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January 15, 1926 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1926-01-15

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t u3hd$an 0at1
Published every morning except Monday
during the University year by the Board in
Controlf Student Publications.
Members of Western Conference Editorial
The Associated Press is exclusively en-
*itaed to the use for republication of all news
disiatches ceredited to it or not otherwise
credited in ,this paper and the local news pub-
lished therein.
Entered at the postoffice at Ann Arbor,
Michigan, as second class matter. Special rate
,of postsa granted by Third Assistant Post
master General
Subscription by carrier, $3.50; by iall,
()Eces: Ann Arbor Press Building, May-
aard Street
Phones: Editorial, 4925; busines, 21a14.
Telephone 4925
CityEdiitor..........Robert S. Mansfild
News Editor..........Manning Houseworth
Woumz's Editor........Helen S. Ramsay
Sports Editor..............Joseph Kruger
Telegraph Editor........BWilliam Wathour
Music and Drama....Robert B. Henderson
Night EFdi tor
Smith H. Cady Leonard C. Hall
Wilard B. Crosby Thomas V. Koykka
Robert T. DeVore W. Calvin Patterson
Assistant City Editors
Irwin Olien Frederick H. Shillito
Gertrude E. Bailey Helen Morow
William T. Barbour Margaret Parker
Charles Behymer Stanord N. Phelps
Williamv Breyer M~arie Reed
Philip C. Brooks Simon Rosenbaum
L. Buckingham Ruth Rosenthal
Edgar Carter Wilton A. Simpon
Carleton Champe Janet Sinclair
Fugene H. Gutekunst Courtland C. Smith
Douglas Doubleday Stanley Steinkn
Mary Dunnigan Clarissa Tapson
lames T.Herald Henry Turnau
Miles -imball David C. Vokes
tarion Kubik Chandler 3. Whipple
Walter H. Mack Cassam A. Wilson
Louis R. Markus Thomas C. Winter
Ellis MerryMarguerite Zilszke'
Telephone 21214
Advertising..............Joseph . Finn
Advertising........T. D. Olmstd, Jr.
Advertising.............Frank R. Dent jr.
Advertising ............. .. Win. L. Mullin
Circulation...............H. L. Newman
Publication............Rudolph Bostelmau
Accounts.................Paul W. Arnold
Ingred M. Alving Ft.A. Norquist
George H. Annable, Jr. Loleta G. Parker
W. Carl Bauer Julius C. Pliskow
ohn H. Bobrink Robert Prentiss
W.,Cox Win. C. Puch
Marion A. Daniel Franklin J. Raunei
A. Rolland Damm oseph Ryan
lames R DePu argaret Smith
ry Flinterman Mance Solomon
Margaret 1 wFunk Thomas Sunderland
Stan Gilbert Eugene Weinberg
T. Kenneth Haven Wm. J. Weinman
R. Nelson Sidney Wilson
"Ours is a government of lib-
erty by, through and under the
law. No man is above it and no
man is below it. The crime, of.
cunning, the crime of greed, the
crime of 'violence, are all equally
crimes, and against them all alike
the law must set its face. We
have the right to ask every de-
cent American citizen to rally to
the support of the law if it is
ever broken -against the interest
of the rich man; and we have the
same right to ask that rich man
cheerfully and gladly to acquiesce
in the enforcement against his
seeming interest of the law, if it
the law. Incidentally, whether he
acquiesces or not, the law will be
enforced; and this whoever he
may be, great or small, and at
whichever end of the social scale
he may be."-Theodore Roosevlet
on law enforcement, delivered at

merce of the United States. The in-
terests of this country as a creditor
should make it a firm supporter of
such a proposition.
The formation of an international
economic council, both men stated,E
was mere anticipation, but they added
that it was anticipation of a few years
only if Europe is really determined to
get out of her present troubles and
get back to sound economic standards.
M. Caillaux sees the common interests
of the European nations as debtors
as an opportunity for furthering mu-
tual friendship among those countries.
Certainly these are admirable expres-
sions of hope for the future, the kind
of hope that leads men, and nations
of men, on to great achieveinents.
Hidden among the news items of
the day recently was a small dispatch1
from Washington casually mention-
ing the fact that a local theatre had
burned to the ground and that 1,000
persons, inside the building when the
fire started, had quietly filed out.
There were no deaths, no injuries, no
panic-no women and children crush-
ed in the rush for safety that, in the
past, has been the almost inevitable
result of the cry of "Fire!"
Civilization has, indeed, progressed,
if men and women have been success-
fully taught to keep their heads in a
time of stress. The lesson has been a
difficult one to teach; thousands of
persons, chiefly those of less strength,
such as old persons and children, have
died needlessly as a result of mob
action, often excited by a false rumor
of danger. Theatre fires, especially,
have exacted their toll in a long list
of disasters, headed by the famous
panic at the Iroquois theatre in Chi-
cago years ago. Lack of leadership
and the failure to realize that the only
possible safety lies in sane, calm ac-
tion has transformed many small
scares into major catastrophies.
Humanity has accomplished a great
forward step if education has taught
the masses to act with intelligence in
a crisis. When 1,000 persons can file
out of a burning building without un-
due excitement and turmoil, a grat
milestone has been passed in the de-
velopment of the race as a whole.
(The Christian Science Monitor)
Opposition to the proposition of the
Secretary of Labor that aliens with-
in the United States shall be required
to register, and to display identity
cards when demanded, until such time
as they shall become naturalized citi-
zens, seems to be based upon senti-
mentality rather than upon common
se:. And like mios t ^mental atti-
tude, so based, it is characterized by
peculiar bitterness and unreason.
At a recent meeting in New York
resolutions were adopted denouncing
the Alien Registration Bill, now be-
fore Congress. Various speakers de-
nounced its provisions, as "tsaristic,"
and some condemned it as a measure
which would subject immigrants com-
ing to the United States to the very
conditions from which they fled.
We submit, however, that the Con-
gress of the United States is con-
cerned primarily, if not indeed ex-
clusively, with legislation for the ad-
vantage of the United States and its
citizens. No political obligation rests
upon it to make conditions of Tresi-
dence in the United States attractive

TIm, Teeflin! Milt Gruss perridies
you attampting yat, ha? What you
minn? Dat stoff off yurrs dos nut
resamble de Gruss Egseggerations. So
dun't esk. Leesten: Ilirr is de way
Milt Gruss wud write yurr sturry:
IBonny Fietlebaum:, I wius leffing
whil my Bividizz eetch me.
De Prufassor: Wall. domb-ball!
Dhy you wear Bividizz what eetch?
Bonny Fietlebaum: Wann my Bivi-I
dizz eetch I kipp awek in cless. Odder-
wise nix.
De Prufassor: So, dope! (Smack)
Queeps witt smottcrecks you mekking
in my clessrumm, ha? (Smack) Methe-
meticks witt elgebra wit chirometry is
not goot enoff for you, ha? (Smack)
Cullitch hyoomer you endolging in at
my ixpanse yat. (Sinack) A Frenk
Sollivan (Smack) odder Af Pee. Hay
you. turning out to be. (Smack) Iss
diss a system? Nu, gerradahere, odder
I geeve you a leeckings schlemiel!
(Smack)! I
* * *
The Advenfures of Chubby edd Buddy.
Outside id was code edd widtry.
Idside id was warb. Poor Chubby
cried a liddle as he sucked his nub
figgers to keep them from freezig.
Idside his bouth id was dice edd
cozy. Outside id was code edd widtry.
Sobtibes id would sdow.
Chubby wished he had sub udder-
wear like Fred Gicky, his glass-bate
id Rhedoric wud. Chubby was a
Christiad Sciedtist edd didud believe
id udderwear. Still Chubby wished
he had a suid.
Eyed just a teedy, weedy suid.
"Oh shuggs," cried Chubby pedu-
ladtly, "It wudud hurd just this
Chubby, you see, took after his
gradfadder, odd his babas side, who
was a Baptist edd wore red fladdels.
Ad this bobet, Chubby habbed to
gladse ad a side. Id said:
"Be a 'Wide Bad."


So Chubby.................
(To be Codtidued.)
w Quiddudkis


Spokane, Wash., on May 26, 1903, to people who desire to come here!
read before friends of the late without assuminig the obligations of
President on their sixth annual citizenship. It is not making laws
pilgrimage to his grave at Oyster to better the condition of Russians,
Bay recently. Poles or other aliens. If registration,
regulation, even segregation of aliens
AN ECONOMIC UNION were shown to be advantageous to
M. Cillax, mintaninghis 1 the people of the country, any or all
M. Caillaux, maintaining his posi..tehs-eti in o e b
of these restrictions upon alien liber-
tion as a statesman, if not as a finance ties might properly be applied.
minister, and Daniel Vincent, his suc- The Nation through its Congress
cessor in the latter office, in issuing has declared that the best interests
statements recently favoring unifica- of the people of the United States are
tion of European commercial inter- put in jeopardy by unrestricted immi-
ests, recognized at once a great prin- gration. A law has now been passed
ciple and a great organization. Their by which the flood of incoming for-
utterances were in accord with the eigners has been greatly abated, the
tendency of economic progress, which country as a whole is contented with
has always been to berak down com- this law and demands its enforcement.
mercial barriers, and by stating that But it is notoriously and widely violat-
through the League of Nations their ed. Immigrants by the thousands are
ends will be accomplished, they ex- sneaked and smuggled over the bor-t
pressed a further confidence in that ders. The "bootlegging" of aliens'
congress which embodies Europe's has become as much of a recognized
hope for the future. trade as the illicit traffic in liquor.
The year 1925 produced remarkable An Assistant Secretary of Labor has
steps toward political amity, chiefly, estimated the numb'er of foreigners
of course, the Locarno pacts and the illegally in the country as exceeding1
successes of the League. It is an ac- 1,000,000, while the chairman of the
cepted fact that economic and poli- House Immigation Committee would#
tical progress'go in hand. The writ- add at least 500,000 to that figure.
Ings of these Frenchmen, which were There is but one way to reach this
published in German newspapers, situation, namely, to have each immi-
seem to be an especially fitting be- grant registered on entrance, and pro-
ginning for the new year . vided with an identity card to be pro-
The necessity of establishing favor- duced on demand of proper officials
able trade relations, more than mere until such time as he become a citi-

Quidnunkis Jr. takes this opportu-
nity for thanking Sir Toby for the use
I of his clothespin, without which this
might never have been written. He
feels that this squares his account.
Q. Jr.
Hu, (smack) does, smnartt elecks,
deese vett smecks, enswer uss beck.
Vell cef de ect zo smartt dey ken rite
does column (smnack) zee iff ve kare
(smack) Dis is Teeven zpeeckink
And As For the Ann Arbor
Fritize told us that the reason this
line was so old was that God created
creeping things on the fifth day--and
another unnamed contrib. tells of the
old story (well, it may not be so old
but we'd- heard three times before)
about the railroad story which we
think must be told in the Gross man-
It has been translated for us by
Ooh-hoo, nize beby! Dreenk opp all
de Brunx cuktell und Momma'll tell
you fonny jukk on Rellrod cundoctor.
1leester Isaacs, de gantleman wat
leeves dunsterrs gut on re rellrod
witt lettle Meyer.
Cem de cundoctor und esked Mees-
ter Isaacs for de teekits. Our nayburr
hendled heem a teekit. (Nize baby!
Take anodder zipp Brunx cucktell.)
So de cundoctor satt,
'yell, ain't you fergatting zomting?
How about de kitt?"
"He wass jost four yirrs uld lest,
Saptamber" rispunded Meester Isaacs.
"Httiss it probbissle! He looks
like lie's at list eight."
"Nu, un't blem me if he warries."
(Ooh-hoo, nize baby! drenk opp all
de Brunk cucktell.)
* « .
The weather for yesterday will be
cloudy and cold with occasional snow
« «.s
Roolo iz pehavink bedly again. Hed
ta tek heem tu Ford pleze en heff
heem fixted de betteries. Nize Rollo
eets opp oll de money.
Sir Toby Tiffin.
Discovery that field research was
made by the University as early as
1891 concerning Indian life in Mich-f
igan, was reported by E. F. Greenman
of the anthropology museum, who re-
cently discovered the existence of
such a manuscript at the Field mus-
eum. During the holidays, Greenman
went to Chicago to see a collection of

AND - k
TONIGHT: Comedy Club presents
Bernard Shaw's "Great Catherine" in
the ilinmes theatre at 8:30 o'clock.
C *t
A review, by Robert Henderson.
The trouble is that we are all boo-
bies. You and I see orange and think
of pumpkin pie; red means strawber-
ries, green pictures peas and plumes.
Pure beauty, sheer color, rhythm,
form and tempo are so many words to
the Americano, hardly his national
sport. Kant aesthetes prate of
nuance and timbre-never an editor.
Last year Mr. Wil'fred presented his
color organ before a packed house, an
audience primed with curiosity, ex-
pecting little amd receiving very
much. His introductory speech was
filled with epigrams that made the
gentles laugh, his numbers listed
building bridges, fires and sea storms.
There were waving trees, a Dante's
Hell, a fairy tale, things to put the
hands on and the teeth in.
This year the seats were not so
filled and programs make toy air-
planes. Then, too, the tricks were
gone and only the vague beauty of
erotic color, greens brighter than
grass, purples velvet-thick, in conical
pylons, revolving, twisting, shooting
upwards, only such a glory was left
for entertainment: every audience is
a battle!
I remember only too well spending
an hour a day, six day a week, ten
weeks in a row, painfully bending,
marching, walking, in varied tempos.
Dalcroze Eurhythmics was the name
of the exercise, and its purpose taught
the actor the use and suppleness o
his body. Rhythm was its basis-the
same phrase repeated last night-
and a word one only pretends to ap-
preciate for all the labor. But to my
instructor it held the secret, if you
will, of everything.
To him the abstract grace of the
Clavilux would be an instrument of
highest beauty. . . . As in all things:
to one a Bach Fugue is a ghastly ex-
ercise to memorize; to another, were
he frank enough to confess, Shake-
speare is a bore; to the third,
Whistlers are a hazy chaos.hButtBach
and Shakespeare and the Whistler
etchings are supreme achievements
for all their criticism.
Often it is a virtue to be frank;
often, in the presence of art, it is
wiser to be still.
The American debut of Walter
Gieseking, German pianist who is to
appear in Hill auditorium Tuesday,
January 26, on the Choral Union
series, was made in New York last
Sunday afternoon, and was given un-
usual prominence by the metropolitan
Olin Dowies of the New York
Times says:
"Walter Gieseking, a pianist of con-
tinental repute, presented a program
yesterday afternoon of refreshing un-
conventionality. The concert was un-
usual in treatment and in material.
Interpreting Schumann of the 'Kreis-
leriana,' Mr. Gieseking showed him-
self an interpreter of rare poetry and
one with a fine command of tone col-
or. She introspection, the poignancy,
the humor, the whimsy which are
characteristic of Schumann and of no
other compqser, were conveyed with
the touch and technical proficiency of
a true artist.
"Mr Gieseking gained the attention
and the confidence of the audience by
his intimate playing and his command
of tone-tint, and induced the desire
to hear him again in an entire pro-

gram that does not conflict with other'
events, and that enables him to dis-
play different aspects of his interpre-
tive powers."
The critic of the New York World
writes in similar vein as follows:
"Walter Gieseking, a German pian-
ist whose reputation has preceded
himt, made his American debut in
Aeolian hall yesterday. So impressive
was he that his playing with the New
York Symphony next Sunday ought to
take on something in the nature of an
"He plays with fine insight, with
strength, with feeling. He has extra-
ordinary facility. He shades beauti-
fully. He played Schumann's 'Kreis-
leriana' with splendid courage and
the Twelve Preludes of Debussy with
a kaleidoscope of colors that was
quite arresting. He deserves high
Due to an error, the review of the
production by the Hinshaw Opera
Company of Donizetti's "The Elixir
of Love" in Tuesday's issue stated
that Mr. Hinshaw was the musical di-
rector. Willard Sektberg was the

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I.N- -




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copy of the notes was brought here.
Smith was enrolled as a student from
'91 to '93. Prior to the finding of this
manuscript, it was not known here
that anthropologists carried on field

ZxTb;+a ct Tn "

U 5

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