> e sure and always keep flowers
away from a draft-a popular the- that add
FLOW ERS ory that it is good policy to place
a vase of cut flowers before an so m uch
should have their stems cut about open window at night is absurd-
one inch and placed in deep cold nothing could be worse. On the to the
water unless they are to be used other hand, some people will leave
at once for decoration. Make a flowers over night in a room heat-
slanting cut, so that if a stem ed to the extreme-a condition no
touches the bottom of the con- flowers will stand.
taier the pores are not closed by"o your
ccutact. The flower stems shouldofy u
be cut and the water changed
daily,"at night is best, and the hom e
flowers placed in a cool location
until morning.
We Are the Telegraph Florists of Ann Arbor
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HE Daily will be delivered to you fron th
date of your subscription throughout the
school year for only
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HE Daily is delivered before 7 o'clock in the
morning and thus affords the students and
townspeople an opportunity to read all Uni-
versity announcements and notices in addition
to glancing over current news-local, national
and foreign-before school convenes.
Subscribe NoivI
Store: 122 East Liberty Street Greenhouses: 1021 )faiden Lade